A Study of the Cognomina of Solclierr>
in the Roman Legions
Accepted by the Department of Classics
June, 1914
I take this opportunity to express my obligation to all my
teachers at Dartmouth and Princeton. Especial thanks are
due to Prof. Frank Frost Abbott, whose assistance and encour-
agement have been generously given to me during the prepara-
tion of this dissertation. I am indebted also to Prof. Duane
Reed Stuart for many helpful suggestions.
Princeton, N. J.
September, 1915.
The present study of the Cognomina of Roman legionaries
is an attempt to collect and to classify the cognomina of men
enrolled in the legions in the time of the Empire. The cognom-
ina of soldiers, veterans, and under-officers, up to and includ-
ing primi pili, who served in the legions only are considered.
These men have as a common bond Roman citizenship and
may properly be brought together for a study of this kind.
Cognomina which occur with any frequency are assembled
in the first chapter. A brief summary of the evidence support-
ing the name is given, together with the data showing its dis-
tribution among the provinces, its chronological development,
and the homes of the men who bear the name.
The second chapter contains a detailed classification of all
the cognomina, arranged alphabetically under several headings,
e. 0., according to form, endings, or derivation. The table of
divisions indicated at the beginning of the chapter will explain
further the classification.
The third chapter is devoted to a brief discussion of some
problems which grow out of the investigation of the cognomina.
Altogether about 5700 names are published in the alphabetical
list which is placed at the end of this study. This list is ar-
ranged primarily to meet the needs of this investigation, but it
is hoped that the material in it will prove useful to those who may
wish to study the legionaries for some other reason.
The desirability of making a study of the cognomina of sol-
diers was suggested by a statement of Eugen Bormann (Der
roemische Limes in Oesterreich, Heft IV, 1903, p. 132). In
this passage an inscription found at Carnuntum and contain-
ing the names of two soldiers is under discussion. At the con-
clusion of the comment on the names of these men it is said,
"die beiden anderen haben die gleichartigen Cognomina, Firmus
und Severus, erhalten, vielleicht, da es fur Soldaten passende
sind, (Fest, Streng) als sie zum Soldatendienst bestimmt waren."
Furthermore no exhaustive collection of cognomina in Roman
names has as yet been made, although such a work would prove
a valuable contribution to classical study. Schulze, Lat. Eigen-
namen p. 497, observes, "Eine mit alien Kiinsten und Mitteln
der Epigraphik vorgehende Untersuchung, die auch fur die
Interessen des Grammatikers dringed erwimscht ware," etc.
That enrollment in a legion presupposed Roman citizenship is
a fact too well-known to need a repeated demonstration. And
further, toward the end of the first century, when the legions
began to be recruited outside of Italy, it seems beyond question
that many men were becoming legionaries who had not been
Roman citizens for a very long period before their enlistment.
Note the formation of the legions I and II Adiutrices from the
fleet in the year 68. This admission into citizenship was prob-
ably accompanied by a change of name. (Inscriptions of the
II Adiutrix in England during the next two decades, 71-85, may
be searched in vain for any men who appear to be non-Romans.
Practically all the men named in these inscriptions indicate
their tribe and father's name, usually considered definite testi-
mony to Roman citizenship, vid. Mommsen's comment on an
inscription cited below. A soldier born at Lugudunum has the
Celtic cognomen Salica, Eph. Epigr. IX p. 557).
Some information, meager but precise, about the change of
name which took place when a man entered the Roman army or
the fleet has come down to us. Unfortunately the references
in this ancient testimony do not concern legionaries, but, inas-
much as Roman citizenship was a sine qua nonl or service in
this part of the army and since the recruiting was going on in
all sections of the Empire, there is every reason for believing
that the practice of name-changing here mentioned took place
in the case of the soldiers of the legions as well as in that of men
in other bodies of troops.
A description of the evidence upon which this conclusion de-
pends may be properly brought in here, although it has already
received considerable attention in the discussions cited below.
A letter written to his father by a lad who had just joined the fleet
has been found in Egypt on a papyrus of the first half of the
second century. (Berliner griechische Urkunden 423, Deiss-
mann, Licht vom Osten, 1909, pp. 120ff, Milligan, Greek Papyri,
pp. 90-92, Cambridge, 1910.) The young man, Apion, from
Philadelphia in Egypt, writes to his father, Epimachos, that he
has reached his station at Misenum safely after a stormy voy-
age. He rejoices over three gold pieces paid to him at the out-
set of his new duties and adds this sentence important for our
purpose, IOTI $i ^ou 'AvTwvt? MdHjt(j,o<;. In a letter written
some years later to his sister Sabina this "soldier" calls himself
only by his new name, Antonius Maximus. In this second com-
munication he mentions his son Maximus and nephew Maxi-
mus. (Deissmann, op. cit. p. 125f, Lambertz, Glotta, V, 1913,
p. 108.) In several other instances men who entered the fleet
have recorded their native and adopted names on stones (Momm-
sen, Hermes, 16, 1881, p. 466, Lambertz, Glotta, IV, p. 130f).
From another papyrus (Pap. Cattaoui 3) we learn of an datbq
E!a(B(opo<; who has enrolled in the axeCpif) lupwrq ®T$a(o)v under
the name 'Io6Xto<; MapTtavoq A third instance of this kind is
afforded by still another papyrus from the Fayoum, now in the
Berlin collection (B. G. U. 888). This document is dated
in the years 159-160 and reads as follows: Fdeio? 'louXco? 'AicoXt-
vdptoc; aTpaTt<t>TY)<;<:x(e[pY)<; xpa)T)Y)<; 'Axa^vwv .... ax; §k xp&Tijq
orparefac; K8Xpi}(i4r(nii Newv) TOU Mflarou. (The restoration of
this last name is adopted from Lambertz, op. cit., V, p. 153.)
The new names chosen in place of the old are in these cases
Maximus, Martianus, and Apollinaris. In the instances of the
men in the fleet that are referred to above, the newly acquired
cognomina are Celer, Silvanus, Albanus, Paulus, Valens, and
Victor. Many parallels to these names, which may be regarded
as "typical," may be found among the names of the legionaries
in this collection. If then we feel sure that the greater part of
the names of soldiers in the legions were taken by them at the
time of their enlistment, that is, about the age of twenty (vid.
Cagnat, "legio," Daremberg-Saglio) the examination of these
cognomina may not prove an unprofitable exercise.
It is possible, however, to derive some information concern-
ing the names of legionaries from the inscriptions now existing.
Mommsen has made a very significant observation in comment-
ing on a list of soldiers found on a stone in Egypt. This inscrip-
tion (CIL III 6627 = Eph. Epigr. V, p. 5-17) is dated by the edit-
or as early as the reign of Augustus. In regard to the soldiers'
names and particularly concerning those of men belonging to
the tribe Pollia, Mommsen remarks, " Gives hos civitate Romana
donatos patrem cire omnes tantum abest, ut offendat, ut adeo
coniecturam confirmet; nam, ut bene monuit Huelsenus noster,
nullus eorum patrem habet praenomine diverse, id quod praeser-
tim in titulo eius aetatis qua praenominum usus adhuc plene
vigebat, indicat patres ex bona parte ficticios esse et una cum
tribu et civitate adsumptos." None of the soldiers whose names
are recorded on this stone bears a cognomen. It is important
for our purpose, however, to note that the name was subjected
to certain changes. Later, when cognomina were in use, it is
not unreasonable to suppose that this part of the name una cum
tribu et civitate was assumed. The conclusion of Schulze,
Lat. Eigennamen, p. 496, points in this direction: "Die Fremden,
die erst durch die Einreihung in die Legion das Biirgerrecht und
der roemischen Namen empfingen, haben also aus diesen Anlass
ihren alten Individualnamen, wenigstens fur die amtliche
Sprache, ablegen miissen." The words of Lambertz, Glotta,
V, p. 108, apply only to a particular part of the army, but this
may not be an overstatement for the majority of the legion-
aries. The passage referred to reads," dass. . . . der Eintritt ins
romische Heer fur den Aegypter ein Grund war, einen seiner
neuen Umgebung angepaszten Namen anzunehmen. "
The same conclusion has been reached by Rudolf Herzog
(Namensubersetzungen und Verwandtes, Philologus, LXI, 1897,
pp. 33-70), "Wer romisches Gewand annahm, romische Burger
wurde, muszte sich dazu bequemen, den Vornamen und Namen
einer bestehenden romischen gens anzunehmen, die durch
auszere Verhaltnisse fiir ihn bestimmt wurde. Seine National-
it at konnte er nur durch eine Hinterthiir, das cognomen, das
keine integrierenden Bestandtheil des Namens bildete, herein-
schmuggeln, wenn er wollte. Wollte er sie verleugnen, konnte
er allerdings durch die drei von uns aufgestellten Namensan-
derungen auch sein Cognomen latinisieren."
Since new names were chosen by the legionary recruits, it is
a proper question to ask what these names were. It is idle to
speculate on the fitness of names or the reason for selecting this
or that one until some investigation is made of the available
ev dence regarding the names. The two parts of the Roman
name where any large measure of variety was possible were the
nomen and cognomen. The history of the nomen has been
treated exhaustively by Wilhelm Schulze, Zur Geschichte lat-
einscher Eigennamen, and the frequency with which the nomen
of an Emperor is employed by soldiers has already been observed
by Mommsen (Hermes, 19, 1884, p. 3) ". . . .etwa seit Marcus, da
von da an die Kaisergentilicien bei den Legionaren in auffallen-
der Haufigkeit sich einstellen." Cf. A. von Premerstein, Klio,
III, 1903, p. 4, and Cagnat, L'Armee Romaine, 2nd. ed. p. 293,
vid. Chap. III. below. The cognomen is the most variable part
of the name and the present classification throws some light on
its use in an important unit of society under the Empire.
Beyond the application to an individual of a nomen and cog-
nomen a further step in the development of the name is the prac-
tice of using nicknames. At first sight it would seem natural
to investigate nicknames, if one wished to ascertain whether the
soldiers possessed some appellation peculiarly suited to men
in the military calling. And, indeed, such a study would be
entered upon with great eagerness were material abundant
enough to warrant it. That there were nicknames among the
soldiers one can hardly deny, but on account of their ephemeral
nature they have almost entirely perished. To speak of a name
of this kind reminds one at once of the famous Fabius Cunctator,
but other examples are few. Names of this nature which are
known in literature are collected by Kampf, Romanorum ser-
monis castrensis reliquiae collectae et illustratae, Jarhb. f.
klass. Phil. Suppl. XXVI, pp. 340-400.
The existence of the supernomen and cases of its occurrence
have been excellently discussed by Lambertz in an article re-
ferred to above. (Zur Ausbreitung des Supernomen oder Sig-
num im roemischen Reiche, Glotta, 1913, IV, pp. 78-143, and
V, pp. 99-169) Amid the material which is collected in these
two articles the names of legionaries which show double cogno-
mina are few. In the absence of any index to the work of Lam-
bertz and for convenient reference these cases are assembled
on another page, vid. Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina.
We can scarcely hope then for many humorous side-lights on
camp life from the nicknames which were applied by the sol-
diers to each other. Such names as Cicatricula, Lugudunolus,
or Sterceius may actually have been bestowed in jest, but one
must resist the temptation to theorize on the appropriateness
of many names because of the slender supply of information
which has been preserved. And, while a large number of names
may have been chosen or applied with full understanding of
what the word meant, it would be folly to maintain the literal-
ness of Rufus or the probable fitness of Maximus in every in-
stance. The object of this study is simply to ascertain what
the facts are in regard to the use of cognomina among Roman
citizens, below the equestrian rank in this particular walk of life.
The evidence which has been considered here comes to us
wholly on stones and on papyri. The limits placed have been
the rank of the person and the indication of some legion. Men
who are not assigned to any legion but are certainly members of
one have been included as far as possible. Care has been
taken to make the alphabetical list of cognomina given at the
end as complete as the material which has been published thus
far will permit. It must be admitted, however, that omissions
may be detected, and the constant appearance of new material
prevents a work of this kind from being actually complete.
Chapter One is composed of brief paragraphs which summar-
ize the evidence concerning those cognomina found most fre-
quently in the names of legionary soldiers. The number twenty
has been adopted as a standard for admission to this list of "pop-
ular" cognomina. Such cognomina as are represented by twen-
ty or more examples are here discussed. These are:
Alexander Festus Marcianus Saturninus
Antoninus Firmus Martialis Secundus
Bassus Fortunatus Maximus Severus
Candidas Fronto Niger Silvanus
Castus Fuscus Optatus Tertius
Celer Germanus Primus Urbanus
Clemens Honoratus Priscus Valens
Crescens lanuarius Proculus Valentinus
Crispus Ingenuus Pudens Valerianus
Datus lulianus Rogatianus Verecundus
Donatus Justus Rogatus Verus
Emeritus Longinus Rufinus Victor
Faustus Marcellinus Rufus Victorinus
Felix Marcellus Sabinus Vitalis
Attention is called particularly to the geographical distribu-
tion and chronological development of the use of the cognomina.
Any cognate forms of names in the list given above are also men-
tioned, if these occur in the names of soldiers. In many cases
the home of the soldier who has a given cognomen will be far
removed from the place where the stone itself was found. The
majority of such cases as these can be assigned to the first or
early part of the second century. The inscriptional evidence
is divided according to the provinces in which the stones were
found. The general distribution of the evidence showing the
use of cognomina in the legions is as follows: From the province
of Africa slightly over one-third of the whole number of names
has been taken; from provinces the inscriptions of which are
published in CIL, vol. Ill, about one-third; and from other
parts of the Roman Empire, the remainder, something less than
one-third. In discussing "popular" cognomina, then, it will be
necessary to bear in mind this proportional division of the
inscriptions, and contrast the frequency of names from Lam-
baesis, which was the camp of the III Augusta in Africa for a
long period, with that of the names found in the Danube provin-
ces. The table added at the end of the chapter indicates in
convenient form the distribution of the several cognomina
here mentioned. Constant reference to the alphabetical list
at the back will be found helpful and necessary for a full under-
standing of these brief statements.
The date of an inscription is always important but not always
easy to determine. For the majority of the cognomina in this
chapter, a number of the examples sufficient to indicate the
general chronological development can be dated. A knowledge
of the movements of the legions in the several provinces is very
helpful in dating these inscriptions. This, however, must be
used with great care, because not all the detailed movements
of legionary detachments are known beyond question.
In this chapter when a name is noted as found in Pannonia
or Germany the legion to which the bearer of this name belongs
is not always given. To state the legion in such instances does
not seem an essential factor in the study of the cognomina.
This relative unimportance of the name of the legion in which
a man is enrolled is due to the scantiness of the material avail-
able for present examination. Had we as many names of the
members of every legion as of those who served in the III Augus-
ta at Lambaesis, it is very probable that more cognomina which
enjoyed popularity in particular legions or provinces could be
If we turn to the consideration of the nature of the cognomina
which appear in this chapter our attention is drawn to the large
number of them which are adjectives in origin. In anticipation
of the classification of Chapter II, these popular cognomina
may be grouped in the following manner: Adjectives denoting
qualities suited to men in military service are Celer, Faustus,
Felix, Festus, Firmus, Fortunatus, Martialis, Severus, Valens,
and Victor. Adjectives with reference to physical character-
istics are Candidus, Crispus, Fuscus, Niger, Rufus, and Vitalis.
Adjectives containing a reference to mental or moral character-
istics are Castus, Clemens, Justus, Pudens, Verecundus, and
Verus. Germanus and Sabinus possess some geographical or
racial significance. Silvanus and Urbanus originally had a
local coloring. Primus, Secundus, and Tertius are numeral
adjectives. lanuarius and Saturninus, perhaps also Martialis,
are connected with names of deities and may in addition relate
to birthdays. Participial adjectives are frequent in African
names, vid. Chap. Ill, The Cognomina of African Legionaries.
In this chapter one finds Crescens, Datus, Donatus, Emeritus,
Honoratus, Optatus, and Rogatus. Ingenuus, Priscus, and
Maximus are the remaining adjectives in this chapter. It will
be noted that adjectives form almost three-fourths of the pop-
ular cognomina. The following end in -ianus: lulianus, Mar-
cianus, Rogatianus, and Valerianus. Those ending in -inus are
Antoninus, Longinus, Marcellinus, Rufinus, Sabinus, Saturn-
inus, Valentinus, and Victorinus. Bassus, Fronto, and Pro-
culus are well-known Roman names. The same may be said of
Marcellus, which is in form, however, a diminutive. Antoninus
is connected with an Emperor's name. Alexander is the only
cognomen not of Roman origin.
This cognomen, which is the first, alphabetically, to be found
with any frequency, and the only name of Greek origin in this
chapter, is represented by forty-eight examples in the list given
below. Alexsander and Alexandrus have been found once each.
These fifty instances are distributed among the provinces of
the Roman Empire as follows: Thirty-one examples have been
found in the scattered territory the inscriptions of which are
published in CIL III; from Lambaesis and its camp in Africa
eleven examples have been collected; at Mainz four cases were
found; at Rome three; and in England one. The earliest in-
stance of the use of Alexander as a soldier's cognomen appears
on a papyrus from Egypt. The soldier, whose name is Ulpius
Alexander, is enrolled in the III Cyrenaica legion which was
stationed in Egypt before the year 108. (For the use of the
nomen Ulpius in this period, vid. Chap. Ill, Imperial Nomina.)
Two other examples of Alexander have been found in Egypt,
both belonging to the second century. The cognomen Alex-
ander was in use in the Danube provinces throughout the second
and early part of the third century. At Lambaesis the earliest
case of Alexander is in the name of a petty officer in service in
the reign of Antoninus Pius. The other dated examples at this
camp belong to the first decades of the third century. At
Mainz the cognomen Alexander is found in the name of a cen-
turion, Valerius Alexander, serving in the XXII Primigenia,
twice on a stone cut in the year 204 and again in the year fol-
lowing. The centurion of the year 205 is probably the same as
one of those of the previous year. The legionaries at Rome who
bear this cognomen belong to the late second or third century.
Alexandrus, due to Greek influence, is found in the name of a
signifer serving in Egypt later than the year 214, who adds
natione Macedon.
The nomina used with Alexander are to be noticed because
they appear over and over again with the various cognomina
in this collection. Some of these are Aurelius (in nine names),
Claudius (two), Domitius (three), Flavius (two), lulius (nine),
Septimius (two), Valerius (five), Ulpius (three). All except
Valerius are imperial nomina and may often assist in determin-
ing the approximate date of inscriptions. (Mommsen, Hermes
XIX, p. 3, and Chap. Ill, Imperial Nomina.)
Antoninus has been found as a cognomen among the legion-
aries in twenty names. These are distributed in the following
provinces: In the territory the inscriptions of which are pub-
lished in CIL III ten examples have been noted. Nine instances
are listed from Africa, and one is found in Italy.
The last mentioned is perhaps the first in point of time. The
person who bears the name Flavius Antoninus was a primus
pilus of the I Adiutrix promoted from service in the fleet, and
may belong to the close of the first century. Claudius Anton-
inus enrolled as a soldier in the III Cyrenaica in Egypt cannot
be later than the year 108. In the Danube provinces Antoninus
is noted first in the year 134. Other examples range in date
through nearly a century following this. One instance of the
name M. Aurelius Antoninus to designate a soldier appears on
a stone in Dacia. This inscription is certainly later than the
reign of Trajan and probably is later than the principate of
Marcus Aurelius. Among the number from Lambaesis a cen-
turion bears the name M. Aurelius Antoninus. This man,
like the one just mentioned, may reasonably be assigned to the
latter part of the second century. The earliest example of
Antoninus at the African camp belongs to a veteran (?) who
was born in camp, serving during the reign of Hadrian. The
other dated instances fall in the interval between the years
198 and 253.
The cognomen Antonianus is found twice in the inscriptions
from Lambaesis. One instance belongs to the reign of Gallienus
(253-268); the other is not dated. Antonianus is the cognomen
of a centurion in England; the inscription is later than the reign
of Hadrian.
Antonius is found as the cognomen of a soldier in Moesia
in the year 155.
Forty-two examples of the cognomen Bassus have been col-
lected. Cognomina related to Bassus are Bassinus and Bas-
sianus, each represented by one inscription. Basus is probably
a variant spelling. Bassilas seems to be connected with Bassus.
The origin and meaning of the name Bassus is a problem with
which the present study is not concerned.
The geographical distribution of the inscriptions containing
the names of legionaries who bear the cognomen Bassus is as
follows: The provinces covered by CIL III furnish sixteen;
Africa yields fourteen; Italy contributes six; Germany, four;
and England, two.
The earliest instances belong to the period before the reign
of Claudius. These are C. Apidius Bassus, whose home is
Amiternum, serving in the Xlth legion as primus pilus\ Q.
Marcius Bassus, whose home is Beneventum, serving in the Vllth
legion in Dalmatia; and L. Refidius Bassus, whose home is
Venafrum, serving as centurion in the XVIth legion at Mainz.
Several men with this cognomen were enrolled during the latter
part of the first century. One was stationed in Germany; three
have been recorded on stones and a papyrus from Egypt. Of
these, one, &miles, of the year 80 indicates Damascus as his home.
Two others of the years 90 and 94 were born in camp. Still
another first century instance of Bassus is noted as the cog-
nomen of a veteran whose home is Pisaurum, of the VII Claudia
in Dalmatia.
Bassus is found as the cognomen of legionaries in the Danube
region in inscriptions of the second and third centuries. Two
examples belonging to the second century have been found in
Egypt. The series of legionary inscriptions from Africa which
contain this cognomen begins with the names of two veterans
(?), whose native town is Apamea, in service during the reign
of Hadrian. Other examples extend well into the third century.
Hadrumetum and the camp are the birth-places of two men
who bear the cognomen Bassus. All the variant forms relating
to Bassus have been found in inscriptions from Africa.
There are twenty-three examples of the cognomen Candidus
in the present list. Candidinus and Candidianus are cognomina
related to Candidus which appear among the names of soldiers.
The geographical distribution of the inscriptions which furnish
Candidus as a cognomen of men who belong to the legions is as
follows: From the provinces embraced by CIL III come twelve
of the number; from Africa five have been taken; from England
and Germany, two each.
The earliest legionary, as far as we know, to bear this cog-
nomen is a member of the IIII Macedonica. Consequently
this man was enrolled before the reign of Vespasian. A cen-
turion at Theveste in Numidia has been assigned to the second
half of the first century. If this date is correct, we have in ad-
dition to an early use of Candidus an early employment of the
nomen Aurelius. (For Aurelius, vid. Chap. Ill, Imperial Nomina.)
All the other dated examples of the cognomen Candidus are
later than the first century. Theveste is given as the home of
a centurion with this cognomen at Lambaesis about the year
215. Examples of Candidinus and Candidianus are also later
than the first century.
Twenty-three instances of Castus as a cognomen of legionaries
have been found. The related form Castinus appears on one
stone recording the name of a soldier. The examples of Castus
are divided among the provinces as follows: From the territory
covered by CIL III, four; from Africa, fifteen; from Germany,
two; from England and Gallia Narbonensis, one each.
By far the earliest of this group and, in fact, one of the very
early instances of the use of a cognomen among the legionaries
is that found in Egypt on a stone dated by Mommsen in the
reign of Augustus (CIL III 6627. A centurion mentioned on
this stone has the cognomen Castus. Other cognomina from
this inscription are noted later, and these are collected in Chapter
III under "The Earliest Cognomina.") No other first century
use of Castus has been noted. In Africa Castus appears first
in a list of centurions of the year 162. Other examples extend
the use of Castus into the third century. The homes of men
who possess this cognomen are indicated in some inscriptions.
Two were born in camp. Theveste and Cirta are also men-
tioned. The Danube provinces yield three examples of Castus.
One can be dated in the year 195, belonging to a veteran whose
home is Ratiaria in Moesia.
Celer has been found as the cognomen of thirty-eight legion-
aries. Cognomina related to Celer are Celerinus, Celerianus,
and Celeris. Celeris, though clearly the reading of the stone,
is perhaps an error on the part of the engraver. The examples
of Celer as a cognomen are distributed among the provinces as
follows: From the territories covered epigraphically by CIL III
twenty -four have been taken; from Africa (Lambaesis), five;
from England and Spain, three each; from Italy, two; and from
Gallia Narbonensis, one.
The earliest use of Celer by a legionary is in the name of a
man enrolled in the VI Ferrata at Beneventum probably not
long after 31 B. C. This is the only inscription of a group found
at Beneventum to preserve a name with a cognomen and to add
the name Ferrata to the number of the legion. Eleven names
with the cognomen Celer can be dated in the first century, an
unusually large proportion of the whole number of examples.
Two of these have been found in Dalmatia. One belongs to a
centurion whose home is Verona. Two others were preserved at
Carnuntum. One soldier with this cognomen indicates Ara
(Agrippinensium) as his home. Celer is the cognomen of a
soldier and of a veteran enrolled in the II Adiutrix and found in
inscriptions in England and Spain respectively. The home of
the soldier is Aprum and that of the veteran is Brixia. A
soldier of the IIII Macedonia with the cognomen Celer adds
ex Ispania after his name. The four remaining of this first
century group are the names of legionaries in Egypt toward
the close of the century. One of these men was born in camp.
Possibly of the first century are men named Celer from Cremona,
Florentia, and Ticinum, serving in Pannonia. Pessenuntum
and Clunia are indicated as the homes of men bearing this cog-
nomen in service in Rome and Spain respectively.
Celer continues to be used as a cognomen in the Danube
region throughout the second and into the third century. At
Lambaesis the earliest use of Celer belongs to the reign of Had-
rian. In this instance the veteran (?) who bears the cognomen
indicates Nicomedia as his home. Three other examples of
Celer belong to the third century. The last instance, undated,
of Celer is as the cognomen of a man born in camp. Carthage
is given as the home of Ravillius Celer, a veteran at Alexandria
in the year 194.
Celerinus is found as a cognomen twice during the first cen-
tury. Six other examples belong to a later period. Four are
certainly dated in the third century. Six instances were found
in the Danube provinces; two were recovered in Germany together
with Celerianus. It will be noted that during the third century
the cognomen Celer occurs more frequently in Africa than in
the Danube region, where Celerinus appears to have gained in
This cognomen appears both as Clemens and Clemes. The
examples of Clemens and Clemes number thirty-eight. The
form Clementinus is found in three names. The distribution
of the uses of Clemens is as follows: The provinces covered by
CIL III furnish nineteen cases; Africa yields seven; Germany,
six; England, four; and Italy, two.
The earliest instance of the use of Clemens is as the cognomen
of a centurion in Egypt in the reign of Augustus. (Vid. Castus
above and Chap. Ill, The Earliest Cognomina.) Two cen-
turions in England toward the close of the first century have
the cognomen Clemens. Another centurion in Belgica belongs
to this same period, and two soldiers in Germany were in service
about this time. One gives as his home Aequm. It is not
improbable that Aulus Baebius Clemens, whose home is Faesula,
a soldier at Mainz, may belong to this early period. A group
of four men with the cognomen Clemens or Clemes are noted
on papyri from Egypt. One belongs to the year 90, the others
are earlier than the year 108.
The cognomen Clemens continued in use throughout the sec-
ond century in the Danube provinces. Third century examples
are lacking. Clementinus, however, appears in Pannonia in the
year 228.
Five of the instances of Clemens from Africa, i. e. Lambaesis,
are before the year 200. The other two are not certainly dated.
Gabala and Napoca are the homes of two men who bear the
name Clemens and a third was born in camp. C. Sulpicius
Clementinus in service at this camp gives Sicca as his home.
(Note: Caecilius Clemens found on two stones in England
appears twice in the present list. Without doubt both names
refer to the same person.)
Like Clemens, the cognomen Crescens appears also as Cresces
on several stones and these have been separated in the alpha-
betical list. Crescens has been found in fifty names and Cresces
is represented by six examples. The related forms of Crescen-
tinus and Crescentianus are also preserved. The distribution
of the fifty-six instances of the use of Crescens and Cresces
among the provinces is as follows: The territory the inscriptions
from which are published in CIL III yields eleven; Africa con-
tributes thirty-two; Germany, seven; Italy and England, three
each. The four examples of Crescentianus are all from Africa.
Crescentinus is recorded on three stones from Africa and on as
many from the Danube provinces.
The earliest uses of Crescens as a cognomen for legionaries
have been found in Germany. These are in the following names :
L. Aemilius L. f. Cla(udia) Crescens Ara, belonging to a soldier
about the year 62, Q. Bruttius Q. f. Sergia Crescens domo
Tucci and - - Pollia Crescens Fano Fortunae, belonging to
men in service before the reign of Vespasian.
Names containing this cognomen from the Danube provinces
are all later than the first century. Vercellae and Carsulae are
the homes of two men stationed in these provinces. A military
list of the year 195 found at Viminacium contains three names
with Crescens as the cognomen. Brixia and Augusta Vindel-
icum are the homes of two soldiers in Britain who bear the cog-
nomen Crescens. The instances of Crescens (Cresces) in Africa
range in date from the year 162 to 275. The following towns
in Africa are given as the homes of men who possess this cog-
nomen: Carthage, Cirta (3), Cuiculum, Hippo, Theveste, and
the camp itself.
The instances of Crispus as a legionary cognomen number
twenty-four. Crispinus is represented by two inscriptions.
The examples of Crispus are distributed as follows: The regions
covered by CIL III furnish twelve; Africa contributes seven;
Germany adds four; and England yields one. The last men-
tioned instance is the earliest one: viz., in the name of a veteran
of the II Adiutrix when that legion was at Chester shortly after
71 A. D. An example of Crispus in a military inscription at
Mainz is not wholly certain. If this be the correct restoration
then the inscription belongs to the period before the principate
of Vespasian, because the IIII Macedonica is the legion named
therein. The home of the soldier (?) here named is Valentia.
Crispus is found on a stone at Mainz as the cognomen of a
soldier, whose home is Savaria, enrolled in the I Adiutrix toward
the end of the first century. Crispus appears in the names of
three legionaries in Egypt. Two of the men with this cognomen
were in service in the year 90 and the third, born in camp, was
a veteran in the year 94. The cases of Crispus in the Danube
provinces extend through the second century.
Crispus in Africa is noted first as the cognomen of a veteran
(?), whose home is Sidonia, in the reign of Hadrian. The latest
inscription with Crispus belongs to the reign of Alexander Severus
(222-235). Hadrumetum is the home of Ottacilius Crispus and
C. Aelius Crispus was born in camp. Crispinus as a cognomen
has been found in Africa. One instance of its use belongs per-
haps to the latter part of the first century and another was
found in a military list which is dated in the year 202.
This cognomen, it may be said quite properly, is peculiar to
Africa. Only two of the twenty-two examples are found out-
side that province. The two exceptions are M. Granius Datus,
the name of a veteran of the II Adiutrix in Pannonia who indicates
his African origin, domo Africa Sufetla, and M. lulius Datus,
the name of a soldier of the same legion at Carnuntum. The
date of the first mentioned inscription is probably later than
the middle of the second century when the II Adiutrix was in
Africa for a time. The date of the second is not certain, but can
not be earlier than the second century when this legion came
into Pannonia.
The earliest inscription from Africa bearing this cognomen
is earlier than the year 147. Thirteen others can be dated.
They extend from the year 198 to the reign of Alexander Severus
(222-235). Two stones record the names of men born in camp
and these can not be far removed from the same period. lulius
Datus and Pompeus Datus of the year 202 have been identified
with men bearing the same names of the year 218. Sextilius
Datus, a cornicen of the year 203, it has been assumed, is the
same Sextilius Datus who appears on a military list of the year
218. There is little to be said in one way or the other, so far
as the nomina are concerned, because they are frequently found,
but, inasmuch as the offices are the same in the case of each
pair, this fact may be enough to make their identification prob-
able. It has seemed wise, however, to print each name sep-
Attention may be called to the fact that no centurion with
this cognomen is found in this list. Datus would seem then to
be pre-eminently a soldier's name. (For the significance of
this name and others peculiar to Africa vid. Chap. Ill, The
Cognomina of African Legionaries.) It is also noticeable that
Aelius is the only imperial nomen found with Datus. L. Fabius
Dadatus has been regarded as a stone-cutter's error. Cognom-
ina related to Datus are Dativus (218), Datullus (in the reign
of Alexander Severus), Datianus (date uncertain); all found at
Of the sixty-eight inscriptions which contain the cognomen
Donatus four were found in the Danube provinces, two in
England, and the remaining sixty-two in Africa. The surpris-
ingly large proportion from Africa has been noticed so far only
in the case of Datus treated above. A similar state of things
may be observed in connection with several names which follow.
(For all the cognomina popular in Africa vid. Chap. Ill,
The Cognomina of African Legionaries.) The evidence sup-
porting the use of Donatus is sufficient in quantity and of a
character to afford a general idea of what is meant by a "popular"
cognomen. The "typical" nomina are found in use with it.
By glancing through the alphabetical list the frequency of these
nomina may be noted under every cognomen which is used
commonly in the later period. Among the familiar nomina are
Aelius, Caecilius, Flavius, lulius, and Valerius. As might have
been expected Aurelius is not found with Donatus. Sep-
timius and Ulpius are not represented in this group.
The earliest instance of the use of Donatus as a legionary
cognomen belongs to the reign of Antoninus Pius. From this
time until the year 275 all the dated military lists at Lambaesis
contain one or more examples of Donatus. All the lower mili-
tary grades are represented, but Donatus does not seem to have
been much used as the cognomen of centurions before the year
253. Nine of the men bearing this cognomen were born in
camp. Bagai, Cirta, Thamugadi, Theveste, and Thysdrus are
African towns from which men named Donatus came. Napoca
is the home of a tubicen in the principate of Antoninus Pius.
A single instance of the cognomen Donatianus is found in the
camp at Lambaesis. (Note: Following the general practice
no attempt is made to determine the relations between the men
bearing the name lulius Donatus, but the names have been kept
separate in the alphabetical list.)
The instances of Emeritus as a cognomen for soldiers number
twenty-three. Six of this group have been found in Pannonia,
sixteen in Africa, and one example was recovered at Mainz. Of
those from Pannonia none is earlier than the second century,
and the earliest known date is 195, while the latest is 228. A
centurion bearing this cognomen indicates Carnuntum as his
home; a soldier gives Vicus Gallorum. The earliest use of this
cognomen in Africa is placed in the year 162. The latest date
for the appearance of an Emeritus is in the year 218. Two of
the men who bear this cognomen were born in camp. No other
homes are known. The single instance of Emeritus at Mainz
is dated in the year 223. Aemeritus is the spelling of the cog-
nomen in a military inscription at Lambaesis.
Faustus has been found as a cognomen in thirty names.
Cognomina related to Faustus are Faustianus, three examples,
Faustinus, fourteen, Faustinianus and Faustiolus, one example
of each. Of the thirty examples of Faustus all except four are
found in the names of members of the III Augusta in Africa.
The four exceptions are scattered as follows: From Mainz an
inscription belonging to the last third of the first century con-
tains the name of a soldier whose cognomen is Faustus and
whose home is Polentia; from Moesia a centurion whose service
was later than the reign of Hadrian bears this cognomen; P.
Porcius Faustus was a primus pilus at Aquileia in the reign of
Septimius Severus; a veteran in Moesia recorded in an undated
inscription has the cognomen Faustus.
In Africa Faustus appears in military inscriptions from the
year 162 until the close of the reign of Alexander Severus. The
following homes of men possessing this cognomen are preserved,
Ammaedara (2), Capsa, Carthage, Cilium, and Tipasa. Two
men were born in camp.
Of the fourteen examples of the use of Faustinus as a cog-
nomen eleven are found in Lambaesis and its camp. These
extend from the year 166 to 275. Carthage is the home of four
men bearing this cognomen. Cirta is the home of one and
another was born in camp. Outside of Africa the use of Faus-
tinus as a cognomen belongs to the late second or third century.
Faustianus is found twice at Lambaesis, once in Pannonia.
Faustiolus appears on a stone at Lambaesis. Faustinianus is
recorded in Moesia.
In Felix we have what seems to be the most popular cognomen
among the soldiers of Africa. The evidence showing the use
of this cognomen is so abundant that it leaves little room for
doubting that it was a name liked by the Africans. Cognomina
in this list related to Felix are Felicianus and Felicissimus.
The examples of Felix used as a cognomen in the names of
legionaries number two hundred and ten, and of these one
hundred and eighty-one have been found in Africa. The prov-
inces covered by CIL III afford fourteen instances, England
contributes seven, Germany yields four, Italy furnishes three,
and Spain is represented by one.
The earliest use of the cognomen Felix seems to be recorded
on a papyrus from Egypt which gives the names of two soldiers
in service in the year 90. Another instance of the use of Felix
on a stone in Egypt belongs perhaps to the third century. Out-
side of Africa the cases of Felix as a cognomen are scattering.
They extend through the second and third centuries, but so far
as these occasional examples go there is little to distinguish
Felix from other little used cognomina.
The moment one turns to a military list from Lambaesis or
its camp, one is impressed by the very frequent use of this cog-
nomen. A stone found at Thamugadi which records a veteran's
name, Aufidius Felix, may belong to the close of the first cen-
tury, before the III Augusta took its new quarters at Lambaesis.
Soon after its arrival at this camp an inscription was cut in the
reign of Hadrian preserving the name of a veteran (?), L. Gel-
lius Felix, whose home was Carthage. The use of Felix extends
as late as the year 275, after which date the epigraphical evi-
dence is generally small in quantity. A list of legionaries cut
in the year 218 contains no less than twenty-three instances of
the use of the cognomen Felix. The homes of men bearing this
cognomen are all African towns. The camp itself was the birth-
place of eleven men. Carthage is given as the home of twelve
legionaries. The name of one was recovered from a stone at
Rome, of another in Moesia. Thamugadi and Cirta are indi-
cated four times each as the home of men named Felix. Ten
other towns are mentioned in inscriptions which preserve the
name Felix.
In Africa Felix is not often found as the cognomen of a cen-
turion. Four such cases have been noted. Among the inscrip-
tions containing Felix from other provinces, seven record the
names of men who were centurions. (L. Antonius Felix, whose
home is Carthage, is recorded on a stone found in Moesia as a
centurion of the III Augusta, X Gemina, and I Italica legions.
Antonius Felix, the name of a man who was also a centurion of
the III Augusta, is found on a stone at Lambaesis. It is poss-
ible to suppose that these two inscriptions refer to the same man
and this suggestion has already been made. Cagnat, how-
ever, (L'Arme'e Romaine 1st ed. p. 204) has printed the two
names separately and his practice has been followed here.)
The same name is often found more than once in a single
military list (e. g. Valerius Felix, A. E. 1902: 10, and CIL VIII
2564), but is used to designate different persons. lulius Felix
with or without a praenomen has been found as the name of
twenty-five men enrolled in the III Augusta. Any attempt to
prove through repetition of name that men recorded on differ-
ent stones are identical is almost futile unless other strong indi-
cations are found to warrant such an hypothesis. Thus, for
example, Aufidius Felix, a duplarius, in VIII 2816 may be one
of the men bearing this name mentioned in VIII 2564, but there
is no apparent reason for identifying him with one or the other.
It is not unreasonable to suppose that he may be a different
person altogether. In this case and elsewhere it has been
thought preferable to print the names separately in the alpha-
betical list.
One soldier bears a supernomen: viz., C. Tannonius Felix qui
et Aquensis. For a collection and discussion of similar cases
vid. Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina. For what appears to be
a Punic equivalent of the Latin Felix, vid. Namphamo, Chap.
II, Cognomina of Punic Origin, and Chap. Ill, Cognomina
of African Legionaries. (Note: C. Domitius Felix (VIII 3097)
was assigned by Van der Weerd (Etudes sur trois Legions ro-
maines du Bas-Danube, p. 100) to the V Macedonica, following
the index of CIL VIII, owing to what would appear to be an
incorrect reading of the stone. The letters there are
MILLEGVAXLV. The first "V" is undoubtedly for "vixit"
and not for "guintae," cf. VIII 2827, 3020, and 3141 for a
similar use.) For Felicianus and Felicissimus consult the alpha-
betical list.
Inscriptions bearing the cognomen Festus have been found
in sufficient numbers to give the name a place in this chapter.
Festianus and Festivus are cognomina related to Festus. The
examples of Festus are distributed among the provinces as fol-
lows: The Danube provinces contribute three cases; Africa
affords ten instances; Italy, Germany, and Spain yield two
each; and one was found in Gallia Narbonensis. The last men-
tioned example is the first in point of time. The cognomen
belongs to a man who served in the XVIth legion during the
reign of Tiberius. Later instances of Festus are scattered from
the close of the first to the early part of the third century. In
Africa, Simitthus, Bulla, Carthage, and Madaura are indicated
as homes of soldiers bearing the cognomen Festus. Calagurris
is the birthplace of M. Aurelius Festus serving in Germany
probably about the year 100. Siscia is the native town of L.
Lucanius Festus, a soldier in Pannonia later than the first cen-
The examination of the cognomen Firmus was undertaken
with great interest, inasmuch as it had been selected with
Severus by Bormann (vid. Introduction.) as a name "zum Solda-
tendienst bestimmt." (Der roemische Limes in Oesterreich,
Heft IV, 1903, p. 132.) The results are disappointing in that
the cognomen falls far short of the popularity which some others
enjoy, as far as one may judge from the number of the instances
preserved. The cognomen Firmus has been found forty-three
times. Cognomina related to Firmus are Firminus, Firmianus,
Firmanus, Firminianus, and Firmidius. The examples of
Firmus are distributed as follows: From inscriptions in CIL III the
cognomen is taken twenty-two times; in Africa eleven instances
have been found; in Germany and Italy, four each; in England
and at Lyons, one each. The related cognomina follow this
division: From the Danube provinces six instances are taken,
Africa contributes Firmianus, Germany yields four, and Spain
though not represented in the examples under Firmus furnishes
instances of Firmanus and Firminus.
The earliest appearance of the cognomen is in a military list
from Egypt belonging to the reign of Augustus. Here it is in
the name of a centurion. A considerable number of names con-
taining Firmus can be dated in the first century. Arelate and
Verona are the homes of two soldiers during this period bearing
the cognomen Firmus. In the Danube provinces this cognomen
was in common use during the second century. No dated ex-
amples in the third century have been found. In Africa the
uses of Firmus extend from the year 147 to 218. Picenum and
Aspendus are the homes of two men who bear this cognomen.
The camp itself was the birth-place of two others. Salona is
given as the native town of a primus pilus in service in the year
147. While the name was current in Lambaesis it does not
seem to have been a popular one. The form Firminus appears
in Spain as a soldier's cognomen probably before the year 70.
Other dated instances of its use belong to the late second cen-
tury or first half of the third. Firmanus is the cognomen of a
veteran whose home is Verona and whose service seems to be
earlier than the reign of Hadrian. For the remaining related
forms vid. alphabetical list.
The cognomen Fortunatus has been listed fifty-nine times
with this distribution among the provinces. The regions covered
by CIL III offer four examples; Africa, forty-nine; Italy, three;
England, Germany, and Lyons, one each. Fortunatianus is
found twice at Lambaesis. Of the ten outside of Africa the
earliest instance is that in the name of a soldier of the V Alauda
before the year 87, L. Vidius Fortunatus at Tergeste. Other
instances of Fortunatus are noted in the second and third cen-
turies scattered among several provinces.
The large number found in Africa comes from Lambaesis or
belong to the III Augusta, with one exception, M. Petronius
Fortunatus (VIII 217 q. v.), a centurion of two legions about
the year 215. Besides this centurion there are four others with
this cognomen, all outside of Africa. None of the forty-eight
examples from men of the III Augusta are men of so high a
rank. It is distinctly a cognomen for soldiers and petty officers.
Instances of the cognomen Fortunatus are found from the first
arrival of the legion at Lambaesis during ther eign of Hadrian,
down to the year 275. The homes of several men who bear this
cognomen are known, three being from Carthage, from Had-
rumetum two, from Cirta and Lamigus one each. Four men
were born in camp and one gives Lambaesis as his birth-place.
The two cases of Fortunatianus are undated, but the domus is
given with both, Carthage and Caralis.
Fronto is used as a cognomen in military circles in thirty-two
names. Of these instances nineteen have been found in the
provinces included in CIL III, six appear in inscriptions from
Africa, three from Italy, and two each from England and Ger-
many. Cognomina related to Fronto are Frontinus, Frontin-
ianus, and Frontonianus.
Aquilius Fronto, a centurion in Dalmatia before the reign of
Vespasian, affords us perhaps the earliest instance of the use of
this cognomen. L. Gerellanus Fronto, a primus pilus of the X
Fretensis and praefectus castrorum of the XII Fulminata in
Syria in the principate of Nero, possesses rather high rank, but
the name has been listed on account of the early date and the
nomen in -us. Other first century cases of Fronto are preserved
at Carnuntum, in Germany, and England. Instances of the
cognomen Fronto appear in the Danube provinces, in Egypt
and Africa, and in the East throughout the second century and
during the early part of the third. Brixia, Celeia, and Sidonia
are the homes of men bearing this cognomen. Two men named
Fronto at Lambaesis were born in camp.
The cognomen Fuscus is supported by the testimony of twenty-
two military inscriptions. Fuscinus and Fuscianus also appear
as cognomina for legionaries. The geographical distribution of
the examples of Fuscus is as follows : From Egypt four instances
are taken; from other provinces covered by CIL III, three;
from Africa, ten; from Germany, three; from England and Rome,
one each.
The earliest use of Fuscus is in the name of a soldier, whose
home is Aprum, enrolled in the II Adiutrix in England about
the year 71. Other first century cases are found at Mainz —
in the name of a soldier whose home is Savaria — and in Egypt.
In the latter province names containing Fuscus can be dated
in the years 90 and 94. Another must be placed earlier than
the year 108, and a fourth can not be later than the principate
of Hadrian. The dated examples in Africa range from the
first century (?) to the year 218. Carthage and Theveste are
homes of men who bear the cognomen Fuscus. Lugus is the
home of T. Riburinnius Fuscus, a soldier in the Spanish legion,
VII Gemina. L. Fadienus Fuscus, a veteran in Dalmatia, indi-
cates Dertona as his native town. For Fuscinus and Fuscianus
vid. alphabetical list.
The cognomen Germanus has been found twenty-nine times
in names of legionary soldiers. The geographical distribution
is as follows: From the provinces covered by CIL III sixteen
instances have been taken; Africa contributed twelve examples;
Germany, four; and Spain, one.
The earliest use of Germanus in this group belongs to the name
of a soldier, whose home is Tyre, serving in Egypt in the year
81. Other instances from Egypt can be dated in the years
90, 94, and in the period before the year 108. Another of the
year 194 belongs to a veteran born in camp. Three cases in
Moesia are dated in the second century. Scupi and Pessenuntum
are the homes of two men who bear this cognomen. Four in-
scriptions found in Arabia record names with the cognomen
Germanus. Two of these inscriptions are dated in the latter
part of the second century. The inscriptions containing Ger-
manus which have been found on German soil are all later than
the first century. The home of one legionary bearing this cog-
nomen is Emona in Pannonia. One Germanus adds natione
Dacus, another, natione Batavus.
From Lambaesis Germanus appears first in inscriptions cut
during the reign of Antoninus Pius and from this time to the
stormy reign of Gallienus (253-268) examples are found. One
man born in camp received the cognomen Germanus. A
soldier in Arabia had besides the cognomen Germanus the native
name of 'AouslBoc;. For this supernomen, vid. Chap. Ill,
Double Cognomina.
Thirty examples of the cognomen Honoratus are recorded in
the present list. Of this number twenty-seven are found in
Africa. One case has been noted from Pannonia, from Ger-
many, and from England. None of the last three mentioned
can be dated definitely. An examination of the great majority
from Africa shows that all but one belong to the names of men
enrolled in the III Augusta and with few exceptions are found
in Lambaesis and its camp. Fifteen can be definitely dated and
fall in the period from the year 198 to the close of the reign of
Alexander Severus (222-235). None of the men in the III
Augusta who bear the cognomen Honoratus are centurions. On
this point one may compare the usage followed in the case of
the cognomen Fortunatus. Thamugadi, Cirta, and Carthage
are indicated as the homes of men named Honoratus. Honor-
atianus is the cognomen of two centurions in the III Augusta,
M. Calpurnius Honoratianus and another whose nomen is not
preserved, about the year 150.
(Vid. Gottanka, Epigraphische Beitrage p. 39f. Augsburg,
1912.) This cognomen has been found seventy-eight times
among the legionaries, with the following distribution in the
provinces: From those covered by CIL III fourteen examples
have been collected; from Africa, fifty-nine; from England,
Germany, France, Spain, and Italy, "one each. One of the
earliest is in an inscription from Mainz, M'. Silius lanuarius, a
centurion of the I Adiutrix between the years 70 and 100. In
the Danube provinces the cognomen is found in three military
lists of the second century. On one of these cut in the year
195 the homes of two veterans named lanuarius are known;
the towns mentioned are in the province of Moesia. Another
in Dalmatia belongs to the second century. Later lanuarius
is found in the reign of Alexander Severus. The example in
England appears in the name M. Ulpius lanuarius, who was
born at Ulpia Traiana; legion and date are uncertain.
Of the fifty-nine from Africa, thirty-one can be dated, and
practically all the dated military lists from the year 162 to 275
show one or more examples of this name. lanuarius is another
of the cognomina which are unusually popular among the
soldiers of the III Augusta in their camp at Lambaesis. The
homes of ten men named lanuarius are known. These are all
African towns; two persons are from Carthage; two were born
in camp.
In some cases it may be that we have a name repeated, e. g.,
Carcopino identifies the lulius lanuarius of Bull. Archeol. 1904
p. 206 with one of those from VIII 2564, but such identifications
are only conjectures (Vid. Felix), and both names are included
in this list. lulius lanuarius is such a common name that the
identity of those who possess it cannot be assumed.
This cognomen appears in the inscriptions in two forms: viz.,
Ingenuus and Ingenus. Ingenuinus and Ingenuilis are cognate
forms. Eugenus would seem to be due to Greek influence.
Ingenuus as a cognomen is found in twenty-two names, Ingenus
in sixteen. The geographical distribution of these thirty-eight
instances is as follows: The provinces the inscriptions of which
are embraced in CIL III contribute sixteen; Africa supplies
fourteen; Italy, three; Germany and England, two each; and
Spain, one.
The earliest use of Ingenuus seems to be as the cognomen of
a centurion named in the inscription from Spain just mentioned.
This officer was enrolled in the Xth legion which left Spain in
the year 70. Two other first century cases are noted and the
cognomen continued in use throughout the second and third
centuries. In Africa, Carthage, Hippo, and the camp are indi-
cated as the birth-place of men bearing the cognomen Ingenuus
or Ingenus. A soldier of the VI Victrix stationed in Africa, T.
Flavius Ingenuus, adds after his name provintia Brittaniae
Inferioris. Similarly Aurelius Ingenuus, a soldier of the XIII
Gemina serving in Rome adds natione provinda Dada. For
M. Ingenius Ingenuinus vid. Chap. Ill, Similarity between
Nomen and Cognomen.
Before discussing lulianus, the use of lulius as a cognomen
should be mentioned. Five examples of such use of lulius have
been collected. Four of these were found in the Danube prov-
inces, two of the cases appearing in a list of veterans of the
year 195. Sirmium and Scupi are the homes of men bearing
this cognomen. Two other instances of lulius are later than
the first century. The remaining example is preserved on a
stone from Africa in the name Avicius lulius, who was a soldier
in the XVIth legion.
lulianus is listed as a cognomen fifty-one times. This number
includes the cognomen lulanus where a letter may have been
omitted by the stone-cutter. lullinus, if this reading of the
stone is correct, seems to be related to lulianus. The examples
of lulianus are divided among the provinces as follows: From
the territory covered epigraphically by CIL III twenty-four
instances have been taken; from Africa, nineteen; from Ger-
many, four; from Italy, two; from Spain and England, one
each. The earliest use is as the cognomen of a centurion at
Carnuntum in the XV Apollinaris before the year 63. From
Egypt we have two centurions of the III Cyrenaica named
lulianus before that legion left the province in the year 108.
T. Flavius lulianus, a veteran of the VIII Augusta in Syria,
belongs to the latter part of the first century. Examples from
the Danube provinces are found for over a century following
the year 134.
In Lambaesis the earliest instances are found in the names of
two veterans (?) in the reign of Hadrian. One bearing this
cognomen comes from Tyre, the other from Nicomedia. Other
dated inscriptions which record the name lulianus at Lambaesis
extend from the year 162 to the reign of Gallienus (253-268).
The homes of nine men who bear this cognomen are known. C.
Aelius lulianus comes from Sarmizegetusa in Dacia. The two
contemporary with Hadrian have already been mentioned. Two
men were born in camp. Thamugadi is the birthplace of one,
possibly of another legionary. Carthage and Tharsus sent men
named lulianus to the legion at Lambaesis. Hadrumetum,
often mentioned as the home of soldiers of the III Augusta, is
given by lulianus, a veteran of the II Traiana in Alexandria in
the year 194, as his birth-place.
A stone recently found affords another example of a super-
nomen, L. Decrius lulianus qui et Numisianus, a princeps of
the XI Claudia in the period from 100-150 at Naples. (Vid.
Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina). For the many instances of
the name lulius lulianus cf. Claudius Claudianus and for other
similar names vid. Chap. Ill, Similarity between Nomen and
Thirty examples of the use of lustus as a cognomen have been
collected. Eleven of these are found in the provinces embraced
by CIL III; seven come from Africa; six from England; five
from Germany; and one from Italy. The earliest instance of
the use of Justus is as the cognomen of a centurion in Egypt in
the time of Augustus. Of the examples found in the Danube
provinces, Metilius Justus is the name of a centurion of the XV
Apollinaris in Carnuntum. From this case we pass to a mili-
tary list of the year 195 A. D. before another use of Justus in
this section can be dated. At this time three veterans of the
VII Claudia at Viminacium have the cognomen Justus, L.
Apuleius lustus from Remesiana, if this restoration of the name
of the town be correct, Aelius lustus from Salonae, and another,
whose nomen is lost, from Sirmium. Two examples can be
dated in the first quarter of the third century. One appears in
the name of M. Aurelius lustus, whose home is Horreum Margi
in Moesia Superior. Two cases from Lambaesis belong to the
reign of Alexander Severus (222-235). The others are not
dated. The large proportion from England is not usual. Pos-
sibly the same name is repeated in two inscriptions and in this
case the number of the examples would be lessened, but there is
no cogent reason for any such supposition. It might be noted
that ten centurions have the cognomen lustus, or one-third, a
large proportion, of the whole number.
lustinus is the cognomen of fourteen legionaries. All seem
to be later than the first century. Eight instances appear in
the Danube provinces; three of these are dated toward the end
of the second century. The remaining examples are found in
Italy, Germany, and England. No use of the cognomen lus-
tinus among African soldiers is preserved. lustianus is repre-
sented by three cases. Two belong to the third century.
The cognomen Longinus has been found in the military in-
scriptions in greater numbers than Longus, which properly de-
serves mention first. Other related cognomina are Longinianus
and Longo. For the latter vid. Chap. II, Cognomina End-
ing in -o. The examples of Longus as a cognomen number six-
teen. The earliest uses are found in the names of two centurions
serving in Egypt during the reign of Augustus. Three instances
of Longus are preserved on a papyrus from Egypt of the year
90. Inscriptions in this same province which can be dated in
the years 94 and 194 contain the name Longus. Paraetonium
is the home of M. Furfanius Longus, a veteran in the year 194.
Longus is recorded as the cognomen of a centurion in Africa in
the interval between the years 52 and 57. A later example in
the principate of Hadrian from this province serves as the cog-
nomen of a veteran (?) whose home is Apamea. Inscriptions
from the Danube provinces containing this cognomen range
through the second century. On two stones only the letters
LONG are recorded and it is impossible to determine whether
the cognomen was Longus or Longinus.
The cognomen Longinus has been found in thirty-four names
of legionaries. Of this number twenty-seven have been taken
from the provinces embraced in CIL III, three come from
Africa, two each from Italy and Germany. Three examples
belong to the latter half of the first century. Savaria, Philippi,
and Heraclea are given as the homes of men who bear the cog-
nomen Longinus in this period. In the Danube provinces
eleven instances can be dated in the first half of the second
century. A list of veterans cut about the year 134 contains
Longinus six times and three of those cases preserving the let-
ters LONG were found on this stone. Another list of the year
195 in Moesia records the cognomen Longinus in three names.
The homes of the veterans bearing this cognomen are towns in
that region. One third century example is preserved. In
Egypt Longinus appears twice on a papyrus as the cognomen
of men enrolled in the III Cyrenaica before that legion left the
province in the year 108. Examples are recorded on stones also
which can be dated in the second and third centuries. Longinus
at Lambaesis appears once as the cognomen of a man born in
camp. Neither this instance nor the other two can be dated.
Longinianus is found at Lambaesis as often as Longinus.
One case is dated in the reign of Septimius Severus. This cog-
nomen is found once in an inscription in Pannonia, and again
at Aquileia, on which stone the centurion indicates his birth-
place as Moesia Inferior.
With the uses of Marcus as a cognomen there must be included
Marcianus, Marculus, Marcellus, and Marcellinus. The num-
ber of examples of each cognomen are: Marcus, sixteen; Marci-
anus, thirty-two; Marculus, one; Marcellus, twenty-three;
Marcellinus, twenty-two. The total is then ninety-three, which
is distributed as follows among the provinces: Forty-eight from
the provinces included in CIL III; nineteen from Africa; thir-
teen from Italy; nine from inscriptions in CIL XIII; three from
England; one from Spain. CIL III affords the greater number
in each single name as well as in the total.
Marcus is not found in Africa. The earliest case seems to be
lulius Marcus, the name of a soldier in Moesia Inferior in the
year 155. At Alexandria in the year 194 two veterans bearing
the cognomen Marcus are recorded in a military list; both were
born in camp. The majority of the dated examples fall in the
late second or third centuries.
Marcianus is used more than any other cognomen formed on
this stem and these examples are probably all later than the
first century, at least all the dated ones are. Marcianus is
found in Moesia in the year 135 and in the legion VII Claudia
at Viminacium, to which Aelius Marcianus of this year belongs,
were enrolled in the year 195 three Marciani, coming from Scupi,
Nicopolis, and Ratiaria. Nearly a century later in the year 270
Aurelius Marcianus was an officer at the same place. Others
from the Danube region are dated in the early third century.
T. Flavius Marcianus, a centurion in Arabia, gives Philippopo-
lis as his home.
At Lambaesis the usage extends over a long period. Two
veterans (?) during the reign of Hadrian bearing this cognomen
came from Nicomedia. Others are dated in the third century.
The homes of two undated legionaries are Oea and Thamugadi.
The only example of a Marcianus born in camp is found in Moesia
in the year 170.
Marcellus appears earlier among the soldiers than the other
cognomina in this group. M. Vibrius Marcellus, a centurion
of the XVIth legion at Rome, belongs to the time of Tiberius
or Gaius. Salvius Marcellus, a centurion of the XV Apollinaris
at Carnuntum, is probably earlier than the year 63. Maecius
Marcellus, a centurion of the XI Claudia in Italy, is dated in the
year 75. A centurion Marcellus in the III Augusta at Thamu-
gadi was in service in the latter half of the first century. Two
soldiers named Marcellus came from towns outside of Africa:
one in the reign of Hadrian, from Larisa, another in the reign
of Antoninus Pius, from Ivenna in Noricum. (This reading for
the name of the town is not wholly certain.) Other dated ex-
amples at Lambaesis belong to the early third century.
The homes of some men in other provinces are known: M.
Fuficius Marcellus in Pannonia Superior comes from Aquileia;
M. Seius Marcellus at Athens, from Forum lulii; M. Valerius
Marcellus, from Vercellae. None of these is dated. A very
late example of Marcellus appears in the year 298 in the name
of a centurion of the II Traiana in Egypt.
Marcellinus is not frequent in the first century. C. lulius
Marcellinus from Tavium was in Alexandria before the year
108. T. Aridius Marcellinus was a centurion at the same place
in the year 155. And in the year 194 we find Baebius Marcel-
linus also at Alexandria. In Pannonia two examples are found
in the early third century. At Viminacium in Moesia in the
year 195 one veteran, M. Valerius Marcellinus, came from Scupi.
Later than the year 170 is the name Marcellinius Marcellinus.
(Vid. Chap. Ill, Similarity between Nomen and Cognomen.) L.
Septimius Marcellinus in Germany was born in Pannonia at
Ulpia Papiria Petavio and served as a centurion in three legions
during the reign of Alexander Severus (222-235). Marculus is
found as the cognomen of a legionary at Vienna. The nomen
is lost and the date is uncertain.
The cognomen has been found among members of the legions
fifty-two times, and of this number thirty-eight were collected
from African inscriptions, eight were taken from the provinces
embraced by CIL III, four from Germany, one each from
Rome and England.
The group of examples from Germany is worthy of note be-
cause all four are early. lulius Martialis, a centurion of the
IV Macedonica, served before the reign of Vespasian. M.
Vibius Martialis, a centurion of the X Gemina, held office in
the interval between the principates of Vespasian and Domi-
tian. Aufidius Martialis, a centurion of the I Minervia, belongs
to the reign of Domitian. C. Memmius Martialis, a centurion
of the XI Claudia, was in service in the period from the reign
of Vespasian to that of Trajan. Of the last mentioned legion a
soldier of the period from the year 42 to 70 is found, L. Cassius
Martialis from Aquae Statiellae, serving in Dalmatia. Ex-
amples of Martialis in the Danube provinces belong to the sec-
ond century. The home of one veteran bearing this cognomen
is known and it is a town in this same region.
The earliest instance in Africa is dated in the latter half of
the first century. More than half of this group of names can
be dated and such examples are found throughout the second
century and the first half of the third. Two men bearing the
cognomen Martialis belonging to the reign of Hadrian came from
Apamea and Carthage. Other places indicated as homes are
Ammaedara, vicus Augusti, Cilium, Thamugadi, Thelepte, and
Vaga. Two born in camp received the cognomen Martialis.
Only one centurion named Martialis in Africa has been recovered.
Note the early group from Germany on this point and consult
also the cognomen Honoratus.
The cognomen Martis may be mentioned in this connection.
One example has been found at Lambaesis.
Besides the form Maximus, this cognomen appears as Maxsi-
mus, Maxumus, and Maxsumus. Cognomina related to Maxi-
mus are Maximinus, Maxsiminus, Maximianus, and Maximo.
(For the last mentioned see Chap. II, Cognomina Ending in
-o.) The geographical distribution of the examples of Maxi-
mus (including the variant spellings) is as follows: From the
provinces included in CIL III seventy have been taken; from
Africa, fifty-one; from England, ten; from Germany, seven; from
Italy, six; from Spain, two. (Total, one hundred and forty-
It is scarcely profitable to examine each name singly; only
those valuable on account of date or for other reasons can be
mentioned. Perhaps the earliest use is in the name of A. Resius
Maximus, a centurion of the XI Claudia in Dalmatia about the
year 42. Two examples are found in Carnuntum as the cog-
nomina of men in service possibly before the year 63. C. Attius
Maxsimus, whose home is Baeterrae, was a soldier at Mainz
in the period from 43-70.
The cognomen is found throughout the second and third
centuries in the Danube provinces. In Moesia a military list
of the year 135 contains seven examples of this cognomen and
another of the year 195 has preserved eight cases of Maximus.
The latter inscription records also the home of each veteran.
For men bearing this cognomen the homes indicated are Scupi,
Ratiaria, and Pautalia. In other localities legionaries with the
cognomen Maximus come from Roma, Sirmium, and Mantua.
A veteran serving in Alexandria gives Caesarea as his home.
In Africa Maximus is reasonably common as the cognomen
of soldiers in the III Augusta legion. Military lists of the prin-
cipates of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius show the name somewhat
more frequently than later inscriptions, although Maximus is
found as late as the second half of the third century. The
soldiers enrolled when Hadrian was emperor came from Nico-
media, Tolomais, and Parethonium. The homes of men with
the cognomen Maximus as recorded on later stones are Savaria,
Napoca, Capsa, Hadrumetum, Tharsus, Theveste, and Thys-
drus. Six men were born in camp, one in Lambaesis.
In Germany three of the seven cases of Maximus belong to
legionaries enrolled in the XI Claudia in the interval between
the reigns of Vespasian and Trajan. One of these men came
from Forum Cornelii, another from Augustonemetum.
Maximinus and Maximianus are with one possible exception
comparatively late.
Cognomina which have some connection with Maximus in
meaning if not in form and consequently properly mentioned
here are Maior, Magnus, Magnius, Magnianus, and Magnio.
Maior has been found as a cognomen nine times. One example
belongs to the first century. The other cases seem to be much
later and scattered among several provinces.
The cognomen Magnus is represented by fifteen examples.
One instance is extremely early: viz., C. Titius Magnus, who
was a signifer of the V Urbana at Ateste possibly soon after 31
B. C. Two other examples belong to the first century and names
of a still later date extend the series until the third century.
Magnius and Magnianus are cognomina found at Lambaesis.
The cognomen Niger is supported by nineteen examples from
inscriptions and papyri. Another instance is listed to make
the required number, but the cognomen in question may be
either Niger or Nigrinus. Besides Nigrinus, Nigrianus is also
used by the soldiers. The cases of Niger are distributed as
follows: From the provinces covered by CIL III ten examples
have been taken; from Africa, three; from Italy, six; and from
Germany, one.
The earliest instance of the use of Niger as a cognomen is
preserved in the name of M. Tudius Niger, a member of the V
Urbana legion possibly soon after the year 31 B. C.; the stone
was found at Ateste. A veteran in Dalmatia in the period
between the year 42 and the principate of Vespasian, whose
home was Forum lulii, bears this cognomen. In Egypt the cog-
nomen Niger appears on papyri which can be dated in the years
90 and 94 and on two stones cut before the year 108. Instances
of the use of Niger are found in inscriptions from Moesia and
from Africa later than the first century. Two men bearing this
cognomen at Lambaesis are of African origin. In other provinces
Nicopolis, Antioch, and Carcaso are indicated as the homes of
men named Niger.
Nigrinus is found as the cognomen of a soldier in service before
the reign of Hadrian. All the instances of its use are widely
scattered. Nigrianus is preserved in one inscription at Vienna.
Thirty-four examples of the cognomen Optatus among the
legionaries have been collected. Six are found in the Danube
provinces; nineteen, in Africa; five, in Germany; two, in Italy,
and one each, in England and Spain.
The cognomen is noted in two early inscriptions, one in Dal-
matia borne by a soldier, Q. Gavius Optatus from Brixellum,
of the XI th legion, probably before the year 42, as "Claudia"
is not added to the number of the legion. The other case, as-
signed to the early period because of the omission of the "cog-
nomen" of the legion, belongs to C. lulius Optatus, whose home
is Lugudunum, a soldier of the XVIth legion at Mainz. Two
others from Germany are earlier than the end of Vespasian's
reign; T. Clodius Optatus and L. Piperacius Optatus, both born
in Augusta Taurinorum. P. Aelius Optatus, a soldier of the
XXth legion in Italy has been dated with a question in the
reign of Tiberius, because this legion was sent to Britain under
Claudius. Eporedia and Aquae Sextiae are the homes of men
named Optatus who may have enrolled in the first century.
In Africa where the cognomen Optatus is most frequently
found all the men who bear it belong to the III Augusta. Ten
of the names can be dated. The earliest are about the year
198 and the use continues through the reign of Alexander Severus
(222-235). Optatus is the cognomen of two men born in
camp. Other soldiers possessing this cognomen came from
Bagai, Hippo, Milevum, and Tipasa.
The first use of Primus in the Roman name seems to have
been as a praenomen, vid. CIL XIII 6885. By the middle of
the first century, however, it is found in the army as a cog-
nomen. Fifty examples have been collected. Of this number
fifteen were found in the provinces embraced in CIL III; twenty-
seven, in Africa; six, in Germany; one each, in England and
Perhaps the earliest to bear the cognomen are two members
of the XV Apollinaris at Carnuntum before the year 63, a
veteran, C. Arruntius Primus from Hasta (Assta), and Ecetius
Primus, a centurion. Placentia, Comum, and Utica are the
homes of men named Primus during the first century. A few
examples outside of Africa can be dated in the second and third
centuries. Q. lulius Primus, an imaginifer of the II Traiana
after the year 214, was transferred from the III Augusta. Inas-
much as his home is Theveste this man is better joined with
those named Primus from Africa. Dated cases in Africa are
scattered through the military lists ranging from the year 198
to the end of the reign of Alexander Severus (222-235). Two
of the soldiers were born in camp. Three give Carthage as their
home. Vaga and Tubuna are also mentioned.
Several cognomina derived from this root may be noted here:
Primanus, four examples, all later than the first century; Primi-
anus, two examples; Primicianus, Primitius, Primigenius, and
Primitivos are related forms from inscriptions in Africa. Primi-
tus and Primullus are found on stones from Pannonia. Primulus
appears on a stone in Germany with the nomen Primanius,
vid. Chap. Ill, Similarity between Nomen and Cognomen.
Prior is the cognomen of a soldier (?), whose home is Siscia,
serving at Lambaesis.
Forty examples of the use of Priscus as a cognomen have been
collected. Cognomina related to Priscus are Priscinus, Pris-
cianus, and Priscillianus. The geographical distribution of
the examples of Priscus is as follows: From the provinces cov-
ered by CIL III seventeen examples have been taken; from
Africa, eight; from inscriptions published in CIL XIII, six; from
Italy, five; from England, four. In the names from England
the name Sentius Priscus appears on two stones; probably the
same man is referred to in both inscriptions. Valerius Priscus
and C. Valerius Priscus are recorded as centurions of the XXIId
legion at Thebes, Egypt, in the year 65. These inscriptions
without doubt contain the name of the same man. These
names just mentioned constitute the earliest use of the cog-
nomen Priscus. Instances of this cognomen on stones cut in
the first century are noted in Dalmatia, in Egypt, in Africa, and
at Mainz. One of the soldiers at Mainz who bears the cognomen
Priscus names Tolosa as his home. Instances of the use of
Priscus in scattered localities can be dated throughout the
second century and the first half of the third. Three of the men
named Priscus in African inscriptions are not natives of that
province. The cases of Priscus on military lists of the years
162 and 202 probably are to be thought of as belonging to men
born in Africa.
The dated examples of Priscinus and Priscianus belong to
the late second century or the first half of the third. Priscil-
lianus is the cognomen of a signifer whose home is Caesarea,
stationed at Alexandria in the year 194.
(For this cognomen vid. Schulze, Lateinische Eigennamen,
p. 460). The cognomen appears also in the form Proclus.
The cognate forms, Proculinus, Proclinus, Proculeianus, Procu-
leanus, Proclianus, and Proclion are found among the legionary
cognomina. Proculus and Proclus are represented by sixty
examples and the cases of each are listed separately. Their
geographical distribution is as follows: From the provinces
included in CIL III twenty-two examples have been taken;
from Africa, thirteen; from Germany, five; from Italy, four;
from England, eight; and from Spain, one.
First century instances of Proculus are contained in the names
of C. Valerius Proculus whose home is Baeterrae, of two cen-
turions in England, of Q. lulius Proculus, whose home may be
Damascus, of C. Cornelius Proculus, whose home is Regium,
and of two with the cognomen Proclus. Several inscriptions cut
in the second century preserve the cognomen Proculus or
Proclus in the Danube provinces. C. Valerius Proculus indi-
cates Calagurris as his home. At Lambaesis inscriptions with
Proculus extend from the reign of Hadrian to the year 275.
Homes of men bearing this cognomen are Sidonia, Carthage,
Ariminum, Adana, and Thelepte.
Worthy of mention are the following : Aurelius Proculus natione
Surus domo Hemesa; P. Tarrutenius Proculus, whose home is
Taurini; T. lavennius Proculus, whose birth-place is Faventia.
All the known dates of the appearance of any cognomen re-
lated to Proculus are later than the first century. Proclion
seems to be due to Greek influence. The single example appears
in the name of a veteran whose home and station is Alexandria.
The inscription was cut in the year 194.
In addition to thirty-seven examples of the cognomen Pudens
there are two instances of the spelling Pudes. The cognomen
Pudentianus is preserved in one inscription. The distribution
of the cases of Pudens and Pudes is as follows: From countries
covered by CIL III sixteen have been taken; from Africa, nine;
from Germany and England, five each; from Italy, three; and
from Spain, one.
Pudens or Pudes appear in the following names of men in
service in the first century: C. Vibius Pudes, whose home is
Aretium (42-70); T. Valerius Pudens, whose home is Savaria
(in England about the year 71); C. Valerius Pudes, also born
at Savaria (possibly of the first century); — esis Pudens (?)
whose home is Augusta (also in England about the year 71);
M. Blossius Pudens (serving in Rome during the reign of Ves-
pasian), Sex. Licinius Pudens (84); L. Flavius Pudens (70-100);
and Aponius Pudens (before the year 63, following Mommsen's
interpretation of CIL III 14358: 21a). The cognomen is read
on a papyrus of the first century from Egypt. Two inscrip-
tions can be dated not later than the early part of the second
century. The names on these stones are Q. Lucilius Pudens, a
soldier at Vindonissa, who was born at Bergomum, and G.
lulius Pudens, a veteran of the X Gemina from Emona. M.
Mucius Pudens, a soldier of the XXIId legion at Mainz from
Albingaunum, should perhaps be assigned to an early date an
account of his Italian origin. In the Danube region Pudens con-"
tinues as a cognomen through the second century and probably
into the third, although none is actually dated after the year
200. In Egypt the latest date is in the year 194; Servilius
Pudens, a centurion. In Africa in the principate of Antoninus
Pius, a Pudens from Emona was librarius of the III Augusta.
Pelagonia is the home of C. Domitius Pudens at the same camp.
(It will be noted that five names found in other provinces belong
to men who were born in the Danube region and thus add
appreciably to the majority already given from that locality.)
Other dated uses of Pudens at Lambaesis fall in the third cen-
tury. One man of this name was born in camp. Pudentianus
is recorded on a stone at Lambaesis.
All except two of the forty-four examples of the cognomen
Rogatus belong to men enrolled in the III Augusta legion.
All except two of the instances were found in Africa. These
are C. lulius Rogatus mentioned on an inscription of the year
211 found in Pannonia, who served as a soldier in the III Augusta
and later in the II Adiutrix, and C. lulius Rogatus, a benefiti-
arius consularis of the XI Claudia recorded on an undated in-
scription found in Dalmatia.
It is reasonable to infer then that we have here a cognomen
peculiarly African. (See also Chap. Ill, Cognomina of the
African Legionaries.) The evidence in the case of Rogatianus
is similarly convincing, since all of the twenty examples have
been found in Africa. (A study of these two cognomina, Roga-
tus and Rogatianus, in the index of cognomina in CIL III and
VIII, gives further testimony to their popularity in Africa.)
In point of time Rogatus appears first as a cognomen. The
earliest dated instance belongs to a veteran (?) whose home is
Hadrumetum, in service while Hadrian was emperor. From
this time examples of Rogatus appear on inscriptions which can
be dated as late as the first quarter of the third century. Be-
sides the camp itself, Ammaedara and Carthage are mentioned
as homes of men bearing this cognomen.
Rogatianus does not appear on dated inscriptions until the
third century. And all of the examples which can be dated
exactly belong to the first half of this century. The soldiers
bearing this cognomen are probably all of African origin. The
homes mentioned are the camp, Lambaesis and Thysdrus.
One inscription from Civitas Celtianensium deserves especial
notice, because Q. Oppius Rogatus who is referred to on the stone
is a veteran of the I Adiutrix. Neither Juneman (De legione
romana I Adiu trice) nor Cagnat (L'Armee Romaine d'Afrique
2d. ed., p. 220-1) mentions this inscription in speaking of the
movements of this legion in Africa. If this inscription may be
dated with the others containing the name of this legion, i. e.,
about the year 150, then we have an early use of the cognomen
and the veteran may have come from Pannonia.
Examples of Rufus to the number of ninety-six have been
collected. The cognomen Rufinus is represented by thirty-one
examples. The geographical distribution of the cases of Rufus
is as follows : From the provinces included in CIL III forty ex-
amples have been taken; from Africa, twenty-seven; from in-
scriptions in CIL XIII, six; from Italy, nine; from England,
eight; from Spain, five; and from Gallia Narbonensis, one.
The earliest instance of the use of the cognomen is in the name
C. Aebutius Rufus, an aquilifer of the Xlth legion. The in-
scription was found at Ateste and probably is one of a group at
that place preserving the names of men sent there after the
battle of Actium. Another example is in the name Vettius Rufus
borne by a centurion in Egypt during the principate of Augustus.
Rufus is found as a cognomen in military inscriptions of the first
century no less than fifteen times. Men bearing this cognomen
indicate as their homes Aprum, Aequum, Ara Agrippinensium,
and Ravenna. Throughout the second century dated examples
may be noted from the Danube provinces and Egypt. The
homes of legionaries named Rufus in this period are Amasia,
Vicetia, Heraclea, Concordia, Beneventum (?), and Cremona.
In Africa the series of instances extends through the second
century and into the third. Men bearing this cognomen were
enrolled from Antioch, Nicomedia, Anthedo, Iguvium, Lam-
baesis, and its camp, Hadrumetum, and Prusias.
The examples of Rufinus do not follow the same lines of dis-
tribution among the provinces as have been noted in the case of
Rufus. It may be observed that usually related cognomina
flourish in the general region where the form from which they
came is common. Of the thirty-one cases collected three were
found in the Danube provinces; twenty-one, in Africa; two each
in Italy, Germany, and England; and one in Spain.
The earliest appearance is in the name of a signifer in Eng-
land from Vienna toward the end of the first century. In
Africa the use of Rufinus extends on dated inscriptions from the
year 162 to the reign of Alexander Severus (222-235). Men
bearing this cognomen joined the legion from Carthage, Thelepte,
and the camp itself. Outside of Africa, Virunum and Aequum
are the homes of men serving in Mainz and Ravenna. In Spain
Q. Cumelius Rufinus set up a tombstone to his father whose
home was Brixellum.
The cognomen Sabinus has been found in forty-two legionary
names. The cognate form Sabinianus is represented in eight
names. Sabius as a cognomen is possibly the error of the
engraver for Sabinus. The distribution of the cases of Sabinus
is as follows: Twenty-three are from provinces covered epi-
graphically by CIL III; ten come from Africa; five are taken from
Italy; three are found in inscriptions in CIL XIII; and one, in
The first instances of Sabinus in point of time are not earlier
than the middle of the first century. Later examples extend
the use of the cognomen throughout the second century and
into the third. The following cases deserve mention: L. Rutius
Sabinus has recorded after his name on the stone the words ex
Hispania. Since this man is a soldier of the X Gemina he may
have been enrolled when this legion was stationed in Spain before
the year 70. L. Petronius Sabinus, who served in three legions
during the reign of Antoninus Pius, gives Forum Brentanum as
his home. Cornelius Sabinus, whose home was Nicomedia, saw
service at Lambaesis in the reign of Hadrian. M. Antonius
Sabinus was a centurion in the X Fretensis before being trans-
ferred to the III Augusta. His home is Caesarea Augusta in
Palestine. Q. Fabius Sabinus at the camp in Lambaesis indi-
cates Carthage as his birth-place. C. lulius Sabinus enrolled
from Ratiaria in the VII Claudia and is recorded as a veteran
in the year 195. Valerius Sabinus was born at Narbo.
Sabinianus is used as a cognomen in the later period. All
the known dates are in the third century. At Lambaesis one
soldier bearing this cognomen was born in camp. Another
legionary at the same place came from Carthage. (For Salon-
ius Sabinianus signo Scammatius vid. Chap. Ill, Double
Cognomina.) Sabius appears as the cognomen in the name
Aurelius Sabius nat Surus on a stone in Egypt.
Saturninus is second in popularity to Felix as a cognomen
among the soldiers of the legions. The examples collected
number one hundred and eighty-three. Cognate forms which
appear are Saturnanus, Saturnilus, Saturnalis, Saturnus, Saturus,
and Saturio. The geographical distribution of the evidence
showing the use of Saturninus is as follows: From the provinces
covered by CIL III, twenty-four cases; from Africa, one hundred
thirty-nine; from Italy, ten; from Germany, six; from England,
three; and from Spain, one.
The earliest examples are contained in the names of two sig-
niferi in the year 65 at Alexandria. Their home is Ancyra.
Two other instances belonging to the first century occur in Dal-
matia and two in Egypt. A stone in Italy of the first century
contains the name M. Valerius Saturninus, borne by a soldier
of the IX Hispana whose home is Forum lulii. A veteran of
the Xlllth legion, M. Furius Saturninus, may have served in
the first century. Dated cases of Saturninus in the Danube
provinces for the second century are few in number. Scupi
and Sarmizegetusa are the homes of two veterans bearing this
cognomen, recorded in a military list in the year 195.
In Africa the earliest examples of Saturninus have been found
at Theveste, the camp of the III Augusta in the latter half of
the first century. Examples at Lambaesis range from the
time of the arrival of the legion at that camp during the prin-
cipate of Hadrian until the latter part of the third century. On
one military list in the year 218, eighteen men bear the cognomen
Saturninus. The homes of the men named Saturninus in
Africa are for the most part places in that province. Eleven
towns in Africa are given by several men as their birth-place.
Heliopolis and Siscia are the homes outside of Africa which are
named. Some examples of Saturninus in the third century have
been found outside of Africa, but these are few in number.
Of the cognate forms, Saturnanus in Italy is later than the
year 170. Saturnilus is found on two papyri in Egypt belong-
ing to the first half of the second century. Saturnalis and
Saturio are found on two stones in Germany. Saturnus is the
cognomen of a legionary in Pannonia whose home is Cetium.
Saturus is perhaps used for Saturnus. (Concerning the omis-
sion of "n" after "r" vid. Hoffman, De Titulis Africae Latinis,
p. 32, who does not mention this case.) It is possible to derive
the cognomen from the Greek Satyrus where "y" becomes "u"
(for this phenomenon in Africa vid. Hoffmann, op. tit. p. 70.)
As a soldier's cognomen Saturus is found at Lambaesis on
seven stones; 166 and 200 are the only dates known. (Note:
In the matter of repetition of names with the cognomen Saturn-
inus the same practice has been followed as in other names in
this chapter. For examples consult Felix.)
Like Primus, Secundus seems to have been used first as a
praenomen in the names of ordinary citizens. (Vid. CIL XIII
6899). It is found as a cognomen as early as the middle decades
of the first century and was in general use among the legionaries
into the third century. It is found evenly distributed among
the provinces and the proportion of examples agrees, roughly
speaking, with the whole number of names from the different
regions of the Roman empire. One hundred and ten examples
have been gathered ; of these thirty-four come from the provinces
embraced in CIL III, thirty-nine, from Africa, sixteen, from
Germany; eleven, from Italy (including Gallia Narbonensis);
six, from England; and three, from Spain.
The earliest group consists of seven members of the XV Apol-
linaris in Pannonia, perhaps all earlier than the year 63. Of
these one was born in camp. Another came from Savaria.
In Dalmatia where the XI Claudia was stationed between the
year 42 and Vespasian's reign one finds two soldiers, one whose
home was probably luvavum. A veteran of the VII Claudia in
the same province in this period was C. Curatius Secundus from
Augusta Troas. The group from Germany comprises almost
wholly first century names. To the years from 70-100 belong
C. Dannius Secundus from Vienna, T. lulius Secundus from
Firmum, and M. Gellius Secundus from Ara. The following
soldiers were in service before the reign of Trajan: Q. Petilius
Secundus from Milan and L. Cattonius Secundus from Virunum
were soldiers stationed at Mainz. M. Apronius Secundus (Vid.
CIL XIII 5201 for interpretation of inscription) from Lucus Augus-
ti, Q. Bisius Secundus from Brixia, and two others whose homes
are not known were enrolled in this period. Other undated ex-
amples of this cognomen occur in the case of men from Brixia and
Dertona and may well belong to the early period.
In Africa the earliest instance of Secundus is in the name of a
man born at Theveste and serving at Lambaesis in the reign of
Hadrian. About half of the African examples are dated and
it can be seen that the cognomen was in use throughout the
period which is covered by the military inscriptions from Lam-
baesis. The homes known are Carthage (3), Thysdrus (2),
Cirta, Opitergium, Hadrumetum, and Uthinia. Three men were
born in camp.
Secundus is found in the Danube region also in the second
century and probably in the third where dated inscriptions are
few. Emona and Falerio are the homes of two men bearing
this cognomen. In England the only dated example is in the
name of lulius Secundus, a centurion about the year 71. Pol-
lentia and Cremona are the homes of two legionaries in this
province. One name from Spain is dated in the year 155.
Another name is borne by a man from Albentibilis in Italy, the
province from which most of the soldiers in the early period
Secundinus and Secundianus are cognomina in this list related
to Secundus. The examples of these cognomina are later than
the first century. The Danube provinces furnish a majority
of the instances. For Aurelius Secundianus qui et Itrius vid.
Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina. The cognomen '2eanus' is the
reading of Wessely of a papyrus from Egypt written before the
year 108. In a more recent publication of this papyrus (Studien
zur Palaeographie und Papyruskunde XIV p. 3, Leipzig, 1914.)
the figure 2 has been omitted from the cognomen by the editor,
The cognomen Severus, it will be recalled, is joined to Firmus,
q. v., by E. Bormann, as one "zum Soldatendienst bestimmt."
It is not found so frequently, however, as some others in this
Chapter. Eighty-four examples have been collected; thirty-
four were found in the provinces included in CIL III; sixteen,
in Africa; thirteen, in Italy; eleven, in Germany; five each, in
England and Spain.
The earliest instances are placed in the period before the year
42. These are M. Domitius Severus from Brixia, a soldier of
the Xlth legion in Dalmatia, and Babudius Severus, a centurion
of the IXth legion in England. Twelve names with the cogno-
men Severus can be dated between the years 42 and 100. Several
of these names are accompanied by the name of the town from
which the men came, e. g., Aquae Statiellae, Ticinum, Verona,
Aequum, Vienna, and Antipolis. Some other soldiers who are
not much later than the first century indicate as their homes
Arretium, Alba Pompeia, and Lucus Augusti.
During the second century Severus is found in the Danube
provinces seven times in a military list about the year 134, and
later, in the third century three times in an inscription (about
the year 212). Other instances are scattered. In Egypt two
cases of Severus can be dated in the years 194 and 240. The
group from Africa attracts attention, because it is perhaps poss-
ible to see here the waning popularity of the cognomen. One
centurion, Fundanius Severus, seems to belong to the latter
half of the first century, when the III Augusta was in Theveste.
Five men bearing this cognomen in Africa served during the
reign of Hadrian and their homes are all outside of the province,
Arado, Gazza, Gen — , Nicomedia, and Tolomais. In the reign
of Antonius Pius there is a case of Severus borne by a man from
Naragarra. Dyrrachium is the home of another Severus; the
inscription is not dated. Hadrumetum and the camp (at Lam-
baesis) are the only towns in Africa mentioned in this group.
In the later period, C. lulius Severus belongs to the reign of
Alexander Severus (222-235). This name is found in another
inscription undated. The same man may be referred to in both.
C. Domitius Severus at Cartenna is a soldier of the XXII Pri-
migenia; date uncertain, possibly third century. Three remain
undated. In the name of Aristius Severus the cognomen is by
no means certain. The province of Germany contributes ex-
amples of Severus in the first century and the name is still in
use in the third. The same may be said of Italy.
Severinus is found six times in the inscriptions from the Danube
provinces, probably all later than the first century. Severianus
is represented by four scattered examples. Severius Severianus
in Raetia (238-244) exhibits a feature of the later period; for
other instances of this sort vid. Chap. Ill, Similarity between
Nomen and Cognomen.
Thirty-four examples are included under this cognomen in the
alphabetical list. Ten are found in the Danube provinces;
seventeen in Africa; three in Italy; one each in Arabia, Spain,
Germany, and England. The related cognomina, Silvinus and
Silvester, are represented by three names each. Silvanus ap-
pears in the following names of the first century: L. Pomponius
Silvanus, a soldier in the Xlth legion, has been placed earlier
than the year 42 by Van der Weerd, Etudes sur les trois Legions
romaines du Bas-Danube, p. 228. C. Gavius Silvanus was
primus pilus of the VIII Augusta at Taurini in the year 65.
Several names belong to the period before the reign of Vespasian :
L. Valerius Silvanus was a soldier of the VI Victrix in Spain;
Titius Silvanus was a centurion of the XI Claudia in Dalmatia;
and Sex. lulius Silvanus served in the same province. Three
other names can be dated in the second century and two are to
be placed in the third. At Lambaesis ten of the seventeen ex-
amples can be dated in the years from 198 to the reign of Alex-
ander Severus (222-235). Another soldier named Silvanus was
born in camp. Carthage is the home of a soldier at Lambaesis
and of another serving in Arabia. lulius Silvanus on a stone at
Lambaesis and Verecunda probably refers to the same man.
Those undated in this and other places may be read from the
alphabetical list.
Silvinus is the cognomen of two legionaries later than the
principate of Septimius Severus. Silvester appears in one name
of the first century and another of the third. The other examples
can not be dated. For Silvanius Silvester vid. Chapter III,
Similarity between Nomen and Cognomen.
For the use of Tertius as a praenomen vid. CIL XIII 6939.
Twenty-two examples of the use of Tertius as a cognomen have
been collected. Cognomina related to Tertius are Tertinus,
Tertianus, Tertiolus, Tertullus, Tertullinus, and Tertullianus.
The distribution of the examples of Tertius is as follows: From
the inscriptions published in CIL III eight cases are taken; from
inscriptions found in Africa, three; from those in Germany,
nine; from those in Italy, two. Three examples appear in the
names of men who are natives of Italian towns, while one of the
examples in Italy is the cognomen of a man born in Pannonia.
The homes in Italy named by legionaries bearing the cognomen
Tertius are Cremona, Hasta, and Placentia. Virunum is the
home of a man named Tertius serving in Mainz. The earliest
date in this list for the use of Tertius is before the principate of
Vespasian. The latest instances belong to the third century.
Lambaesis is the home of Numitorius Tertius, who was a veteran
probably about the year 200.
Of the cognate forms noted above Tertullus is the only one to
appear on stones of the first century. Three of the six instances
of its use as a cognomen belong to the period before the reign
of Vespasian. L. Valerius Tertullus, whose home is Laus, was
stationed at Mainz probably in the first century. Two names
with the cognomen Tertullus at Lambaesis can be dated in the
years 144 and 218. Tertullinus and Tertinus are recorded in
inscriptions published in CIL III. Tertiolus is preserved in a
name in Africa. Tertullianus is the cognomen of a centurion
in England. Tertinus is represented by names on stones at
Mainz and in Noricum.
Seventeen of the twenty-one examples of this cognomen come
from Africa; two from Spain; one each from Pannonia and
Germany. The last mentioned is the earliest; L. Cornelius
Urbanus, a soldier of the XXI Rapax, was in Germany between
the year 70 and the reign of Hadrian. In Africa the first dated
name is lulius Urbanus, borne by a centurion of the III Augusta
in the year 162. Ten others can be dated from the years 198
to 218. Two men bearing this cognomen came from Cirta;
one was born in camp. L. Alfidius Urbanus, from Spain, was
a speculator of the VII Gemina about the year 200. Aelius
Urbanus is the name in an inscription in Pannonia of the year
Urbicus also appears as a legionary cognomen. An early
spelling is found in the case of C. Vetienius Urbiqus, a tubicen
of the first century in Germany. From Carnuntum a stone
reads Sextus Gellius Urbicus natione Cilix. Vienna is the
home of D. Capienius Urbicus in England. Two other cases
are undated. Urbicinus is found in the name of P. Aelius Ur-
bicinus, a frumentarius at Rome.
The cognomen Valens or Vales, which has been listed sep-
arately for convenience, has been found in one hundred and
fifty-two names. Related to this cognomen are Valentinus,
Valetinus, and Valentianus. The geographical distribution of
the examples of Valens or Vales is as follows : From the provinces
the inscriptions of which are published inCIL III one hundred
and eight instances have been taken; from Africa, twenty-four;
from Italy, ten; from Germany, six; one from England, and one
example from Spain, if in this instance Valens is the correct restor-
ation of the cognomen, the first letters of which appear on the
The earliest uses of Valens or Vales are found in inscriptions
which can be dated in the second half of the first century. Ten
examples can be assigned to this period. Two soldiers bearing
this cognomen were born in Heraclea and Ara Agrippinensium.
Mantua is the home of M. Sulpicius Valens, whose period of
service may belong to the first century. During the second
century the cognomen Valens was in frequent use in the Danube
provinces. In a military list which was cut on the stone about
the year 134 twelve instances of Valens are preserved. In a
similar inscription in the year 155 this cognomen appears in
nine names. Still later in a list of veterans at Viminacium in the
year 195 nineteen men bear the cognomen Valens. In the last
mentioned inscription the homes of the men are recorded with
the names. The towns are all in Moesia. In other inscriptions
in this region the homes of men bearing the cognomen Valens
are Heraclea, Salona, Stobi, Ancyra, Amasia, and Amastris.
In Africa we find that several of the soldiers named Valens
are not natives of that province. Eight men with this name
are recorded in a list cut during the reign of Hadrian. (No
other list at Lambaesis contains so many instances.) Of this
number five men come from the East; their homes are Sidonia,
Capitolis, Heliopolis, and Tolomais. Cyrene and Hippo are
also indicated on this stone as the birth-places of two men bear-
ing the cognomen Valens. C. lulius Valens natio Surus was
transferred from the III Gallica to the III Augusta. Three men
possessing the name Valens found on stones in Africa belong to
legions stationed in that region only for short intervals and
probably these men were not born there. Africa, in compari-
son with other sections, has few instances of Valens used as a
soldier's cognomen. Besides the cases in the principate of Had-
rian, four others can be placed in the second century and four
in the third. This decline would seem to indicate that this
cognomen was not a popular one among the members of the III
Augusta legion. Two of the men who bear it were enrolled
from Theveste and two were born in camp.
Instances of Valens in the Danube provinces during the third
century are not common, but this is largely due to the small
number of datable inscriptions in this period. All the evidence,
however, points to its frequent and continued use in this part
of the empire. The latest example is dated in the year 295 on
a papyrus at Oxyrhynchus.
The thirty examples of the cognomen Valentinus follow the
general distribution of the use of the name Valens. Eighteen
military inscriptions published in CIL III preserve the cog-
nomen Valentinus; five instances are found in Africa; five in
Italy; two in Germany. The two inscriptions from Germany
may belong to the first century, and, if so, constitute the earliest
use of Valentinus among the soldiers. The name on one stone
is C. Vibullius Valentinus, whose home is Milan. Along the
Danube the cognomen Valentinus is in use later than the first
century. Dated examples range from the years 134 to 294.
In Africa Valentinus is the cognomen of two men of native
origin: viz., from Hadrumetum and Cirta. A centurion Valen-
tinus of the secunda Flavia in Africa is later than Diocletian's
reorganization of the army.
The following men deserve mention: L. Arbustius Valentinus,
whose home is Cremona, and Salvinius Valentinus natus Carn-
unto are names of men serving in Italy. In Syria L. Philocalus
Valentinus gives Gadara as his home. Valetinus and Valen-
tianus are cognomina found once in the names of legionaries.
Before speaking of Valerianus there are several examples of
Valerius as a cognomen which must be noticed. The sixteen
cases here collected are from the provinces included in CIL
III, except for one each from Italy and England. Valerius was
in origin a nomen and as a cognomen cannot be dated earlier
than the second century. The earliest date of the appearance
of this cognomen is in the year 155 in the name Flavius Valerius
borne by a soldier of the XI Claudia in Moesia. One of the
latest uses is in the name of a tesserarius of the same legion in
Oxyrhynchus in the year 295. Another example not earlier
than the reign of Diocletian is in the name Ulpius Valerius,
borne by a speculator of the I Norica in Noricum. Nearly all
of the instances of Valerius can be dated and these fall within
the limits just mentioned. Ampelum may be the home of T.
Flavius Valerius, a veteran at Viminacium in the year 195.
Thirty-four examples of Valerianus are presented here.
Twenty-two cases come from the provinces included in CIL III;
five were found in Africa; four in Italy; two in Germany; and
one in Gallia Narbonensis. The earliest instance is not later
than the reign of Vespasian. Other dated examples belong to
the second and third centuries. The following cases deserve
mention: D. Valerius Valerianus, whose home was Vienna, was
a soldier at Rome. T. Flavius Valerianus, whose home was
Oescus in Moesia, was a frumentarius in Rome. In the same
city in the year 208, L. Domitius Valerianus was in service
from Capitolias in Syria. Antioch is the home of a tubicen
bearing the cognomen Valerianus, who became a veteran at
Alexandria in the year 194.
Valerinus and Valerio appear also as the cognomina of legion-
aries on stones in Dacia and at Lyons. Balerianus is, doubtless,
a variant spelling of Valerianus.
The twenty-two examples of Verecundus here collected are
well scattered. The Danube provinces and Germany contribute
seven each; four were found on Italian soil; two at Lambaesis;
one each in Spain and Syria. Several instances of the use of
this cognomen belong to the first century. D. Miscenius Vere-
cundus was a centurion of the XV Apollinaris at Carnuntum,
probably before that legion left for the East in the year 63.
Caecilius Verecundus, a centurion in Dalmatia, D. lunius Vere-
cundus and Seionius Verecundus, centurions at Mainz, were in
service in the early period. In the first century L. Valerius
Verecundus is thought to have come from Vienna. Vercellae
furnished a Verecundus to the XXI Rapax probably in the first
century. C. lulius Verecundus, who adds Traianensis, is dated
about the year 100, a soldier at Bonn. Savaria and Sarmize-
getusa are homes near the Danube of two men bearing this
cognomen. C. Mettius Verecundus came from Alba Pompeia,
and Q. Moneius Verecundus adds Narbonensis. L. Campanius
Verecundus belongs to the tribe Pollia. At Lambaesis lulius
Verecundus was in service during the reign of Alexander Severus
(222-235). (This case is by far the latest of Verecundus as a
soldier's cognomen.)
The cognomen Verus has been found in thirty-three legion-
ary names. Cognomina related to Verus are Verissumus and
Verinus. The distribution of the examples of Verus is as follows:
Fifteen have been taken from the provinces covered by CIL
III; eight from Africa; five from inscriptions published in CIL
XIII; three from Italy; and two from England.
The earliest instance is in the name Licinius Verus from an
inscription in Egypt cut during the principate of Augustus. At
least seven examples can be dated in the latter half of the first
century. Lucus Augusti, Forum lulii, and Vienna are the
homes of men bearing the cognomen Verus not later than the
year 70. Dated cases of the second and third centuries in the
Danube provinces are found but not frequently. Dertona is
the home of C. Cornelius Verus, who served in Pannonia later
than the first century. Ammaedara is the birth-place of a
soldier of the I Adiutrix. This inscription is probably to be
dated later than the middle of the second century when this
legion was in Africa. Ammaedara is also the home of two men
bearing this cognomen at Lambaesis. One legionary served
during the reign of Alexander Severus (222-235). The other
has the same name and possibly the same man is referred to on
both stones. Cirta and the camp are given as the homes of two
more men at Lambaesis named Verus. Verinus has been found
as a soldier's cognomen in nine inscriptions; all appear to be
later than the first century. Cemenelum is the home of L.
Gratius Verinus. One example of Verissimus is noted in the
name of a veteran, whose home is Ratiaria in Moesia. The
inscription found in the same province was cut in the year 195.
The cognomen Victor would seem to fill all the requirements
of a suitable cognomen for soldiers and it causes us no surprise
to find that it is one of the most frequent cognomina. One
hundred and sixty-eight examples have been collected. The
cognomina Victorinus, Victorianus, and Victorius are also used
by the soldiers and will be mentioned later. The distribution
of the evidence showing the use of Victor as a cognomen is as
follows: Eighteen cases are taken from the provinces included
in CIL III; one hundred and twenty-five come from Africa;
fourteen are found in the provinces included in CIL XIII; and
.iix were recovered from inscriptions found in Italy; two each,
in England and Spain.
The earliest and perhaps the only use of the first century is
in the name of C. lulius Victor from Hispalis, a soldier of the
X Gemina. Lucius Valerius Victor, a soldier of the XXIId
legion at Mainz, is not certainly of the first century because of
the omission of the word "Primigenia" in citing the legion.
The group of Victors from the Danube region range from about
the year 134 to the third century. Three men named Victor
are found in the East, and one centurion bearing the cognomen
Victor was stationed in Egypt in the interval between the years
120 and 140. Aelius Victor from Trimontium is the only
veteran with this cognomen in the list in the year 195 found
at Viminacium which contained Valens so many times. C.
Castricius Victor gives Comum as his birth-place; the inscrip-
tion is undated. An eques in Dacia bearing the cognomen
Victor came from lader. The stone was cut later than the
reign of Trajan.
If we turn to the large number from Africa, an examination
of the cases of Victor borne by men enrolled in the III Augusta
shows that about seventy can be dated. The earliest use is
perhaps in the name of a veteran preserved at Thamugadi,
possibly before the legion moved its camp to Lambaesis during
the reign of Hadrian. In the first military list at the new camp,
when Hadrian was emperor, L. Antonius Victor from Scytopolis
is recorded. From this time until the year 275 (the end of
Aurelian's reign), the cognomen Victor enjoyed great popularity.
In the year 218 nineteen duplarii bore this cognomen. The
small number of centurions is noticeable; only three possessed
this name in the III Augusta. To name the homes from which
Victors came to join the legion at Lambaesis is to mention many
of the towns of Africa; thirteen have been preserved. Seven men
named Victor were born in camp.
For other scattered cases of Victor outside of Africa consult
the alphabetical list. All except one of the dated uses of Victor
in Germany belong to the third century. One name found in
Italy is borne by a man of African origin — Q. Cornelius Victor
nat Afer.
Victorinus (forty-eight examples), strangely, does not follow
the same development as Victor among the legions. The Dan-
ube provinces lead with twenty cases; fourteen come from
Africa; eight from Germany; three from England; two from
Rome; and one from Genava. Of the first century there is
one instance in the name of a centurion of the VI Victrix in
Germany; L. Titennius Victorinus from Bononia was a soldier
in Germany between the reigns of Vespasian and Trajan. In
the Danube region Victorinus appears later than the first cen-
tury. Aelius Victorinus, a soldier in Moesia in the year 155,
is the earliest name to which an exact date can- be assigned.
M. Aebutius Victorinus from Poetovio is a centurion of seven
legions after the reign of Trajan at Ancyra. A stone cut in the
third century at Rome records the name of a man in service
there in the cohorts, formerly a legionary: viz., Aurelius Vic-
torinus, who adds natione Dacisca regione Sardica.
In Africa one notes T. Flavius Victorinus from Damascus
at Lambaesis during the reign of Hadrian as the earliest soldier
to bear this cognomen here. Sex. Vettius Victorinus, born in
camp, was a veteran about the year 198. Six examples can be
dated in the third century. Besides a Victorinus born in camp,
Siscia and Traianopolis, both in Europe, are mentioned as the
homes of men bearing this cognomen. In Germany the dated
cases of Victorinus belong to the third century.
Victorianus appears in the name C. Atilius Livius Victorianus
borne by a veteran at Lambaesis. For the double nomen vid.
Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina. Victorius is the cognomen
in an inscription from Dacia and in two at Lambaesis; one of
these is dated in the reign of Aurelian (270-275).
Sixty-nine instances of the cognomen Vitalis have been col-
lected. One example of the spelling Vitales has been found.
Vitealis affords another variant. The cognomen Vitalianus is
preserved on one stone in a soldier's name. Twenty cases of
Vitalis come from the Danube provinces; twenty-nine from
Africa; ten from the provinces included in CIL XIII; five from
England; four from Italy; and one from Spain.
The period between the years 42 and 70 is the earliest date
to which any instances can be assigned. The cases in point are:
C. Octavius Vitalis from Brixia, a veteran in Dalmatia, Aurelius
Vitalis, a veteran in Moesia, and L. Celerinius Vitalis of the IX
Hispana in England. Ti. Claudius Vitalis was a centurion of
several legions at Rome during the reign of Domitian. Those
who come from Italian towns are generally early and Vitalis is
known from Blaera, Hasta, and Ticinum. Interamnia is the
home of a primus pilus of the III Augusta, Ti. Claudius Vitalis
at Lambaesis; the date is uncertain. In Moesia and Pannonia
Vitalis is found throughout the second century and into the
third. In the year 195 at Viminacium three veterans born in
camp and one from Ratiaria bear this cognomen. In Africa
Vitalis is found during the second and third centuries as a name
for legionaries of African origin. Four were born in camp.
Another gives Lambaesis as his home. Ammaedara, Carthage,
Simitthus, Theveste, and Tipasa also furnished men bearing
this cognomen to the III Augusta. The earliest date in Ger-
many for Vitalis is in the year 186; four other cases can be as-
signed to the first half of the third century. One instance from
England has been mentioned above. Another is dated in the
year 191. lulius Vitalis (undated) adds after his name natione
No. of Instances
Per Cent.
No. of Instances
Per Cent.
No. of Instances
Alexander —
Antoninus... .
Including Alexsander and Alex"
Including Clemens and Clemes.
Including Crescens and Cresces.
Including Aemeritus.
Including Ingenuus and Ingenus.
Including lulanus.
Including Maxsimus, Maxsumus,
and Maxumus.
Including Proclus.
Including Pudes.
Candidus. . . .
Celer ... .
Crispus ....
Fortunatus. . .
Germanus —
Honoratus. . .
lanuarius. . . .
Marcellinus . .
Marcianus. . .
Maximus ....
Rogatianus. . .
Sabinus . .
Saturninus. . .
Secundus ....
ncliuliiit? V flics.
Valentinus. ..
Valerianus. . .
Verecundus. .
Victorinus.. . .
including Vitales.
NOTE — The general proportionate distribution of the inscriptions among the
provinces will be recalled from the Foreword at the beginning of this chapter: viz.,
about one-third from the provinces of which the inscriptions are published in CIL
III, slightly over one-third from the territory of Africa except Egypt, and the re-
remainder from other parts of the Roman Empire. This distribution makes the
normal percentage in these different regions about 33.
A few words of explanation may make clear the method which
has been employed of classifying the cognomina in the present
collection. There are three general classes which in turn per-
mit of several subdivisions. In the first class will be found
cognomina arranged according to form and meaning: i. e., ad-
jectives, nouns, and diminutives to which sections dealing with
names connected the names of divinities and the names of
emperors have been added. The great majority of the words
in these groups are of Roman or Italian origin. The second
class is composed of those cognomina which have similar endings :
e. g.t -a, -ianus, etc. Here almost as many names of foreign
as of Roman origin will be found. The third class is entirely
devoted to words of foreign origin: i. e., Celtic, Greek, Thracian,
It will be observed that a name may appear in more than one
section of the classification. E. g., a Punic name ending in -o
will be noted in two classes, a noun ending in -a will also be
recorded in two classes, and so on. The cognomen Martialis
offers a case in point. First, it is considered with those adjectives
suitable in meaning to serve as the cognomina of soldiers. It
may also refer to a birthday and at the same time must be men-
tioned in the group of names connected with the names of
divinities. Finally it is listed with the cognomina which end
in -lis.
In each section the cognomina involved are listed alphabet-
ically and some general remarks concerning the significance of
that particular group of names and the earliest names are made.
The most noteworthy names receive especial mention. In each
section, however, the details in regard to the individual names
must be sought in the proper place in the large alphabetical
list. It has been impossible to attempt any complete repeti-
tion of the data available there.
In the classification of adjectives considerable freedom has
been exercised in the assignment of names under each heading.
Further classification might be thought advisable although it
is believed that the arrangement adopted is reasonable and con-
There are 1333 different cognomina in this collection. This
number is computed on the basis that a variant spelling: e. g.,
Clemes for Clemens forms two distinct cognomina. This
separation has been adhered to throughout and will be found to
make the study of the names in the alphabetical list a simpler
Cognomina have been arranged in the following sections.
A. Adjectives used as Cognomina.
A 1. Adjectives denoting qualities suited to men in military
A 2. Adjectives denoting physical characteristics.
A 3. Adjectives denoting mental or moral characteristics.
A 4. Adjectives with geographical or racial significance.
A 5. Numeral adjectives.
A 6. Adjectives relating to birthdays.
A 7. Participial adjectives.
A 8. Adjectives in the comparative and superlative forms.
A 9. Adjectives not elsewhere classified.
B. Nouns used as Cognomina.
C. Diminutives used as Cognomina.
D. Praenomina used as Cognomina.
E. Cognomina connected with the names of divinities.
F. Names of Emperors used as Cognomina.
G. TV ell-known cognomina at Rome which are found in the
names of legionaries.
A. Cognomina ending in -a.
B. Cognomina ending in -anus.
C. Cognomina ending in -ianus.
D. Cognomina ending in -inus.
E. Cognomina ending in -ius.
F. Cognomina ending in -lis.
G. Cognomina ending in -o.
H. Cognomina ending in -osus.
I. Cognomina ending in -x.
A. Cognomina of Arabic origin.
B. Cognomina of Celtic origin.
C. Cognomina of Egyptian origin.
D. Cognomina of Germanic origin.
E. Cognomina of Greek origin.
F. Cognomen of Illyrian origin.
G. Cognomen of Ligurian origin.
H. Cognomina of Persian origin.
I. Cognomina of Phrygian origin.
J. Cognomina of Punic origin.
K. Cognomina of Semitic origin.
L. Cognomina of Thracian origin.
M. Cognomina of uncertain origin.
Cognomina not elsewhere classified.
About four hundred, or nearly one-third of the whole number
of different cognomina, are in the form of adjectives. These
have been subdivided into several related groups as shown by
the headings indicated in the foreword to this chapter. The
practice of using an adjective as a cognomen is observed in the
earliest names of soldiers which have come down to us, and it
is also widespread, for fully half of the total number of names in
the alphabetical list contains a cognomen in the form of an ad-
Following the suggestion of Bormann (Vid. Introduction),
who described the cognomina Firmus and Severus as names
suited to men in military service, the present section is made
up of a number of cognomina which seem properly to belong
under such a heading. These are:
Acer Constans Fidus Pervincus
Acutus Costa Fidelis Promptus
Audax Dexter Firmus Repentinus
Audeus Efficax Fortis Robustus
Bellicus Exupereus Fortunatus Severus
Castrensb Faustus Laevus Tenax
Catua Felicissimus Martialis Torquatus
Celer Felix Militaris Valens
Certus Ferox Militio Velox
Classicus Festus Pertinax
This list of suitable names may be increased by other cognomina
not adjectives. The noun Victor is pre-eminently a proper
cognomen for a soldier. Vindex also deserves mention here.
Names of military offices appear as cognomina, Pequarius, Polio,
Princeps, Tribunus, and Veteranus. Ballista and Castellus
are not out of place in a soldier's name. Some names of Greek
origin are suitable for use in the name of a soldier; these are
Achilleus, Alexander, Anicetus, Deiotarus, and Nicomachus.
Under this heading are found several of the most popular
cognomina: viz., Faustus, Felix, Festus, and Fortunatus, the
names of good omen common in Africa, Celer, Firmus, Severus
and Valens, the names of valor which prevail in the Danube
region, Martialis and Victor, propitious names for the soldier
also frequent in Africa. Some other names seem to us equally
suitable for the legionary, Bellicus, Fortis, and Pervincus, but
these have not come down to the present day in such large
numbers as those just mentioned.
Several of the names in this group are found as cognomina
in the first century. Among the earliest to be used are Celer,
Firmus, Severus, and Valens. The names Castrensis, Mili-
taris, Militio, and Torquatus are later than the first century.
The cognomen Audeus is found in an inscription from Dacia.
The full name is P. Aelius Septimius Audeus qui et Maximus.
(For the supernomen vid. Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina.)
The spelling on the stone is Audeo and so Lambertz (Glotta
IV p. 132) reads this form as a nominative. The Index Cog-
nominum of CIL III adopts the form Audeus. The double
nomen Aelius Septimius is not frequent (vid. Chapter III L
c. and cf. Mucapor and Romanus). This inscription is later
than the reign of Trajan. On the use of the cognomen Fidelis
among Roman citizens vid. Kubitschek, Jahres. Wien. 1899
Beibl, 73. The name Constans appears also as Costas and the
spelling Costa is restored to Constans.
The following cognomina are adjectives which denote physical
characteristics :
Albus Flaccus Magnus Rufus
Aprinus Flacus Maior Salutaris
Aquilus Flavus Masculus Silo
Balbus Flaus Masgilus Taurinus
Barosus Florus Maximus Tauriscus
Bellus Fuscus Mutilus Vegetus
Calvus Gracilis Niger Venustus
Candidas Longus Paetus Virilis
Celsus Lucidus Paulus Vitalis
Crispus Macellus Paullus
Equinus Macer Piscinus
Among this number are several cognomina which appear also
in Chap. I; Candidus, Crispus, Fuscus, Maximus, Niger,
Rufus, and Vitalis. The prevalence of these seven names bears
witness to the frequent use of cognomina of this kind in the name
of men in the legions. Celsus, Florus, Longus, and Magnus
have been recorded in more than ten names each. Several
cognomina are formed from the names of animals, Aprinus,
Equinus, Taurinus, and Tauriscus, cf. Caprarius. Piscinus
may be mentioned in this connection. Adjectives referring to
size are Celsus, Longus, Macer, Marcellus, Magnus (Maior and
Maximus), and Paulus. Adjectives indicating color are Albus,
Candidus, Flavus, Fuscus, Lucidus, Niger, and Rufus. Certain
peculiarities of the body are denoted by the words Balbus,
Calvus, Crispus, Flaccus, Mutilus, Paetus, and Silo. Bellus,
Gracilis, and Venustus point to attractive qualities.
Cognomina of this kind are used in the early period by the
soldiers. Among the earliest legionary cognomina which have
been preserved are Celsus, Magnus, Niger, Rufus, Longus, and
Flaccus. The use here of the words "physical characteristics"
is not by any means intended to convey the impression that
the man who bore the cognomen received it because he had the
particular physical peculiarity which the cognomen indicates.
Such a name as Rufus can scarcely have retained its physical
significance. But at this distance it is impossible to determine
how far these names were suited to their bearers. It seems
useful, however, to have the cognomina of this kind brought
On Mutilus vid. comm. in CIL XIII 8591 cf. 2583. This
cognomen is found also in Frontinus, Strat. 1. 5, 17 and Livy,
Epit. 89. On Paulus vid. Schulze, Lat. Eigennamen p. 508.
Masgilus is perhaps related to Masculus and for that reason
has been listed with it.
The following adjectives which denote mental or moral char-
acteristics are found as cognomina in the names of Roman
Aequus Dignissimus Mansuetus Securus
Aequos Disertus Melior Sedatus
Amabilis Dubius Mellitus Sedulus
Amenus Facilis Memor Serenus
Apricosus Festivus Moderatus Serranos
Asper Frugi Modestus Simplex
Avidus Garrulus Nobilis Sterceius
Bibulus Genialis Pius Suavis
Bonus Gratus Placentus Tacitus
Bonosus Honestus Placidus Verax
Cams Hospitalis Probus Verecundus
Castus Innocens Prudens Verus
Clarus lucundus Pudens Verissimus
Clemens lustus Quietus
Clemes Laetus Respectus
Dignus Lepidus Sanctus
Of the sixty-one names here listed six have been used frequently
enough to come under the heading of popular cognomina: viz.,
Castus, Clemens, lustus, Pudens, Verecundus, and Verus.
Mansuetus, Modestus, and Probus are represented by ten or
more examples.
As in the case of adjectives denoting physical characteristics
the literal meaning of the adjectives under this heading can
not be pressed closely in every case. In some names, however,
we may feel sure that the name was in some way suited to the
men who bore them. Sterceius is certainly an undesirable
name and was probably applied with full knowledge of its mean-
ing. Asper, Avidus, Bibulus, and Garrulus may well have been
bestowed in disparagement of a soldier. In contrast to these
names of an uncomplimentary nature, the adjectives indicating
favorable qualities are many and widely scattered. Cognomina
of this kind appear during the first century in the names of men
enrolled in the legions. For these details and others consult
the alphabetical list. The Greek name Asmenus, Aristo, and
Hilarus should be mentioned here on account of their agreement
in meaning with other names in this section. On the name
Frugi it is interesting to note what Cicero (Tusc. 3, 8, 16 seq)
has to say in regard to the application of this name to L. Piso.
The cognomen Clarus has been noted in the names of African
legionaries only.
Adjectives which contain geographical or racial indications
are often used among the legionaries as cognomina. The fol-
lowing names have been found:
Several other adjectives also contain the idea of locality and
may be mentioned in this connection. These are Agrinus,
Barbarus, Gentilis, Marinus, Maritimus, Montanus, (Mun-
tanus), Peregrinus, Provincialis, Rusticus, Silvanus, Silvinus,
Silvester, Urbanus, Urbicus, and Vicanus. The names Ger-
manus, Sabinus, Silvanus, and Urbanus are found with some
frequency and have been discussed in Chap. I. Romanus
appears as a cognomen in nineteen names.
Names of this kind which can be dated during the first cen-
tury are Etruscus (before the year 42), Hispelo (before the year
43), Laco (37-41), Hister, Maurinus, and Tuscus (42-70),
Romulus (before the year 62), Tarquiniensis (before the year
63), Albanus, Campanus, Celtiber, and Italicus (before the year
70); Atticinus, ladestinus, and Lugudunolus belong to the first
The natural conclusion regarding the names containing geo-
graphical indications is that the names constitute a reference
to the particular regions from which came the men who bear
them. There appear to be some exceptions to this supposition
and these may be due to the fact that the name was employed
without conscious reflection upon its literal meaning. The
following cases throw some light on the usage of "geographical'*
cognomina. Africanus and Africus are the cognomina of men
in service at Lambaesis. Capetolinus is borne by a centurion
whose home is Capetolias. Celtiber is the cognomen of a cen-
turion in Spain. Cilicianus is found on a stone in Syria. Moesi-
cus is the cognomen of a veteran in Moesia Inferior. ladestinus
is borne by a soldier whose home is lader. Raeticus is found
in Raetia and also in England. Noricus is found in England as
well. Panno and Parthicus are taken from inscriptions in Ger-
many. Gallicus and Laurentinus are found in Africa. Gae-
tulicus appears in Africa and England. C. lulius Lugudunolus,
a soldier in Africa, was born at Augustodunum. L. Publicius
Florentinus was born at Lambaesis. Aurelius Germanus adds
natione Dacus to his name. Theveste is the home of M. Valer-
ius Aquileiensis, cf. Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina, for the
supernomen Aquensis. Cuiculum, also in Africa, is the birth-
place of C. lulius Arabus. Cirta, in the same province, is the
home of Mummius Atticus. M. Aurelius Romanus was born at
Antioch, Caecilius Romanus at Tipasa, and M. Novellius Ro-
manus at Milan. In these cases the men may have become
citizens early in life or perhaps through pride in the citizenship
of their fathers they took the name Romanus. The reasons are
not so apparent for the use of Sabinus, which has been noted as
the cognomen of men born in Caesarea Augusta, Nicomedia,
Ratiaria, Carthage, Amasium, Narbo, Forum Brentanum, and
Spain. Germanus is read as the cognomen of a soldier at Lambaesis
who was born in camp. M. Cocceius Germanus, a soldier in
Arabia, had in addition a native name, 'AouetBo?. Gaius Seius
Atticus, an optio in the Vlth legion at Hierapolis, was also known
as M6ax<*S MetX^ffio?- In the case of a third supernomen, Nonius
Saloninus qui et signo Dalmatis, there seems to be a connection
between the two names. The cognomen Saloninus indicates
the town Salonae and the supernomen Dalmatis is obviously a
reference to the province Dalmatia in which Salonae is located.
The name Aurassus is connected with the name of a moun-
tain in Numidia, cf. Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina, for an
example of a supernomen Aurassius. Curia and Curta are
names of places in Pannonia. Sausa may be related to Sau,
the name of a river in Pannonia. Soranus is perhaps from Sora.
Romanus as a cognomen in the names of legionaries can not
be dated earlier than the second century. Nineteen examples
have been noted. Africa and the Danube provinces, including
Dalmatia, afford seven examples each. Germany and England
contribute two each and Italy has one soldier's name with this
cognomen. Three of the five examples of Ponticus are found
in a single inscription in Moesia which is dated earlier than the
reign of Marcus Aurelius. One other instance is noted in Moesia
and a soldier in Egypt in the year 90 has this cognomen. His
home is outside of Egypt.
A list of this kind, i. e., cognomina formed from the names of
towns and provinces, may well be used to supplement the data
from inscriptions in regard to the birth-place of men in the
A few names have a second cognomen which contains a refer-
ence to the home of the man who bears it. These are discussed
in Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina. The "geographical" cog-
nomina are 'A0Yjva!o<;, Cemenelensis, Iguvinus, Marrucinus,
Narbonensis, and Vicetinus.
All the numeral adjectives except those for "eighth" and
"ninth," are used among the soldiers as cognomina. Primus
(Protus), Secundus, Tertius, Quartus, Quintus (Cointus), Sex-
tus (Sexstus), Septimus, and Decimus are represented in the
present collection by one or more instances. These are ac-
companied by diminutives and derivatives which may be con-
sulted in the alphabetical list. Secundus, Primus, and Tertius
have been found most frequently and some discussion of these
cognomina appears in Chap. I. Septimus and Sextus are
used least. The use of Primus, Secundus, Tertius, Quintus,
Sextus, and Decimus as praenomina is noted in a later section.
Quintus and Sextus, the latter particularly, seem to have been
used longer as praenomina and for that reason their employment
as cognomina falls later than the first century. Primus, Secun-
dus, and Tertius are found on several stones cut in the first cen-
tury. Numerus appears as a cognomen in the name of a soldier
serving in Pannonia.
Cognomina in the form of adjectives which relate to birth-
days are found in the following names: The first group, with
the exception of the first word in it, is made up of the names of
the months. Kalendinus (Kalandinus), lanuarius, Martialis,
Aprilis, lunius, lulius, Augustalis, October, and December.
The names of the second group refer to seasons or festivals,
Natalis, Brumasius, Capratinus, Cerialis, Cerealis, Liberalis,
Neptunalis, Quirinalis, KuptvaXiog, Saturnalis, Saturnilus, Sat-
urninus, and Terminalis. For a recent discussion of these
names and others of similar import not appearing in this collec-
tion vid. Gottanka, Epigraphische Beitrage, Augsburg, 1912.
The most common names in this class are lanuarius, Martialis,
and Saturninus, which have been discussed in Chap . I. These
names are especially abundant in Africa and there are doubtless
other reasons for their widespread popularity in that province
than a reference to birthdays. These names are mentioned
again in the section relating to the names of divinities. Consult
further Chap. Ill, The Cognomina of African Legionaries, and
for Martialis, Section One of this chapter. lulius and lunius are
more strictly nomina, vid. Cognomina ending in -ius. The
word Liberalis is also connected with some other idea than that
of the god. The fourteen examples extend from the period
before the reign of Claudius to that of Aurelian (270-275). It
is interesting to note that a man whose name is Cerealis enjoyed
the office of frumentarius at Rome for his legion and possibly
this occupation would serve to account for his cognomen.
The following adjectives in participial form appear as cog-
nomina in the names of men in the legions:
Quad rat us
Of this number, thirty-nine are in the form of past participles,
ten in the form of present participles, three in gerundive form,
and one seems to be in the form of a future participle. The
names found most frequently are Crescens, Datus, Donatus,
Emeritus, Honoratus, Optatus, and Rogatus. Some explana-
tion of their popularity in Africa is given in Chap. Ill, The
Cognomen of African Legionaries, vid. also Chap. I. The
uses of these seven names number two hundred and seventy-
eight and all but fifty-nine have been noted in African inscrip-
tions. More instances of Crescens have been found outside of
Africa than of any other of the seven just mentioned. The re-
maining cognomina in the form of present participles appear
outside of Africa. Other cognomina in this group which are
found in this province only are Ampliatus, Collatus, Concessus
(four examples), Exoratus, Extricatus (seven examples), Meritus,
Potitus, Privatus, Processus (six examples), Profuturus, and
Renuntiatus, cf. Caligatus, Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina.
In ten other names one or more examples come from Africa.
Omitting the present participial form, African inscriptions con-
tribute all or part of the examples in twenty-seven out of forty-
three cognomina in participial form. For the significance of
this form and its prevalence in Africa, vid. Chap. Ill, The
Cognomina of African Legionaries.
The names in this group which can be dated in the first century
are Servatus, Quadratus, Constitutus, Libens, and Oriens.
Emeritus appears in one case with the spelling Aemeritus. For
an early cognomen, Relatus, see the Addition to the introductory
note to the Alphabetical List.
A small number of cognomina take the form of the adjective
in the comparative and superlative degrees. These are Maior,
Melior, Prior, Dignissimus, Felicissimus, Maximus, Postumus,
Proxumus, and Verissimus. The name Aristo appears among
the cognomen of Greek origin. Maximus is the only one of
this group to attain a wide use as a cognomen, vid. discussion
in Chap. I. Maior appears as the cognomen of a soldier whose
period of service falls in the first century. The other dated
instances are later than this century. Postumus is recorded as
the cognomen of a centurion serving in Dalmatia in the period
between the year 42 and the reign of Vespasian. All the other
dated examples of this cognomen and of the others in this group
are later than the first century With the exception of Maxi-
mus, no superlative form gained popularity among the men in
the legions. The formation of cognomina by the addition of
endings such as -ianus to the stem seems to have been preferred
to the use of the superlative. Primitius would seem to be the
comparative form of the adverb primitus; both are legionary
To avoid the unnecessary multiplication of classes all adjec-
tives not hitherto classified are arranged here in three groups.
The first contains such words as have in them a reference to
time: Aeternalis, Annalis, Avitus, Cordus, luvenis, luvenalis,
Maturus, Perpetuus, Primigenius, Primitivos, (Primitus and
Primitius), Priscus, Saecularis, Senilis, Superstes, and Vetus.
Priscus has already been discussed in Chap. I. Cordus,
luvenis, Perpetuus, Priscus, and Senilis appear in names borne
by men in service during the first century.
A second group is composed of words which indicate relation-
ship or birth: Consors, Fraternus, Geminus, cf. Didymus,
Gemellus, Ingenuus (Ingenus), Maternus, Paternus, Propinquus
(Propincus and Prupincus). Ingenuus is found in several
names and a discussion of these occurs in Chap. I. Cf.
Liberalis and Eugenus. Gemellus receives some attention in
the section devoted to Diminutives. Names which appear as
early as the first century are Geminus, Gemellus, Ingenuus,
Maternus, and Paternus.
There is a certain number of adjectives, which have been
found as cognomina, the meaning of which does not permit
insertion under any of the headings already given. These are
Catervarius, Civilis, Communis, Dativus, Fatalis (Fatales),
Fructuosus, Hibernus, Leonatus, Peculiaris, Reginus, Reginalis,
Salutus, Scaenicus, Similis, Solus, and Superus. Several will be
found mentioned in the sections devoted to cognomina which
have certain endings. For comment on the name in which
Scaenicus appears vid. Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina. Reginus
can be dated in the first century; the other names are later. This
is the only cognomen of this group to be found in as many as
four names.
The following list presents the nouns which have been found
as cognomina in the names of Roman legionaries.
Adiutor Congius Mercator Senecio
Adventus Kopvou? Messor Sera
Aedilis Derisor Mica Siliquarius
Agricola Dosso Mucco Socellus
Aper Elepans Naso Sodalis
Aquila Emporus Natulus Stella
Aquilo Faber Nepos Taurus
Arator Favor Numerus Tiro
Artemo Flaminalis Pastor Tribunus
Auster Fronto Paterculus Turbo
Baculus Fructus Pequarius Tutor
Ballista Callus Pietas Ursus
Bucco Cf. Callus Polio Ursaris
Buculus Gaulus Porcellus Ursulus
Capito Homullus Princeps Verna
Caprarius Omuncio Procus Vernuleus
Capreolus Hospes Pupus Veteranus
Castellus Laenas Questor Viator
Catulus Lappus Reditus Victor
Censor Leo Regulus Vindex
Cicatricula Rixula Vinitor
Cilo Sacerdos Vitulus
Colonus Lupus Salinator
Conductor Lupulus Scaena
The ninety-three cognomina in this group involve four hun-
dred and thirty-nine names, of which Fronto and Victor consti-
tute 47 per cent. These two names are discussed in Chap. I.
Capito is next in order of frequency and barely escapes a place
in Chap. I. (Vid. comment on this below.)
Nouns were early employed as cognomina and among this
group of names several belong to the first half of the first century
Aquila, Baculus, Castellus, Salinator, and Viator. Others of
the latter half of this century are Adventus, Aper, Arator, Bal-
lista, Bucco, Buculus, Capito (four examples are dated in this
period), Cicatricula, Fronto, Leo, Nepos, Pastor, Taurus, Tiro,
and Vindex. The following diminutives are employed as cog-
nomina: Buculus, Capreolus, Castellus, Catulus, Cicatricula,
Homullus, Omuncio, Lupulus, Natulus, Paterculus, Porcellus,
Regulus, Rixula, Socellus, Ursulus, Vernuleus, and Vitulus.
For these and other diminutives vid. next section.
Several groups of related nouns deserve mention. Some
words denote military offices and are to be expected as the cog-
nomina of soldiers. Pequarius and Polio, borne by men born
in camp, Princeps, and Questor have been found in Africa. Tri-
bunus appears in an inscription in Germany. Veteranus is the
name on a stone found at Dertona. Tiro and Pupus are suit-
able names for newly enrolled members of a legion. Castellus
and Ballista are not inappropriate names for soldiers. Many
nouns indicate an office or occupation other than military,
Aedilis, Censor, Viator; Agricola, Arator, Caprarius, Colonus,
Conductor, Messor, Pastor, and Vinitor; Faber, Mercator,
Emporus, Salinator, Sacerdos, and Flaminalis. Adiutor, Tutor,
Vindex, and, pre-eminently, Victor, are suitable names for sol-
diers. Several names of animals appear as cognomina: Aper,
Buculus, Capreolus, Catulus, Elepans, Leo, Lupus (Greek,
Lycus), Porcellus, Taurus, Ursus, Ursulus, and Vitulus. Aquila
and Gallus are the only names of birds adopted by the soldiers
as cognomina. Aquilo and Auster are the names of winds which
are employed as cognomina. Adventus, Reditus, Favor, and
Pietas are abstract nouns. Names of objects are Baculus,
Congius, Kopvous, Gaulus, Laenas, Lappus (probably connected
with Lappa, which is also used as a cognomen, though not in this
collection), Lucus, Mica, Scaena, Sera, and Stella. Cicatricula
seems clearly to point to a personal feature of the man who bore
it. Mucco (connected with muccus) and Derisor are doubtless
uncomplimentary names. Bucco, Cilo, Dosso (from dorso),
Fronto, and Naso refer to parts of the body. Hospes, Socellus,
and Sodalis are desirable names for men in any occupation.
The cognomen Capito has been found in nineteen names.
The spelling Capiton appears in one case. Ten instances are
taken from the countries the inscriptions of which are published
in CIL III. African inscriptions contribute three. Four
examples have been found on Italian soil. One use of the cog-
nomen is recorded on stones in England and Spain. The first
century instances of Capito have been referred to above. Aprum
is the home of a soldier in England during this period. Had-
rumetum is recorded as the birthplace of C. lulius Capito. In
this inscription the reading Capito (Bull. Archeol. 1905 p. 235)
is a correction for Cupitus, the former reading (VIII 18068).
A. Considius Capito records his lineage to the second genera-
tion. The inscription was cut later than the reign of Trajan.
Cognomina in the form of diminutives appear among the names
of soldiers in the following words:
Auricullus Gemellus Nampulus Rixula
Antulus Gudullus Natulus Satullus
Buculus Homullus Nigel (l)io Socellus
Capreolus Omuncio Novellus Tertiolus
Castellus Lugudunolus Paterculus Tertullus
Catulus Lupulus Porcellus Titullus
Cicatricula Macellus Primul(l)us Ursulas
Datullus Marcellus Proculus Vernuleus
Eppillus Marculus Quintilus Vindilus
Fabullus Masculus Quintulus
Faustiolus Mustiolus Regulus
The diminutives from noun stems have been mentioned in
the preceeding section. The following are diminutives from
nomina: Antulus (from Antius), Eppilus (from Eppius), Fabul-
lus (from Fabius), Mustiolus (perhaps from Mustius or of Greek
origin). Names formed on adjectives stems are Datullus, Faus-
tiolus, Gemellus, Macellus, Mascellio, Masculus, Nigellio,
Novellus, Primul(l)us, Quintilus, Quintulus, Satullus, Tertiolus,
and Tertullus. Gudullus and Nampulus are the diminutive
forms of two Punic names. Marculus and Titullus arediminu-
tives formed from the praenomina Marcus and Titus. Mar-
cellus and Proculus are the cognomina in this section most
frequently found and these have been discussed in Chap. I.
For Vindilus vid. Cognomina of Celtic origin, perhaps from Vin-
dicatus. Lugudunolus is the only diminutive form in a cog-
nomen referring to the name of a town. In the name Auricullus
the reading of the stone is not beyond question.
The distribution of these diminutive forms in the several
provinces corresponds closely to the general proportional divi-
sion of all the cognomina in this collection. Names which ap-
pear in the first century are Buculus, Castellus, Cicatricula,
Fabullus, Lugudunolus, Mustiolus, and Tertiolus. Diminutives
ending in -io are Omuncio, Mascellio, and Nigellio.
Apart from Marcellus and Proculus, which though diminutive
in form owe their popularity to other reasons, Gemellus is the
most common cognomen among the diminutives. Fifteen ex-
amples have been collected and one case of the spelling Gemelus.
Seven instances have been taken from names in Africa. Am-
maedara, Cirta, Thysdrus, and the camp are the homes of five
men bearing this cognomen. M. Numisius Gemelus is possibly
the same man as M. Numisius Gemellus on another stone. Three
papyri from Egypt have preserved soldiers' names with the cog-
nomen Gemellus. The men named in these were in service
between the years 95 and 140. Syria and Moesia are localities
in which the name Gemellus has been found.
Four of the five cognomina ending in -olus are found in names
in Africa, Faustiolus, Lugudunolus, Mustiolus, and Tertiolus.
Cf. Cognomina ending in -osus.
(On praenomina in Roman names vid. Schneider, Beitrage
zur Kenntniss der romischen Personennamen). Gaius (Caius),
Lucius, Marcus, and Titus which are usually praenomina appear
also as cognomina in several names. Gaius has been noted in
the inscriptions from Lambaesis later than the reign of Hadrian,
and in Moesia probably not earlier than the principate of Marcus
Aurelius. Four inscriptions containing legionary names pre-
serve the cognomen Caius; two are later than the first century
and two can be dated about the year 220. Lucius is the cog-
nomen in twelve names and all the dated instances are later
than the first century. Savaria is the home of T. Cervonius
Lucius, a centurion at Ancrya in the XVI Flavia. Tib. Claudius
Lucius at Lambaesis indicates Philadelphia as his birth-place.
The sixteen cases of the cognomen Marcus have already been
commented on in Chap. I. These too are probably later than
the first century. Titus as a cognomen is represented by five
examples. The known dates of inscriptions preserving this
cognomen are in the second and third centuries.
The numeral adjectives Primus, Secundus, Tertius, and Sex-
tus were employed as praenomina at one time. The use of Sex-
tus as a praenomen is probably more common than as a cog-
nomen. The other three have been discussed in Chap. I.
Praenomina of the early period which became cognomina under
the Empire are Agrippa, Postumus, Proculus, Salvius (note the
name Salvius Febranus Baculus borne by a centurion of the
XXth legion at the beginning of the first century), Tullus, and
Vibius. Tiberius has not been found as a cognomen.
The cognomina in names of men enrolled in the legions which
show connection with the names of divinities are the following:
lanuarius, Martialis, and Saturninus are the most frequently used
of this group of names. These are discussed in Chap. I.
Further comment on the significance of the widespread use of
these three names in Africa will be found in Chap. III. The
Cognomina of African Legionaries. Asclepiades, Cerialis, Liber-
alis, Martialis, and Saturninus have been found in inscriptions
of the first century. Several of these name are noted in the
section dealing with names referring to birthdays. The Greek
Cereal is
name of the divinity is retained in names referring to Apollo,
Asclepius, Bacchus, Hermes, and Nereus.
The remaining gods are Roman, except that Sabasianus refers
to a Phrygian divinity Ceres, Minerva, and Vesta are the fe-
male divinities to receive mention in the names of legionaries
The adjective Salutaris may contain a reference to the personi-
fication of Sams. For Saturus consult Saturninus in Chap. I.
The following names which are chiefly known to us as the
names of Emperors are also found in use as the cognomina of
men in the legions; Antoninus, Augustus, Aurelius, Claudius,
Com(m)odus, Domitius, Nero, Nerva, Otho, and Septimius. An-
toninus is the most commonly used and has been discussed in
Chap. I. Aurelius, Claudius, Domitius, and Septimius are
usually nomina, vid. Chapter III, Imperial Nomina. As cog-
nomina their use is certainly later than the first century — Aurel-
ius and Septimius can be dated in the third century. Tiberius
has not been found in the names of soldiers as a cognomen.
The single instance of Nerva is dated in the year 70. The only
example of the name Otho belongs to the period before the reign
of Claudius. Nero appears in the name L. Ulpius Nero natus
Berito borne by a veteran at Lambaesis. Com(m)odus is
found at the same place, the cognomen of a man born in camp.
Augustus is represented in the names of two legionaries in service
later than the first century.
In the names of Roman legionaries there are found many
instances of the use of cognomina which are well-known to us
from their designation of prominent persons. Some of these
names, as we know, came to be regarded as typifying a man of a
certain character. Sulla seems to have been such a name. It
is not impossible that other names like Crassus, Cato, or Varro
were given to men for similar reasons. Our ignorance of the
actual circumstances under which these cognomina were be-
stowed forbids anything more than idle speculation in regard to
their applicability to the character of the men who bore them.
The following list presents the names of this sort.
Agrippa Farsuleus Naso Scaeva
Bassus Galba Nero Scipio
Caesernus Glabrio Otho Seneca
Cato Horte(n)sis Pedo Sulla
Cinna Lucillus Pansa (Silla)
Cossutus Lucullus Plancus Varro
Cotta Maro Plotus Varus
Crassus Messalla Pollio Veranus
Fabullus Metelus Porcio Vetulenus
This list might be extended by the addition of such names as
Capito, Fronto, Proculus, and others, but the cognomina for
which this section was designed are those which have no appar-
ent connection with any of the sections which precede this. Bas-
sus is the cognomen most commonly used, vid. discussion of
these instances in Chap. I. Caesernus, Cossutus, Farsuleus,
and Plotus are ordinarily nomina ending in -ius. These then
may be joined to the list of nomina which is given under the
heading of Cognomina Ending in -ius.
The supernomen Caligatus which accompanies the cognomen
Cato is discussed in Chapter III, Double Cognomina.
The cognomina which end in -a number fifty-four, involving
ninety-one names, and are as follows :
Agricola Curia Mica Sera
Agrippa Curta Mucatra Silla
Andra Diza Nerva Sinna
Aquila Dizza Nimmira Sita
Arpocra Drigissa Nocina Soteria
Ascla Fana Pansa Stella
Atta Galba Papia Sulla
Ballista Gerula Parra Sura
Calla Geta Rixula Tara
Cicatricula Heracla Salica Tarsa
Cinna Heraclida Sausa Vala
Coma Mangala Scaena Vepitta
Costa Messalla Scaeva Verna
Cotta Mestula Seneca
Of this number the following names are well-known cognomina
among Roman families: Agricola, Agrippa, China, Gotta," Galba,
Messalla, Nerva, Scaeva, and Sulla. Pansa and Parra are
common names in Etruria and seem to have originated there.
Papia is perhaps formed from the nomen Papius. The follow-
ing are nouns; Aquila, Ballista, Cicatricula, Mica, Rixula,
Scaena, Sera, Stella, and Verna. Names in this group of Greek
origin are Arpocra, Ascla, Coma, Heracla, Heraclida, and
Soteria. Names of Thracian origin which end in -a are Diza,
Dizza, Drigissa, Mucatra, Sita, and Tarsa. The following are
of Celtic origin: Atta, Calla, Nocina, Salica, and Vepitta.
Curia and Curta, words of Celtic origin, are place names used
as cognomina. Geta is a cognomen which contains a reference
to the original home of the soldier who bears it. The same is
probably true of the word Sura. Sausa is puzzling and perhaps
is to be connected with the river Sau. Vala is a name of Arabic
origin. Andra may be a Thracian name. Nimmira is possibly
a native African word. Costa, the reading of the stone, has been
restored as Constans. The following are of doubtful origin:
Fana, Gerula (cf. Gerulata, Holder s. v. Altcelt. Sprachsch.),
Mangala (cf. Nimmira above), Mestula, and Sinna.
The thirty cognomina which end in -anus have been separated
from those ending in -ianus; vid. next section. These are:
Africanus Easuctanus Leuganus Soranus
Albanus Firmanus Lucanus Urbanus
Auluzanus Galicanus Montanus Veranus
Bellicanus Germanus Muntanus Veteranus
Campanus Herculanus Proculeanus Vicanus
Catanus Hispanus Romanus Violanus
Cattanus Ispanus Saturnanus
Dazanus lulanus Silvanus
Several adjectives with geographical or racial significance
end in -anus: viz., Africanus, Albanus, Campanus, Galicanus,
Germanus, Hispanus, Ispanus, Lucanus, Romanus, and Soranus.
Other adjectives which were also mentioned under this heading
are Montanus, Muntanus, Silvanus, Urbanus, and Vicanus.
Bellicanus is formed from the adjective bellicus. (Bellicianus is
also found.) Proculeanus is connected with the well-known
cognomen Proculus. lulanus has been considered an engraver's
error for lulianus. Saturnanus is evidently a variant form of
the common name Saturninus. Firmanus corresponds in a
similar way to Firminus. Veteranus is a noun used as a cog-
nomen. (Consult the section devoted to nouns for other
instances of words denoting military offices used as cognomina.)
Herculanus is a name of Greek origin. Leuganus and Violanus,
possibly also Catanus and Cattanus, are Celtic names. Aulu-
zanus is Thracian in origin, and perhaps Dazanus is to be assigned
to the same source. For Easuctanus vid. reference under Cog-
nomina of Punic origin. Veranus is classed among the cognom-
ina well-known at Rome. Germanus and Silvanus are the
names of this group which have been found frequently enough
to class them among the popular cognomina, vid. Chapter I.
Cognomina which end in -ianus are found in the present col-
lection to the number of two hundred and thirty-one, involving
six hundred and twelve names. For convenience in reference
these are subdivided into three classes. The first list contains
such names as are formed on adjective stems, e. g., Acutianus
from acutus, lustianus from iustus and so on.
The second and most numerous group consists of cognomina
formed from nomina, e. g., Aemilianus from Aemilius, Sittianus
from Sittius.
The third class is made up of names formed by -ianus to
noun stems, e. g., Nepotianus from nepos\ to words of foreign
origin, e. g. Sabasianus; to praenomina, e. g. Titianus from
Titus; to a cognomen, e. g., Bassianus from Bassus, etc.
Cognomina ending in -ianus are found in all parts of the
Roman empire. The names which are used most frequently
are lulianus, Marcianus, Rogatianus, and Valerianus. These
have been discussed in Chap. I. Rogatianus has been noted
in African inscriptions only.
The development of cognomina which end in -ianus in the
names of legionaries is for the most part later than the first
century. The great majority of the names can be dated and
only a comparatively small number belong to the first century.
All the names in the first list given above are probably later
than the first century. The cognomen Marullianus was borne
by a soldier in the IV Macedonica before the reign of Vespasian,
and the home of this man was Narbo. Valerianus is the cog-
nomen of a soldier of the XI Claudia in Dalmatia in the interval
between the year 42 and the reign of Vespasian. A veteran of
the III Augusta in Africa in the year 86 bore the cognomen
Paccianus. Tiberianus is preserved in a Greek inscription in
Egypt as the cognomen of a centurion serving in the year 83-
84. Octavianus is recorded on a papyrus from the same prov-
ince as the cognomen of a soldier who was in service in the year
90. Aelianus, Flavianus, and lulianus are the cognomina of
centurions of the XV Apollinaris at Carnuntum in the first
century. Aelianus is borne by a man whose son of eight years
is recorded as having come from Aquileia. The other two names
are not preserved entire on the stones, but are the restored read-
ings of editors.
An inscription from Iconium in Syria would furnish the
earliest example of a cognomen ending in -ianus, if the restora-
tion were certain. P. Mestrius P. f. Maec is the reading of the
stone and in a Gieek version which accompaies the Latin the
word following the letter "f" has two more letters making
the word Matxta. vo<; is supplied by the editor, (Cronin J. H. S.
XXII, 1902, p. 356). Inasmuch as the legion is cited with only
the numeral (?) and another veteran is recorded without a cog-
nomen on this stone, it may be possible that we have here not a
cognomen, but the name of the tribe to which P. Mestrius be-
In the early second century cognomina which end in -ianus
are found with growing frequency; they reach their greatest
popularity in the early third century.
For the supernomen in the name Aurelius Secundianus qui
et Itrius vid. Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina.
The ending -inus is found in one hundred and twenty-eight
cognomina involving seven hundred and sixty-five names.
These cognomina are listed under several subheadings. Con-
siderably more than half of the total number of names are noted
under eight cognomina which have already been discussed in
Chap. I: viz., Antoninus, Longinus, Marcellinus, Rufinus,
Sabinus, Saturninus, Valentinus, and Victorinus.
Cognomina formed by adding the ending -inus to adjectival
stems appear most frequently, e. g., Clementinus from clemens,
Ingenuinus from ingenuus. Nearly half of this group are formed
in this way. These are:
The ending is added to place-names to form the following
Noun stems with the addition of -inus serve as cognomina in
several cases.
Aprinus Capratinus Reginus Viatorinus
Aquilinus Censorinus Sementinus Victorinus
Augurinus Equinus Silvinus
Kalandinus Frontinus Taurinus
Kaleiidinus Piscinus Ursinus
The addition of -inus to certain well-known cognomina is ob-
served in ten names; Agrip(p)inus, Antullinus, Bassinus, Catul-
linus, Marcelllnus, Messallinus, Nervinus, Proclinus, and Pro-
culinus. Tiberinus shows the same process at work with a
praenomen. Antoninus, Aponinus, Maicinus, Martinus, and
Valerinus are formed from nomina by the addition of this suf-
fix, lovinus and Saturninus are related to the names of divin-
ities. Calinus and Charinus are of Greek origin. Agrinus,
Nervinus, and Reburrinus are formed from Celtic roots. The
following names are of uncertain origin; Cittinus, Colinus,
lullinus, Rosinus, and Stiminus. Geminus, Marinus, and Pere-
grinus are adjectives taken directly into use as cognomina.
Cognomina ending in -inus are found in the names of legion-
aries somewhat earlier than those ending in -ianus as far as one
may judge from a comparison of the instances which can be
dated in the first century. Aquilinus is found in the name of a
soldier who served before the year 42. Stiminus is the cognomen
of a centurion in Palestine in the year 68. Colinus is the cog-
nomen of a soldier born at Eporedia who served in the XVth
legion before the reign of Vespasian. Firminus and Flavinus
are borne by men enrolled in the X Gemina while in Spain before
the year 70. M. lulius Marinus whose home is Forum lulii
was a soldier at Mainz also before the year 70. Maurinus
belongs to this early period. ladestinus is the cognomen of a
soldier whose home is lader serving at Mainz in the interval
between the years 70 and 100. Other cognomina with this
suffix which can be assigned to the first century are Clementinus,
Longinus, Macrinus, Marinus, Maxsiminus, Rufinus, Sabinus,
Saturninus (seven instances), Valentinus, and Victorinus. For
comment on the name Aurelius qui et Septimius Constantinus
vid. Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina.
Cognomina which end in -ius in this collection number one
hundred and thirty and include a total of three hundred and
twenty-two names. For convenience in reference these cog-
nomina have been subdivided. The first group consists of
nomina of Roman gentes which are used as cognomina.
Accius Dasius Lucilius Seius
Acculeius Dassius Macrinius Septimius
Antonius Dasumius Macrobius Servilius
Atilius Domitius Magius Sextilius
Attius Egnatius Magnius Sossius
Aufidius Eppanius Marius Staius
Aurelius Erennius Martius Statilius
Avillius Fabius Messius Tannonius
Barbius Fabricius Mestrius Terentius
Bebius Fanius Minutius Trinius
Blasius Flavius Modius Tullius
Caecilius Fundanius Octavius Tuttius
Caelius Gallonius Opsilius Valerius
Carius Gellius Pavius Valius
Cassius Gessius Pontius Veratius
Casius Horatius Pullaenius Vettius
Castricius lulius Roscius Vibius
Cerfonius lunius Rulius Victorius
Claudius Licinius Saenius Vincentius
Cocaius Lucius Salvius Volusius
The practice of using nomina as cognomina is largely confined
to the later period of the Empire. The only nomina so used
which can be dated in the first century are Accius, Fabius, and
Trinius. Trinius is the name of a centurion in Dalmatia before
the year 42 and it is possible that this is a true nomen and not
a cognomen. The name on the stone is in the genitive case,
Trini. Accius is the cognomen of a soldier in Italy perhaps
before the year 89. Fabius appears in the name L. Fabius
Fab(i)us borne by a soldier whose home is Nertobriga serving
before the reign of Vespasian. This is the only case of a name
among the soldiers in which the nomen and cognomen seem to
be identical. (For instances of close similarity between nomen
and cognomen vid. Chap. III.) Acculeius, Eppanius, Fanius,
and Rulius are the cognomina of soldiers in Egypt before the
year 108. (The reading of Wessely has been adopted in the
names from this papyrus.) Saenius is the name of a cent ui ion
in service during the period between the reigns of Vespasian
and Trajan.
The nomen most commonly employed as a cognomen is Val-
erius. Sixteen examples have been collected from the names
of legionaries.
Attention may be called to the name Dasius or Dassius.
(Vid. Pauly-Wissowa, s. v., Schulze Lat. Eigennamen p. 44,
note 5, p. 39, note 1, & Index.) Four of the six cases of Dassius
appear in a military list in Moesia cut in the year 195. Dasu-
mius belongs to the same root. Cf. Dazanus, and Dasianus.
In the inscription noted above the name Mestrius is recorded
three times and another instance is found in the name of a vet-
eran in the same province and legion (VII Claudia). Only one
other case of Mestrius has been found and this is also preserved
in the Danube region.
The second group of cognomina ending in -ius contains names
of various kinds, as follows:
Ammausius Caius Gumasius Placidinius
Ammonius Caprarius Gusorius Primigenius
Anatolius Catervarius Guzabius Primitius
Apolinarius Ceprucius Hellenius Sabius
Apollonius Congius Heraclius Sarmatius
Apricius Curtavius lanuarius Silamius
Apulonius Demetrius Matthaius Siliquarius
Ascanius Dionisius Mocetius Sterceius
Aspadius Dionysius Mucrubius Sudius
Aulucentius Doncius Numidius Tertius
Balius Dubius Nummenius Thubunius
Bienius Firmidius Pequarius
Brumasius Florius Petunnatius
Buturarius Gaius Pius
In this group the names of Greek origin are Anatolius, Apolin-
arius, Apollonius, Apulonius, Demetrius, Dionisius or Diony-
sius, Hellenius, and Heraclius. Celtic in origin are Ammausius,
Aspadius, Balius, Bienius (Bienus), Congius, Curtavius, and
Mocetius. Aulucentius and Sudius are Thracian names. The
following names were found in Africa and if not Punic in origin
they are perhaps native names, Buturarius, Mucrubius, Guma-
sius, Guzabius, and Nummenius. Numidius and Thubunius
also from this province indicate the homes of the men who bear
them. Ammonius is an Egyptian name. Ascanius seems to
be Phrygian in origin. Matthaius is a Semitic name. Doncius
and Gusorius are possibly Celtic. Petunnatius and Silamius
are of uncertain origin.
Adjectives ending in -ius serve as cognomina in the words
Catervarius, Dubius, lanuarius, Pius, Primigenius, Sterceius,
and Tertius. The following are from adjectival stems: Firmi-
dius, Florius, Placidinius (probably an engraver's error for
Placidinus), and Primitius. Siliquarius and Pequarius are
nouns ending in -ius. Apricius, Brumasius, and Caprarius are
formations from nouns. Sabius is doubtless an error for Sabinus.
Caius or Gaius and Lucius are praenomina used as cognomina.
Bienius or probably Bienus (Vid. Holder Altcelt. Sprachsch.
Nachtrage) is the name of a centurion in service before the
reign of Claudius. Ascanius also belongs to this early period.
The only other cognomen of this group which can be assigned
to the first century is Dubius borne by a soldier whose home is
Milan serving during the principate of Domitain. Gusorius is
the name of a centurion in Germany in service in the period
between the reigns of Vespasian and Trajan. For Tertius and
lanuarius which are most frequently found, vid. Chapter I.
Thirty-seven cognomina which end in -lis appear in the pres-
ent collection involving two hundred and thirty-two names.
The following cognomina constitute this group:
Aedilis Facilis Liberalis Saturnalis
Amabilis Fatalis Martialis Senilis
Aeternalis Fidelis Mercurialis Similis
Annalis Flaminalis Miner valis Sodalis
Aprilis Genial is Mucatralis Terminalis
Augustalis Gentilis Natalis Vestalis
Aulutralis Gracilis Neptunalis Virilis
Cerealis Hospitalis Provincialis Vitalis
Cerialis Ingenuilis Quirinalis Vitealis
Civilis lu venal is Reginalis
Among this number the names Martialis and Vitalis are em-
ployed as cognomina most frequently. These have been dis-
cussed in Chap. I. Aulutralis and Mucatralis are of Thracian
origin. All the other cognomina are native Latin words.
Aedilis, Aprilis, Flaminalis, and Sodalis are nouns. The re-
maining names are adjectives. A large number of these relate
to divinities and birth-days; Cerialis, Liberalis, Martialis,
Minervalis, Mercurialis, Neptunalis, Saturnalis, Vestalis, Augus-
tails, Quirinalis, and Terminalis, Natalis is also a birth-day cog-
nomen. The following adjectives imply the possession of
mental or moral qualities; Amabilis, Facilis, Genialis, and
Hospitalis. Gracilis, Virilis, and Vitalis contain a reference to
physical qualities. Four adjectives have something of a tem-
poral element in them: Aeternalis, Annalis, luvenalis, and Sen-
ilis. Provincialis carries with it a "local" significance. Gen-
tilis, Ingenuilis, Fatalis, Reginalis, and Similis are adjectives
with this suffix not already mentioned in this section.
Cognomina which end in -o have been noted in one hundred
names involving a total of one hundred and ninety-eight instan-
ces. The following list presents these names.
Dizo, Dizzo
The cognomina which are found most frequently are Fronto,
vid. Chap. I, and Capito. Names of Greek origin ending in
-o are Aelurio, Agatho, Aristo, Artemo, Athenio, Glico, Hilario,
Laco, Lycao, Milo, Myro, Nio, Plato, Rhyto, Solo, and Strabo.
Similar to these are several names which preserve the final
consonant and cannot be said to end in -o, K6vo>v, H6wv, lason,
N&ov, Solon, Timon, and Zenon, cf. Focion. The cognomen
Libo is possibly Greek in origin. Zimmermann (Vid. Biblio-
graphy) concludes that the name contains the same stem as
libet. Schulze, Lat. Eigennamen, Index s. v. "Unsicher bleibt
die gleiche AufFassung fur die cognomen Libo." The cognomen
Bato according to Kretschmer E.p. 246 is an Illyrican name =
" Fiirst und BCXTWV, Fiirst der Illyrier. Hierher auch lulius Betto
VI 3333." Zimmermann op. cit. p. 233, Schulze, Lat. Eigennamen
p. 32 note 1. The name Betto mentioned above may be Thrac-
ian. It is also cited by Schonfeld (Vid. Bibliography) as a
Germanic name. Names which are certainly Thracian are
Bito, Daizo, Dizo, and Dizzo. Celtic names in -o are Andio,
Cabrio, Matto, Matuco, Mommo, Nerido, Restio, Sacco, Saxo,
Sorio, Subsio, Surio, Tatulo, Tucco, and Vocco. Names of
Germanic origin are Atto, Baudio, Lellavvo, and Thrupo. Bar-
icio and Namfamo or Namphamo are Punic names. One Egypt-
ian name appears in three forms Sarapio, Serapio, and Serrapio.
Nouns ending in -o employed as cognomina are Aquilo, Bucco,
Capito, Gilo, Dosso, Fronto, Leo, Mucco, Naso, Omuncio,
Polio, Senecio, Tiro, and Turbo. The following are well-known
cognomina in Rome: Cato, Maro (possibly of Celtic origin),
Naso, Nero, Otho, Pedo, Pollio, Porcio, Scipio, and Varro.
The names Britto, Hispelo, Macedo, and Panno contain a refer-
ence to the birth-place of the men who bore them. Glabrio,
Macro, and Silo are also mentioned with adjectives denoting
physical qualities. Pedo might be included with these. The
form Macro may be due to Greek influence.
The following group has been reserved to the end of this
section for especial comment because the names which compose
it appear to be comic formations in -o. Eighteen of them have
been noted in the names of men enrolled in the legions. These
are Athenio, Calvio, Domitio, Domnio, lunio, Longo, Magio,
Magnio, Mascellio, Maximo, Militio, Nigel(l)io, Pussinio (con-
nected with pusilio, pusillus), Quartio, Saturio, Ursio, Valerio,
Vario, and Virilio. The names Naso, Pedo, and Porcio may
have had a similar origin. Ten of these cognomina were found
in the Danube provinces. Three can be dated in the year 195,
Domitio borne by a veteran from Nicopolis, Magnio borne by
a veteran from Remesiana (?), and Maximo. Militio and Nigelio
are later than the year 170. Pussinio is later than the first
century. Athenio, Calvio, Domnio, and Nigellio are found in
the Danube region in undated inscriptions. (For Athenio vid.
App. Mithr. 59 cited by Kempf, Romanorum Sermonis Cas-
trensis Reliquiae, p. 356). lunio, a native of Napoca, was at
Lambaesis during the principate of Antoninus Pius. Magio
and Mascellio were centurions at the same camp in the year
162. Quartio is found in Africa in the second half of the second
century and in the early third. Longo is the cognomen of a
centurion in Egypt serving before the year 108. This name
with Virilio are the earliest cases of names in this group. Virilio
is found twice in Germany; one instance is earlier than the
reign of Vespasian, the second in the name of a soldier whose
home is Milan is possibly in the first century. Saturio is noted
on a stone at Mainz. Ursio is found in one name in Italy and
again at Lyons.
Names of uncertain derivation are Arimo, Diabo, Samunio,
and Ulpro. With the exception of the last which is undated
all are later than the year 195.
Proclion and Viction appear to be formations in -o with the
addition of a final consonant in imitation of Greek names.
Viction is considered a Celtic name by Holder, vid. section de-
voted to Cognomina of Celtic origin.
(Vid. Mommsen, Cognomina Africana, Ephem. Epig. pp.
520-524). Among the cognomina of legionaries the following
have been found ending in -osus, Albosus, Apricosus, Barosus,
Bonosus, and Fructuosus. All except Apricosus appear at
Lambaesis in Africa. Of these names we know that two are
cognomina of men who were born in the African towns of Car-
thage and Simitthus. On account of the frequency of names
with the ending -osus in this province it is very probable that
the other two of these names are borne by men who were natives
of Africa. Apricosus is the cognomen of a centurion in the II
Parthica stationed in the Ager Albanus. All these men having
names ending in -osus were in service toward the end of the
second century, or during the first half of the third.
Thirteen names ending in -x will be found in the alphabetical
list of cognomina of men enrolled in the legions. These are
Audax, Efficax, Eudox, Farnax, Felix, Ferox, leraxs, Pertinax,
Simplex, Tenax, Velox, Verax, and Vindex. Three of these are
words of Greek origin: viz., Eudox, Farnax, and leraxs. The
remaining names are of Latin origin and all except Vindex are
adjectives. The Greek names have been taken from inscrip-
tions in the Danube provinces. The others are well scattered
among the various provinces of the Empire. Felix has been
found to be the most commonly used cognomen in the names
of soldiers, vid. discussion of Felix in Chap. I. Excepting
Simplex, Verax, and the Greek names the cognomina ending in
-x appear to be appropriate ones for men in military service and
have been noted with others in the first section of this chapter.
Vid. Introductory Note to Alphabetical List.
Mecdpiapo? and Vala are Arabic names which are used as cog-
nomina by legionary soldiers. The latter name is borne by a
soldier in Germany in the period between the reigns of Ves-
pasian and Trajan. Mead^apo? y£vo<; Nd@a<; was enrolled in
the III Cyrenaica in Arabia after the year 108. The name
'AousTSo? appears as a supernomen with the cognomen Ger-
inanus, q. v. Chap. I and cf. Chap. Ill, Double Cognomina.
An exhaustive collection of Celtic names has been made by
Alfred Holder, Altceltischer Sprachschatz and Nachtrage, and
that work has been used in making the present classification.
Eighty names are represented in the following list:
Aludisas Attillus Caeticcus Curtavius
Ammausius Atta Calenus Eppillus
Andiccus Atto Calla Essus
Andio Balius PCallus = Callus? Gedus
Annamatus Baudio Carantus Gusorius
Artillus Bersimes Catullus Lavenus
Arusenus Bienus Celtiber Leuganus
Aspadius Boniatus Comargus Maccaus
Atreccesianus Bucco Condunus Magio
Atrectus Cadarus Cotus Manduccus
Mascellio Nocina Satto Tatulo
Matto Parasenus Saxo Tucco
Matuco Parra Seccianus Vepitta
Mocetius Pintianus Seccus Viction
Moenenus Reburrinus Sorio Vindilus
Moramo Reburrus Stambon Violanus
?Mude(nus?) Sacco Subsio Virilio
Nerido Salica Sugasis Vithannus
Nertus Sallubianus Surio Vitullus
Nervinus Sammus Tara Vocco
It may prove helpful to make use here of the comments of
Holder and others on some of these names: Aludisas, reading
corrupt (Holder, Nachtrage); Arusenus, vid. Schulze, Lat.
Eigennamen, Index s. v.\ Atta cf. Festus, Epit. p. 12-13M.;
Atto, partly Celtic, partly Germanic; Bienus not Bienius is the
reading of Holder, Nachtrage; Calenus, Celtic origin not wholly
certain; Eppillus "m. cognomen w ebill (an auger, a chisel, the
key of a harp)"; Matto, Kosenamen also Greek; Matuco,
Kosenamen; "Nervinus von ethnicon Nervius"; Satto partly of
Germanic origin; Vindilus cf. Vindillus "kurzname fur Vindica-
Cognomina which may be Celtic in origin are Agrinus, Cabrio,
Cattanus (possibly Catanus), Congius (Congus in Holder,
Nachtrage), Curia and Curta, place names (cited in Holder
with a "?" as to origin), Dioratus (Diorata and Diratus in
Holder), Doncius (Donicus and Donicius in Holder), Gainas
(Gainia, feminine nomen in Holder, cf. Caina. The stem Gain
seems to be Germanic), Gerula (Gerulata in Holder connected
with Chertobalos in Pannonia Superior, i. e., Karlburg?), Lab-
rases (in Holder with "?"), Nerva, Pardus, and Sinna. Surus
is also considered Celtic by Holder, Tomaschek places it among
the Thracian names.
Nearly three-fourths of the Celtic names have been found in
the provinces the inscriptions of which are published in volumes
III and XIII of the CIL. The remainder, slightly over one-
fourth, appear in inscriptions found in England, Spain, Africa,
and Italy. By far the earliest Celtic name to be found in a
military inscription is Cotus, the name of a centurion in Egypt
during the principate of Augustus. In Germany the following
names belonging to the first century have been noted: Bienus
(Bienius), the cognomen of a centurion in service possibly before
the reign of Claudius, Andiccus, Bucco, Parra (the cognomen of
a soldier born at Baeterrae), Sacco (the cognomen of a soldier
whose home is Milan), and Virilio — all names of men serving
before the year 70. Early names outside of this province are
Celtiber in Spain probably before the year 70, Salica, the cog-
nomen of a legionary in England, born at Lyons, shortly after
the year 71, Surio which seems to be Celtic rather than Thracian
is borne by a soldier, whose home is Caesaraugusta, serving in
Dalmatia before the year 70. Examples of Celtic names can
be dated as late as the first quarter of the third century. Names
which appear as cognomina in more than one instance are Atillus,
Reburrinus, Reburrus (Surus), and Virilio. All four examples
of the name Reburrus are found in Spanish inscriptions. Be-
sides the towns already mentioned, the following, Ratiaria,
Virunum, Iguvium, Cambodunum, Emerita, Verona, Bononia,
and Cirta, are the homes of men who have Celtic names.
The names Ammonius, Ammonianus, Sarapammon, Sarapio,
Serapio, Serrapio, and SouxiBag are Egyptian in origin. Am-
monius is found in Egypt in three names, one can be dated in
the year 167-8, two in the year 194. One instance is in the
name of a man born in Alexandria. Ammonianus is the cog-
nomen of a veteran serving in the year 194, who was born in
camp. The stone was found at Alexandria. Sarapio and
Serapio appear in six names at Lambaesis. Three instances
are in the names of men born in camp, and serving during the
reign of Antoninus Pius. One example can be dated in the year
198. Serrapio is found in a name at Rome borne by a man in
service after the year 193. Sarapammon is noted in the names
of three veterans in the year 194 at Alexandria; two were born
in camp, the third at Tani.
is perhaps as late as the fourth century in Egypt.
(Vid. Schonfeld, Worterbuch der altgermanischen Personen-
und Volkernamen.) The following are considered Germanic
by Schonfeld Atto, "teil germanisch" (vid. Celtic section),
Baudio (also in list of Celtic names), Lellavvo "wol german-
isch," Thrupo (Schonfeld sub Trupo, perhaps Germanic though
by no means certain), and Ulfus. The name Ulfus is the only
name of this group to be dated with certainty and can be assigned
to the reign of Alexander Severus (222-235).
The cognomina of Greek origin in the names of Roman legion-
aries number one hundred and ninety-two, involving three
hundred and twenty-eight names. The following list presents
Burr us
Myro Patroclus Solo Theopompus
Neptolemus Phileterus Solon Timon
Nereus ^(Xtvo? Sophaenetus Timotheus
Nestor Philippianus Sosigenes Threptus
Naestor Philippus Sotas Throphimianus
Nicomachus Plato Soter Trofimas
Nicostratus Protus Soteria Troilus
Nio Ptoleus Strabo Tychianus
N^GJV Ptolmeus Telesphorianus Tyrannus
Olympilinus Pyrrus Thalamus Zenon
'OvYJatpioq Rhyto Theodorus Zenophilus
Onesiphorus Seleucus Theomolpus Zenostratus
Forty-two per cent., plus, of the Greek names have been found
in the provinces the inscriptions of which are published in CIL
III. Twenty-seven per cent., plus, of these names are taken
from African inscriptions. The remainder of the instances of
the Greek names are scattered in other parts of the Empire.
Greek cognomina in the names of Roman citizens are not com-
mon during the first century. The names which can be assigned
to this period are Asclepiades natione Cilice, Burrus (possibly
of Celtic origin cf. Reburrus), borne by a soldier whose home
was Forum lulii, Diomedes (68), Laco (37-41), Laenas, Milo
(domo) Luca, Strabo, the cognomen of a soldier who was born
at Ptolomais. Atticinus and Melissus probably belong to the
first century and Zenon is earlier than the year 108. Greek
names can be dated throughout the second and third centuries
and as late as the beginning of the fourth century. A military
list of the year 194 at Alexandria contains nineteen Greek cog-
nomina and ten of these belong to the names of men born in
camp. A similar inscription of the year 195 found at Vimin-
acium in Moesia preserves ten names of Greek origin. In
Africa the series of Greek names continues as late as the inscrip-
tional evidence from the province supplies the names of men
in the legion stationed there.
For the ending -ianus attached to Greek names vid. section
devoted to cognomina ending in -ianus in this chapter. Several
Greek names suited to soldiers are noted: viz., Achilleus, Ani-
cetus, Nicomachus and others.
The several instances of a supernomen in Greek names are
collected in Chapter III, Double Cognomina. Alexander is
the cognomen to be most commonly used and this name has
received some comment in Chapter I. Didymus, Eleuther,
Eutyches, Eugenus, and Protus would seem to be translations
of Latin cognomina already in use.
The cognomen Bato recorded as the son of Neritanus, a soldier
of the II Adiutrix, is found on a stone at Aquincum in Panno-
nia. For other occurrences of the name Bato in inscriptions
vid. Index cognominum in CIL III, the Thesaurus Linguae
Latinae s. v., and Schulze, Lat. Eigennamen p. 32, note 1.
Batus Neritanes, the reading of Giindel, De legione II Adiutrice,
p. 67, is not supported by other authorities who have dealt with
this inscription.
The name Aunus is considered a name of Ligurian origin,
vid. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae s. v. and Schulze, Lat. Eigena-
men p. 130. It has been noted as the cognomen of a veteran
serving in the VI Victrix perhaps before the removal of that
legion to England during the principate of Hadrian. The
stone was found at Remi in Belgium.
Persian names appear as cognomina in the names of legion-
ary soldiers in the following cases: Arsaces, Aapsco?, Mithri-
daticus, and Ouapavr)?. Arsaces is the cognomen of a soldier
serving before the year 87. Aapsto? is borne by a centurion
serving in Syria in the years 224-225. The other two are found
in inscriptions of uncertain date in the East.
Ascanius and Sabasianus are names from Phrygia. Ascanius
is the cognomen of a centurion in service before the reign of
Claudius. Sabasianus, which contains a reference to a Phry-
gian divinity, is borne by a soldier in Dalmatia whose period of
enrollment is not definitely dated.
(Vid. Jules Toutain, Les Cite"s romaines de la Tunisie, and
Paul Schroeder, Die Phonizische Sprache.) Ten names of Punic
origin have been found in the names of Roman legionaries.
These are Aris, Baricio, Birzil, Gududus, Gudullus, Hiddibal,
Motthunus, Namfamo, Namphamo, and Nampulus. With
the exception of Aris which is recorded in a Spanish inscription
all the Punic names were found in Africa. Those which can be
dated are later than the year 193. Baricio is preserved in four
names. Two men having this cognomen were born in the camp
at Lambaesis. Gudullus, a diminutive of Gududus, Hiddibal,
and Namphamo are the cognomina of men born in camp. Sufe-
tula is the birth-place of Motthunus. Namphamo corresponds
to Latin Felix. Toutain op. cit. p. 176 and Clermont Ganneau
Rec. d'Arch. or. 6 (1905) p. 120.) Nampulus is a diminutive
of Namphamo.
The following names have been found in Africa and, though
not Punic, may be of native origin: Buturarius, Gumasius,
Guzabius, Mangala, Mucrubius, Nimmira, and Porturitus.
All these names appear during the third century. The names
Aurassus and Thubunius are formations from place names
which are probably of local origin. Numidius is a name of
similar character. For Easuctanus cf. lasucta, Schroeder op.
cit. p. 91.
Further comment on the cognomina which are common
among the soldiers of Africa will be found in Chap. Ill, The
Cognomina of African Legionaries.
Names of Semitic origin found as cognomina in the names of
soldiers are Beliabus, Eufratianus, lamianus, Malchias, Malchus,
Matthaius, Melcidianus, Maddanius, and <£a(j.aivo<;. These
names are scattered in many provinces. The earliest is Mat-
thaius, the name of a man whose first service was in the fleet;
afterwards he was transferred to the I Adiutrix on its formation
in the year 68. The other dated instances of names of this
group are later than the first century.
Among the cognomina found in the names of Roman legion-
aries the following are of Thracian origin:
Aulucentius Bitus Dizza Mucatralis
Aulupor Bytytralis Dizze Rescuporis
Aulutralis KOTTO? Dizzo Sita
Auluzanus Deospor Drigissa Sudius
Auluzon Dines Eptacentus Sudicentus
Bithus Diza Mucapor Tarsa
Bito Dizo Mucatra
These twenty-seven names appear as cognomina in forty-six
instances. (For Thracian names vid. Dumont, Melanges,
and Tomaschek, Die alten Thraker [complete titles in Bibli-
ography].) Several other names present strong resemblances
to Thracian names. Bethus is probably connected with Bithus.
Daizo may well be related to Dizo. Surus and Surio are con-
sidered Thracian by Tomaschek, op. cit., and Celtic by Holder,
cf. Cognomina of Celtic origin and Holder, altcelt. Sprachschatz.
For Thithi cf. 0etOo<; in Tomaschek, op. cit. Index s. v. Andra
is preserved on a stone in Syria together with the name Mucapor,
cut in the early third century. Betto is either Thracian or
Germanic (vid. Schonfeld in Bibliography, and cf. Bato, a cog-
nomen of Illyrican origin).
Dazanus is related to Dasius, q. v., under cognomina ending
in -ius, cf. (Dumont, op. cit. p. 551) AaBaq and maybe Thracian
in origin. Thiumpus is doubtfully Thracian.
Thracian names, as might be expected, have been found most
frequently in the provinces of the Danube region. Nearly one-
half of the instances are from this part of the Empire. Italy
and Germany contribute nearly one-fourth each and a few
Thracian names are found in Africa, but borne in at least three
cases by men who are not natives of that province: Auluzanus
is the name of a man born in Thrace. Napoca is the birth-
place of men named Bitus and Tarsa.
If the name Surio be Thracian, then L. Icconius Surio whose
home is Caesar Augusta, serving in Dalmatia in the period
between 42 and 70, is the earliest soldier to bear a cognomen of
Thracian origin. The principate of Antoninus Pius is the next
period to which Thracian names may be assigned. The latest
date when these names are found is in the beginning of the fourth
century. A single military list in Moesia of the year 195 has
preserved several Thracian names. All three examples of the
name Bithus appear in this inscription. The name Mucatra
is recorded three times on a stone in Germany cut in the year
223. Frequently both names are Thracian. Such names are
found as Aulupor Alusa(ni films?), Mucatralis Auluzanus,
By ty trails Biti (filius), Mucapor Mucatralis. Aurelius and
Septimius are nomina joined with cognomina of Thracian origin.
Septimius has been noted in seven names, Aurelius in twenty-
six, nearly three-fourths of the whole number of examples of
Thracian cognomina.
The following cognomina are certainly not of Roman or
Italian origin but their derivation is obscure.
Acrinis Fana Labracenus Saburianus
Arimo Feanus Mestula Samunio
Canetus Gerfennus Mesuquas Silamius
Cinnus Glaus Pertur Sinna
Cittinus Godes Petunnatius Stiminus
Colinus lassianus Pitonatus Thamarcus
Diabo lullinus Rosinus Ulpro
Glaus is perhaps for Greek Glaux a plant. Canetus is
possibly related to Canethus.
The following cognomina have not been mentioned in any of
the preceding sections: Avos, Bassilas, Center, F(C)aricus, and
-irmus. Avos is probably due to the loss of some letters; the
original cognomen may have been Flavos. Bassilas is evidently
related to Bassus. The name which is listed here as Center
appears on the stone in the dative form Centro. The uncer-
tainty of the name Faricus or Caricus has caused the insertion
of this cognomen in this place. The cognomen -irmus is incom-
plete in the inscription and it is impossible to determine whether
it should be restored as Firmus or Primus.
1. Double Cognomina.
2. The Earliest Cognomina.
3. The Cognomina of African Legionaries.
4. Legionary Cognomina in the Provinces of which the Inscrip-
tions are published in CIL III.
5. Uncomplimentary Cognomina.
6. Similarity of the Nomen and Cognomen in the same name.
7. Imperial Nomina.
The several instances of the appearance of a supernomen have
already been noted in the chapter devoted to the classification
of cognomina, and this section comprises a collection of such
instances with some further comment on them. For a general
discussion of names containing a supernomen one should consult
the work of Lambertz, Zur Ausbreitung des Supernomen oder
Signum im roemischen Reiche, Glotta, 1913, IV, p. 78-143, V,
p. 99-169.
L. Cornelius Cato qui et Caligatus is the name of a centurion of
the III Augusta at Lambaesis, probably about the year 200,
certainly so if the name L. Cornelius Cato, designating an optio
at the same camp, refers to the same person. The supernomen
Caligatus reminds us at once of the name Caligula applied to the
Emperor C. Caesar Germanicus. Domaszewski, A. E. M. 10
(1886) pp. 23-25, does not regard Caligatus as a part of the cen-
turion's name but as a true participle. "Denn ich glaube, dass
Caligatus hier nicht als Cognomen verstanden werden darf."
Lambertz, Glotta, IV, p. 101 and Cagnat, L'Arme*e Romaine,
2nd ed. p. 301, n. 8, consider Caligatus as a supernomen. The
name of this centurion's father also contains a supernomen: M.
Cornelius Cato qui et Aurassius. On this name Cagnat remarks,
'Le sobriquet du pere, Aurassius, indique qu'il elait originaire
des environs de Lamb<§se ou tout au moins d'un village de 1'
Aures. Aurassus has already been found in the name of a legion-
ary at Lambaesis. Cagnat believes that M. Cornelius Cato,
the elder, was attached to the legion in some capacity, but in
the absence of definite information his name has not been added
to this list.
Another inscription in Africa preserves the name C. Tannonius
Felix qui et Aquensis borne by a soldier whose period of service
can not be definitely dated, but it is probably later than the reign
of Hadrian. Lambertz, Glotta IV p. 101, observes "Aquensis
Bezeichnung nach seiner Herkunft, also eine Art Spitzname,
jedenfalls sein Rufname. " The cognomen Aquileiensis has been
found in the name of a legionary at Lambaesis during the reign
of Alexander Severus (222-235). He was born at Theveste.
In the general region of the Danube provinces there are four
instances of a supernomen in the names of legionaries whose
period of service was probably later than the first century. These
are, Salonius Sabinianus signo Scammatius, Nonius Saloninus
qui et signo Dalmatis, Aurelius Secundianus qui et Itrius, and
P. Aelius Septimius Audeus qui et Maximus. The relation be-
tween the cognomen, Saloninus, and the supernomen, Dalmatis,
has already been noted in commenting on the cognomen in
Chap. II, Cognomina with geographical significance. Audeus
has been mentioned in the first section of Chapter II devoted to
cognomina suited to men in military service. For the double
nomen Aelius Septimius cf. other cases in this section below,
On the name Itrius, Lambertz says. "Keltisch oder illyrisch
ist das Supernomen des Aur. Secundianus qui et Itrius. The
formation of names in -ius during the later period of the Empire
has been noted by Lambertz in the article already cited and by
Diehl, Rh. Mus. 62, and both Itrius and Scammatius are names
of this kind. In view of the uncertainty concerning the deriva-
tion of Itrius is it not possible that what we have here is a comic
formation from the word iterum to accompany the cognomen
Secundianus, cf. Dalmatis with Saloninus above? The name L.
Decrius lulianus qui et Numisianus found at Naples is dated in
the first half of the second century. The following names in
Greek are taken from inscriptions in Syria and Arabia: F. HTQCOS
'Arnx&<; 6 xaXo6(xevo? Moa^S an^ M. KOXXTJIO? Fep^aviq 6 xal
?. In the former case both names are of Greek origin,
in the latter, the supernomen 'AouetSoq is a native name and
not a transliteration of the Latin Avidus, Ins. Gr. ad Res
Rom. Pert. Ill 1282, 'AouslBo? nomen non ex latino Avidus sed
ex nabataeo Aoueida dictum, and Prentice, Gr. and Lat. Ins.
p. 239. In a third name 'Auofyos Ma£ijjio<; aui6<; 'A^iXeus, the
cognomen is Latin and the supernomen which seems appropriate
to a soldier is of Greek origin.
The name T. Flavius super Cepula Scaenicus exhibits a form
which is thus far without parallels. The veteran who bore this
name is recorded as serving in the XXX Ulpia victrix at Lyons
in the year 207. The position of the words, super Cepula, be-
tween the nomen and cognomen is not usual. Cepula is found
as a supernomen in Christian names, vid. Lambertz, Glotta, IV,
p. 86f, and Diehl, Rh. Mus. 62 p. 395f. From the meaning of the
word Cepula, "little onion," one might suppose that we have the
veteran's nickname in this word. "Super" may be an abbrevia-
ation for the word supernomen. The word svpernomen is used
as the means of indicating a second cognomen, apparently the
equivalent of the words "qui et" or "signo," e. g., on a stone
found atMilan, CIL V 6260, B. M. Quirace supernomen Micin-
es, etc., cited by Lambertz, Glotta, IV, p. 85.
Another inscription found in the province Lugudunensis reads
Melius Gervinius mlt Nervinus. The name Nervinus is a word
of Celtic origin, but the connection with the other parts of this
centurion's name is not wholly clear. If the letters mlt may be
interpreted as standing for the word militavit, then it would
seem that Nervinus is the name which the centurion bore during
his period of service in the legion. The date of the inscription
is uncertain.
The cognomen which appears in the alphabetical list as Carius
aut Caristus appears in two inscriptions referring to the same
person, one in Latin reading Carius, the other in Greek reading
Xcfcpt<jTo<;. Carius is corrected to Carinus by Cumont, Studia
Pontica, III (1910) 269, p. 241, who explains the difference be-
tween the Latin and Greek forms of the cognomen in this way,
"Ulpius Carinus entrant au service militaire avait latinise
son nom grec de Charistos." Cumont believes this centurion
was enrolled during the reign of Trajan.
In addition to these instances where a second cognomen is
added with the words qui et or signo, etc., there are some examples
of what may be called a second cognomen placed after the usual
cognomen without any connecting word. This additional cogno-
men often indicates the town from which the man who bears the
name probably came. The earliest example of this is in the
name Q. Annaeus Balbus Faventinus of the tribe Pollia, borne
by a meiles of the fifth legion in Africa before the year 70. M.
Petronius Classicus Marrucinus is the name of a centurion in
the VIII Augusta in Pannonia. This legion was stationed at
Poetovio, where this inscription was found, before the principate
of Nero and this officer may have served in the early period.
Cn. Terentius Rufus Iguvinus is the name of a soldier of the III
Augusta perhaps before the legion went to Lambaesis during
the reign of Hadrian. An inscription at Cemenelum reads P.
Enistalius P. f. Cl. Paternus Cemenelensis and these words were
cut after the year 87. Another stone in Pannonia preserves
the name Q. Frendullus Rufus Vicetinus borne by a legionary in
service after the first century, cf. CIL VII 155, M. Petronius
L. f. Men(enia) Vic(etinus) A soldier in Cilicia later than the
reign of Trajan is named F. 'louXto? AswvfSr)? 'A6Tjvaco<;. Q.
Moneius Verecundus Narbonensis is the name of a veteran found
in an inscription of uncertain date in Spain. The fourth part
of the name of Q. Aurelius Processus Maddanius, an optio at
Lambaesis, may contain a reference to his birth-place or to an
earlier name of Semitic origin.
Another group of names is composed of those which have two
cognomina one of which ends in -ianus. At Lambaesis a centurion
of five legions has the name I(ulius) Bassus Sulpicianus; his
period of service is later than the reign of Septimius Severus.
A veteran at the same place bears the name P. Granius Auctus
Caesennianus; the inscription is not dated. Q. Papius Saturninus
lulianus is the name of a centurion of the II Parthica, a legion
formed by Septimius Severus. An inscription in England pre-
serves a veteran's name, L. Ecimius Bellicianus Vitalis; whose
period of service is not dated. One legionary in Syria can boast
of a second nomen as well as a additional cognomen. The name
in question is, following the order of words on the stone, M.
AupT)Xto<; Z|VTIO<; Mafwp ZY)v6Ba>po<; the son of Zir)v6Ba)po<; Mafwp.
While it is digressing from the strict province of cognomina
to discuss nomina, the last mentioned inscription contains a
name with two nomina and several similar cases can be found
among the names of men enrolled in the legions. In so far as
these names can be dated they belong to the third century.
The most noteworthy case of a name having two nomina is
Aurelius qui et Septimius Constantinus borne by a soldier in
Pannonia whose period of service is later than the first century.
For the formation of the name vid. Lambertz, Glotta, IV,
p. 132. This inscription preserves several names of this kind.
The nomina Aurelius and Septimius were adopted by the chil-
dren of parents who bore these names. Aurelius Superinius
Marcus is the name of a legionary in Germany in the year 214.
Vibius Cassius Victorinus designates a beneficiarius consularis
in Noricum in the year 215. A centurion in Syria in the year
212 bears the name M. Aurelius Valerius Valerianus.
(M.) A6pY)Xio<; OuXxto? Sepprjvo? is the name of a soldier in
Arabia about the year 215. The name P. Aelius Septimius
Mucapor is borne by a centurion at Carnuntum during the reign
of Alexander Severus (222-235). M. Aurelius Cocceius Florianus
was a primus pilus at Vienna about the year 225. T. Aurelius
Antonius Longinus is the name of a speculator of the III Gallica
in Syria in the third century. The following cases are certainly
later than the reign of Trajan: P. Aelius Septimius Audeus qui
et Maximus (for the cognomen Audeus vid. Chap. II, Adjec-
tives denoting qualities suited to men in military service), his
son(?) Aelius Septimius Romanus and Valerius Vibius Valerianus
(Note comment in CIL III 823, Vibii nomen miles fortasse
derivavit ab imp. C. Vibio Treboniano Gallo, 251-253). C.
Atilius Livius Victorianus is the name of a veteran of the III
Augusta at Lambaesis in the period after the reign of Hadrian.
M. Flavius Caecilius Telesphorianus was enrolled in the V
Macedonica at Lambaesis; the inscription is not definitely dated.
L. Veratius Aufidius Rufus, a centurion of the XXII Primigenia,
seems to indicate Beneventum as his native town but this restora-
tion of the place-name is not wholly certain. The name of a
centurion of the III Cyrenaica in Belgica, Q. Cattus Libo Nepos,
is puzzling and no satisfactory explanation has been made.
Libo (vid. Chapter II, Cognomina ending in -o), and Nepos are
apparently cognomina. What is to be said of the name Aelius
Ant. Aeternalis? Ant is explained as Antonius in A. E. M. XIX,
p. 87, but the Index to CIL III throws no light on its interpre-
tation. The inscription was found in Moesia and is not dated.
Another small group of names seems to present a peculiar
form of praenomina, unless it also is to be understood as a part
of the group which shows two nomina. The names so used are
Claudius, Flavius, and lulius. The complete names read as
follows: Cl. Atteius Celer in Dacia; the inscription is later than
the year 142; Cl. Maximius Sabinus (Sabinus is the reading of
the stone according to the Index on CIL VIII, Cagnat, L'Arme'e
Romaine 1st ed p. 202, reads Sabinianus.); Fl. Sabinius Attillus,
Fl. lulius Maternus, Fl. lulius Reginus, the names of three
brothers; the inscription is later than the year 89; Fl. Antonius
Romanus, the name of a soldier in the year 218; lul. Licinius
Sanctinus, lul. Marcius Saecularis, and lul. Val. Valentinus, the
name of a veteran about the year 134. The occurrence of
Statius Popius Saturninus, the name of a centurion whose term
of service may have been in the latter half of the century, sug-
gests that Statius may still retain its early force as a praenomen,
but this reading of Statius is not without question. M. Uttedius
Sallubianus C. Petilius Amandus who was born at Iguvium and
is recorded as a veteran in Dalmatia has two complete names.
The cognomen Sallubianus is Celtic in its origin. The date of
the inscription is not known. L. Cassius Clemens Taurus is
not an example of a name with two cognomina for what appears
to be a second cognomen is the engraver's error for Taurin(o),
vid. CIL XIII 8732 and Ephem. Epigr. V p. 220.
In the earliest period men of the rank of soldiers or under-
officers did not have any cognomen. The reign of Claudius
is generally taken as the turning point, before which cognomina
are rare and after which it is unusual to find them omitted from a
name. (Schulze, Lateinische Eigennamen, p. 497, "Denn im
Allgemeinen ist die Sitte des personlichen Cognomens schon
etwas friiher (i. e., than the reign of Trajan), unter Claudius
und Nero allgemein durchgedrungen und rasch auch obligator-
isch geworden." W. Baehr, De Centurionibus Legionariis, p.
22, "Itaque sub Claudio edictum videtur, ut militum in laterculis,
codicillis, aliis libellis publiciis cognomina quoque adscriberentur,
id quod milites in titulis privatis statim imitates esse consentaneum
est." Cf. CIL XIII 1121, Kubitschek, Pauly-Wissowa 3:1601,
E. Bormann, A. E. M. 18, p. 223, K. Patsch, A. E. M. 14, p.
103, Siebourg, Bonn. Jahrbb. 107 (1901), p. 187f.
Several names have been found which, contain a cognomen
borne by legionaries whose period of service is earlier than the
reign of Claudius. There is a group of cognomina preserved on
stones found in Italy which probably were cut during the reign
of Augustus. Some seem to belong to men who served in the
battle of Actium and were retired later on land given to them at
Ateste. Some of these names lack a cognomen altogether.
One name, M. Billienus M. f. Rom., adds the word Actiacus in
the place of a cognomen. While this is a cognomen in form, it
has not been listed as such in the Index Cognominum of CIL V,
and that precedent has been followed in the present collection.
The following names of this group contain a cognomen: C. Titius
Magnus and M. Tudius Niger of the V Urbana, C. Aebutius
Rufus of the XI th legion and L. Labicius Celer of the VI Ferrata;
the inscription containing Celer was found at Beneventum. M.
Verrius Celsus is the name of a centurion whose term of service
should probably be assigned to the reign of Augustus.
By far the earliest laterculus of soldiers is that found in Coptos,
Egypt (CIL III 6627). This inscription has been dated by the
editor, Mommsen, in the reign of Augustus. The list given on
this stone contains seventy-two names, thirty-six are the names
of soldiers, an equal number are names of centurions. No sol-
dier's name has a cognomen. Of the names of the centurions
twenty-two have no cognomen, Mommsen says twenty-three,
but only twenty-two are indexed as nomina in CIL III
while fourteen are indexed as cognomina. (Cotus may have
been considered a nomen by Mommsen.) In this number we
have some of the earliest testimony on the matter of cognomina
in the names of legionaries. Of the fourteen cognomina, nine
are adjectives in form: Castus, Clemens, Firmus, Flaccus, lustus,
Longus (2), Maternus, Rufus, and Varus. Servatus is a partici-
pial adjective, Aquila is a noun, Galba and Varus are names
well known at Rome. Cotus is a name of Celtic origin.
Two men of the XXXth legion and both belonging to the tribe
Stellatina saw service in this early period, possibly before the
beginning of our era. Their names are M. Crassicius Castellus
and P. Clodius Pius. T. Atidius Porcio, a soldier of the Xllth
legion at Ateste, must have served about the year 9 A. D. because
this legion disappeared at this time. Facoq Af^Xioi; Fejjuvoq, a
centurion of the Vllth legion in Asia Minor belongs to the year
11-12 A. D. Salvius Febranus Baculus is the name of a cen-
turion of the XXth legion in Dalmatia at the opening of the cen-
tury. C. (?) lulius Albus, a soldier of the lid legion and his
centurion, Laenas, in Aquitania have been assigned to the period
before the year 21 A. D. by Allmer, CIL XIII 1122. Other
names which belong to men in service during the reign of Tiber-
ius are T. lulius Festus borne by a soldier in the XVIth legion
at Nemausus, P. Aelius Optatus and L. Antonius Quadratus,
two names of men enrolled in the XXth legion in Italy, and M.
Vibrius Marcellus borne by a centurion of the XVIth legion
at Rome. T. Flavius Titullus of the tribe Stellatina serving in
the XXth legion is mentioned in an undoubtedly early inscription
at Beneventum. A group of inscriptions earlier than the reign
of Claudius is found in Dalmatia preserving the names of men
enrolled in the Vllth and Xlth legions. Another also in this
early period is found in Germany with the names of men belonging
to the XVIth legion. About twenty names altogether can be
assigned to the period before the reign of Claudius. From the
reign of this Emperior to the end of the first century bet ween 350
and 400 names can be definitely dated. There are others, of
course, to which exact dates can not be given, although they may
belong to the first century.
Some characteristics of the names of the first century have
already been noted in separate sections of Chapter II. These
may be recalled here briefly : The cognomina of the first century
are for the most part adjectives. Nouns are not infrequent. Cog-
nomina ending in -ianus are found in a few names. Nomina of
Roman gentes are rarely used as cognomina. Cognomina of
Greek origin are occasionally employed; other names of foreign
origin are not common during the first century. The cognomina
which are found in five or more names belonging to this century
are Bassus, Celer, Firmus, Fronto, Optatus, Priscus, Proculus,
Pudens, Rufus, Saturninus, Saturninus, Secundus (nineteen
examples), Severus, Silvanus, Valens, Verecundus, Verus, and
NOTE : In regard to the omission of cognomina it can be said that an examination
of over 350 inscriptions which contain the names of legionaries without a cognomen
More than one-third of the names of men who served in the
legions have been found on African soil and the large number of
cognomina in these possess certain features which are noteworthy.
G. Boissier (Revue des Deux Mondes, 1895, p. 56, vid. also
"Roman Africa") summarizes the practice of assigning names
among the Africans by saying that some adopted names such
as Maurus, Gaetulus, and Numida. Others contented them-
selves by translating their Punic or Berber names "par un a-peu-
pres latin." The boldest spirits adopted an entirely new name
or took a name from some famous Roman family. Mommsen
(Ephemeris Epigraphica, Cognomina Africana, IV, p. 520-524)
has mentioned some distinctive points in the formation of cog-
nomina in Africa, chiefly the ending -osus. Among the soldiers
cognomina with this ending are rare; those found are Albosus,
Barosus, Bonosus, and Fructuosus. (Apricosus is found in a
name in Italy.) Vid. Renier, Melanges d'Epigraphie, pp. 273-
284. There are also several cognomina which are Punic in
origin in the names of African soldiers. These have been
discussed in Chapter II, Cognomina of Punic Origin. (The
Roman inscriptions from Africa have preserved many Punic
names, some in the names of peregrini and slaves, others as
cognomina for Roman citizens outside of the legions. These
are similar to the names in Semitic inscriptions. They appear
in Africa from the beginning of the Roman dominion to the
latest Christian times.)
The most striking characteristic about the cognomina from
Africa which are dealt with here is the unexpected frequency
has shown that about three-fourths of these can be assigned to the period before the
close of the reign of Claudius. On several stones cut during the first half of the
first century one with a cognomen will be found by the side of another name which
lacks it. The absence of a cognomen is not certain proof, however, that the inscrip-
tion should be dated earlier than the reign of Claudius, but it creates a probability
in favor of an early date. Cf. W. Baehr, op. cit. p. 20f. Two names lacking a
cognomen are worthy of mention because of the late date; M. Antonius M. filius
is the name of a veteran at Aquileia of the I Adiutrix, a legion formed in the year
68. His father has the cognomen Vettianus; he is not enrolled in the legions.
M. Titurius Gai filius natione Italus is the name of a soldier of the II Traiana at
Alexandria in Egypt. The II Traiana, as the name indicates, was formed by the
Emperor Trajan and consequently M. Titurius can not have served before the year
of names in the form of past participles. The use of participles
as cognomina is by no means confined to this region, but it is
among the names of soldiers at Lambaesis that this form of cog-
nomen appears commonly enough to be considered popular.
Several cognomina in participial form have been found often
enough to be included with the " popular" cognomina of Chap-
ter I.
The majority of the instances under all these names came from
Africa. The cognomina are Datus (22)* 20, Donatus (68) 62,
Emeritus (23) 16, Honoratus (30) 27, Optatus (34) 19, and
Rogatus (44) 42. (Rogatianus has been noted in African in-
scriptions only.) Other cognomina in this form which have
been found in Africa only are Ampliatus, Collatus, Concessus
(four examples), Exoratus, Extricatus (seven examples), Meritus,
Potitus, Privatus, Processus (six examples), and Renuntiatus.
Restutus, Speratus, and Successus are also more frequent in
Africa than elsewhere. The present participle Crescens (50) 27
is the only present participial form to be found in Africa.
(cf. Caligatus, Chapter III, Double Cognomina, vid. also Chap-
ter II, Participial Adjectives.)
The peculiarities of Roman names in Africa have already been
observed by Jules Toutain (Les Cites romaines de la Tunisie.
Essai sur 1'Histoire de la Colonisation romaine dans 1'Afrique
du Nord. Bibliotheque des Ecoles fran§aises d'Athenes et de
Rome, fascicule 72, livre II, chapitre premier, "La Nomenclature
et 1'Onomastique," pp. 184-186), R. Cagnat (Journal des Savants,
Mai 1896, pp. 259-272), Rudolf Herzog (Namensiibersetzungen
und Verwandtes, Philologus LXI, 1897, pp. 33-70), and G.
Boissier (Revue des deux Mondes, 1895, p. 56). On Donatus,
Toutain writes, "L'ide"e exprimee par le mot latin "Donatus"
paraU bien avoir et6 identique a celle que rendaient les mots
puniques latan et Mattan: latansidi signifait Sed dedit
Mattanelim = donum deorum etc." Toutain compares the French
name "Dieudonne" to the Latin "Donatus." Herzog mentions
with Donatus the following names, Dativus, Datullus, Datianus,
and Donatianus, which are to be found in the present collection,
and Adeodatus. He adds, "Donatus ist vor der afrikanischen
* The number given in parenthesis refers to the total number found, the second
number refers to those from Africa.
Namengabung nicht (cf. CIL I, 1, 866) und auszerhalb der-
selben selten nachzuweisen. Wir konnen also von diesem Cog-
nomen behaupten, dass es in Africa geschaffen worden sei,
iibrigens zunachst nicht von den Vollnamen aus, sondern von
den in CIL VIII haufigsten Kurznamen Muttun, Methun,
Methen, etc. (Toutain, p. 169, 173) die eben nichts anderes
bedeuten als Donatus. Man sollte meinen, dass die Doppel-
namen mit qui et oder signo die Cognomina einer Familie leicht
Uebersetzung konstatieren lassen, aber trotz eifrigen Suchens
nach dieser Hinsicht hat sich mir sehr wenig ergeben, so CIL
VIII 169 — Valerius Donatus filius eorum et Valerius Muthunus
frater eius." On Rogatus, Toutain remarks, "Les cognomina
Rogatus et Rogatianus, qui e*taient aussi tres populaires en
cette region (Tunisie), derivent sans aucun doute d'une idee re-
ligieuse et morale, l'ide"e de priere." With Rogatus, Herzog
mentions Optatus, Impetratus, etc., and explains the significance
of the names as "das (von Gott) gewiinschte, erbetene, erlangte
Kind, konnte vielleicht kombiniert werden mit Sama '(baal),
B(aal) hat (die Bitte) erhort, Jazanel Gott hat erhort, etc/'
Herzog connects Honoratus with Kabdat, or Kebuddat, cf.
Kabedmelqart and Chubud. On the cognomen Extricatus vid.
Clermont-Ganneau, Recueil d'Arche*ologie orientale, I, 1898,
p. 165f. It seems probable, then, that this particular form of
word was considered an equivalent of names in the Semitic
language and the significance of the names contributed to their
Other cognomina popular not only in the ranks of the III
Augusta legion, but elsewhere in Africa, are Faustus, Felix,
Fortunatus, and Victor. These names appear to be especially
suited to men in the military calling, because names of good
omen may bring the bearer good luck. Men in other occupa-
tions in this province seem to have been ready to avail themselves
of whatever good fortune an auspicious name might bring. The
widespread use of these names prevents any supposition that
they were particularly sought after by the legionaries. In
regard to Felix attention was called in Chapter I to the fact
that it is considered the Latin equivalent of the Punic name
Namphamo. (Cf. Cagnat op. cit. supra, "II en est de m£me du
mot phenicien Namphamo, qui signife, d'apres saint Augustin,
boni pedis homo, id est cuius adventus adferat aliquid felicita-
tis, de Gadnaam qui offre a peu pr£s le meme sens et exprime
aussi une ide"e de bonne chance. Le latin avail divers mots
pour rendre la meme pense"e: les Fortunatus, les Faustus, les
Felix sont des Gadnaam, des Namphamo de*guise"s." Herzog
compares Benedicta, Eutyches, Faustus, Felix, Fortunatus, and
their related forms with the Punic Namphamo and Naamgad
or Gadnaam in their various forms. Baric- and its cognate
forms he considers names of good fortune also.) It is altogether
probable that other names are translations of Punic names in
common use and this fact would explain the popularity of the
Latin form of the name. Herzog connects the cognomen
Adiutor with the name Azrubaal or Hasdrubal; "help of Baal" or
"Baal helps." The following equivalents are pointed out by the
same authority. Hospes, Hospita, and Hospitalis are related to
Ger, Fremdling, Schutzbefohlener einer Gottheit. Hilarus and
its derivatives together with Laetus he finds are to be connected
with Simhat. He suggests Hagg(a)i as the equivalent of Festus
and in a footnote adds that Pudens may be a translation of a
Berber name, Juzula or Juzala.
Martialis is another cognomen popular in Africa. It is a
desirable name for soldiers and this fact quite as much as its
religious import may have led to its frequent use. Outside of
military circles the name is in common use, so that the religious
significance may have been the predominating factor in determ-
ining its use. In commenting on Martialis Herzog says, "Das
sehr haufige Cognomen Martialis konnen wir nicht gut unter-
bringen, da ein entsprechenden punischer Gott nicht zu Gebot
steht. Dagegen wird das haufige und wie es scheint, in Africa
entstandene Venerius, -a, -e, -osa, Aphrodisius, -a, auf Astarte
zuruckzufiihren sein." There are two other names in which
the religious idea was one of the causes of their popularity.
These are lanuarius and Saturninus. The frequency of the
former as a cognomen in the names of soldiers is noted by Gott-
anka (Epigraphische Beitrage, Geburtstagcognomina). For
the prevalence of the name Saturninus Toutain advances the
following explanation: "Cette pre*fe"rence des Africaines de
l^poque impe'riale s'explique par la faveur dont jouissait aupres
d'eux le culte du dieu Saturne: Or le Saturne d'Afrique etait,
non pas le Cronos de le mythologie grecque ou le Saturnus des
legendes italiques, mais Pantique Baal carthaginois. (Toutain
op. cit. p. 183, and Toutain, De Saturni del in Africa romana
cultu, pp. 59-62). Saturninus is then, according to Toutain, an
equivalent of a compound with the Punic name Baal and in
giving this cognomen to their children, "ils (i. e., the parents)
les mettaient en quelque maniere sous la protection de cette
divinite." Herzog reviews this explanation and comments as
follows: "Saturninus ist ein altromisches Cognomen, nicht erst
von den Puniern geschaffen. Doch ist es in den anderen Theilen
des Reichs und bei echten Romern viel seltener. Ob wir alle
Composita mit Baal als zu Saturninus geworden annehmen
sollen, ist doch fraglich, da die punischen Kurznamen zeigen,
dass das Individualle meist nicht der Gottesname, sondern der
andere Bestandtheil ist. Wie also 'A(j>poB(<no<;, 'AxoXXwvto?,
ZTJVWV, Sepaiufow, etc. sich auf Geschenk- und Widmungs-
namen beschranken werden, so wohl auch Saturninus auf
Namen wie Baaljatan, Jatanbaal, Maharbaal, Abibaal, etc."
Some other names frequent in Africa are Maximus, Primus, and
Secundus, but these are almost colorless and as far as the army
goes the numerical superiority of Africa in the number of in-
stances of their use is not marked.
Toutain in the chapter already referred to calls attention to
the emphasis placed upon the cognomen among the Africans
and observes that they are distinguished from the Romans in
that respect. He believes that the cognomina which are pre-
ferred by the Punic people are really an expression of their own
soul and genius.
It is interesting to observe that in another section of the
Roman world from which the names of soldiers have come down
to us in large numbers there are "popular" names different from
those in Africa. In the Danube provinces and Eastern Mediter-
ranean the names Firmus, Severus, and Valens are found fre-
quently. Perhaps these cognomina were not liked by the peoples
of Northern Africa and consequently were little used.
The importance of the cognomen in African names is a fact
which should be borne in mind in this connection where this
part of the name is the object of attention. Since we can feel
sure that cognomina were not given without taking into con-
sideration the significance of the word one need not be accused
of drawing on one's fancy in seeking to interpret the meaning
of cognomina in the names of African soldiers serving in Roman
The awkwardness of this heading is excused by its conven-
ience, since the inscriptions from these regions have been massed
together and contrasted with the African group. The cog-
nomina from the provinces of CIL III constitute a little less
than one-third of the whole number, while those from Africa
amount to more than one-third of the total.
The names which enjoy a special popularity are either adjec-
tives or cognomina well known among the Romans in Italy.
In the former class Valens, Severus, and Firmus are excellent
examples.* Other common names are Celer, Clemens, Longus,
Longinus, Priscus, Pudens, and Verus. For the numerical dis-
tribution of all these names vid. table at the end of Chapter I.
In the second class one should note Bassus, Capito, and
Fronto.f Slightly different are the names Marcellinus, Mar-
cellus, and Marcianus. Like the last mentioned name are
lulianus and Valerianus. Rufus is a common name in these
countries. Sabinus and Germanus which have little geograph-
ical significance (cf. Chap. I, s. v.) are frequent in these parts
of the Empire. Proculus has a popularity not easy to account
for, but its use among the soldiers may well have been due to
its employment in the names of men of high rank. Alexander
is the only Greek name which seems to have been popular.
The majority of the instances are found in the Eastern provinces
and in the Danube region.
As might be expected, those cognomina which for one reason
or another would be undesirable are not often found. If a man
* Prof. D. R. Stuart has kindly informed me that Valens or OudXlQS is a popu-
lar name in Arabia. This popularity is due to the fact that Valens is a natural
transcription of the Arabic Wai or Wai 'a, vid. P.A.E.S. No. 358. Severus is also
one of the most common names in Arabia and Syria. Vid. Chalot, Index to Wad-
dington-Le Bas.
t Baaao? (spelled also BaffO?) is especially frequent in Arabia — the natural
transliteration of Ba?' or Baq vid. Stuart. P.A.E.S. No. 281, 282.
bore a nickname of that kind it is likely that he had at the same
time a dignified cognomen and it is the latter which appears in
the military list and on the gravestone. It is reasonable to sup-
pose that uncomplimentary names were current among men in
military life, but these names have now almost entirely perished.
There are four cognomina which should be mentioned under
this heading and which may very well have been given to the
persons concerned out of a dislike which grew up in some way.
These cognomina were adopted by their bearers and have been
preserved up to the present day. They are Barbarus, Mucco,
Mutilus, and Sterceius. About the significance of the last
name there can be no uncertainty. Mutilus causes the editor
of the inscription (CIL XIII 8591) some anxiety, but the reading
and the meaning of the cognomen seem to be certain. Barbarus
is found in the name of a legionary at Carnuntum whose term of
service may have been before the year 63; if not, it was certainly
during the first century. Barbarus is the cognomen in three
names of men at Lambaesis. Two of the men were enrolled
in the third century and the third served later than the reign
of Hadrian. The early use and the late instances point to the
conclusion that Barbarus as a cognomen may refer to some dis-
tinguishing quality of the men who bore it. Mucco is probably
derived from Muccus (vid. Forcellini-DeVit, Onomasticon).
Such a word would scarcely have been applied as a cognomen
unless it had been appropriate to the bearer.
It is tempting to add other names to this list but it may not be
wise to venture too far in the interpretation of cognomina when
we know so little about the circumstances under which they
were given.
It will be observed that there are many names which have a
nomen and cognomen formed on the same stem. In several
names the cognomen has been formed by the addition of the
ending -ianus. Nearly all the dated examples of names of this
kind can be assigned to the third century. The combination
which is found most frequently is the nomen lulius with the cog-
nomen lulianus; thirteen cases of the name lulius lulianus have
been collected. The earliest instance of this name occurs in
the case of a centurion in Egypt before the year 108. Valerius
Valerianus is recorded as the name of five legionaries, and the
earliest of all the names of this kind is Valerius Valerianus,
borne by a soldier of the XI Claudia in Dalmatia in the period
between the year 42 and the reign of Vespasian. Claudius
Claudianus is preserved in five names; four of these can be assigned
to the third century. Aelius Aelianus and Aurelius Aurelianus
appear in two names each; one of the former is dated in the year
228, and one of the latter about the year 253. Other instances
of this kind are Flavius Flavianus, the son of a Flavinus (undated)
L. Marinius Marinianus (the name of a man serving during the
reign of Alexander Severus), Nepotinius Nepotianus (227),
Geminius Geminianus (undated), Octavius Octavianus (undated),
Pontius Pontianus (155), Rutilius Rutilianus (undated), Severius
Severianus (238-244), Sittius Sittianus (200), Successus Succes-
sianus (third century?), Terentius Terentianus (about 212),
and Vereius Vereianus (about 202).
In some names the cognomen has the ending -inus. These
are Catullius Catullinus (undated), Ingenius Ingenuinus (239),
Marcellinius Marcellinus (after 170), and Rufinius Rufinus
(undated). Another variety is shown in the Augustius Augusta-
lis borne by a man whose period of service is later than the year 89.
In a few cases the cognomen is not altered, but the nomen may
perhaps have been formed to be appropriate to the cognomen.
In the name L. Fabius Fab(i)us we seem to have the nomen used
directly as the cognomen. This is the only example which has
been found in the present collection of names. The birth-place
of the legionary bearing this name is Nertobriga and his period
of service was before the reign of Vespasian. Felicius Felix
(undated), C. Masculinius Masculus (undated), Placidius
Placidus (222-35), Primanius Primulus (after 89), Severius
Severus (about 212) are the names in this group. In the name
Silvanius Silvester the nomen and cognomen have a similar
meaning in addition to their likeness in form. The relation
between the nomen and cognomen in the name Voconius Vitulus
has been pointed out by Otto Keller, Lateinische Volksetymologie
(Leipzig 1891) p. 115. The nomen Voconius is also spelled
Vacconius from vacco, cf. vitulus. The name Secundius Primus
shows its peculiarity through contrast between the nomen and
cognomen. The soldier who bears this name was born at Tubunae
and served in the III Augusta at Lambaesis.
The words of Mommsen (Hermes XIX p. 3, quoted in Intro-
duction, q. v.) have prompted these paragraphs on the appear-
ance in the names of legionaries of the nomina used in the names
of Emperors.
Aelius. The nomen Aelius is rarely found in names which
can be dated in the first century. Two brothers, veterans in the
XVIth legion in Germany (the stone was found at Rome),
who bear the nomen Aelius were in service before the reign of
Claudius probably. The home of these men is Brixia, and they
have no cognomen. P. Aelius Optatus, is the name of a soldier
in the XXth legion whose term of enrollment has been assigned
to this early period before Claudius, but not with certainty.
Aelius Asclepiades is the name of a soldier in the IXth legion
who served during the first century. The stone was found at
Puteoli. In the second century an inscription at Troesmis in
Moesia containing a list of veterans which can be dated about
the year 134 does not preserve the name Aelius. (CIL III 6178).
A similar inscription at Viminacium also in Moesia cut in the
year 135 records the nomen Aelius fourteen times in thirty-four
lines. (CIL III 8110.) A laterculus of soldiers at Almus in
Moesia which is dated in the year 155 has eight instances of the
name Aelius. (CIL III 7449.) Vid. Cagnat, L'Arme*e Romaine,
2d. ed., p. 293. An inscription at Lambaesis belonging to the
reign of Hadrian contains no use of Aelius.
Aurelius. The nomen Aurelius is found three times without
a cognomen in the early period: A? Aurelius, the name of a
veteran from Bononia serving in the 1st legion (CIL XIII 8276);
C. Aurelius of the tribe Quirina, the name of a veteran of the
Xlth legion in Achaia (CIL III 503); and M. Aurelius, the name
of a soldier of the XIV Gemina at Aquileia (CIL V 8272). L.
Aurelius Celer is the name of a soldier of the XV Apollinaris
at Carnuntum perhaps before the year 63, certainly during the
first century. The name L. Aurelius Rufus designates a primus
pilus of the XVIth legion whose term of service seems to be
earlier than the reign of Vespasian. Aurelius Rufus is the name
of a soldier in Dalmatia who apparently was enrolled in the XI
Claudia and consequently his term of service falls between the
years 42 and 70 when the legion was assigned to this province.
Aurelius Verus and Aurelius Vitalis are names of men in the same
province and also belong to the early period. M. Aurelius
Metelus from Alba Pompeia is the name of a soldier of the IV
Macedonica (disbanded by Vespasian) at Mainz. Three other
instances of the use of the nomen Aurelius can be dated before
the reign of Hadrian. The military laterculi referred to under
Aelius are important also for the use of Aurelius. In Moesia
it is found once on the stone cut in the year 135 and seventeen
times on that cut in the year 155. In Lambaesis Aurelius does
not appear in any soldier's name before the year 162. From
the middle of the second century it is found frequently.
Flavius. The nomen Flavius is found first in a military list
assigned to the reign of Augustus recovered in Coptos, Egypt,
(CIL III 6627); the name in question is P. Flavius from Paphos:
the cognomen is lacking from all names of soldiers on this stone
(vid. The Earliest Cognomina, in this chapter.). T. Flavius also
without a cognomen is the name of a soldier at Theveste pro-
bably in the latter half of the first century. The cognomen
Viator is found on this inscription. T. Flavius Titullus of the
tribe Stellatina designates a member of the XXth legion who
served before the region of Claudius; the stone was found at
Beneventum (CIL IX 1608). T. Flavius Secundus is the name
of a custos armorum, born in camp, serving in the XV Apollinaris
at Carnuntum perhaps before the year 63. The name Flavius
becomes common in the names of soldiers much earlier than
Aelius and Aurelius. On a papyrus from the Fayoum which
can be dated in the reign of Domitian (81-90) it occurs seven
times. (Pap Gen Lat I). The nomen is used with great fre-
quency throughout the second and third centuries.
Septimius. The use of the nomen Septimius before the reign
of Septimius Severus is rare among the men enrolled in the legions.
L. Septimius, the name of a soldier of the V Macedonica, is the
only instance without a cognomen and also the only one which
can be assigned to the period before the reign of Claudius.
(Westd. Zeitschr., 21, n. 212.) The only other instance which
has been noted earlier than the year 193 is in the name Septimius
Celer borne by a verteran, also of the V Macedonica, in Moesia
about the year 134. L. Septimius Cassianus is assigned to the
reign of Septimius Severus, vid. Roemische Limes, II (1901) p.
145 note. A long list of veterans found at Viminacium of the
year 195 contains no case of the nomen Septimius. This nomen
is not a common one in the camp at Lambaesis.
Ulpius. Only two examples of the nomen Ulpius in the names
of legionaries have been found which could be dated in the first
century and one of these is not without question. The inscription
(CIL III 2833) containing the questionable name reads P.
Ulpius D. f. Silvester (changing to the nominative case) and so
the editors of this volume have indexed the nomen as Ulpius.
Patsch (Arch, epigr. Untersuchungen II, 1897, p. 3, n. 4) cor-
rects the nomen to Pulpidius and this correction has been adopted
by Van der Weerd, Trois Legiones romaines du Bas-Danube, p.
225. The reading of CIL is accepted here. The man whose
name is under discussion was a centurion of the XI Claudia
in Dalmatia and his period of service falls between the year 42
and the principate of Vespasian.
The other first century use of Ulpius appears more certain.
M. Ulpius Dasius the son of Marcus of the tribe Quirina from
Sirmium is the name of an optio of the XV Apollinaris at Carnun-
tum perhaps before its departure for the East in the year 63,
certainly during the first century. A papyrus in Egypt (Wessely,
Schriftafeln 8) contains the names of soldiers in the III Cyrenaica
before the year 108 and Ulpius is recorded three times. The
majority of the dated cases of Ulpius belong to the third century;
comparatively few examples of its use are definitely dated in
the second century. This nomen is not often found at Lambaesis
and the majority of the instances there are in the names of cen-
BAEHR, WALTERUS. De Centurionibus Legionariis. Berlin. 1900.
BEUCHEL, FELIX. De legione Romanorum I Italica. Leipsic. 1903.
CAGNAT, RENE. L'Armee romaine d'Afrique et 1'Occupation militaire sous
les Empereurs. Paris. 1892 and 1913.
DUMONT, ALBERT. Melanges d'ArcheoIogie et d'Epigraphie. Paris. 1892.
ELLENDT, FRIDERICUS. De Cognomine et Agnomine Romano. 1853.
FISCH, RICHARD. La teinische Substantiva personalia auf -o (-io), -onis (-ionis).
Berlin. 1888.
Substantiva personalia auf -o, -onis. ALL V, (1888) 56-88.
FORCELLINI-DE VIT. Totius Latinitatis Onomasticon.
GOTTANKA, HANS. Epigraphische Beitrage. Augsburg. 1912.
GUNDEL, FRIDERICUS. De Legione II Adutrice. Leipsic. 1895.
HOFFMANN, ERNST. De titulis Africae Latinis, Quaestiones Phoneticae. 1907.
HOLDER, ALFRED. Alt-celtischer Sprachschatz and Nachtrage. Leipsic. 1896-
JUNEMANN, AUGUSTUS. De legione Romanorum I Adiutrice. Leipziger
Studien zur classischen Philologie, sechzehnter Band. 1894.
LAMBERTZ, Zur Ausbreitung des Supernomen oder Signum im roemischen
Reiche. Glotta, 1913, IV, pp. 78-143 and V, pp. 99-169.
MEYER, PAUL M. Das Heerwesen der Ptolomaer und Romer in Aegypten.
Leipsic. 1900.
RiTTERLiNG, SMIL. De legione Romanorum X Gemina. Leipsic. 1885.
SCHILLING, OTTO. De legionibus Romanorum I Minerviaet XXX Ulpia. Leip-
ziger Studien zur classischen Philologie, fiinfzehnter Band. 1893.
SCHNEIDER, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der roemischen Personnenamen Zurich.
SCHONFELD, MAURWITZ. Worterbuch der altgermanischen Personen- und
Volkernamen. Heidelberg. 1911.
SCHROEDER, PAUL. Die Phoenizische Sprache. Halle. 1869.
SCHULTZE, ERNESTUS. De legione Romanorum XIII Gemina. Keil. 1887.
SCHULZE, WILHELM. Zur Geschichte lateinischer Eigennamen. Abhandlungen
der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, Philologisch-his-
torische Klasse, Neue Folge V, 2. Berlin. 1904.
TOMASCHEK, WILHELM. Die alien Thraker, eine ethnologische Untersuchung.
II Die Sprachreste. II Halfte, Personen- und Ortsnamen.
Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Band
CXXXI, Vienna. 1894.
TOUTAIN, JULES. Les Cites remain es de la Tunisie. Essai sur 1'Histoire de
la Colonisation romaine dans 1'Afrique du Nord. Bibliotheque des Ecoles fran-
Caises d'Athenes et de Rome, Fascicule 72. Paris. 1894.
TROMMSDORFF, PAULUS. Quaestiones duae ad historiam legionum Romanarum
spectantes. Leipsic. 1896.
VAN DER WEERD, HUBERT. Etude historique sur trois Legions romaines du
Bas-Danube. (Ve Macedonica Xle Claudia le Italica.) Paris. 1907.
ZIMMERMANN, AUGUST. Die lateinischen Personennamen auf -o, -onis. ALL 13,
(1903-4), pp. 225-252, '415-426. 475-501.
A. D. = Anno Domini.
A. E. = L'Annee Epigraphique.
actar leg = actarius legati.
Adiut = Adiutrix.
Adi p f = Adiutrix pia fidelis.
Aem. = Aemilia tribus.
AEM = Archaeologische-epigraphische Mitteilungen.
act = aetas.
Alexand (Alex) = Alexandriana.
ALL = Archiv fiir lateinische Lexikographie und Grammatik.
Ani. = Aniensis tribus.
Antonin = Antoniniana.
Anzeig f Schweiz Alter = Anzeiger fiir Schweizer Alterthiimer.
AP = Archiv. fiir Papyrusforschung.
Apol = Apollinaris.
aquil = aquilifer.
ARBL = Academic royale de Belgique, classe de Lettres.
arm cust = armorum custos.
Ath Mitth = Mittheilungen des kaiserlichen deutschen archaeologischen Insti-
tuts, Athenische Abteilung.
Aug = Augusta.
Aur = Aurelius.
b s = beneficiarius semestris.
bell lud = bellum ludiacum.
bf cos = beneficiarius consularis.
bf lat = beneficiarius laticlavius.
bf leg = beneficiarius legati.
bf trib = beneficiarius tribuni.
BGU = Aegyptische Urkunden aus den koeniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Grie-
chische Urkunden.
buc = bucinator.
Bull Archeol = Bulletin arch6ologique du Comite des Travaux historiques et
7 = centurion.
c = circa.
Cam. = Camilia tribus.
can = candidatus.
Cas = Castris (domo).
c c = constans Commoda.
CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.
Cl = Claudia.
Claud = Claudius.
Coll. = Collina tribus.
cor = cornicen.
corn = cornicularius.
CRAI = Comptes Rendus de l'Acad6mie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.
Cyr = Cyrenaica.
d aq = discens aquiliferum.
d ar = discens architectum.
d s = discens signiferum.
d, dom = domus.
dec = decurio.
dup = duplarius, dupliciarius.
Eng = England.
eq = eques.
evoc = evocatus.
f. = filius.
f c = fidelis constans.
Fab. = Fabia tribus.
Fal. = Falerna tribus.
Ferr = Ferrata.
firm = firma.
Fl = Flavia.
fort = fortis.
Fr = Fretensis.
frum = f rumen taring.
Fulm = Fulminate.
G m v = Gemina martia victrix.
G p f = Gemina pia fidelis.
Gal. = Galeria tribus.
Gall = Gallica.
Gall Narb = Gallia Narbonensis.
Gem = Gemina.
Gem fel (G f) = Gemina felix.
Ger = Germanica.
Germ Inf = Germania Inferior.
Germ Sup = Germania Superior.
Gordian = Gordiana.
Greek pap = Greek Papyri, Grenfell and Hunt,
hast = hastatus.
hast pr = hastatus princeps.
Hisp = Hispana.
lesson = lessoniensis.
IG = Inscriptions Graecae.
IG a RR = Inscriptions Graecae ad Res Romanas pertinentes.
imag = imaginifer.
imm = immunis.
Ital = Italica.
Jahres Wien = Jahreshefte des Oesterreichischen archaeologischen Instituts.
Beibl = Beiblatt.
JDAI = Jahrbuch des kaiserlichen deutschen archaeologischen Instituts.
kanab = kanabensium
K = Karthago.
leg = legio.
lib = librarius.
lib leg (leg) = librarius legati (legionis).
Mac = Macedonica.
Maec. = Maecia tribus.
MAH = Melanges d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de I'fCcole francaise de Rome.
Mem de 1'Acad des Inscr = Memoires de 1'Institut national de France. Acad-
emic des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres.
mil = miles.
Min = Minervia.
Moes Inf = Moesia Inferior.
Moes Sup = Moesia Superior.
Ner = Nerva.
off = officium.
Ox Pap = Oxyrhynchus Papyri,
p c = pia constans.
p f = pia fidelis.
p p = primus pilus.
p v = pia vindex.
PAES = Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expedition to
Pais Suppl=Pais, Hector Corporis Inscriptionum Latinarum Supplenaenta Italica,
consilio et auctoritate Academiae regiae Lynceorura edita. Fasc. I Additamenta
ad Vol. V Galliae Cisalpinae. Rome. Atti dei Lincei 1888, Serie 4, Tome V.
Pal. = Palatina tribus.
Pann Inf = Pannonia Inferior.
Pann Sup = Pannonia Superior.
Pap. = Papiria tribus.
Pap Brit = Greek Papyri in the British Museum.
Pap Gen Lat 1 = Archives militaires du ler Siecle. Texte inedit du Papyrus
latin de Geneve No. 1. J. Nicole et Ch. Morel, Geneve 1900 fol.
Parth = Parthica.
ped sing = pedes singularis.
pol = polia.
Pol. = Pollia tribus.
Pom. = Pomptina tribus.
Praef kastror = praefectus castrorum.
Prim = Primigenia.
Pr p f = Primigenia pia fidelis.
prin vex = princeps vexillationis.
prob = probatus.
Prov = Provincia.
prov Lugudun = provincia Lugudunensis.
Pup. = Pupinia tribus.
quaest = quaestionarius.
Quir. = Quirina tribus.
Rap = Rapax.
RAE = Revue des fitudes Anciennes.
s = saeculum.
Sab. = Sabatina tribus.
Scap. = Scaptina tribus.
Scyt = Scythica.
Serg. = Sergia tribus.
Sever = Severiana.
sept = septima.
Ste, Stel. = Stellatina tribus.
sig = signifer.
singular = singularis.
strat = strator.
str cos = strator consularis.
tess = tesserarius
Tr = Traiana.
tra(ns) = translatus.
Tro, Trom. = Tromentina trius.
tub = tubicen.
Ulp = Ulpia.
Ulp vict = Ulpia victrix.
Urb = Urbana.
val = valetudinarius.
Vel. = Velina tribus.
vet = veteranus.
Viet = Victrix.
Vol = Voltinia tribus.
V v = Valeria victrix.
Westd Zeitschrift = Korrespondenzblatt der westdeutschen Zeitschrift fiir
Geschichte und Kunst.
Wessely Lat Pal = Schrifttafeln zur alteren lateinischen Palaeographie, Dr. C.
Wessely, Leipzig 1898.
The following list of soldiers and under-officers of the legions
is arranged alphabetically according to cognomina. The name
including tribe and domus (when given) is printed in bold face
type. All letters restored are enclosed in parentheses. When-
ever the cognomen is complete on the stone it is not repeated
here, but it is indicated by the first letter. This letter always a
capital letter is not followed by a period. So in reading a name
in which the cognomen is not spelled in full, the cognomen is to
be supplied after the first capital letter not followed by a period
which is the same as the first letter of the cognomen under which
it occurs.
In addition to the name the following items are added in
this order: (1), rank and legion, these are regularly indicated by
the same abbreviations; the exact letters of the stone are dis-
regarded in the attempt to secure uniformity. E. g. Min is
regularly the abbreviation for Minervia, when the stone has
only "M," (2), Date, wherever possible. "Date?" means that
no definite date can be assigned to the inscription. (3), Place
where the stone is found. Except for certain well-known
places the Latin form of the name has been retained. (4),
Place where the inscription or papyrus is published. Volumes
of the CIL are cited by Roman numerals. For other publica-
tions vid. Table of Abbreviations.
The first cognomen in this list is Acceptus. The first name is
that of Baebius Acceptus. The nomen appears on the stone in
the form Bebius. The man was a soldier (miles) in the II
Italica pia fidelis. The inscription is assigned to the third
century (3s). The stone was found at Virunum in the province
of Noricum. Lastly, the inscription is published in CIL III, no.
4837. Another example may be taken under the cognomen
Adiutor. The third name is that of M. lulius Adiutor, the son
of Marcus, whose home is Apia of the tribe Voltinia. This
man was a soldier in the XXII Primigenia at Mainz, where the
stone was found. The inscription is not definitely dated and is
published in the L'Annee Epigraphique for 1910, no. 62.
Different spellings of the same cognomen are kept separate in
the list, e. gf., Alexander and Alexsander, Clemens and Clemes,
Bassus and Basus, and so on. This separation seemed neces-
sary to insure accuracy and to increase the usefulness of the
list as a reference list for cognomina.
Through an oversight the following names were omitted
both from the Alphabetical List and from the sections devoted
to the Classification of Cognomina: T. Statius P. f. Serg. Mar-
rax p p XIII Gem Date? Aquileia Pais Suppl nl!63 and Cn.
Acilius Relatus mil leg VIII missicius Is Aquileia Pais Suppl
nil 60. The cognomen Marrax is perhaps to be explained as a
formation from the noun marra, similar to pugnax frompugna,
minax from mina, etc. For the etymology of marra vid Walde,
Lateinesches etymologisches Worterbuch; it is also to be found
in Holder, altcelt Sprachsch., s. v. The cognomen Relatus
may be classified as a participial adjective or as a noun. In
view of the probable early date of the inscription we may inter-
pret the name as an adjective used as a cognomen. For other
participials so used, vid Chapter II, Participial Adjectives.
For cognomina ending in -x, vid. this heading in Chapter II.
B(a)ebius A mil II Ital p f 3s Virunum Noricum Ill 4837
lulius A 7 III Aug coh VII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
M. Fl(avius) A mil leg XXII ante 89? Aquae Statiellae V 7508
Aufrius Ac(c)ul(eiu8) 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Cl(audius) A 7 leg? coh I Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:16
M. Aur(elius) A (vet) ex arm cust 1 (I) Adiut 2-3s? Mursa Pann Inf III 10270
M. Ulpius A bf cos II Ital 2-3s Celeia Noricum Ill 5180
— Acil(i)anu8 7 (leg?) Date? Magnae Eng VII 781a
Acrini(s) vet XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Tragurium Dalmatia III 9709
— A bf cos leg XIIII Gem Gordian 239 A.D. Novae Dalmatia. .Ill 1911
Aur(elius) A mil I Adiut post 114 Crumerum Farm Inf Ill 3660
L.(Br)uttius A Iusti(f.) 7 leg V ante 70 Col Agrippinensium. A.E.. 1906:57
Gavius A dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . VIII 2564
C. Appius C. f. Lem. A princeps XXII Prim primipilaris? Date?
Hispellum XI 5273
Aur(elius) A vet I Adiut Sever c 225 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4312
M. lulius M. f. Vol. A Apta mil XXII Prim Date? Mainz. . . . A.E. 1910:62
C. lunianus A 7 III Aug p v 3s Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1909:3
lun(ius) A spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf. Ill 3524
Menenius Adiu(t)or vet XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz XIII 6732
0- Vatinius A 7 II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3571
(L. Anti)sti(us) (Adv)entus vet ex leg XIIII ante 62 Lincoln Eng. .VII 187
M. Pud - —A mil XXX Ulp vict p f 3s? Avaricium Biturgium. XIII 1196
Vitellius A 7 III Aug coh V 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
Ael(ius) A mensor VII Cl Sever 228 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. . .Ill 8112
Ael(ius) A 7 (leg?) coh VIIII Date? Chesters Eng VII 601
C. Cassius A 7 XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:15
lulius A lib III Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 5953
C. Papirius A medicus ordinarius III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18314
M. Seius A (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana Bull Archeol 1905 p 240
M. Terentius A 7 VIII Aug Sever Alexand c225 Nola X 1254
— A 7 II Aug Date? Stanwix Eng VII 914 add E.E. Ill p!36
C. lulius A 7 III Aug Antonin act Caracallae Burgi Numidia VIII 2494
lulius A mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904:72
P. Aelius A spec II Tr fort Date? Alexandria Egypt Ill 14135
(An)ton(ius) A 7 (XXII) Pr p f Date? Saalburg A.E. 1903:311
G. lul(ius) A vet VII Cl Date? Almus Moes Inf Ill 7421
L. lulius A ? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2556
— ulius Ae(m)il(ianus) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1899 :91
C. Papirius A 7 III Aug 72 A.D. Rome. VI 932
C. Papirius A 7 III Cyr ante 108 Caenopolis Egypt Ill 6628
Ael(ius) Ant A sig XI Cl post Claud Tropaeum Moes Inf . . . . Ill 14214 :6
lul(ius) A less XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Aemilius A dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
lulius A 7 III Aug coh X 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
C. lul(ius) A optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2554
C. lulius A cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
0. Ventidius A vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2885
Cla(u)dius AgaOo mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Aur(elius) A mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7440
Albanius A eq? XXII Pr p f 231 A.D. Mainz XIII 6669
Fl(avius) A mil VI Viet post Hadrian London VII 25
Gellius A 7 XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5210
A optio II Aug c200? Petrianae? Eng VII 912b
lulius Agri(n)us vet ex sig (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2618
M. Aurelius A bf cos 212-17 A.D. Nettersheim A.E. 1911:156
M. Alpini(us) A 7 (leg?) Date? Carmmtum Pann Sup Ill 4454
Aur(elius) A (vet) ex arm cust (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia ... Ill 7688
L. Gl(audius) A Nico(media) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Cas-
tra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
lulius A Tripoli vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18084
C. lulius C. f . (Se)r. (Agr)ippa mil VII pf 42-70 A.D. Corinium Dal-
matia Ill 2885
Pompeius Agri(ppa) corn VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
lulius A arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
Fatoi; 'louXto? 'Aypn:xTvo<; mil II Tr fort 2-3s Fayoum Egypt. .BGU 378
'AyptXTcTv(os) mil II Tr fort 161 A. D. Fayoum Egypt. BGU 195
L. Gassius Cla. A Aeq(uiculis) mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 14358:14
C. lul(ius) A R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Lutatius M. f. Ser. A dom Cor(finio) mil IIII Mac ante Ves-
pas Mainz XIII 6869
Fla(vius) A mil XIIII Gem post 100 Ager ad Colapim Pann Sup. . .Ill 14046
Cla. A mil leg? Date? Bonn XIII 8083
Viblus A (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana Bull Archeol 1904 p206
L. Albucius Claud. A Miseno 71 Adi pf post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup III 10979
L. Aemilius A arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2795
M. Antonius M. f. Pol. Alb(u)s Gas (mil III Cyr aut XXII
Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
(C? I)ul(ius) A mil e leg II Is Ager Santonum Aquitania XIII 1122
C. A(e)lius A mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII S028
P(.Antoni(us) Alexand(er) vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2789
AtAius Alex(ander) vet ex optione (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
A trelius A mil leg XXII Date? Mainz XIII 6956
Aurel(ius) A 7 VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14509:1
Aurel(ius) A (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Auru(elius) A(lexa)nder (lib)rarius II Parth Date? Ager Albanus XIV 2278
M. )ur(elius) A p p (I Adiut) post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4315
M. Aur(elius) A vet II Adiut Date? Intercisa Pann Inf A.E. 1910:144
M. A6p(7jXlO<;) 'AX^OtvBpO? frum II Ital Date? Rome IG XIV 958
Gaesennus Alexand(er) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
T. Caesennius S sig (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18294
Gl(audius) Alexande(r) bf cos (leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1190
Gl(audius) Alex(an)der 7 VII Cl Sever 228 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 8112
Dom(itius) A 7 XV Apol post Traian Trapezus Pontus Cappa-
docicus Ill 674
C. Domitius A 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 28637
P. AORTIC? 'AXIqavBpoc; 7 III Cyr Date? Medaba Arabia IG a RR III 1348
Fl(avius) A mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7450
T. Fl(avius) A optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . VIII 2549
Gaius A corn III Gall aet M. Aurel Perinthus Thrace Ill 7394
lulius Alexa(nder) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul(ius) A mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
lul(ius) A spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf . .Ill 3524
lul(ius) A actar XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 7753
I(u)l(ius) A vet ex bf cos (V Mac?) M. Aurel-274 Potaissa Dacia. . .Ill 7692
lul(ius) Alex(ander) 7 (leg?) Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10459
C. lulius A mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3127
C. lul(ius) A mil IIII Fl Date? Alexandria Troas Asia Ill 387
M. lul(ius) A vet ex optione III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2885
Longi(us) Alex(ander) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. Ill 8110
Sep(timiu8) A (vet) ex dup (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Sep(timius) Alexand(er) can (leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1190
Servili(us) A arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
Ulpius A bf cos XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
O5X(lUO<;) 'AX4$OV8pOC vet ex optione III Gall Date? Aeritae Syria
Val(erius) Alexa(nder) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. Ill 8110
Val(erius) Alex(ander) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. Ill 8110
Val(erius) Alexand(er) (bis) (7 XXII Prpf) 204 A.D. Mainz. . . .XIII 6801
Val(eriu8) A 7 XXII Pr p f 205 A.D. Mainz XIII 6710
M. Valerius Alexan(der) (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt. BGU 610
U(l)pi(u)s Alexa(nder) mil III Cyr ante 108 Egyp^ Wessely Lat Pal 8
(Alex)ander Gas polio (III Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
— lius T. f. Pol. A Castr. vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt .HI 6580
(Ale)xa(nder) Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Cl. Ti. f. Col A onia vet ex arm cust III Aug Date?
Lambaesis VIII 2840
A vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6180
Alexand(er) 7 (leg?) Date? Proclitia Eng VII 627
Aurel(ius) A sig II Tr fort Ger natione Macedon post 214 Alex-
andria Egypt Ill 6592
(? Aure)lius A b(f) XI Cl post Claud Salonae Dalmatia Ill 8727
A vet I Min 2-3s Lyons XIII 1887
0- Casinius (Am)abilis optio 7 frum II Ital post 170 Rome
Bonn Jahrbb 117 p267
Fl(avius) A pollio III Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 5949
Hilarinius A bf cos 232 A.D. Col Agrippinensium XIII 8206
(Ulpi)us (?A)m(a)ndianus mil XIIII Gem act Veri Maximini
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11135
Aelius A (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Aelius A 7 III Aug cob. X 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
Aemil(ius) A (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Aurelius A(man)dus T. f. 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2817
M. Aur(elius) A corn trib III Ital Date? prope Reginum Raetia. Ill 5974
0. Flavius A mil I Min p f Date? Vettweis Germ Inf XIII 7854
lul(ius) A mil III Ital lib cos Date? Augusta Vindelicum Raetia . .Ill 5814
lulius A frum XXX Ulp vict Date? Rome VI 3334
L. Pompeius A Am(maedara) imm III Aug 2s? Castra Lam-
baesitana . . .VIII 18087
L. Sabinus A vet I Min 3s? Lyons XIII 1885
U(l)pius A vet XIIII Gem aet Veri Maximini Carnuntum Pann Sup III 11135
M. Uttedius Sallubianus C. Petilius A domo Iguvio vet XIIII
Gem Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2066
Val(erius) Amand(us) d ar I Min 210 A.D. Iversheim Germ Inf . .XIII 7945
Aufidius A bf trib (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2815
Ti. Cl(audius) A 7 V Mac c200 Rome VI 1408
L. Sallustius A vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 8231
Ce88oriniu8 A ursarius XXX Ulp vict Date? Vetera Germ Inf . .XIII 8639
M. Gabinius M. f. A Castr vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
Aemilius A 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
Fato<; 'louXloq 'A{Jipi(awo<;) (mil II Tr fort) 167-8 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt BGU 240
A Alex(andrea) sig II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt. .Ill 6580
nonius a (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaetdtana
Bull Archeol 1905 p239
(A)mpliatus Kar mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VII 18085
P. Aelius A 7 7 frum II Tr. 170 A.D. Salonae Dalmatia Ill 1980
Val(erlus) A mil II Herculiae post Diocletianum Rome A.E. 1909:94
C. lulius C. f. Vol. A mil leg XVI ante 69 Mainz XIII 6940
— Aur(elius) A R(atiaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Septimius A imm buc (II Parth Sever p f f) c225 Kalaat-el-
Muldik Syria A.E. 1908:272
lul(ius) A arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902:10
L. Aur(elius) A vet ex sig VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 12658
Mo(destius) Anicet(us mil?) I Min Date? Bonn.. ...XIII 8053
C. lul(ius) A arm cust XXX Ulp vict pf 3s Vetera Germ Inf XIII 8626
Aurelius?) A mil (II Ital) 3s Lauriacum Noricum Ill 11822
P. Aelius A- mil frum X Fr Date? Athens Ill 6108
Aur(elius) A 7 (XIIII Gmv?) post 100 Mursa Pann Inf Ill 3284
Aurelius A 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
C. lulius A 7 V Mac pc M. Aurel-274 Potaissa Dacia Ill 881
Aelius A tess XI Cl post Claud Cibyra Phrygia Ill 13665
C. lulius A Gas sig III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18067
M. Oppius A 7 III^Aug p v 194 A.D. Aquae Flavianae VIII 17726
M. Oppius A 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2958
s ATha(rso) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1899:90
P. Ael(ius) A vet VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 8115
M. Aur(elius) Antio(chus) Cap sig vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Aurelius A mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Col Agrippinensium . . . XIII 8292
8 A Prusia vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18084
L. Claudius A ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Flavius Antonian(us) ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18061
P(ompeius) Antoni(an)us domo Meliten(s)is? 7 VI Vict post
Hadrian Coccium Eng VII 218
Ann(ius) A spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Aur(elius) A sig II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3534
M. Aurel(ius) A mil XIII Gem post Traian Ampelum Dacia Ill 1317
M. Aurelius A 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2818
Buccius A vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2811
Cla(u)dius A mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Ti. Claudius Anto(ni)nus do(mo H)ierap(oli) mil III Cyr Date?
Amman Arabia A.E. 1905:214
Domitius A mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3096
Fl(avius) A vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
T. Fl(avius) A p p I Adiut ex n(avarcho) princ cl(assis) Is? Puteoli X 3348
C. Fullon(ius) Antonin(us) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2554
C. lulfius) Anton(inus) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 14507
(C. Iu)lius A Kas vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambae-
sitana . . VIII 18084
C. lulius A Junior spec III Aug Date? Seriana VIII 4381
(G. lulius) A 7 XII Fulm Date? Troesmis Ill 6191
L. Lucius A Dian(a) vet III Aug p vc!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . .VIII 18068
Terentius A arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana. . . . A.E. 1902:11
Ulpius (A)ntonin(us) princeps (III Aug) c253 Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18072
Valer(ius) A spec I Ital Sever c225 Ad Haemum Moes Inf Ill 13719
— A Castr vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
Val(erius) A mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Ael(ius) A mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
M. Ulpius A 7 XVI Fl post Traian? Ancyra Ill 6767
(Cor)nelius C. f. Pol A Castr(is) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2565
Ael(ius) A mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Q. Annius A spec VII Gem fel Date? Tarraco II 4143
T. Fl(avius) A Sir(mio) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 14507
T. Flavius A 7 ex leg III Aug p v ante 240? Seriana. VIII 4378 add 18554
L. Maelonius A vet bf cos VI Viet pf ante 70? Emerita Lusitania . . II 491
(V)al(erius) A mil (II Adiut) Date? Ticinum V 6422
C. Gemellius A sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2886
C. lulius A 7 leg VI post Hadrian Corbridge England E.E. IX 1141
P. Aul(ius) A mil III Aug ex III Gall 3s init Lambaesis VIII 3049
P. Ael(ius) Co(l. Apol) linaris mil II (Adiut) 2-3s? Aquin-
cum Pann Inf Ill 10498
L. Antonius Apollin(aris) vet I Adi pf 107-117 A.D. Apulum Dacia III 1004
Gla(u)dius Apulinar(is) mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
C. Claudius A vet ex (imag? II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt. BGU 610
Cosidi(us) A (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
T. Flavius T. f. Pol. A Castr vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
C. lulius A vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3128
0. lulius A (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 610
Valerius Apollin(aris) cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2557
C. Valerius C. f . Col. A Hierapol(i) vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alex-
andria Egypt Ill 6580
Ael(iu8) A mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Ael(ius) Apoll(odorus?) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup HI 8110
Aurelius A dup III Aug pv Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
M. (A)ur(elius) Apo(ll)on(ius) vet XV Apol Is? Tauchira
Cyrenaica Ill 6
lu (Hue) Apollon(ius) 7? XIII Gem post Traian Veczel Dacia III 8065:28
Aur(elius) A 7 (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2819
M. Aurelius Pol. A Castris vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
lulius A mil II Parth Date? Rome VI 3406
C. Nigldius A 7 X Gem p f 89-Traian Brohl XIII 7718
Aurelius A mil XI €1 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
us L. f. Pol. A Castr. vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
lul(ius) A mil II Ital p f bf praef Ss Fafiana Noricum Ill 5671
Villius Apricos(us) 7 II Parth Sever c215? Ager Albanus. .E.E. IX 658
T. Aurelius A 7 VI Viet ante Hadrian? Lyons XIII 1840
Celsius A Gas optio eq (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 2568
lulius A dup III Aug pv Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2564
K? A 7 XXII Prim Date? Brohl XIII 7703
A 7 (leg?) coh VI? Date? Vindobala Eng VII 550
A bf cos Date? Col Agrippinensium . XIII 8204
A 7 VII Gem fel Date? Lambaesis VIII 3245
Publicius A hast XXII Prim Date? Tarraco II 4146
A7 VII Gem fel Date? Carthage VIII 12590
L. Domitius L. £. Ani. A domo Myliada vet leg VII ante 42 A.D.
Ljubuski Dalmatia Ill 8487
lul(ius) A vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
0. lulius C f. Quir Aqu(i)la 7 I Adiut 7 XXX Ulp vict 7 X Fr
Date? Sicca.. ..VIII 15872
M. Licinius M. f. Coll. A Bera vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis . .VIII 3175
Lucret(ius) A 7? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1629 :22
M(e)tt(ius) Aqui(la) imag? (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf III 14409:1
Petronius A 7 I Min 210 A.D. Iversheim Germ Inf XIII 7945
Val(erius) Aquil(a) vet bf VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 8110
A 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) act Augusti Coptos Egypt Ill 6627
M. Valer(ius) A Thev(este) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Ael(ius) Aquili(nus) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 8110
(C.) Long (ius) A vet XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1155
C. Domitius L. f. Ani. (A)qui(l)inus mil leg VII 42 ante A.D.
Ljubuski Dalmatia Ill 8487
C. lulius A vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3129
Ael(ius) Aqui(lus) mil VII Gem piae Date? Tarraco II 4142
Ti. Claudius A vet (leg?) Date? Caesarea Mauretania Caesarien-
eis VIII 21023
C. lulius A Cuic(ulo) vet III Aug pv c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
L. Cornel(ius) A 7 XIIII G m v 70-100 A.D. Nida Germ Sup. .XIII 7331
C. lulius A (vet? Ill Aug?) Date? Lambaesis VIII 8181
C. Vibius A mil frum VII Cl pf Date? Scupi Moes Sup Ill 8200
Anto(nius) A 7 (leg?) coh VI Date? Castlecary Eng VII 1100
Aurelius A bf trib leg ? 2s Oxyrhynchus Ox Pap I 32
C. lulius Arc(he)laus mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3131
Cl(audius) A vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18084
A Zeug(ma) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18084
lul(ius) A sig IIII Scyt Date? Enesch Syria A.E. 1908:25
L? Aur(elius) A imm XIII Gem Antonin c215 Veczel Dacia
Ill 12565 cf A.E. 1912:305
L. Aurelius A vet VII Gem p f 3s? Lucus Augusti Tarraconensis II 2582
Aurel(ius) A vet I Min Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8278
(A)urelius A(ris) tides mil bf cos I Min Date? Col Agrippinen-
sium XIII 8278
(Ac)utius Arist(o) 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2781
T(TO<; <I>Xd(ou)io<; 'ApouTia(v)6<; mill eg VII p f Is? Aintab
Syria ARBL 1907 p563
P. Aelius A sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2792
L. Caelius A medicus II Ital Date? Brixia V 4367
C. lulius A vet ex imag (II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt. .BGU 610
(A)elius Arruntian(u8) Had(rumeto) mil? (Ill Aug) aet
Antonini Pii Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
C. Valerius C. f. Aem. A leg V Alaudae ante 87 Ligures Baebiani IX 1460
Aelius A 7 (I) Ital Date? Montanensium Moes Inf Ill 12371
Aur(elius) A bf leg II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3412
A&pTjXlO? 'ApT£lA(Bwpo(<;) mil XI Cl post 42 Aquileia . . . . IG XIV 2340
Aurel(ius) A medicus XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Aur(elius) A mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
G. Geminius A vet ex corn VIII Aug Date? Lyons XIII 1860
Aureli(us) Arusen(us) Turesi vet ex leg I Min 3s? Bonn XIII 8066
Clcereius Ascan(ius) p p leg XI ante Claud Burnum Dalmatia. .Ill 14996
M. Ulpius A optio III Aug 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2554
Aelius A nati(one) Cil(ice) mil leg IX Is Puteoli X 1769
Domit(ius) A domo Arethusa Suriae 7 XXII Prim An-
tonin c215 Mainz A.E. 1906:63
L. Furnasi(dius) A arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2912
'A<JxX-r)TUld8Y)<; medicus II Tr fort 147 A.D. Thebes Egypt
IG a RR I 1212
Gordius A 7 III Aug cob. X 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
Sept(imius) A mil XIII Gem Antonin c215 Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4440a
M. Ulp(ius) A (vet) ex sig leg XXX 210 A.D. Vetera Germ Inf. .XIII 8654
C. Calpurniu8 A 7 leg XXII ante Hadrian Thebes Egypt Ill 56
Julius A arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1902:10
G. Minicius G. f. Stelatina A Augu(s)ta Taurinoru(m) mil
IIII Mac ante Vespas Mainz XIII 6870
(? Sulpicius) P. f. Sea. A (p p VI) Ferr aet Neronis Milet Bithy-
nia A.E. 1908:130
P. A vet ex bf (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Valerius A vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
M. Aur(elius) A vet ex bf IIII Fl Date? Apamea Phrygia. . . .Ill 13663
T. Ael(ius) A Sal(onis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
lul(ius) At(i)lius mil XIIII Gem post 100 Ager ad Colapim Pann
Sup Ill 14048
T. Vitellius A T. f . Viminaci 7 III Aug IIII Fl VII Cl XII Fulm
XV Apol II Aug VII Cl II Adiut VI Viet Date? Lambaesis.. VIII 3001
A mil XIIII Gem Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 12896
Attius A 7 XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz XIII 6994
Ael(ius) A actar II Adi p f Antonin c215 Aquincum Pann Inf.. A.E. 1910:127
T. Aur(elius) A mil IIII Fl str cos Date? Naissus Moes Sup.. Ill 8249
(Anto)nius A comm cos VIII Antonin 213-217 A.D. Mainz XIII 6803
Flavius A mil I Adiut post 114 Ad Lacum Pelsonem Pann Sup. ..Ill 4129
G. Vitellius A 7 VI Viet pf post Hadrian Whitley Castle Eng..VII 308
Sex. Valerius Att(i)cinus vex eq III Aug Is Theveste VIII 16549
T. Aur(elius) A vet ex sig IIII Fl Date? Singidunum Moes
Sup A.E. 1910:172
Dumi(us) A vet ex actar (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis .. VIII 2626
C. Fictorius C. f. A 7 III Gall Date? Rome VI 3592
C. lulius C. f. Col. A Tar. optio III Aug Date? Lambaesis . . . .VIII 2886
Mummius A Cir(ta) bf trib (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana . . . . VIII 2567
optio leg VI Date? Hierapolis ............... IG a RR IV 825
Val(erius) A bf cos VII Gem p f Date? Tarraco ................ II 4167
- us Attil(ianus)? (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana ..................................... Bull Archeol 1904 p208
L. Adiutorius A (vet?) leg XXII 3s? Wiesbaden .......... XIII 7570b
Fl. Sabinius A vet XXII Pr p f post 89 Castellum Mattiacorum . XIII 7291
M. Aur(elius) A Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup .................................................... Ill 14507
M. Faricius A frum I Adiut Date? Rome .................... VI 3332
0- Geminius A Kar can (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2569
Fl(avlus) A nat Germanic 7 I Adiut 2-3s Ancyra ............ Ill 265
P. Ael(ius) Sept(imius) A qui et Maximus vet ex 7 (XIII Gem)
post Traian Sarmizegetusa .............................. Ill 1471
G. lulius A vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis ................ VIII 3132
A. Octavlus A arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis .......... VIII 2955
Ael(ius) A (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia ............ Ill 7688
M. Cornel (ius) Augurian(us) exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra
Lambaesitana ....................................... A.E. 1898:109
Avitius A mil XIIII G m v Date? Salonae Dalmatia .......... Ill 6549
Q. Caesonius A vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambaesi-
tana .................................................. VIII 18084
lul(ius) A comm legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup .............................. Ill 4452
- A mil X Gem Date? Vienna .......................... Ill 4556
Attius Augusta(lis) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana ..................................... Bull Archeol 1904 p207
Augustius A vet ex leg XXII Pr p f Date? Lyons ........... XIII 1838
Fla(vius) A mil? I Ital Date? Aquileia ........................ V 914
lulius A dup III Aug pv Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 2564
L. Octavius A Kart vet III Aug pv c!98 Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18068
P. Ael(ius) August(inus) corn? VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 8110
M. Antonius M. f. Gal. A Pace mil VII Gem fel Date? Bracara
Aug Tarraconensis II 2425
Qutntinius A optio XXII Pr p f Date? Lyons XIII 1882
—a A (7? I Min) aet Getae Bonn XIII 8050
Valerius) A 7 XI Cl 3s exe-4s init Aquileia V 940
Aur(elius) A vet II Adiut 3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10504
(Aulup)or Aulusa(ni fil?) mil XXII Pr pf cives civitate Anche-
(alo) 3s? Castellum Mattiacorum XIII 7292
Aurel(ius) Aulutral(i)s mil VII Cl 2s exe-3s init Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 8118 et Jahres Wien 1903 Beibl p!6
Aur(elius) A mil II Parth Date? Rome VI 3397
Mucatralis A mil III Aug natione Thrace natus in civitate Au-
gusta Traianesie Date? Lambaesis VIII 18312
M. Aur(elius) A R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Aurel(ius) Ann us? vet VI Viet ante Hadrian Remi Belgica . . VIII 3258
luliu(s) A vet ex actar (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
M. Aurelius A opt pp (III Aug) c253 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18072
M. Aur(elius) Aurelia(nus) ex frum bf cos Date? Josephsthal
Dalmatia Ill 3020 add 10057
L. Caecilius L. f. Pap. A Had(rumeto) mil III Aug Date?
Lambaesis VIII 3062
C. lulius A exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana . . . A.E. 1898:109
M(arcus) A vet ex str cos II Adiut Date? Intercisa Pann Inf A.E. 1910:144
L. Solicius A 7 V Mac et I Min p f aet Domitiani aut postea
Forum lulii.. XII 264
lulius A 7 (III Aug) 285-305 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2660
(C. Domitius) C. (f) (Au)ricullus arm cust VII Cl Date? Vim-
inacium Moes Sup Ill 8119
AtidiU8 A 7 III Aug coh III 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18065
Octavius A 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
lul(ius) A vet I Min 2-3s Lyons XIII 1862
Cl(audius) Avid(us) 7 (leg?) coh I Date? Magna Eng E.E. IV 686
C. Vallicius A Volt. Nemauso vet VII Gem fel Date? Tarraco II 4173
M. Aur(elius) A mil I Adiut Date? Intercisa? Pann Inf . . . . A.E. 1909:147
Aelius A mil? X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 4568
M. Aurelius A Avitiani f. c R Camuiitiensis mil II Tr fort
Date? Alexandria Egypt Ill 6593
T. Aur(elius) A vet II Adiut Date? Mursa Pann Inf Ill 3283
Caecilius A Emer(ita) Aug(usta) optio XX V v Date? Chester
Eng E.E. IX 1058
Cassi(us) A (7 ? I Min) act Getae Bonn XIII 8050
P. Ferrasius Cl. A Savar(ia) 7 VIII Aug p f c c ex aquil I Adiut
191 A.D. Stockstadt XIII 6646
T. F(lavius)? A bf cos Date? Stockstadt XIII 6648a
lulius A corn VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
C. lulius A (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
M A H 1897 p447
M. lulius A Ultinia Reis Apollinar 7 XV Apol V Mac XVI Fl
6rm clOO Perinthus Ill 7397
0- Memmius A Cast vet III Aug pv c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
Paternius A corn VIII Antonin 213-217 A.D. Mainz XIII 6803
C. Sittius A arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
M. Ulpius A 7 III Aug (7) IIII Fl 3s Ager Haeduorum septen-
trionalis XIII 2828
Umidius A mil bf VII Gem fel Date? Nemausus XII 3168
(Au)relius T. f. Gal. Avos? Cal(agurri) mil X Gem 70-Traian
Ulpia Noviomagus XIII 8732
Ulp(ius) B 7 XIII Gem 197-209 A.D. Apulum Dacia Ill 14479
Sal(vius) Frebranus T. f . Quir. B hast pr leg XX Is init Burnum
Dalmatia Ill 2836
Flavins B corn? bf? trib III Aug c200 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18078
0- Marcius B missicius leg XXI 70-Hadrian Mainz XIII 695 la
luli(us) Baler(ianus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
(A)eHus B 7? XIII Gem post Traian Veczel Dacia Ill 1629:3
P. Asinius L. f. B vet XV Apol Is? Verona V 3357
L. Atilius B Mil(evo) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
0- lulius B ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
L. Octavius B mil III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 3209
C. Sacidius B 7 XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4418
M. Aur(elius) B Sal(onis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
Cornelius B dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
lulius Baric(io) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
C. lulius Baric(io) Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
C. Pinaeus Baric(io) Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18068
C. Marius B Sim(ithu) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2568
F(lavius) B Tes = (Thessalonica?) p p III Cyr Date? Bostra
Arabia Ill 14149:4
Octavius B vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18313
L. Servilius B mil I Min Date? Cartenna Mauretania Caesar-
iensis VIII 9662
lulius B mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904:72
Aelius B 7? XIII Gem post Traian Veczel Dacia Ill 1629:4
P. Aelius P. f. Serg. Bass(us) 7 XX V v Date? Watercrook Eng VII 292
(Ae)milius B Apam(ea) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
L. Aemilius B Had(rumeto) eq (III Aug) 2s? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 1808J
M. Antonius B Apam(ea) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
C. Apidius P. f . Qui. B Amiterni p p leg XI ante Claud Latium XIV 3906
C. (Ap)onius B ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562 et 18051
L. Arnius L. f. Pup. B mil XV Apol 7 XIIII Gem 7 II Aug 7
VI Viet Date? Tergeste V 522
Aurelius B tub III Aug pv 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1907:184
L. Caesius L. f. Cam. B domo Pisauri vet VII Cl p f Is
Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2014
Capitonius M. f. Cam. B sig XV Apol Date? Augusta Bagien-
norum Pais Suppl n977
Cervius B bf trib (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2839
Claudius Bass(us) 7 III Aug cob V 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18065
(Claudius) Bass(us) sig leg I post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 10994
T. Cominius B Damasco mil III Cyr 80 A.D. Alexandria Egypt III 6603
Cornel(ius) B vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Epidius C. f. Pol. B vet X Fr 94 A.D. Alexandria Egypt A.E. 1910:75
lulius B dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
lul(ius) B mil III P(arth) 3s Viminacium Moes Sup III 1651 et p!021
lulius B 7 XXII Prim 3s? Lambaesis VIII 2888-9
lulius B 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2890
I(ulius) B vet V Mac Date? Drobeta Dacia Ill 14216:5
C. lulius B vet ex imag (II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 610
C. lulius C. f. B Maec. Pelago vet VIII Aug Date? Stobi
Macedonia Ill 7325
C. lulius B Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2567
L. Lucretius B (7) III Aug Date? Seriana VIII 4382
0. Marcius Q. f. Cor. B domo Benevento mil leg VII ante 42
Gardun Dalmatia Ill 14932
Na(evius?) B 7 (leg?) coh I Date? Chesters Eng VII 597
C. Oppius C. f. Vel. B 7 IIII Fl fel et II Tr fort Date? Auximum IX 5840
C. Paconius B vet (III Aug) Date? Verecunda VIII 4244
L. Refidius L. f. Ter B domo Venafro 7 leg XVI ante 43?
Mainz A.E. 1909 :73
L. Satrius B mil III Cyr Date? Rome VI 3626
L. Serenius B 7 II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 6456
G. Terentius B 7 VI Viet ante Hadrian Brohl XIII 7695-6
Ulp(ius) B mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Valerius B (7?) XIIII G m v c62? Aquae Germ Sup XIII 6304
Valeri(us) (Ba)ssus optio I Min p f Date? Rigomagus Germ
Inf XIII 7795
C. Valerius C. f. Pol. B Cas (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90
A.D. Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat ,1
C. Val(erius) B mil I Adiut c!50 Caesarea Mauretania Caesar-
iensis VIII 21049
M. Verginius B 7 IIII Scyt Date? Rome VI 403
Veru Bassu(s) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
- Pol. B Samosata optio II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 65£0
M B mil III (Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3205
- B Neritani (fll) mil II Adiut 3s? Aquincum Pann Inf III 3558
Florius B ducenar protector ex ordinario II Ital divit Date?
Spoletium XI 4787
C. Oppius B bf cos II Ital p f Sever 226 A.D. Teutoburgium Pann
Inf Ill 3270
Rabil(ius) B tub IIII Scyt Date? Enesch Syria A.E. 1908:25
L. Sentius B optio (et 7} (I) Ital Date? Rome VI 3628
L. Antistius B vet I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4811
L. Antistius B mil exactus off praesidis I Adiut post 114 Brigetio
Pann Sup Ill 4311
C. Licinius B bf (leg) leg II Ital p f 211 A.D. Celeia Noricum. . .Ill 5187
L. Antistius B mil II Adiut bf cos post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup.. Ill 4311
Calvonius Belli (c)us mil leg XXII Date? Lyons XIII 1872
L. Coelius B mil? leg VII? Date? Tarraco II 4175
A. Geminius B Sice (a) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2567
lul(ius) B vet XXII Pr p f Date? Mainz XIII 6667
M. Laetor(ius) B optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
C. Nonius (B)ellicus Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
C. Rutil(ius) B vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3228
M. Ulpius B vet XXX Ulp vict Date? Riva V 5010
L. Septimius B sig XXII Prim optio navali 198 A.D. Mainz.. XIII 6712
Aurelius B vet (leg?) Date? Brixia V 4366
M. Aurelius B frum XIII Gem Date? Rome VI 8356
T. Aurelius B 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2820-1
Fl(avius) B 7 XX V v Date? Rough Castle Eng VII 1092
lulius B frum I Min Date? Rome VI 3333
Cn. Decimius Cn. f . Lem. B evocatus leg XIII Is init? Hispellum XI 5275
Bieni(us aut-us) 7 leg II ante Claud? Argentorate . . XIII 5977
Manilius B dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
M. Aur(elius) B Paul(talia) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
T. Aur(elius) B Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
(B)it(h)us Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Aur(elius) B natione Trax elves Filopopulitanus mil I Ital
Date? Rome VI 2601
Aelius B Napoca mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pil Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18085
Aur(elius) B corn II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 15159-60
Aurel(ius) B mil II Parth Date? Rome VI 5372
(A)urel(ius) B v(et leg I Min?) 3s? Lyons XIII 1843
L. Valerius B natione Bessus mil III Cyr Date? Bostra Arabia.. Ill 104
Alfius B 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2801
Aur(elius) B mil II Ital Sever c225 Virunum Noricum Ill 4791 add
Egnatius B arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
M. Aur(elius) B Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. Aninius Lem. B mil leg VII1I Is? Aquileia Pais Suppl n!80
Fl(avius) B 7 XIIII Gem Date? Rome VI 3594
P. us B Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18087
Aemll(lus) B mil III Aug Date? Affreville A.E. 1904:20
C. lulius B 7 VI Ferr Date? Puteoli X 1737
0- Helvlus B 7 XIIII Gem ante 62 Mainz XIII 6907
Claudius B 7 I Adiut 70-100 A. D. Mainz XIII 6837
L. Flavius B mil XI Cl pf Vespas-Traian Vindonissa
Anzeig f Schweiz Alter VI p!60-l
0. Pompeius 0. (f) Aniensis Foro lull B mil ex leg XV ante
Vespas Col Agrippinensium XIII 8284
Noni(us) Butur(arius) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1002:11
Bytyt(r)al(is) Biti(fil) vet leg XXI(I) Date? Ager
Mogontiacensis XIII 7215 m
(A)ur(elius) C aquil leg? Date? Bonn XIII 8084
C. Lovesius Papir C Emerita mil XX V v Date? Chester Eng.
E. E. IX 1063
Arabonius Caecilian(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D.
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
0- Faonius C (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
Firmidius G(a)ecilianu8 bf cos VII Gem p f Date? Tarraco. . .II 4153
Cabin (ius) C sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
C. lulius— C vet III Aug Date? Mastar VIII 6358
C. Octavius C mil exactus III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2956
Sex. Pomponius C vet ex str (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2597
C. lulius C mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3133
C. lulius C 7 (II Aug?) Date? Isca Eng VII 114
Octavius C aelestin(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Cas-
tra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Fl(avius) Cael(ius) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6180
L. Pompeius C princeps leg XIIII G m v post 100 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 11188
P. Granius Auctus C vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3120
Septimius C dup I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4324
lus C vet I Adi p f 70-100 A.D. Remi Belgica XIII 3260
P. Aelius C mil XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1034
Aurelius C 7? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 1629:14
M. Aur(elius) Caiu(s) mil VII Cl str cos 220 A.D. Naissus Moes
Sup Ill 12672
M. Ulp(ius) C III Ital Antonin 211-222 A.D. Apulum Dacia Ill 1178
Pomponius C Sic(ca) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567 et 18054
A. Cesonius K 7 protector (II Adiut)? 3s init Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 10509
K mil leg X Date? Fl Raab Noricum Ill 5486
0. Caecilius K optio (II Tr fort) Date? Alexandria Egypt Ill 6577
(M) Ul(pius) K bf cos (I) Ital 225 A.D. Narona Dalmatia Ill 1781
K Celati f mil II Adiut Date? Vallis Fl Mur Noricum. .Ill 5417
G. lulius Gal. Cal(e)nus Lug(uduno) vet ex leg VI Viet p f
post Hadrian Lincoln Eng VII 182 add E. E. IX p 556
L. Aemilius C optio cor (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2554
(C)alicles Nic(omedia) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
L. Valerius C frum VI(I) Gem Date? Aquileia V 941
Ulp(ius) C mil XIIII G m v Date? Salonae Dalmatia III 6549 et p 1510
Annius C p p (leg?) Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10503
Aur(elius) C vet V Mac Date? Ancyra Ill 6762
Aur(elius) Callistr(atus) 7? XIII Gem post Traian Veczel
Dacia Ill 1629:10
Lucius Calpurnian(us) (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lam-
baesitana Bull Archeol 1904 p206
C. (S)a(l)vius C mil XII Fulin domo Priverno ex Italia l-2s?
Amorium Phrygia Ill 353
K 7 (leg?) Date? Borcovicium Eng VII 679
Sept(imius) C cand XXX Ulp vict 223 A.D. Col Ulpia Traiana
Germ Inf XIII 8607
Sulplcius C 7 I Min Date? Novae Dalmatia.. ..Ill 1918
P. Garsidius P. f. Gal. C Lugd(uno) aquil IIII Fl firm Date?
Scardona Dalmatia Ill 14995
? Helvius C Gas har(uspex) (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567
Aa^pto? Ka[A£ptvo<; 7 V Mac 116-7 A.D. Budrum Cilicia III 12117
L. Noverius C optio XXII Pr p f 178 A.D. Mumbach XIII 7210
C C frum I Adiut 2s? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4462
C. Cotonius? C. f. Pol. C vet XV Apol Is Scarbantia Pann Sup
JDAI 1912 Beibl p 540
L. Naevius C Kast IIII Fl Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3468
M. Sulliu8 M. f. Vol. Via(na) C mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Mainz XIII 6872
C. Valerius C. f. Vol. C Vienna mil XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian
Vindonissa XIII 5214
Aurel(ius) C spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
C. lul(ius) C bf leg leg I Adiut p f post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup . . .Ill 4321
Secundinius C bf cos Date? Ovilava Noricum Ill 6631
L. Ael(ius) C tess XIII Gem post Traian Recka Dacia Ill 1592a
Ael(ius) C spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf. Ill 3524
Aurelius C mil II Aug Date? Vallis Fl Mur Noricum Ill 5476
M. Aurelius C 7 III Aug 50-100 A.D. Theveste A. E. 1909:37
M. Aur(elius) C vet ex imag I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup. Ill 4313
L. Cas8ius C mil VII Cl Date? Naissus Noes Sup Ill 14567
Concaoni(us) Candid(us) 7 (leg?) Date? Amboglanna Eng
VII 857 add E. E. IX p601
T. Flavius C bf cos Date? Siscia Pann Sup Ill 3948
M. Furius M. f Papiria C Theveste 7 III Aug Antonin c215
Lambaesis VIII 2878
lulius Candi(dus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul(ius) G 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2593
lul(ius) (Ca)ndidus bf praef castr (III Ital) Date? Castra
Regina Raetia Ill 5953
luli(us) C 7 (leg?) cob. I Date? Borcovicium Eng VII 667
C. lul(ius) Cpp XIII Gem Date? Ancyra Ill 267
L(icinius?) C mil (leg?) Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10459
Maevius C arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A. E. 1902:10
Probinius C 7 III Aug coh V 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
Sirifius C exactus (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2977
Tit(i)us C sig (I Adiut) post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4326
Q. Valerius C mil I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4326
Veranius G 7 III Aug coh I 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
lonius 0. f • An. Can(didus? mil? Ill) I Mac ante Ves-
pas Mainz XIII 6878
C 7 II Tr fort 148 A.D. Arsinoe Egypt E. E. VII p 459
inius (Can)didus (mil) I Min p f bf cos 195 A.D. Netter-
sheim A. E. 1911:158
lulius C K(arthagine) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
eitana VIII 2567
M. Domitius C domo Capetoliade 7 XI Cl p f post Hadrian
Tomi Moes Inf Ill 771
M. Aemili(u8) C vet I Adiut 68 A.D. Sardinia X 7891
Aur(elius) C mil VII Gem fel Date? Oppida circa Burgos Tar-
raconensis II 2901
C. (C)afatius C. f. Ani. C vet leg VIIII Is Forum lulii XII 260
Ce C 7 XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 14216:20
A. Considius M. f . Q. n. C mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Vicetia V 3105
P. Cornelius C (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 610
Fonteius C vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lu(lius) C(a)pito mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
C. lulius Capito Had(rumeto) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18068
M. lunius G Lindo mil X Gem Date? Albulae Mauretania
Caesariensis VIII 21669
C. luventius C. (f .) Cla. C Apro mil II Adi p f c71 Chester Eng E. E. IX 1048
M. L C eq (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3180
Mem(mius) C vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Roscius C. f . Ani. C Troad(e) vet V Mac post M. Aurel Oescus
Moes Inf A. E. 1912:188
Salius Capiton mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Ti(berius) C vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Vatinius Sex. f. C domo Arreti(o) vet VII Cl p f 42-70 Sa-
lonae Dalmatia Ill 8764
Vellei(us) C vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C 7 III Cyr Date? Rome VI 3626
ius M. f. Pol. C Cas bf praef II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
lul(ius) Ca(pra)rius optio (II Aug?) Date? Isca Eng E. E. Ill 64
P. Pompeius C Cir(ta) vet ex pol (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2618
Cn. Fulv(ius G)apratinus ex p(rov) Baetic (It)alicensi pro-
batus in leg VI Ferr tra(ns) frum in leg VII Gem p f factus
(bf) cos Date? Tarraco II 4154
F. "EXouioq Kaicp£o(Xo<;) 7 XIIFulm Date? Comana Cappa-
docia IG a RR III 120
0. Etuvius Sex. f. Vol. C domo Vienna mil eq et 7 IIII Scyt
Date? Aquileia A. E. 1902:41
Securius C mil XXII Pr p f bis 3s? Ager Mogontiacensis XIII 7248
C. lul(ius) C p p I Ital ex eq Romano Date? Lezan Moes Inf
III 750 add et p992
Verrius C mil imm II Adiut 2-3s? Poetovio Pann Sup Ill 10880
Ulp(ius) C 7 leg XXX Date? Zilleh Pontus A. E. 1903:200
Sep(timius) Carpia(nus) (? leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1190
M. lulius M. f. Col. C Pa vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Ill 6580
T. Acileius T. f . Volt. C Luco vet ex leg VIII Aug Date? Mainz XIII 6882
Antonius K 7 VIIII Hisp Is Rome VI 3639
L. Gradon(i)us K mil I Min p f Date? Kircheim XIII 7950
L. Porcius L. f. Voltin. K mil optio sig II Aug Date? Ucetia
Gall Narb XII 2929
Sept(imius) G mil II Adi p f Sever 231 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 3457
C. Atius C 7 XIIII Gem 184 A.D. Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14071
A. KopvqXtos Kaaxepiav6<; p p (leg ?) Date? Amasia Cap-
padocia IG a RR III 102
Cass(ius) C spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
L. Sept(imius) C sig IIIIII Hisp 193-211? A.D. Aquileia. Pais Suppl n!65
Valeri(us) Cassia (nus) 7 (leg?) Date? Magnae Eng VII 789
Victorius G vet leg VII Date? Mainz XIII 6881
Ael(ius) C (aquil? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Annius C 7 XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11218
M. Aur(elius) C aquil I (Min) Date? Bonn XIII 8039
M. Aurel(ius) C bf cos Date? Ad Dravum Pann Sup Ill 10890
C. Iccius C 7 XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup A.E. 1905:238
M. Crassicius M. f. Ste. C vir pro(bus) ? leg XXX post 31B.C.
Beneventum IX 1610
M. Aur(elius) C mil I Adiut Date? Mursella Pann Sup Ill 10956
Aurel(ius) C mensor V Mac p 3s Siebenburgen . . Jahres Wien V Beibl p97 n2
M. Antonius C (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
lulius C mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904:72
C. Aemilius C (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 P447
T. Aur(elius) C Rat(iaria) tub vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Avianius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. Caecilius C (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
Tib. Claudius C Girt (a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18068
T. Fl(avius) C bf cos Date? Mainz XIII 7000
lulius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
lulius C sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
M. lulius Pol. C cor III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18303
M. Licin(i)u(s) C bf cos Date? Ager ad Colapim Pann Sup ... .Ill 3938
Mattius C arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902:10
Naevius C 7 III Aug coh VII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . .VIII 18065
Paconius C bf cos III Aug Date? Vazaivi VIII 17628
Petronius C imm III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
(Petr)onius Cast(us vet) ex leg I Min ex optione Date? Valen-
tia Gall Narb XII 1749
L. Sentius C ? VI Viet post Hadrian Vindobalia Eng VII 544
Sep(timius) C (? leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1190
Timinius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
L. Trebellius C Ca(s) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2569
(Va)lerius C tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .A. E. 1907:184
C. Valerius C. f. Papiria C The(veste) mil III Aug Date?
Lambaesis VIII 3251
L. Vib(ius) C imm. leg XXX Date? Col Ulpia Traiana Germ
Inf XIII 8610
C 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) act Augusti Coptos Egypt.. Ill 6627
lul(ius) C vet (III Aug) Date? Verecunda VIII 4241
C. Serg(ius) Catervari(us) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2554
L. Cornelius C optio III Aug 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2554
L. Cornelius C qui et Caligatus 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis . . VIII 2848
lul(ius) C im III Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 11969
C. Terentius C. f. Cl. C Vir(uno) vet VII Cl p f ex sig 224 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 8124
M. Aemilius C bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2551
0. lulius C Lamb bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
(? V)al(erius) Catul(us) (7 XXII Pr p f) 204 A. D. Mainz.. XIII 6801
Valerius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C Viruno mil XXII Prim Date? Mainz XIII 6984
Rutilius C marsus III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
Aurelius Caudin(u)s arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1902:11
L. Aelius L. (f) Gal. C Clun(ia) mil VII Gem fel Date? Augusta
Emerita II 5265
Anni(us) Cel(e)r optio (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf.... Ill 144091:
M. Antonius C eq VII Cl p f 42-70 A.D. Dalmatia incerta III 3162a
M. Antonius M. f. Pol. C vet X Fr 94 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt A.E. 1910:75
M. Antoni(us— P)apiria C (T)icino vet XIIII G m v post
100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11209
Cl. Atteius C vet XIII Gem post 142 Apulum Dacia Ill 1093
Atti(us) C 7 (leg?) Date? Chester Eng E.E. IX 1045
L. Aufidius — C vet (VII) Cl p f Date? Scupi Moes Sup Ill 8194
L. Aurelius Cl. C Ar(a) mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup. .Ill 4456
G. Calventius G. f. Claud. C Apro mil II Adi p f c71 Chester
Eng E.E. IX 1047
C. Cassius C. f. Aniesis C Cre(mona) vet VIII Aug Is? Poetovio
Pann Sup Ill 10878
0- Cerfonius 0- f. Scap. C Flo(rentia) mil X Gem Date? Car-
nuntum Pann Sup Ill 4463a
(A?) (Cla)udiu(s Cel)er domo Verona 7 XI Cl p f 42-Vespas
Burnum Dalmatia Ill 2834
0. Cumelius 0- Fab. G Bric(xia) vet II Adiut Date? Asturica
Tarraconensis II 2639
C. Domitius (C)e(ler) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
A. Eburius C mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:17
T. Flavius C (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 87 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
lulius C arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
C. lulius C. f. Col. C vet V Mac Date? Oescus Moes Inf.. ..Ill 7428
T. lulius T. f. Cla.C(el)er (7) II Aug Date? Asseria Dalmatia .. Ill 15024
L. Labicius L. f. Ste. C ? VI Ferr post 31 B.C. Beneventum . . IX 1613
L. Licinius G (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 610
M(<4pxioO K£Xsp 7 XI Cl post 42 Istifan Bithynia IG a RR III 1426
M. Memmius C (spec VII Gem fel) Date? Tarraco II 4143
Mum(mius) C mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
C. Plotidius C. f. Vo(lt)? C ex Ispan(ia) mil (I) III Mac ante
Vespas Narbo XII 4366
Pompeus C (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
? Ravillius L. f. Arn. C Cartha vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alex-
andria Egypt Ill 6580
(S)alvidius C Gas ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
Scribonius C mil V Mac post M. Aurel Oescus Moes Inf A.E. 1912:188
M. Sempronius M. f. Col. C domo Pessenunto aquil X Fr
Date? Rome VI 3627
Septimius C vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Sossius C. (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 AD. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
L. Valerius T. f. Fab. C 7 X Fr act Neronis Heliopolis Syria. .Ill 14387g
Vari(us) C 7 (II Aug?) coh II Date? Segedunum Eng VII 491
Vibius C (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . MAH 1897 p447
C. Vibius C Nicom(edia) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
C 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6509
L. Gellius L. f. Flavia C Nemes XXII Pr p f 204 A.D. Seligen-
stadt XIII 6659
M. Aur(elius) C vet II Adi p f Sever bf trib 229 A.D. Cirpi Pann
Inf Ill 10580
Domitfius) Celeri(nus) optio (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf. Ill 14409:1
lulius C 7 XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4473
lul(ius) C spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf. Ill 3524
Nertius C p p XIIII G m v 205 A.D. Carnuntum Pann Sup III 14356 :3a
P(o8tu)mius? C 7 VIII Aug 2-3s? Argentorate XIII 5979
Ulpius C salariarus I Adi p f Antonin c215 Brigetio Pann Sup. . . .Ill 10988
M. Val(erius) C Papiria Astigi cives Agrippine vet X Gem p f
89-Traian Col Agrippinensium XIII 8283
C. lul(ius) C 7 IIII Scyt et XVI Fl firm et XIII Gem post
Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1044
(M)agnius Celestin(us) sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18073
Ael(ius) C mil II Adiut 2-3s? Bassiana Pann Inf Ill 15133
Fl(avius) C spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3524
L. Sep(timius) C vet X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 4574
Aur(elius) C (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Caelius C (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . MAH 1897 p447
Ti Cl(audius) C p p V Mac act Antonini Troesmis Ill 6168
Cominius C 7 X Gem 70- Traian Ulpia Noviomagus XIII 8733
Florius C exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:109
Sex. Maesius Sex. f . Rom C 7 IIII Mac ante Vespas XIV 2989
Sep(timius) C can (leg ?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1190
C. Statius C. f . Serg. C 7 VII Gem in Hisp act Traiani Risinium
Dalmatia Ill 6359
Q. Tul(lius) C imm III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2987
(Val)erius L. f. G(al) Celsu(s) spec II Aug Is? London VII 24
L Val(erius) C mil VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup
Jahres Wien 1909 Beibl p!56
M. Verrius M. f . Fal. C 7 III Cyr aet Augusti Atella X 3734
C 7 leg III aet Augusti Alexandria Egypt Ill 6591
Fabius C 7 X Gem ante 70? Iria Tarraconensis II 2545
M. Anicius M. (f.) Cla. C Dinia mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 13481
M. Aur(elius) Cen(sor aut -sorinus) vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Minicius C 7 III Aug coh IX 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18065
C 7 X Gem Date? Arand de Duero A.E. 1908:147
C. Publ(icius) C vet ex optione XIIII Gem 201 A.D. Carnuntum
Pann Sup HI 15191
L. Val(erius) L. f. Cl. C vet I Adiut ex bf cos 2s? Savaria Pann Sup. Ill 4191
A. Terentius A. (f.) Cl. C Apamea ex Syria 7 XVI Fl post
Traian? Ancyra HI 6766
Fl(avius) C vet ex aquil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2868
Aure(Hus) C frum II Adiut Date? Rome VI 32871
C. Terentius C vet ex arm cust (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2982
Aurelius C mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
L. Giamillius L. f. Cla. C Veruni mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Mainz XIII 6864
C. Petronius C mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3218
T. Carsi(us) Teret. C vet XX V v Date? Arelate XII 679
T. Aurelius Cl. C Gemeneli frum XX V v Date? Rome VI 32872
Tib. Cl(audius) C bf cos VII Cl Date? Runjevo Moes Sup Ill 8184
C. lulius C 7 XIII Gem primus hastatus posterior 139-143 A.D.
Rome VI 31159
Tonneius C arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1902:10
L. Veratius C 7 leg? Date? Antium X 6674
M. f. Volt. C Vien(na) vet XIII Gem ante 50 Tenendo
Germ Sup XIII 5239
L. Aurelius L. f. Pol. C Gas vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
T. Aurelius T. f. Pol. C Gas vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
Aurel(ius) C(h)aireas mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Ael(ius) C mil frum IIII Fl firm Date? Tibur XIV 3570
L. Aelius Charitonian(us) Gas ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
T. Flavlus Cicatricul(a) 7 (leg?) Is exe Chester Eng E.E. IX 1046
C7 IIII Scyt Date? Enesch Syria A.E. 1908:25
L. Leuconius L. f . Fab. C vet leg XXI ante Hadrian Sabini V 4902
Sulpicius C mil VII Gem Antonin p f c215 Vivatia Tarraconensis . .II 3337
C. Mestri(us) C mil leg? Date? prope Agram Raetia Ill 12031:5
L. Cornelius L. (f) (P)oll C Mut(ina) vet ex leg XX c43?
Ulpia Noviomagus XIII 8737
Staberius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Porcius Cirrenian(us) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1902:10
Aurelius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
M. Aurelius C vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
P. A — - Ci(t)us optio leg XIIII post 100 Siscia Pann Sup III 3948
V(a)l(erius) Ci(t)us 7 (V)III Aug Date? Boeckingen XIII 6475
Ael(ius) C mil VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 8104
Fl(avius) Civi(li)s? 7 (leg ?) coh ? Date? Chesters Eng....VII 604
G. (Li)cin(ius) C bf cos Date? Virunum Noricum Ill 4776
Aemilius C exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana . . . .A.E. 1898:109
Annaeus C 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2805
0. Annius C 7 X Gem Date? Lambaesis VIII 18283
0. Clodius C Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18068
C. lul(ius) C vet ex bf lat (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2892
C. Pass(ienius) C optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2554
Volussius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
L. Iu(l)ius Classi(c)u8 (7) leg XVI ante 43? Brohl XIII 7720
M. Petronius M. f. Arn. C. Marrucinus 7 VIII Aug ante Nero
Poetovio Pann Sup Ill 4060
Aelius Claudian(us) optio leg (XX) Date? Chester Eng VII 166
M. Aurel(ius) C vet ex 1 t (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis ... VIII 2626
Cla(udius) C 7 V Mac 197-209 A.D. Apulum Dacia Ill 7741 = 14479
Cl(audius) C spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Cla(udius) C 7 II Adi p f Sever 230 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 3515
Cl(audius) C optio I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 10983
KX(auSto<;) KXauScav&<; ©socpavou vet I Parth ex III Cyr 3s?
Zorava Syria Ill 125 add p970
Cornelius Claudian(us) Lamb bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Flavius C arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
M. Helvius C vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3121
Heren(nius) C arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902:11
lulius G mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf.. ..Ill 7449
M. C medicus III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2951
Cornelius C bf cos (III Aug) Date? Vazaivi VIII 17623
Sex. Ammap. s C bf cos Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1040
M. Antonius C 7 III Aug coh IV 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18065
C. Arrlus C. f. Cor. C 7 p p III Aug aet Traiani Matilica XI 5646
Auq>(8to<; KXrjUTK medicus leg XXII ante Hadrian Pselcis Egypt
IG a RR I 1361
M. Aur(elius) C 7 VI Ferr prob in leg II 2s exe Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 10507
Aulus Baebius C. f. Scap. Cleme(n)s Faes(ula) mil leg XXII
Date? Mainz XIII 6957
Caecili(us) Cleme(ns) 7 (leg ?) coh VIII Date? Hunnum Eng. .VII 569
Caecili(us) Cleme(n8) 7 (leg?) coh VIII Date? Vindolana Eng. .VII 718
C. Calpurnius C imm III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2831
L. Cassius L. f. Stell. C Taurus mil X Gem 70-Traian Ulpia
Noviomagus XIII 8734
Cocce(i)us C mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
M. Coelius C. f. Cam. C 7 IIII Fl fel Mys Sup Date? Pedemon-
tana incerta V 7160
(L. ? F)idius— Trom (Cle?)mens (Ae)q(u)o mil I Adiut
70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6830
P. Fl(avius) P. f. Quirina C 7 III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 2869
T. Fl(avius) C mil III Ital Date? Augusta Vindelicum Raetia..III 5812
M. Granius C Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18068
Honoratius C mil XXII Pr p f 204 A.D. Mainz XIII 6686
lulius C 7 II Adi p f c71 Chester Eng E.E. IX 1048
lul(ius) C aquil III Ital Date? Augusta Vindelicum Raetia III 5816
C. lul(ius) Clem(ens) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
M. Ma(r)c(ius) Cl(e)men(s) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90
A.D. Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
Pupius C 7 III Aug coh VIII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 10658
P. Talpidius C 7 VIII Aug aet Flaviorum impp Mediomatrici
Belgica XIII 4625
Val(erius) Clem(ens) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 8110
Valerius C7 I Ital ante M. Aurel Ad Haemum Moes Inf IIII 1443
Valer(ius) C vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
C. Val(erius) C 7 leg XIIII post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup ...,..!! 14356:53
C. Va(leri)us C 7 XV Apol post Traian Lystra Cappadocia Ill 6787
C. Vereius (Cl)emens mil VIII Aug. bf cos Date? Heidelberg .. XIII 6397
Vibius Clem(ens) 7 II Adi p f c71 Chester Eng E.E. IX 1047
Vispanius C mil leg VII Date? Ad Haemum Moes Inf Ill 12416
(Cl)emens Gabal(is) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
(Cl)emens Nap (oca) mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii
Castra Lambaesitana . . . . VIII 18807
C 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) act Augusti Coptos Egypt. . . .Ill 6625
C 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
C. Sulpicius Clemen tin (us) Sic(ca) mil? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Val(erius) C spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3524
L. Valerius Clemen (tinus) vet X Fr 94 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt A.E. 1910:75
Cla(u)dius C mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Fla(vi)us C mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
P. Valerius C vet V Mac 139-161 A.D. Troesmis Ill 6162
Cla(udius) C 7 (leg ?) coh III Date? Borcovicium Eng VII 670
P. Aelius C vet VII Cl Sever 223 A.D. Naissus Moes Sup Ill 14565
Aur(elius) C mil II Tr Date? Alexandria Egypt Ill 12054
Fl(avius) C sig II Adiut 3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3548
L. Maiorius C bf cos 211 A.D. Mainz XIII 6665
Sept(imius) C arm cust II Adi p f Sever 231 A.D. Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 3457
L. Cornelius L. f. C Pol. Eporedia mil leg XV ante Vespas near
Mainz. . . A.E. 1907:188
M. Aufidius C mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3045
Cornelius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
P. Pompeius P. f. Volt. C Viana vet IIII Fl firm Date?
Scarbantia Pann Sup Ill 4245
M. Alfius C vet ex sig (II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt.. BGU 610
Marci(us) C 7 (leg ?) coh VIIII Date? Hexham Eng EE. VII 996
G. C bf cos X Gem Date? Dalmatia incerta Ill 3158a
Aur(elius) Comas(t)us d(omo) Ver(ona) mil leg Parth Date?
Rome VI 3396
(Al)lidius C P. Ca(s) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. . .VIII 2565
A(nl)us aut Ae(Ii)us C mil II Adiut 2-3s? Poetovio Pann Sup . . .Ill 10880
Bibuleius Concessian(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D.
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Caecilius C corn (III Aug) 162 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2739
C. Caecilius C mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3067
L. Clodius C b s III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
0- Octavius C mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
M. Helvius C Cast bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
C. Urbici(us) C mil XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1204
lunius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
"EXouio? K6vwv vet leg Albanorum 4s? Canytelides Cilicia . . IG a RR III 865
L. Vitellius C ex pilo VI Viet ante Hadrian? luliacum Germ Inf . . XIII 7869
Attonius C vet XXII Pr p f Date? Lyons XIII 1837
Ti. Cl(audius) C mil II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10510
T. Fl(avius) C 7 (leg XXX) Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8291
G. lul(ius) C bf cos Date? Mursella Pann Sup Ill 10955
C. Nummius C. f . Fal. C p p II Tr 7 III Cyr et VII Cl 132-5 A.D.
Atella X 3733
Secund(ius) C mil VIII Aug bf trib sexm Date? Lyons XIII 1850
Val(erius) Co(n)sta(n)s vet XIII Gem post Traian Apulum
Dacia Ill 1194
Aur(elius) qui et Sep(timius) C mil I Adiut Date? Lussonium
Pann Inf Ill 10299
L. Sept(imius) C optio II Adi p f Antonin 218 A.D. Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 3445
P. Aelius C qustor arm II Adiut Date? Campona Pann Inf.. ..Ill 3399
(Aurelius) C (mil) II Adi p f In bello (Germ)anico Intercisa Pann
Inf A.E. 1910:138
L. Barb(ius L. f.) Cla. Con(stitu)tus Ivao (vet) XV Apol Is
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4461
L. Domitius C mil bf cos X Gem 217 A.D. Siscia Pann Sup III 15180
T. Avidius C eq XXII Prim Is? Mainz XIII 6954
P. Flavoleius P. f. Pol. Mutina C mil XIIII Gem ante 62? Ager
Mogontiacensis XIII 7255
Valerius G 7 II Tr fort 162 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 14147:4
Aurel(ius) Cornelia (nus) arm cust (I Ital) 2s exe-Sa Almus
Moes Inf Ill 14409:1
M. Censorius M. fil. Voltinia (Co)rnelianus ex provincia
Narbon. domo Nemauso 7 X Fr Date? Uxellodunum Eng. .VII 371
3>X(d£io<;) KopVY]Xtav6<; p p (leg ?) 294-5 A.D. Kreye Arabia
IG a RR III 1317
V C bf leg (III Aug) Date? Verecunda VIII 4246
A6p(irjXto<;) Kopvou? 'EptJiafou Kaptxwvo? mil I Parth 3s Kosa-
gatch Lycia IG a RR III 479
Annius C 7 III Aug coh II 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . . . VIII 18065
M. lulius C 7 VI Viet p f ante Hadrian? Brohl XIII 7697 = 7715-6
0. (T)al(o)n(ius 0- f.) An(i). C Arimini vet I Ital Is Oescus
Moes Inf Ill 12352
M. Valerius C mil XX V v ? Date? Kugelstein Noricum III 11746
- C 7 X Gem act Traiani Carnuntum Pann Sup III 14358:13a
Fdto? OuaXsptoq K6TTO? vet III Cyr 156 A.D. Fayoum Egypt. A.E. 1909:98
-G7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) act Augusti Coptos Egypt. . . .Ill 6627
C. lulius C comm VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
(Ae)milius C tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .A.E. 1907:184
L. Aemilius L. f . Cla. C Ara mil XIIII G m v c62? Aquae Germ
Sup XIII 6304
M. Aemil(ius) C Cuic(ulo) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Aestivius C vet leg VIII Date? Agedincum prov Lugudun XIII 2944
C. All(ius) C R(emesiana?) arm cust vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Sex. Anicius C optio III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2994
C. Antistius C ? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2556
0- Apronius Crescen(s) cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2557
(Ap)uleius C sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .... VIII 18073
C. Atrius C. f. Crustumina C Carsulis mil XIII Gem post
Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1188
Aufidius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
Aurelius Cresce(ns) 7 III Aug Sever c225 Lambaesis VIII 2753
Aur(ulius) C (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
M. Aur(elius) G ? VI Ferr libertinus M, Aurelii cf C. I. G.
3888 Rome VI 3571
L. Bebius Aug. C Vin(delicum) mil VI Viet p f post Hadrian
York Eng EE. IX 1375
Brittle C p p leg ? Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14356 :5a
0- Bruttius 0- f • Sergia C domo Tucci mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Mainz XIII 6856
Clodius C 7 III Aug coh II 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana.. .VIII 18065
L. Clodius C mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2844
Coponius C arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1902:10
C. Coponius C vet Aug leg XIV sig Date? Tuscana XI 2956
T. Fla(vius) Cres(cens) vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis .... VIII 3105
C. Geminius C Cir(ta) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
0- Geminius C (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
lulius C 7 X Gem 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3550
lul(ius) C 7 XV Apol post Traian Ancyra Ill 268
lul(ius) C ex leg VII Cl ordinatus 7 in leg IIII Scyt Date? Rome . .VI 3603
lulius C (mil III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3201
C. lulius Cresc(ens) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18067
C. lulius C mil XI Cl post Hadrian Thyatira Asia Ill 404
(C) lul(ius) C vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. lulius C 7 I Ital Date? Oescus Moes Inf Ill 7428
M. lulius C vet XXII Pr p f post 89 Ager Mogontiacensis XIII 7217
M. Lic(inius) C Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
A. Marcius C Cir(ta) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18087
M. Memmius C Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2567
Menius C (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . MAH 1897 p447
0- Oppius C Hippo vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18068
Pontius C vet (leg?) Date? Vetera XIII 8636
P. Rustius Fabia C Brix(ia) mil XX V v Date? Chester Eng . . E.E. VII 899
Satrius C p p III Aug 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
C. Satrius C 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18317
M. Sempron(ius) C K(arthagine) mil? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Sittius C dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana . . VIII 2564
C. Valerius C Gas tub (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2569
L. Valerius L. (f) Ani. C Vercellis mil II Adi p f 2-3s? Aquin-
cum Pann Inf Ill 3567
Venconius G bf leg leg 1 Min p f 252 A.D. Bonn XIII 8015
L. Volumnius C optio III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3004
Pollia C Fano Fortunae vet ex leg XXI 43-69? A.D. Col
Ulpia Traiana Germ Inf XIII 8651
ius G Tev(este) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1899 :92
lul(ius) C arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1902:10
C. lulius C exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1898:109
C. lulius G vet III Aug Date? Zarai VIII 4522
Modius Cres(centia)n(us)? bf III Aug Date? Lambaesis
VIII 2945 cf 18157
Aur(elius) C mil II Adiut 2-3s? Ager Aquincensis Pann Inf.. Ill 10378
M. Aurel(ius) C imm XIII Gem Antonin 211-22 A.D. Apulum
Dacia Ill 1038
Glaud(ius) C mil XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4467
lulius Crescentin(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Sittius Crescenti(nus) cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2557
Sittius G cor III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . VIII 2564
0. Cerficius C eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3080
Dubidi(us) C vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lam-
baesis VIII 2626
Elius C vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
(M? Ma)nlius (? f.) C a vet (VI) Viet post Hadrian York
Eng E.E. Ill 79
L. Tannonius C Qui. Cir(ta) vet (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lam-
baesis VIII 2618
L. Volumius C optio principis III Aug 253 A.D. Gemellae
Numidia VIII 2482
(A)ntonius G bf cos Date? Winchester Eng VII 5
T. Aelius C Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18068
Q. Granius C tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1907:184
- Cri(s)pinus 7 III Aug Is Theveste VIII 16549
C. Aelius C Castr mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana.. ..VIII 2567
Antoni(us) Crisp(u8) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
M. Anto(n)i(u)s Cri(sp)us (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90
A.D. Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
Atil(ius) C mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Aur(elius) C (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Glau(dius) C vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Claudius C Sido(nia) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
lul(ius) Cri(spu8) mil IIII Fl Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10508
L. Loro— us L. f (Pol?) Cris(pus?) Vale(ntia mil?) IIII (Mac)
ante Vespas Mainz XIII 7235
L. Lucceius C Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2567
Ottacilius G Had(rumeto) peq (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2568
L. Petronius L. f. Pol. C vet X Fr 94 A.D. Alexandria Egypt. A.E. 1910:75
Sallustius C (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lamb-
aesitana MAH 1897 P447
Sep(timius) Cris(i)(pus) (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa
Dacia Ill 7688
(Va)lerius Cla. C Sav(aria) mil I Adiut 70-100 A.D. MainzA.E. 1911 :235
Val(erius) Crisp(us) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 8110
Valerius C vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3252
C. Valerius C vet ex leg II Adi (p f) c71 Chester Eng E.E. IX 1051
C. Val(erius) C. f. Berta Menenia C mil VIII Aug Date?
Wiesbaden XIII 7574
L. Val(erius) C vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Vetidius C mil III Aug Date? Tigzirt VIII 20713
C eq III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum Egypt
Pap Gen Lat 1
- C 7 XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5197
- (C)rispus vet ex bf leg. leg (V Mac) Date? Troesmis III 6180
Aur(elius) C quintanesis leg ortus c Apamia Date? Ager Albanus. XIV 2282
Cetron(ius) C spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
(Aurelius) Cupi(t)us vet ex aquil I Adiut 3s? Savaria Pann
Sup Ill 4231
T. Aur(elius) C Rom(ula) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup HI 14507
Carminius C optio I Min Date? Solva Noricum Ill 5333
Ti. Cla(udius) C mil leg XXI ante Hadrian Virunum Noricum . . Ill 4840
- Clodius P. f (PGu)pitus mil leg XXII Date? Narbo XII 4360
M. Gavius M. f. Ani. F(oro) luli C mil X Gem act Traiani Car-
nuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:18a
L. Sep(timius) C vet I Adi p f Sever c225 Brigetio Farm Sup . .Ill 14355:23
Vindil(ius) C sig XIIII Gem Antonin c215 Carnuntum Pann Sup. Ill 11152
T. Aur(elius) C vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 14507
T. Aup-r)Xio? KupivaXco? 7 III Gall 169 A.D. Phaena Syria
IGa RIII 1114 = 1179
M. Aur(elius) C Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Octavius C bf cos Date? Rigomagus Germ Inf XIII 7818
lulius C mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8 ^
M. Aur(elius) D Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
Valerius D b s III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
An(to)nius D curator II Aug Is? London VII 24
IIotiTCUWOq Aapstoq 7 leg Sever 224-5 A.D. Palmyra Syria IG a RR III 1046
M. Ulp(ius) D vet II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3540
M. Aurelius D mil IIII Fl Date? Antium X 6670
Ti. Cl(audius) D vet (II) Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10511
M. Ulpius Marci f. Quirina D Sirmi optio XV Apol Is Carnun-
tum Pann Sup Ill 4491
P. Aelius D Gas mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18085
P. Ael(ius) D Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
Aurelius D mil II Parth Antonin p f c215 Rome VI 3373
M. Aur(elius) D Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
(M.) Aur(elius) D Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
- (D)assius R(atiaria) tub VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Aurelius D mil II Parth Sever p f aetern c225 Rome VI 3403
M. Vettius M. f . D mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis ' VIII 3278
Sempronius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
Alf(ius) D arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
L.? Aelius D Thab(arca) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2568 et 18055
C. Aemilius D Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2569
T. Arranius D sig III Aug 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2527
Domitius D arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1902:11
L. Evatius D Ca(s) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
L. Fabius Da(da) tus vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18298
M. Granius D vet II Adiut domo Africa Sufetla post 150 Pann
Inf incerta Ill 3680
C. Helvidius D Tha(mugadi) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
lulius D tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1907:184
lulius D tub III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
lulius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
M. lul(ius) D mil II Adiut 2-Ss? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4472
Nonius D vet librator evoc III Aug ante 147 Lambaesis VIII 2728
M. Nuerius Da(tus) Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18068
Numerius D vet III Aug p v 3s? Phua VIII 6310
Pompeus D tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1907:184
Pompous D tub III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. Salust(ius) D mil III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 3232
Sextilius D cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
Sextilius D cor III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Sextilius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
L. Tadius D vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3248
Aur(elius) D ? II Adiut Date? Stuhlweissenburg Pann Inf III 3349
M. Galpurnius D natione I talus mil II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 14349
lulius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
C. Marius Decian(us) Sicc(a) bf cos (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Aemilius D medicus ordinarius I Adiut post 114 Adiaum Pann
Sup Ill 4279
Titus Vettius D vet leg VIII imm cos 3s? Lyons XIII 1908
Aur(elius) D mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
T. Aurel(ius) D 7 VII Gem fel 182 A.D. Tarraco II 4083
L. Caelius L. f . Quit. D mil III Aug Is Theveste VIII 16545
C. (I aut P)u(ll)iniu8 D tess XXII Pr p f post 89 Castellum Mat-
tiacorum XIII 729S
Gla(udia) D (Sava)ria 7 V Mac ante M. Aurel Troesmis . . Ill 6187
Fl(avius) D? ? Ill Ital Date? Augusta Vindelicum Raetia Ill 5823
C. lulius Decumini(anus) vet? II Aug Date? Isca Eng VII 120
Acl(ius) D 7? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1629:5
lu(lius) D 7? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 8065:29
Aemilius Demetrian(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D.
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
C. Aemilius D Ten (is) d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana . . VIII 2568
C. Aemilius D aquil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2796
0« Apollonius D mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3037
Gosconius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
L. Fonteius Demetrian(us) Masc(ula) bf cos III Aug c225 Lam-
baesis VIII 2586
lul(ius) De(m)etrianus V(III) Aug p f c Commoda 187 A.D.
Oehringen A.E. 1912:122
C. lulius D Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2569
I D mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3134
Ael(ius) D 7 XXII Prim Date? Bischofsheim Germ Sup XIII 6429a
Aur(elius) Demetr(ius) 7? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 8065:15
Tib. Cl(audius) D quod mil frum XV Apol Date? Rome.. A.E. 1905:68
L. Hapion L. f. Pol. D vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt III 6580
A&pifjXiOi; ArjuoxpdfcTirjq mil leg XII 3s? Caeserea BCH 1909 p66
Aurelius D vet leg XXX Date? Lyons XIII 1841
T. Honoratius Dentil(i)anu8 optio XXII Pr p f 207 A.D. Obern-
burg XIII 6623
Sept(imius) D cand XXX Ulp vict 223 A.D. Col Ulpia Traiana
Germ Inf XIII 8607
Aurelius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 5264
Aemilius D cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
C. Agrius Dext(er) vet ex bf trib (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2800
Atteius D 7 II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3530
T. Fl(avius) D Eur vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup HI 14507
lulius D bf trib III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. lulius D Theves(te) spec III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
C. lulius D Cirt(a) ?(III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2566
M. I(u)n(ius) D bf cos 227 A.D. Siscia Pann Sup Ill 10843
Sallustius D arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
L. Vireius D seplasiarius in leg I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6778
Umbilius D arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902:11
Furnius D 7 II Tr fort 217-8 A.D. He d'Elephantine A.E. 1905 :54
P. Aelius D Gas mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18085
M. Aur(elius) D vet II Aug Date? Arelate XII 677
Valen(tinius) Dignisstfmus) (mil?) I Min Date? Bonn XIII 8053
lul(ius) D spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
G. lul(ius) Dign(us) bf cos X Gem 250 A.D. Latobici Pann Sup. .Ill 10789
D Nap(oca) mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18085
M. Aur(elius) D Trlm(ontio) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. lulius Di(o)dorus Cas mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana . ..VIII 18085
(Dio)dorus Gas mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
M. Aur(elius) (Diog)ene(s) bf cos XIIII Gem (Sever) c225 Siscia
Pann Sup Ill 15181:1
Tato? 'IouXio<; AtoylvY)? mil II Tr fort 201 A.D. Fayoum Egypt . . . BGTJ 156
D Artemonis f . Phrygio vet I Adiut 68 A.D. Stabiae X 770
Aur(elius) Dionis(ius) 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia
III 1629:12 = 8065:16
Ael(ius) D vet (XIII Gem) 160 A.D. Verespataki Dacia Ill P959
P. A(elius) D vet ex sig IIII Fl firm Date? Singidunum Moes Inf. Ill 12663
Aurel(ius) Diony(sius) imag (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf. .Ill 14409:1
A6p(-f)XlO<;) Aiovflffioq 7 leg (?) Date? Antiochia Galatia. IG a RR III 301
8 L. f. Pol. D Gas vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt III 6580
— f. Pol. D Gas vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt. . . .Ill 6580
0- lulius 0- f. Quir. D Autr(ico) mil III Aug Is Theveste VIII 1876
— 8 C. f. Pol. D Gas vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt III 6580
(Di)oscorus Gas sig? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
C. Ligustinius C. f . Clu. D 7 XX V v 7 IIII Scyth Date? Piti-
num Mergens? XI 5960
M. Aur(elius) D mil II Parth Sever c215? Ager Albanus. . .E.E. IX 658
T. Ael(ius) D Trim(ontio) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup HI 14507
Aurel(ius) D mil XI Cl 3s exe-4s init Aquileia V 893
Valerius D ? IIII Fl cives Filopopolita(nus) Date? Venafrum X 4874
Aur(elius) D arm cust II Parth 3s? Worms Germ Sup XIII 6231
Aurel(ius) D vet (I Ital?) Date? Ad Haemum Moes Inf Ill 12408
M. Aur(elius) D aquil VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup
Jahres Wien 1909 Beibl p!57 n21
M. Aur(elius) D R(atiaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. lulius D vet ex bf cos X Gem Date? Salonae Dalmatia . . . . Ill 8745
l(ius) D Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup HI 14507
Ael(ius) D imm lib IIII Fl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 8120
C. Arrius D 7 XX V v act Antonini Pii prope Newstead Eng VII 1081
G. Arrius D 7 XX V v aet Antonini Pii Newstead Eng E.E. IX 1234-35
Aurelius D bf I Adiut Date? Aquileia V 894
T. Flavius D domo Nicomedia spec III Parth Sever hast X Fr
222-235 A.D. Rome Dessau 484
T. Flavius D? vet (III) Aug? Is Simitthus VIII 14604
T. Flavius D bf (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2870
lulius D vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18304 cf 8135
Marius Domitian(us) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1902:10
C. Variolen(us) C. f. Domi(t)i(anus) Bononia mil leg VI Is
Calagurris Tarraconensis II 2983
(Do)mitio Nico(poli) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Aelius D domo Erupuli cives Sums vet II Adiut 2-3s prope
Brigetionem Pann Sup Ill 11076
Aouxto? ('A)Tc((B)io(<;) AO^(TIO<; mil I Ital Date? Pergamon
Ath Mitth 24 pi 69
C. lul(ius) D vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3136
C. lul(ius) D mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3136
Aur(elius) D (vet) ex imm (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
lulius Donatian(us) sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18078
Aelius D arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1902:10
Aelius D (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . MAH 1897 p447
P. A(el)ius Do(na)tus Nap (oca) tub (III Aug) aet Antonini Pii
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
Aemilius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. Aemilius Do(natus) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2569
M. Antonius D Thy(sdro) mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
T. Aonius D Bagai vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 18068
M. Apuleius D (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana MAH 1897 p447
Gaecilius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana ..VIII 2564
Caecilius D ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
C. Caecilius (Do)nat(us) Gas ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2566
Q. Caecil(ius) Donat(us) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
M. Cassius D mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3076
Cecil(ius) D vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis .. VIII 2626
Cecilius D Bessus natione mil (leg?) Date? Chester Eng . . . . E.E. VII 890
C. Cerellius D (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
Cerellius Don(atus) lib (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2560
Cl(audius) D eq III Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 5947
C. Domitius D ? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2556
P. Egnatius D can III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2866
0. Fabius Donat(us) tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1907:184
Flavius D arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1902:10
Flavins Donat(us) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana. A.E. 1902:11
L. Gargil(ius) Don(atus) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
lulius D optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . .VIII 2554
lulius D dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
lulius D arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
lulius D eq ex optione III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2894
lul(ius) D arm cust (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2893
lulius D vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3155
lulius D mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3139
lulius D Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
C. lulius D optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2554
C. lulius D cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
C. lulius D Castr quaest III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
C. lulius V ius D vet II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf III 3554
C. lulius D mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3137 (et 3138?)
M. lulius D cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
? lulius Do(n)atus dup III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2895
Licinius D Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
0- Longeius D Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .VIII 2568
L. Loreius D (T)he (veste) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18087
C. Manil(ius) D opt has pr (III Aug) c253 Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18072
Memmius D 7 III Aug X pilus (posterior) post 253 Lambaesis. .VIII 18239
L. Minucius (D)onatus (7) III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2944
C. Numisius D mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3208
M. Octavius D (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
M. Ofellius D Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2568
L. Omidius D Tham(ugadi) sig III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18068
Percennius Donat(us) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
Perellius Do(natus?) ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18061
Perelius Donatu(s) vet ex 1 are (?) (Ill Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lam-
baesis VIII 2626
Petidius D mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3217
Pomponius D bf cos Date? Binchester Eng E.E. IX 1133
P. Pomponius D mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3222
P. Popilius D Gas arm cust (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2568
Sempronius D bf trib (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2972
Servilius Donatu(s) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1902:11
L. Sextius D vex III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2974
Tannonius D arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2979
Valerius D vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3253
P. Valerius D bf leg Aug pr pr (III Aug) 208-211 A.D. Lam-
baesis VIII 2733
C. Vinicius D Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18068
M. D Gas d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18086
- D ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18061
- (D)onatus Ci(rta?) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1899:90
— D Gal mil I Ital Date? Moes Inf incerta Ill 6232
(D)onatus optio III Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 5958
Aurelius D mil X Gem Date? Ager ad Colapim Pann Sup III 14044
T. Aurelius D mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Vinxtbach XIII 7732
T. Aurelius D Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Fadius D Hadr(umeto) spec III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
L. Fl(avius) D strat (I Min) Date? Hersel Germ Inf XIII 8150
luni(us) D 7 VIII Aug Is Segedunum Eng VII 495
(Sep)t(imius) D mil II Adi p f 2-3s Voeroesvar Pann Inf Ill 10569
L. Magius L. (f) Ouf. D Mediolani mil I F(laviae) M(in) p f
D(omit) arm cust aet Domitianae Bonn XIII 8071
M. Porcius Easuctan(us) 7 XX V v Sever c225 Lambaesis VIII 2638
T. Cl(audius) E mil leg II p f bf cos domo Luceria Apia 2-3s?
Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3544
C. Fufius Egnatianu(s) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2565
Paconius E mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Cornelius E 7 III Cyr aet Severi Bostra Arabia Ill 103
C. Mattius E optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2554
Antoni(us) Eleu(ther) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
P. Aelius E vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3013
P. Aelius E Ca(s) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2565
L. Atilius E ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
M. Aur(elius) E dom Sergia Karnunto 7 I Adiut post 114 Brigetio
Pann Sup Ill 11019
Fl(avius) E spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3524
lulius E dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2564
lulius E dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 2564
lulius E mil VIII Aug Sever Alexand 223 A.D. Mainz XIII 6738
lul(ius) E spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf . .Ill 3524
lulius E sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
C. lulius E cor III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2898
C. lul(ius) E eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3140
C. lulius E tub III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2897
C. lunius Eme(ritus) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
Lartidi(us) Emerit(us) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1902:10
Licinius E 7 III Aug coh VI 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18065
M. Lutatius E Gas tess (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 2568
Paconius E vet III Aug Date? Verecunda VIII 4245
Servilius E Vico Gallorum mil XIIII Gem 195 A.D. Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 4407
Ulpius E 7 III Aug coh IX 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18065
M. Ulp(ius) E bf cos II Adiut 210 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf.. Ill 10429
0- Valerius E vet ex bf leg III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2990
Vibius E mil X Gem 3s? Latobici Pann Sup Ill 10792
— (?E)mporus Cas mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana . . . . VIII 18085
Aur(elius) Enthim(us) 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia .III 1629:13
Ti. Claudius E vet VII Cl p f Date? Aquileia V 908
M. Aurelius E bf trib (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2822
Ael(ius) E spec legg III Antonin ( - X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
AiJp^Xio?) 'ETC(XTYJTO<; mil mensor (XI Cl) post 42 Aquileia. .IG XIV 2340
Pompeius Ep(p)an(ius) 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt.. ..Wessely Lat Pal 8
0. Ennius T. f. Quir E 7 III Aug ante 244 Bisica VIII 12297
M. Aurel(ius) E strator leg leg II Adi p f Sever c225 Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 10411
(P? Ae)l(ius) Fab. Eq(uin)us Ancyra (mil) II Adiut 2-3s?
Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10499
Rusticinius E vet XXX Viet Date? Lyons XIII 1884
Mem(mius) E tub XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup. .Ill 11121
Varron(iu8) E ? XX V v Date? Whitley Castle Eng. VII 305 et E.E. IX p683
C. Appuleius E spec vet leg XI ante 42 Novae Dalmatia Ill 1914
IleTOUaio? E(56T)[AO<; 7 XVI Fl firm aet M. Aurel Phaena Syria
IG a RR III 1121-2
Au(relius) E 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 8065:19
L. Domitius E ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . . . VIII 2570
(I)u(lius) E (mil?) I Min Date? Bonn XIII 8053
Tib. T(et)tius Euph(em)ianus p p VII Cl c!50 Viminacium
Moes Sup A.E. 1903:283
T. Gallius Euphro8(y)n(u8) mil II Ital Date? Aquileia V 8277
Aurel(ius) Eutichlan(u)s sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18073
Aurelius E vet ex sig (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
(Eut)rofus Nap(oca) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
Aur(elius) E salariarius I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup III 11011
Cossutius E (mil) II Parth Sever 210 A.D. Rome VI 32877
G. Bruttius E vet III Aug Is Theveste VIII 16544
Ulp(ius) E mil leg XXII Date? Vesunna A.E. 1911:239
C. Atinius E Sic(ca) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18067
T. Fl(avius) E mil (III Aug?) Date? Zarai VIII 4520
A. Geminius E mag k ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2562
lulius E immunis III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 2899
C. lulius Extricat(us) Thev(este) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18068
C. Manilius E mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3188
0- Maximius E Madau(ra) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18087
Tib. Cl(audius) E bf cos II Adiut 210 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 10429
E mil II Ital 3s? Vallis Fl Mur Noricum Ill 5412^
0. Fabius (F)abe(r) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
G. lulius F bf cos mil II Tr fort act Hadriani? Sidon Syria III 151
Vatinius Fabian(us) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1902:10
L. Fabius L. f. Gal. Fab (i) us Nerto(briga) mil IIII Mac ante
Vespas Bingium XIII 7506
lulius F arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
0- Glicius F (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
C. Attius Fabullian(us) (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesi-
tana Bull Archeol 1905 p240
M. Valerius F (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 610
- Fabu(llus) leg X— Is init Alexandria Egypt Ill 6597
M. Favon(ius) M. f. Pol. F 7 leg XX act Vespasian! ? Col-
chester Eng VII 90
Valerius F 7 XXII Deiot ante 108 Alexandria Egypt Ill 6602
Capito(nius?) F mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Subur F 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Bal(ius) F vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
F?(vel C?)ARICUS
Postumi(us F?)aricus ex frum bf cos (III Aug) Date? Vazaivi . . VIII 17627
Aur(elius) F (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
C. Aufidius F vet III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18068
L. Valerius F frum VIII Aug Date? Ephesus Ill 6084
M. Aurelius F Thev(este) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
(? Ga)rgilius Q. f. Ar. F Sic(ca) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2565
P. Sittius F Cir(ta) str (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2569
L. Baebius F sig III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2528
Esuvius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
Titi(us) F bf cos Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10456
Aur(elius) F sig IIII Fl Date? Singidunum Moes Sup Ill 8155
C. Aelius F Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18087
M. Cattius F Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 18068
Dioc-anus F vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis . . VIII 2626
0- Enn(ius?) (Fa)ustinus Kar adqs (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2568
Gargi(lius) Faust(inus) ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18061
lulius F corn XIIII Gem Sever c225 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11172
C. lulius F Cas lib (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
M. lul(ius) F mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3141
Nonius F cor III Aug p v 203 A.D.Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
L. Papirius Faust(inu)s K(arthagine) vet III Aug 166 A.D.
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18067
(Pl)ot(ius) Faust(i)nus (7 ? I Min) aet Getae Bonn XIII 8050
Sallustius F tess III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
M. Trebellius F K(arthagine) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18067
- F 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
C. Nevius F Tipa(sa) mil ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana . .VIII 2568
C. Aelius F bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2551
M. Ann(i)olenus F vet ex corn trib III Aug Date? Thagora. . . .VIII 4642
Annius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Antonius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
M. Antonius F Kar eq (III Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana . . . .VIII 18087
C. Areius F (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
C. Attius Fa(ust)us (T)ipas(a) bf trib III Aug p v c!98 Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18068
M. Aufidius F 7 III (Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18287
0. Caecilius F vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18087
Caelius F tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1907:184
Cornelius Fau(s)tu(s) 7 XI Cl post Hadrian Durostorum Moes
Inf Ill 7475
C. Corneli(us F)austus ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2565
M. Cornelius F 7 III Aug Date? Calceus Herculis Numidia . . VIII 2503
C. Faonius F (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
lulius F sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
C. lulius F mil? Ill Aug c200 Castra Lambaesitana Bull Arched 1905 p240
C. lulius F Gas d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2569
C. lulius F Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
L. lulius F Cilio vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18068
0- Laelius F Am(maedara) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18067
0- Laelius F corn lat (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2930
0- Luccius 0. f. Pollia F Polentia mil XIIII G m v 70-100
A.D. Mainz XIII 6898
0- Naevius F Cap(sa) mil (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana.. ..VIII 2569
Petellius F 7 III Aug coh VI 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18065
P. Porcius F p p IIIIII Hisp 193-211? A.D. Aquileia . . Pais Suppl n!65
M. Silius M. f. Quir. F Am(maedara) mil III Aug act Severi?
Lambaesis VIII 2975
T. Speccius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 8244
Val(erius) F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3254
— F Thev(este) mil? Ill Aug c200 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana Bull Archeol 1905 p240
F vet ex br? (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
Q. Annaeus 0- f> Pol. Balbus F meiles leg V ante 70 Ad Aquas. VIII 14697
C. lulius Faventin(us) corn leg leg I Adiut post 114 Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 14341:5
L. Val(erius) F bf cos X Gem Antonin 217 A. D. Latobici
Pann Sup Ill 3907
Braet(t)ius F vet V Mac ante M. Aurel? Istrus Moes Inf III 7524
(?F)avor vet XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz XIII 6985
Cla(u)dius F mil Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Aur(elius) F princeps VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup.. Ill 13806
Gemini us Fel(lcia)nus (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana MAH 1897 p447
lulius F arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana. .. .A. E. 1902:11
Sertorius F arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. A. E. 1902:10
L. Slttius Felician(us) Mil(evo) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Hosldius F lib III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2884
lulius F (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Aelius F ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2570
C. Aelius F (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
L. Aemilius F sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2960
L. Aemilius F Kart mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2569
M. Aemilius (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
0. Aemilius Man(liana) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18087
0. Aemilius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3022
L. Agrius F Utica bf cos (III Aug) c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
0. Alblus 0- f- Hor. F corn pr pr XX V v act Traiani Falerii XI 3108
(An)n(ius) Fel(ix) (mil) III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18284
C. (A)nnius F Sim(itthu) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Antistius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
Anton(ius) F 7 III Aug Date? (2s?) Lambaesis VIII 3174
Antonius F 7 (leg?) Date? inter Cilurnum et Proclitiam Eng. . VII 1353
An(tonius?) F vet (leg ?) Date? Chester Eng E.E. IX 1073
L. Antonius L. f . Arnensis F Karthagine 7 III Aug 7 X Gem 7 I
Ital 2s Troesmis Ill 6185
L. Antonius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3015
L. Antonius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3031-2
M. Antonius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3033
L. Arruntius F mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18286
As — enius F dup? Ill Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
M. Atinius F Tham(ugadi) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18068
Aufidius F vet (III Aug) Is? Thamugadi Numidia.Bull Archeol 1911 p!24
Aufidius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Aufidius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Aufidius F p p (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2759
Aufidius F dup III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2816
P. Aufidius F sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2815
0- Aufidius F Kar eq (III Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18087
Aurelius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Aurelius F ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18061
Aur(elius) F ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18061
Aurel(ius) F vet ex actar (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
M. Aurelius Fel(ix) Tha(mugadi)vet (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lam-
baesis VIII 2618
P. Aurelius FUri? vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 18087
P. Aurel(ius) F domo Thamug(adi) spec III Aug Date?
Lambaesis VIII 2603
L. Baebius F vet ex sig III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2528
P. Blaesius 7 II Tr fort act Hadriani post bell lud Saldae VIII 8934
Caecilius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Caecilius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. Caecilius F Bisica spec III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
C. Caecilius F d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18086
C. Caecilius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 306s
C. Caecil(ius) F Cir(ta) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
L. Caec(ilius) F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
Sex. Caecilius F bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2551
C(aius) F bf trib (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18291
L. Calpurniiis F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3071
M. Calvisius F bf (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2836 = 2835?
M. Calvisius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2836
C. Cestius F ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Ti. Cl(audius) Fab. Rom. ¥71 Min Antonin c215 Lyons XIII 1893
C. Clodius F Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2567
C. Cornelius F corn praef II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 3565
D. Cornelius D. f Arn. F domo Karthag mil frum III Aug
Date? Rome VI 232
L. Cornelius F bf (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2849
M. Cornelius F ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
Cornificius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3094
C. Domitius F mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3097
M. Domitius F 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2864
L. Duronius F bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2551
Edinius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3011
P. Egnatius F Karth bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Egrilius F vet (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2618
L. Emeritus Fel(ix) vet (III Aug) Date? Verecunda VIII 4239
L. Equitius F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
C. Faianius F (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
Felicius F mil IIII Scyt Date? Beroea Syria Ill 6705
Figilius F arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1902:10
Firmius F Cast bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
(Fl)avius F tub III Aug p v 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1907:184
T. Fla(vius) T. f. Pa(pi)ria F Thelep(te) mil III Aug Date?
Lambaesis VIII 3106
T. Flavius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3107-8
L. Fufius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3114
Furf anius F b s III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Gabinius F mil II Aug Date? Chester Eng E.E. IX 1072
C. Gargilius F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
C. Gargilius F Ca(s) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2565
L. Gargilius F optio III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2879
P. Gavidius F mil leg ? Date? Leichtenstein Raetia Ill 12031:3
S. Gavius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3116
L. Gellius F Kar vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadrian! Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
Geminius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
(G)eminius F sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
Granius F vet ex d e? (Ill Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
Helvius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Herennius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Keren (nius) Fel(ix) mil III Aug Sever p v 224 A.D. Saltus
Aurasius VIII 2467
C. Herrenius F Kar can (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2568
C. Hortensius F Sim(ithu) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
- Hostilius — f. Am. F (K)arthag vet ex bf leg (III Aug?)
Date? Lamsortense VIII 18595
C. Hostilius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3126
Icturius F d aq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18302
(I)ulius F (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p239
lu(lius) F arm cust (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf Ill 14409:1
lulius F lib III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2564
lulius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2564
lulius F (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana Bull Archeol 1904 p206
lulius F bf leg leg I Min p f 252 A.D. Bonn XIII 8015
lulius F mil I Adiut Date? Carthage VIII 12877
lul(ius) F lib III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2900 cf 2564
lulius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3144
lulius F Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
C. lulius F Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18068
C. lulius F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2554
C. lulius F cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
C. lulius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. lulius F Tham(ugadi) b s III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
C. lulius F Seq (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana MAH 1897 p447
C. lulius F Gas d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 2568
C. lul(ius) F bf (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2901
C. lulius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis *.. . .VIII 3142
C. lulius Fel(ix) mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis *....VIII 3145
C lul(ius) F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3146
C. lulius F vet? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18086
C. lulius F ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2570
G. lulius F vet (III Aug?) Date? Casae VIII 4328
L. lulius F Gas d aq (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana.. ..VIII 2568 et 18055
L. lulius F eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3143
M. lulius F (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
Q. lulius F Pr (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
Q. lulius An. F mil III Fl firm Date? Tergeste V 542
S. lulius F Thev(este) haruspex III Aug c225 Lambaesis .... VIII 2586
C. lunius F Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18087
D. lunius F Utica bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
L. Longeius F imag (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2935
L. Lucceius F Thev(este) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
(Mae)vius F (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
L. Magnius F mil X Fr bf trib Date? Aelia Capitolina Pales-
tine Ill 14155:3
C. Malius F cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
Manilius F (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
0. Manilius F can? d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 18086
Sex. Marcius F Assur(ibus) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Ma(r)ius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
M. Marius F Girt (a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . VIII 18068
M. Marius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3192
Mat(tius) F arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902:11
L. Mellonius F Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
Minu(cius) F arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902:11
M. Modius F mensor III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2935 = 2946
L. Munatius F exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana. A.E. 1898:109
Murius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
(M)ussius F sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
Myrismus F dispensator VII Cl Sever 228 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 8112
Naevidius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
0- Nonius F Castr mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2567
L. Numerius L. f . F 7 VII G f 7 XX Viet 7 III Cyr 7 XXII Pr 7
III Ital post M. Aurel Tarraco II 4162
Q. Numitor(ius) F 7 I Adi p f 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3557
Octavius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Octavius F mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904:72
C. Octavius F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
L. Octavius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
0- Octaviu8 F Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2569
Oppius F optio II Aug Date? Stanwix Eng VII 914
L. Orbius F comm trib leg III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
P. Perellius F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
Pinarius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
Ploticius F 7 III Aug coh VI 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18065
Plotius F (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. MAH 1897 p447
Pompeius F Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2567
C. Pomponius Feli(x) N vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18068
L. Pomp(onius) F mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2961
Pontius F mil Caesari (ani?) Ill Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 3224
C. Popilius F cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana , VIII 2557
L. Popilius F bf leg (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2963
L. Propertius F Via? vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18087
L. Publicius F ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
P. Sallustius F mil II Tr fort 3s? Alexandria Egypt Ill 14138:4
0- Sallustius F Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
C. Sempronius F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2554
0. Semp(ronius) F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2554 - 18072
Siliu(s) F vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 8110
Supenin(ius) F bf cos 242 A.D. Rigomagus Germ Inf XIII 7794
C. Tannonius L. f . Quit. F qui et Aquensis mil III (Aug) Date?
Phua VIII 6311
Tltinius F bf XX V v Date? Chester Eng E.E. VII 902
0. Tuccius F ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
L. Tullius F d aq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2988
Umbrius F arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. A.E. 1902:10
Val(erius) F mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Sup Ill 7449
Valerius F arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902:10
Valerius F arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902:10
(V)alerius F pr(inceps?) tub III Aug p v 200 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1907:184
Valerius F DX Prim p p III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Valerius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Valerius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana ..VIII 2564
Valerius F ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . . .VIII 18061
Valerius F mil III Aug p v Ss? Lambaesis VIII 3255
Valerius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3257
Valerius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3258
C. Valerius F (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
C. Valerius F eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3256
M. Valerius F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
M. Va(lerius) Fe(lix) mil II Aug 224 A.D. Isca VII 103 add E.E. Ill pl!7
P. Valerius P. f. Ael. F Then (is) aquil III Aug Date? Lam-
baesis VIII 2991
0. Valerius F Gas vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18067
Varius F vet ex actar leg (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis .. VIII 2626
L. Vibius F vet ex sig III Aug 3s? Lambaesis VIII 3000
M. Vibius F vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3276
Q. Vibius F cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
? (V)ibius F mil III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 3275
Vitalinius F vet I Min 2-3s Lyons XIII 1906
C. Volusius C. f . F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3281
M. I ini(us) F Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18087
Sex. ius F Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18087
(F)elix (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p241
F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
nius F Cast str (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1899:92
F Kar mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
F vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
F 7 (leg?) Date? Magnae Eng E.E. VII 1060
Sex. Aetrius S(ex. f) Ouf . F 7 II Tr fort aet Antonini Pii Tuficum XI 5693-4
Metius F 7 II Adi p f c71 Chester Eng E.E. IX 1056
Elpinius F frum I Adiut Date? Ephesus Ill 433
Licin(ius) F spec legg III Antonin ( . X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
0. Flavius C. f. F (7?) VII Gem fel Date? Barcino Tarraconensis ... II 4517
Ael (ius) Festu(s) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 8110
C. Annius F ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
M. Attius M. f. Quir F M(a)d(auris) mil III Aug Date? Lam-
baesis VIII 3043
M. Attius Fes(tus) sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2814
M. Aurelius T. f. Gal. F Calag(urri) (mil X Gem) 70— Traian
Ulpia Noviomagus XIII 87352
Caecilius F ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
M. Cassius F mil leg X Date? Summus Poeninus A.E. 1894:150
Tib. Cl(audius) F ? VII Gem fel Is exe-2s init Italica Baetica
E.E. VIII p388
M. Cornelius F mil III Aug architectus Date? Lambaesis VIII 2850
C. Gargilius F Sim(ithu) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567
C. lulius F Simit(tu) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18086
T. lulius F miles missicius militavit in leg XVI act Tiberii Ne-
mausus XII 3170
L. Licinius F 7 XXI Rap 70— Hadrian Brohl XIII 7702
L. Lucanius Fla. F Sisc(ia) mil XIIII Gem post 100 Brigetio
Pann Sup Ill 11029
I. Mi— icius F Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18087
Q. Sertorius L. f. Fob. F 7 XI Cl p f Claud-Caracalla Verona V 3374
Val(erius) F spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3524
L. Valer(ius) F (spec VII Gem fel) Date? Tarraco II 4143
Vasidius F vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
L. Vetulenius Quirina Bul(la) F eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis . . VIII 3274
L. Annius L. f. Qu(ir) F mil III Aug vind 2-3s? Sicca Veneria . .VIII 1642
Celerinius Fide(lis) civis Batavus mil (X) XX— Date? Lyons. XIII 1847
Valerius F 7 (III Aug) Is? Theveste A.E. 1897:29
luli(us) Fi(dus?) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Petronius F 7 II Adi p f c71 Chester Eng E.E. IX 1055
Solemnius F mil imag I Min 2-3s Lyons XIII 1895
M. Valerius Ani. F F(oro) lul(ii) mil X Gem ante Traian Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 10517
C. Val(erius) F Nic(opoli) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup .- Ill 14507
Tar(tonius) F Daiberi vet (XIIII Gem) post 100 Savaria Pann
Sup Ill 4184
M. Alpinius F 71 Min Date? Hersel Germ Inf XIII 8150
L. Sempronius F spec VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
L. Vettius M. f. Publilia Firma(n)u(s) Verona vet VI Viet p f
ante Hadrian? Asberg XIII 8590
C. Pompeius F Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana ..VIII 2569
Aur(elius) Firmidiu(s) (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia..III 7688
P. Ael(ius) F vet II Adiut Date? Ager Aquincensis Pann Inf . . . .Ill 3376
— Ael(ius) F bf cos XIIII Gem Date? Narona Dalmatia Ill 8431
T. Aurel(ius) F 7 XXII Pr p f 178 A.D. Stockstadt XIII 6629 6644-5
C. lulius F victimarius XXX Ulp vict Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8292
P. lul(ius) F bf cos 209-11 A.D. Varmezo Dacia Ill 7645
T. lullius F bf cos Date? Latobici Pann Sup Ill 10787
P. Turran(ius) F vet ex corn II Adi Antonin 216 A.D. Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 8526
G. Urbanius F mil leg X ante 70? Tucci Baetica II 1691
C. Val(erius) Fir(m)inus vet VII Gem p f 3s? Tritium Tarra-
conensis II 2888
Ael(ius) Firm(us) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup.. Ill 8110
Aestivius F(irm)u8? vet leg XXII Date? Castellum Mattia-
corum XIII 7273
C. Appuleius C. f . Ani. F 7 IIII Scyth Date? Carsioli IX 4058
Apulonius Fir(mus) 7 (I) Adiut Date? Kis-Igmand Pann Sup. Ill 11078
Aur(elius) F (vet) ex dup (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Aurel(ius) F (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
M. Aur(elius) F Ca8 corn vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
C. Calidius F 7 XV Apol ante 63 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 15193
T. Cassius T. f . F 7 VIIII Hisp Is? Aquileia V 906
Ti. Cl(audius) F prin (7) III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2841
M. Coccei(us) F 7 II Aug act Antonini Pii Auchindavy Eng. .VII 1111-1114
L. Comagius F mil II Parth 3s? Milan V 5824
Cornelius ¥71 Ital act M. Aurel Gergina Moes Inf Ill 7514
C. Cornelius C. f . Pol. F Castr vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
L. Cornelius L. f. F Teretina Arelate mil XV Apol Is Carnun-
tum Pann Sup Ill 4464
G. Crispinus G. f. Claudia F Aspendo vet I Ital Date? Celei
Dacia Ill 14491
Crittius F 7 leg XXII ante Hadrian Alexandria Egypt Ill 6608
P. Durmius F mil III Aug Is Theveste VIII 16548
P. D(urmius) F(irmus) vet (III Aug) Is Theveste VIII 16548
L. Faltonius F 7 XXI Rap 70-Hadr Mainz XIII 6950
Fl(avius) F mil I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11036
Fl(avius) F vet II Adiut Date? Lussonium Pann Inf Ill 3321
T. Flavius T. f. Tromen. F. Salona p p III Aug 147 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:11
M. Gavius F Vellin(a) Firmo Picen(o) p p II Ital 191 A.D.
Lauriacum Noricum. . . .Ill 15208 cf A.E. 1912:294
C. lulius F P. C(as) vet (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2618
C. lulius F Gas vet? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18086
T. luli (us) Firm(us) ? leg XII Date? Poetovio Pann Sup .. Ill 4058
M. Livius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3179
Mettius F 7 XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5216
L. Mettius F emeritus XXX Ulp vict Date? Lyons XIII 1873
Patius F 7 III Aug coh II 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
C. Petil(ius) F vet ex bf praef II Adi p f 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf. Ill 3559
(P)ub(licius) Fir(mus) Veron(a) (mil) I Adiut 70-100 A.D.
Mainz XIII 6834a
L. Purtisius F (7) hast (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2640
L. Sertorius L f . Pob. F sig aquil XI Cl p f Claud-Caracalla Verona . . V 3375
C. Trebius C. (f.) F vet leg XI ante 42 lader Dalmatia Ill 2918
Urbicius F mil? X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 4568
Valerius F vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Val(erius) F mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
C. Val(erius) F 7 I Ital 173 A.D. Troesmis Ill 6176
C. Valerius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3259
C. Vibius F mil bf V Mac 68 A.D. Emmaus Nicopoli Palestine. .Ill 14155:12
- F 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) act Augusti Coptos Egypt Ill 6627
T. Fl(avius) F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2554
L. Aemilius F frum XX V v Date? Rome VI 3357
Marcus Aurelius Flac(cus) mil I Ital Date? Rome VI 2803 = 32578
L. Caesius L. f . Anie. F Caesara Aug 7 IIII Fl firm Date? Vim-
inacium Moes Sup Ill 14511
L. Cornelius F mil III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 3090
lul(ius) F mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
C. Sentius C. f. Sulp. F Antiq vet XIIII G m v Date? Apulum
Dacia Ill 1196
ius F Sab(ratha) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
sitana VIII 2568
— F 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) act Augusti Coptos Egypt Ill 6627
L. Aelius F sig II Aug Date? Aquae Flaviae Tarraconensis II 2480
Cornelius Flam(ina)lis (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana MAH 1897 p447
Geminius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
(I)ul(ius) F bf III Aug Date? Calama VIII 5411
T. Papius Fl(a)min(alis)? Nicom(edia) vet? (Ill Aug) aet
Hadriani Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
P. Valerius F mil VII Gem fel Date? Augusta Emerita II 5266
C. Annius F vet ex leg XXX Date? Lyons XIII 1831
Antonlus F vet ex lib leg III Aug 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
Aurelius F 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
Aur(elius) F (vet) ex imm (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Aur(elius) F ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18061
Cassius Flav(ianus) 7 XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4456
Cor(nelius) Flavia(nus) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 8110
Fl(avius) F Tro. Flavini f. mil X Gem Date? Wiener Neustadt
Pann Sup Ill 15196
C. lulius F corn leg leg XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz XIII 6962
Stenius F vet ex lib leg (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis. . . .VIII 2626
Ael(ius) F mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
L. Anteius F bf cos civi Asturic VII Gem p f Date? Tarraco. . . .II 4144
Aurelius F optio XI Cl 8s exe-4s init Aquileia V 895
T. Cassius F 7 X Gem ante 70? Tarraco II 4151
C. Comat(ius) F imm caerei XIIII Gem Antonin 213 aut 222
A.D. Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:2
C. Dellius M. f. Pom. F vet VII Gem fel Date? Lara Tarracon-
ensis II 2852
lulius F comm VII Gem fel Date? Tarraco II 4156
L. Sempronius F mil leg VIIII aet Claudii? Lincoln Eng VII 184
M. Ulpius M. f. F opt sig XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia. . . Ill 1202
Val(erius) F 7 (leg ?) Date? Cambriae oppida Eng. VII 153 add E.E. VII 862
06aX(<£pto<;) 4>XdoutO<; mil VI Ferr 2s? Alexandria Egypt. .IG a RR I 1089
0. lulius F (7) I Min p f Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8172
M. Aur(elius) F mil dup (II Adiut?) 2-3s? Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 10505
Cornelius — F 7 XIIII Gem post 100 Aquincum Pann Inf III 3547
Geminius F 7 XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dalmatia Ill 14998
C. lulius Flav(us) bf cos Date? Siscia Pann Sup Ill 3949
Valerius F p p (VII Gem fel) Date? Carthage VIII 12590
Valeri(us) F 7 (II Aug?) cob. II Date? Isca Eng VII 110
C. Valerius (Fla)vus mil VII (Gem) Date? Tritium Tarracon-
ensis , II 2889
M. Valerius F bf VII Gem ex arm cust Date? Tarraco II 4168
Aurel(ius) Florentines) vet ex actar evocatus (III Aug) 270-
275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
M. Aurel(ius) F bf cos Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3535
Cerel(lius) Floren(tinus) mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lam-
baesitana Bull Archeol 1904 p206
C. Cornelius F 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2851-2
Fann(ius) F mil XIIII Gem post 100 Poetovio Pann Sup Ill 14065
G. lulius F spec VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
L. Publicius Florentin(us) Lamb spec III Aug c225 Lambaesis . .VIII 2586
(Fl)orent(inus) (7 XXII Pr p f) 204 A.D. Mainz XIII 6801
Ael(ius) F vet? (II Adiut) 2-3s? Ager Aquincensis Pann Inf.. Ill 10360
Ant(onius) F optio I Ital Date? Carsium Moes Inf Ill 14214:19
Aur(elius) F vet ex bf cos 240 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3474
M. Aur(elius) Cocceius F p p X Gem Sever c225 Vienna Ill 14359:26
lul(ius) F 7 IIII Fl Date? Singidunum Moes Sup Ill 8156
Flor(i)anu8 mil X (X V v) Date? Chester Eng. . . .E.E. IX 1067
L. Cass(ius) F vet ex arm cust XIIII Gem act Maximini Carnun-
tum Pann Sup Ill 11189
Cornelius Florin (us) frum X Gem Date? Ephesus Ill 433
F vet XI Cl 42-Vespas Novae Dalmatia Ill 1915
F 7 (leg ?) Date? Proclitia Eng VII 630
F 7 (leg ?) Date? Borcovicium Eng VII 678
Aelius F ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . . . VIII 18061
Aemilius F bf III Aug Gallienae 253-268 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2797
Ant(onius) F bf cos (I Ital?) Date? Carsium Moes Inf.... Ill 14214:19
Aurel(ius) F spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Sex. Careius Sex. f. Vol. F Foro Aug mil XXII Prim Date?
Mainz XIII 6958
0- Cornelius F Thev(este) tess (III Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2568
0- Cornelius F tess III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2853
T. Flavius F domo Philippopoli ex prov Tracia vet ex bf proc
I Min p f 2-3s Lyons XIII 1856
T. Flavius F cor III Aug p v 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2557
Fufius F ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
0- lulius F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2554
Messorius F vet I Min p f 2s Lyons XIII 1849
Niusstius F 7 XXII Pr p f 3s? Cartenna Mauretania Caesarien-
sis VIII 9656
— lius F ? Ill Aug Date? El-Gehara VIII 18025
— F 7 (II Aug?) coh I Date? Segedunum Eng VII 488
M. Aurelius Pol. F Alexan(drea) vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alex-
andria Egypt Ill 6580
Ael(ius) F 7 III Ital 181 A.D. Inter Danuvium et limitem Raetia.III 14370:2
Aurelius F (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. MAH 1897 p447
C. Caelius F Cas p dup (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 2568
lulius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3148
C. lul(ius) F mil I Adi p f post 114 Ager ad Colapim Pann Sup. .Ill 14047
T. Statins F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 8246
Valerius For(tis?) vet ex imm (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambaesis . . VIII 2618
P. Baebius Fortunatian(u)s Kar bf (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2568
L. M(a)gnius F (Q)uirina Caralis mil III Aug Date? Lam-
baesis VIII 3185
0. Aedinius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3012
C. Aclius Fortunatu(s) Girt (a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18068
P. Ael(ius) Fort(unatus aut —is?) sig VII Cl 135 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 8110
Alveius Fortunat(us) sig III Aug Date? Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 18073
C. Antonius C. fil. F domo Lamigo vet (III Aug?) Date?
Seriana VIII 4376
M. Antonius Fortunatus vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3034
Arellius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana -. VIII 2564
0. Aurelius F mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18289
Caelius Fortunat(us) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1902:10
C. Caelius Fort(unatus) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18067
Calabius F tub III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Calp(urnius) F vet ex actario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lam-
baesis VIII 2626
Canidius F bf III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2837
L. Carinius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2883
L. Gassius For(tunatus) tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1907 :184
L. Glodius F arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2844
Cornificius F mensor III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2856-7 et 18150
0. Crepereius F eq (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3095
? (Eg)nat(ius) F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2554
T. Flavius F Hadr(umeto) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis. .VIII 2586
? (F)onteius Fortunat(us) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2562
Gellius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
T. Gemmius F Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2568
C. Horn all ius Fortunat(us) K(arthagine) mil? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
lulius F vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
lulius F mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904:72
lulius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3149
lul(ius) F bf cos Date? Summus Poeninus A.E. 1894:151
C. lulius F Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18087
C. lulius F mil III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 3150
C. lulius F arm cust (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2902
0- lulius 0- f- Pol. F Gas mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3151
T. lulius F 7 II Adi p f 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3572
lunius F (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. MAH 1897 p447
M. Laberius Fortun(a)tus mil II Tr Date? Alexandria Egypt. ..Ill 6605
Lurius F vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D.Lambaesis VIII 2626
L. (M)agnius (Fo)rtunatus vet III Aug Date? Djerma VIII 4374
L. Mallius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3187
Manilius F bf praef (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2937
L. Marius F mil IIII Fl firm Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2021
Minucius Fortun(atus) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambae-
sitana A.E. 1902:11
M. Modius (Fortunatus) Gas vet? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18086
L. Mundicius F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3201
C. Mustius C. f. Aurelia F Lam(ba)es vet ex sig (III Aug) Date?
Lambaesitana VIII 2949
C. Mustius For(t)unatus vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3204
L. Papius F 7 XXI Rap 70-Hadr Brohl XIII 7714
M. Petronius F 7 XXII Prim 7 II Aug c215 Cillium Byzacena VIII 217
Sertor(ius) F 7 III Cyr Antonin c215 Lyons XIII 1893
T. Silicius F Gas sig III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18067
(T)uccius Fortun(atus) tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1907:184
Valentinius F mil I Min? Date? Lucus Augusti Gall Narb XII 1576
L. Valerius F mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3262
M. Valerius F eq legionarius (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3260
L. Vereius F 7 VI Viet post Hadrian Amboglanna Eng VII 839
L. Vidius For(tu)n(atus) mil V Alaudae ante 87 Tergeste V 547
0- ius F Had(rumeto) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18087
ius Fortunat(us) tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1907 :184
- F mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3230
( Fort)unatus Kar vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Flavius F mil VII Gem fel Date? Carthage VIII 12590
M. Aur(elius) F mil II Adiut 213 aut 222 A.D. Matrica Pann Inf III 3383-4
M. Firminius Frontin(us) frum VIII Aug Date? Velitrae X 6575
S. Matucenius F vet ex opt XXII Pr p f post 89 Inter Ucetiam
et Namausum XII 3035
(Fr)ontin(us) Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
P. Ael(ius) F vet ex bf cos Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1091
Aemlliu8 F 7 VIII Aug Date? Rome VI 3640
C. Antonius F vet ex bf cos XIII Gem Date? Tomi Moes Inf. . .Ill 7545
Aquilius Fro(nto?) 7 XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dalmatia . .Ill 15005:1
Aur(elius) F tub IIII Fl Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10518
M. Aur(elius) F mil II Adiut 213 aut 222 A.D. Matrica Pann Inf III 3383-4
— Galvius T. f . ol. F ? leg I Is? Bonn XIII 8045
L. Cornelius F vet ex imag I Ital Date? Sisto v Moes Inf III 756 add p993 p!338
L. Gerellanus Sex. f . Fab. F p p X Fr prae castr XII Fulm act
Neronis? Heliopolis Syria Ill 14387 g.h.
Faco? 'IouXio<; <E>p6vTd)V mil III Cyr 104-5 A.D. Talmis Egypt .IG a RR 1 1343
C. lulius F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2554
C. lulius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
M. lulius F Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2569
M. Liburnius F 7 II Aug aet Hadriani Condercum Eng VII 506
L. Murrius Fro. F vet ex leg II Adiut c!50. Hr-Bou-Allouch A.E. 1899:39
Cn. Numerius Cn. f . Vol. F vet eq VIII Aug Date? Altinum V 2162
Fato<; 'Ox/raoutoq (<I>p)6vT(t)V 7 legionarius ordinarius Date? prope
Hieropolim Castabalam Cilicia IG a RR III 913
C. Tarquitius F Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2569
T. Terentius T. f. M enema F imag XV Apol Is Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 14358:22
Mdpx(o<;) Tou'p'pdvto? <J>p6vTO)V sig (II Tr?) 120-140 A.D. Fay-
oum Egypt BGU 600
Ulp(ius) F 7? XIII Gem post Traian Deva Dacia Ill 1629:24
Val(erius) Fron(to) 7 I Adiut 70-100 A.D Mainz XIII 6739
Val(erius) F vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Valeri(us) Fron(to) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Val(erius) F mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
L. Val(erius) F mil in leg XXX Date? Rome VI 3636
0. Valerius Q. f. Cla. Fro(n)to Celea mil II Adi p f c71 Chester
Eng E.E. IX 1052
Sex. Valer(i)us F aquil XV (Apol) Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11238
L. Veirius L. f . Qui. F vet XII Fulm Date? Patrae Achaia Ill 7261
C. Vibius C. f. Fab. F domo Brixia vet V Mac Is Oescus Moes Inf III 12348
— s F Sid(onia) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18084
(F)ronto vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis . . Ill 6179
C. lul(ius) F vet ex bf cos V Mac M. Aurel-274 A.D. Apulum Dacia . .Ill 087
0. lulius F Kart bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
C. Cerellius F Cast corn III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18068
(A) Didius F bf lat (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2861-2
Flavius F frum (XXX Ulp?) Date? Rome VI 3362
Cn. Pompeius F bf cos Date? Tarraco II 4164
C — - F Tham(ugadi) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18087
T. Flavius F frum VIII Aug Date? Rome VI 3351
M. Superinius F emeritus I Min Date? Arelate XII 687
M. Castricius F exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:109
Aur(elius) (F)runitus vet II Parth Sever c225 Rome VI 3398
lul(ius) F arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902:10
Aetrilius F 7 III Aug coh VII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
Aemilius F imm III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Domitius F 7 III Aug coh IX 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
Marius F 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
T. Sat(riu)s Fus(c)ianus p p III Cyr Date? Bostra Arabia Ill 97
P. Ael(ius) F mil bf cos I Adiut 194 A.D. Plevlje Dalmatia Ill 13847
Cass(ius) F spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf . .Ill 3524
lulius F vet I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11002
M. lulius F optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2554
(A)emilius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
M. Aemilius M. f . Cla. F Sava(ria) mil I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6825
Caesellius F 7 XXII Deiot ante Hadrian Alexandria Egypt Ill 6598
P. Caivilius? F tub (III Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18087
P. Calvidius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3072
C. Cerficius F (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
'Eyvdhioq 4>ouaxo<; 7 III Gall c!64 Phaena Syria IG a RR III 1113
(Eg)rilius F Kar ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
L. Fadienus L. f . Pomp. F dom Dert(ona) vet spec (XIIII Gem?)
Date? lader Dalmatia.. ..Ill 2915
Felic(hi8) F (mil?) leg XXX Date? Bonn XIII 8053
0- Horatius F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3204
lulius F mil I Adiut post 114 Arrabona Pann Sup Ill 4375
C. lunfius?) Fuscu(s) vet (III Aug) Is? Thamugadi Numidia
Bull Archeol 1911 pl24
L. Laelius F 7 CCC VII Cl p f Date? Rome A.E. 1899:143
Maevius F dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Manillas F vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3189
M. Plotius M. f. Pol. F vet X Fr 94 A.D. Alexandria Egypt A.E. 1910:75
T. Riburrlniu8 Gal. F Lugo mil VII Gem Date? Lambaesis VIII 3226
L. Terentiu(s C)l. F (A)pro mil II Adi p f c71 Chester Eng. .E.E. IX 1050
C. Umbrius F mil III Cyr ante 108 Ptolemais Hermiu Egypt Ill 12071
Vellus F 7 XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5207
(Fu)scus The(veste) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085^
Lucius Maxlmius G 7 XX V v Date? Greatchesters Eng. E.E. IX 1192
L. Maximius G 7 (XX V v) Date? Newstead Eng E.E. IX 1233
Aur(elius) G (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Aur(elius) G vet I Adiut Date? Intercisa Pann Inf Ill 10317
Clodius G Epipa vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18084
lulius G dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Varius Quintius G 7 XX V v ex trecenario Date? Rome VI 33033
Aurelius Gain(as) 7 III Aug Sever c225 Lambaesis VIII 2753
Aur(elius) G evoc (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2636
Aur(elius) G mil leg VII str cos Date? Naissus Moes Sup III 1674
C. lulius C. f. Corn G hast XXII Prim 164 A.D. Mustis VIII 15576
(? Li)cin(i)u(s) G mil bf cos I Adiut post 114 ad Privilicam fon-
tem Dalmatia Ill 15066
G 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) aet Augusti Coptos Egypt III 6627
(Ae)l(ius)? Galica(nus) vet ex bf cos Date? Apulum Dacia.. Ill 7736
Sollius G mil I Adiut optio (arm) cust Is Mainz XIII 6739
L. Claudius G eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3082-3
L. Rufius G mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3227
L. Aemilius G Thel(epte) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana.. ..VIII 2569
C. Aninius C. f. Pom. G domo Arretio 7 IIII Scyth Date?
Tifernum Tiberinum XI 5985
G. lulius G Emeritesis vet VII Gem fel Date? Elvas Lusi-
tania II 5212
C. lulius G Cir(ta) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2568
luventius G dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
M. lulius G vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3152
Ti(b)erius Babuleius G Tib(e)ri (f) Ofent Medioleanio mil
leg II Is Argentorate XIII 5976
(Ti)b. (C)laud(i)us Gau(l)us sig I Min 161 A.D. Iversheim
Germ Inf XIII 7947
— Clodius G mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3084
Dassiu(s) Gelli(us) (7 ? I Min) aet Getae Bonn XIII 8050
T. Tor(ius) G quondam (d)oc(tor?) fabrum II Adiut 2-3s?
Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10516
lul(ius) G 7 II Tr fort Date? Iconium A.E. 1912:271
C. lulius C. f. Pol. G Castris vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alex-
andria Egypt Ill 6580
M. Ulp(ius) Gemellin(us) Z(armizegetusa? )sig vet VII Cl 195
A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Antonius Gemell(us) vet ex corn (II Tr fort?) 140 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt BGU 610
KuptvdXto? Pi^eXXoc; 7 III Gall 171 A.D. Mushennef Syria
Prentice Gr & Lat Insc 380-1
C. lulius G Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2568
lul(ius) Geme(llus) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6180
Fdioq [Ao]6xto<; Yiy.tk'kQC, optio (II Tr?) 120-140 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt BGU 600
P. Magnius G Thusd(ro) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
I. Marcius G quaest III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
- (Mari)us G vet (III Aug) Date? Verecunda VIII 4243
M. Numisius G Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18068
M. Pontius G vet ex bf proc I Min p f 3s? Lyons XIII 1880
Mdpxog Zspixpawoc; F£pieXXo<; mil III Cyr 95 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Pap Brit II 142
L. Servilius G A(mmaedara)? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2565
M. Terentius G Girt (a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
- Geme(llus) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
M. Numisius G vet (III Aug?) Date? Zarai VIII 4529
T. Aur(elius) G vet XIII Gem Antonin 211-222 A.D. Ad Mediam
Dacia Ill 1569
C. Cutelius G Gas mil? .(Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2568 et 18055
Geminius G ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2570
Aem(ilius) Gem(imi8?) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Fdio? A!^fXto<; ri(juvo<; Kafaapo? Se^djTOu 7 leg VII 11-12
A.D. Gjoelde Asia Minor A.E. 1911:143
Anton(ius) Gem(inus?) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Aurelius G 7 III Aug coh I 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18065
C. Cassius L. f. G Ouf. Medio(lano) mil XV Prim 39-41 A.D.
Mainz A.E. 1913:129
L. Flavius M. f. Quir Kalama mil III Aug ante Gordian Lam-
baesis VIII 2639
Granius G arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1902:10
M. Maesius G Bononia p p I Ital 182 A.D. Moes Inf incerta. . .Ill 6223
S. Titius G 7 leg VII c42 Corinium Dalmatia
III 9973 et Jahres Wien 1909 Beibl p31-2
Sex Vettius G vet ex sig (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis . VIII 2999 = 4248 = 18514
D G vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Agrius Geniali(s) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2554
C. Atilius Gen(ialis?) mil XIII Gem? I Adiut 2s init Novae
Dalmatia Ill 1907
L. Bodlius L. f . Pol. G Pollent mil XI Cl pf 42-Vespas Burnum
Dalmatia A.E. 1903:303
C. Sallustius G corn (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 18086
Ulp(ius) G mil leg X Date? Gugging Jahres Wien 1909 Beibl p210
Val(erius) G mil leg secund(a)e divitensium Italic(a)e sig Date?
Rome VI 3637
— m— G vet ex sig II Aug Date? Isca Eng VII 119
Aurelius G 7 III Aug coh II 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 18065
Aurelius G 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2817
Fla(vi)us G mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
ATXloq P£p(JLav6<; p p (leg ?) Date? Gerasa Arabia.. IG a RR III 1372
M. Antonius G vet X Fr 94 A.D. Alexandria Egypt A.E. 1910:75
L. Attius G mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3044
Aurel(ius) G mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Aur(elius) German (us) nat Dacus mil lectus ex (leg) XIII 3s
Mainz XIII 6824
M. Aurelius Pol. G vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt III 6580
M. Aur(elius) G Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
M. Aur(elius) G d Emon(e) p p? XXII Pr p f — ianae 3s init
Mainz XIII 6708
P. Calventius Q. f. G medicus (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis. . . .VIII 2834
Cassi(us) German (us) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
M. Ko[x.]x.T)(to<;) [Fejppiav&c; 6 xd 'Ao[ue]tBo<; mil III Cyr 2s?
Soada Arabia IG a RR III 1282
Domitius Germa(nus) mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt .. Wessely Lat Pal 8
C. Domitius G vet III Aug p v 3s? Thubursicum VIII 4880
Titus Flavius G vet XXII Pr p f natione Batavus Date? Wies-
baden XIII 7577
(Fl)avius Germ(anus) mil? (Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesi-
tana Bull Archeol 1905 p239
Gelli(us) German (us) vet ex eq (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
'louXtoq Fep[JLav6<; 7 III Gall 192 A.D. Aera Syria IG a RR III 1128
lulius G ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18061
lulius G 7 VII Gem fel Date? Augusta Emerita II 5266
lul(ius) G vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
C. lul(ius) G optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2554
C. lul(ius) G 7 III Cyr 170 A.D. Bostra Arabia Ill 96
M. Octavius G ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
L. Sextilius G(e)rm(a)nus (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90
A.D. Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
C. Valerius G Tyr(o) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 81 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
P. Valerius G mil I Ital Date? Almus Moes Inf Ill 7441
T. Valerius T. f. Gollina G Pessenunto imag VII Cl pf Date?
Tomi Moes Inf Ill 12498
(Ger)manus Gas mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
(Ge)r(man)us sig I Min Date? Col Agrippinensium . . . .XIII 8281
Aur(elius) G tess VII Cl Sever Alexand c225 Carlovo Moesia .... A.E. 1912:53
Tertinius G vet VIII Aug 3s? Lyons XIII 1897
G bf (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
0- Octavius G (? Ill Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2645
M. Aurel(ius) G vet ex bf cos XIIII Gem post 100 Siscia Pann Sup . .Ill 3970
T. Ant(onius) G Murs(a) bf vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. lulius G mil II Parth Antonin p f f aetern c215 Rome VI 2579
G 7 (leg?) Date? Westerwood Eng. .VII 1108 add E.E. IX p625
Aur(elius) G 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1629:15
Aur(elius) G 7 X Gem 198-209 A.D. Arrabona Pann Sup A.E. 1908:46
(Gr)acilis Castr vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
C. Terentius G Max(ula) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18087
P. Cornel(ius) G (spec VII Gem fel) Date? Tarraco II 4143
L. Licinius G sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2932
L. Crescentinius G bf leg? 218 A.D. Mainz XIII 6696
L. Pompehi8 G mil VIII Aug bf cos 179 A.D. lagsthausen XIII 6557
Ael(ius) G spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
P. Bruttius P. f. Vel. G domo Aquileia p p XIIII — Date?
Fundi X 6226
L. Carantius G bf cos Date? Neviodunum Pann Sup Ill 3912
Cartinius G frum X Gem Date? Rome VI 3331
lulius G arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:16
L. Vectimarius L. f. Voltinia Reis G mil leg ? Date? Salakta
Bull Archeol 1911 p ccxxi
Cossutius G mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904:72
C. lulius G Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
Valerius G cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
Cor(nelius) G arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902:11
Gusor(ius) 7 XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5215
lulius G mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904 :72_
C. lulius H The(veste) sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi--
tana VIII 2566
C. Maenius H domo Corinthi 7 XI Cl p f et I Ital et II Tr
fort 127 A.D. Thebes Egypt Ill 42
M. Antonius H Kar imm (III Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 18087
lulius H pol III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2564
Aurel(ius) H mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
M. Aur(elius) Heliodor(us) vet VII Cl Date? Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14510
Flavius Helio(dorus) 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia. . .Ill 1629:20
L. P. Valerius H ? II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3568
— Ilelleiii(us) 7 (leg ?) Date? prope Procolitiam Eng. .E.E. Ill 199
M. Titius H vet VI Viet ante Hadrian Lyons XIII 1899
Fla(vius) (H)eracl(a) mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
M. Aur(elius) H Her(aclis f) natione Trax dup I Min Sever
c225 Bonn XIII 8067
Ael(ius) H bf cos Date? Stockstadt XIII 6632
M. Aur(elius) H hast VII Cl Date? Intercisa Pann Inf A.E. 1906:113
T. Ael(ius) Hercu(lanus) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Aurelius H aeques II Aug (?) Date? Isca Eng VII 118
<J>X(doiKO<;) 'Hpx.ouXocv6<; p p VI Ferr Date? Pitana Asia
IG a RR IV 266
T. Flavius T. f. Ulpia H Retiaria 7 III Aug p v Antonin c215
Lambaesis VIII 2871
lul(ius) H bf cos I Ital Date? Ljubuski Dalmatia Ill 14631
C. lulius H vet VII Cl p f Date? Naissus Moes Sup Ill 14577
Pompon(ius H)erculanus (vet) ex eq XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus
Moes Inf.. ..Ill 7449
C. Pyrr— Herculan(us) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup HI 14507
lul(ius) Herenian(u)s arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1902:11
HoratiU8 H (mil) II Tr fort 148 A.D. Arsinoe Egypt E.E. VII p459
H 7 (leg ?) Date? Condercum Eng VII 529
Pontius H 7 (leg ?) Date? Carthage VIII 12580
C. Lucceius H Kast vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadrian! Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
P. Aelius P. f . Pol. H Castris vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
P. Aeli(us) H aquil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2782
P. Aelius H mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3014
Aur(elhi8) H bf leg (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2823
M. Aurelius M. f. Pol. H Castris vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alex-
andria Egypt Ill 6580
AOpTjXiOi; ['Hp](j)V Kd(TTOpo<; mil eq ex leg II Tr 302 A.D. Great
Oasis Greek Pap II 74
Magissius H arm cust XXII Pr p f post 89 Altenstadt Germ Sup . . XIII 6078
M. Aemilius H Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18068
C. Aquilius H Gas d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18086
M. Volcacius H Tusd(ro) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2569
lul ( ijus H vet XXX Ulp vict Date? Burginatium Germ Inf XIII 8666
Priscin(ius) H mil XX(X) Ulp vict ante 120? Brigetio Pann Sup . .Ill 10974
H 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2943
Aqufijllius H dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
G. Aufidius H spec VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
L. Aufidius H optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
C. lulius H Kar c? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18087
Caesilius H 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2830
lul(ius) Hispan(us) (7 XXII Pr p f) 204 A.D. Mainz XIII 6801
L. Manti(us) L. f . Gal. H 7 VII Gem fel 7 III Aug Date? Lambae-
eis VIII 2938-9
L. Novellius T. f . Polia H mil leg XVI ante 43? Mainz XIII 6943
T? Octavius T? (f) Vel. H vet XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Tragurium
Dalmatia Ill 9709
Sex. Palpelli(u8) H mil IIII Fl Date? Pola V 48
M. Coelius M. f. Fl. H Sol(va) mil frum VI Viet Date? Verona V 3362
sius H mil leg? Date? Verona V 3370
T. Flavins H Gas can (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2569
M. Calpurnius H 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2832
(Hono)ratianus 7 III Aug c!50 Gigthi VIII 11029
Aemil(ius) H arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana. . . .A.E. 1902:11
Anicius H dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Annius H dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
M. Annius H corn trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2551
M. Caesius H Tham(ugadi) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
L. Calpurnius H Cir(ta) imm (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18086
Clodius H optio III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2845
L. Clod(ius) H optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2554
C. Cornelius H Tham(ugadi) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18068
C. Florius C. f . H mil III Aug Date? Verecunda VIII 4240
L. Geminius H ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2570
lulius Honoratu(s) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2554
lulius H dup III Aug 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
lul(ius) H 7 II Aug Date? Segedunum Eng E.E. IX 1157
C. lulius H Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
C. lul(ius) H optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . VIII 2554
C. lul(ius) H vet ex sig (III Aug) 211-12 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2618
L. Licinius H ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
C. Mundius H vet ex opt III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2948
L. Minucius Honorat(us) sig X Gem Date? Vienna IJI 13497
Novianius H buc XXII Pr p f Date? Mainz A.E. 1913:240
C. Octavius Q. f . Cornel. H 7 II Aug 7 VII Cl p f XVI Fl firm 7 X
Gem p f Date? Ad Aquas VIII 14698
C. Offelius H str (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2957
Pacculus H arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
Pomponiii8 H dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
Pomponius H tess III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2960
Valerius H arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
— ius H sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
P. f. Honora(tus) vet? Ill Aug Date? Mactar Byzacena VIII 628
H Kart (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1899:90
Publilius H 7 III Aug coh IV 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18065
ius H ? Ill (Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3283
C. Plotius (Hora)this Utlca vet? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18086
luliu(s) H mil IX Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
C. lulhis H ? Ill Aug Date? El-Gara VIII 8794
Rutilius H dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
Silius H hastatus X Gem ante 70? Tarraco II 4114
- H 7 leg IX post Claud Lincoln Eng E.E. IX 1111
M. Aurelius H vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3051-2
T. Fl(avius) H 7 I Min 188 A.D. Ager Tungrorum Belgica XIII 3605
C. lunius H vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18309
0. Sallustius H mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2569
— is Hospital(is) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana Bull Arched 1904 p208
Tt. Claudius H medicus leg XXI ante Hadrian Vindonissa XIII 5208.,
L. Appuleius L. f. Sergia I lader mil I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz. XIII 6827
Aurel(ius) I (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Aelius I 7 III Aug coh VII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
P. Ael(ius) lan(uarius) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
L. Agrius I Kart vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
Alfius I 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2802
0- Alfius I spec VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
Apuleiius I eq II Adi p f Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3420
0. Arruntius I vet (III Aug) Date? Verecunda VIII 4238
C. Aufidius I Kar dup (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2565
Aur(eliu8> I eq I Adi p f Sever c225 Scarbantia Pann Sup Ill 15188:3
Aurelius I mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3053
Aur(elius) I mil leg Ital Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 8719
Aure(liu8) I teas leg XIII Date? Dertona V 7367
C. Aurelius I(a)nuarius mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3054
M. Aurelius I vet ex leg XXX Ulp vict Date? Lyons XIII 1842
(M?) Au(relius) I vet I Adi p f post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11024
0- Baebius I peq (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2827
Bibius lanuariu(s) vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lam-
baesis VIII 2626
C. Blosius I ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
Brut(tius) I arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
C. Gaecilius lan(uarius) Hippo vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18068
M. Caec(ilius) lanuar(ius) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2554
L. Caesius lan(uarius) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567
Calicius lanuar(ius) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1902:10
C. Galventius I 7 III Aug Alexand c225 Lambaesis VIII 2742
C. Calventius lanuar(ius) Gas corn III Aug c225 Lambaesis . . . VIII 2586
Glau(dius) I mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Claudius lanuar(ius) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Tib Cl(audius) I spec XIIII Gem Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2015
Q. Egnatius I Mas(cula) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2568
0. Ennius lanuar(ius) bf cos V Mac p c M. Aurel 274 Potaissa
Dacia Ill 878
Faltonius I 7 III Aug coh X 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
L. Faonius I Sufi mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2569
Fl(avius) I adiutor off corn (III Aug) Is Theveste VIII 1875
C. Fulvi(us) lanuar(ius) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2554
Geminius I bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2551
Ge(minius) Ia(n)uarius arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambae-
sitana A.E. 1902:11
Homullius I imm III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2883
lulius I arm cust III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
lulius I dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 2564
lulius I (mil ? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana Bull Archeol 1904 p206
lul(ius) lanua(rius) ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana . ..VIII 18061
C. lulius lan(uarius) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567
C. lulius lanu(arius) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567
C. lulius I C(as) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2569
D. lulius lanu(arius) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2569
M. lulius I vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3153
L. Licinius I Tibursi Numid vet ex imm (III Aug) 211-2 A.D.
Lambaesis VIII 2618
L. Licinius lanuar(ius) Am(maedara)? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2566
M. Licinius Ia(nu)arius corn II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf III 14349:6
P. Magnius P. f. I mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3186
C. Mallius I cor III Aug p v 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2557
C. Marius la(nuarius) lib (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2560
Munatius I mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3200
L. Novius I ? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2556
L. Paternius T. (f ) lanuar(ius) vet IIII (Fl firm) Date? Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 8123
? Pescennius lanua(rius) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana Bull Archeol 1904 p207
P. Pomponius I mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3223
Sallustius I dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
Sallustius I mensor (III Aug) 3s Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904:72
Sallustius I imag III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2971
M. Sextilius Ia(h)n(uarius) mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis .. VIII 3239
L. Sextius I Had(rumeto) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18067
C. Silicius I Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
M'. Silius I 7 I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6842
Sittius (lan)uariu(s) (mil) III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3241-2
Tonneius I dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
M. Ulp(ius) lanuar(ius) R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Ulp(ius) I Rat(iaria) bf cos vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup 'Ill 14507
M. Ulpius I (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
M. Ulp(ius) M. f . Ulpi(a) I Traia(na) (mil? leg?) Date? Ches-
ter Eng E.E. IX 1093
Val(erius) I vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Valerius I Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2568
L. Val(erius) I optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
sitana . . VIII 2554
G. Vib(ius) Pom. I(a)nu(a)rhi8 bf cos I Adiut 2s Novae Dalma-
tia Ill 1910
L. Volussius I (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
(I)anuarius ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18061
estius lan(uarius) lib (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2560
(lan)uariu(s) mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
M. Aur(elius) I 7 I Ital Date? Bela Slatina Moes Inf Ill 12388
(Aurelius) I str leg leg II Adiut Date? Intercisa Pann Inf Ill 10317
Aurelius I vet II Adi p f Antonin c215 Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 15161
Fl(avius) I vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3109
C. lulius I Kart vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
C. lul(ius) Im(p)etratus bf cos X Gem 257 A.D. Latobici Pann Sup III 3906
Sep(timius) I vet ex leg III Ital ex t(u)b Date? Castra Regina
Raetia Ill 5957
Servilius I (? Ill Aug?) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2641
Ael(iu8) I vet II Adiut 2-Ss Intercisa Pann Inf Ill 10320
M. Ingenius I bf cos 239 A.D. Col Agrippinensium XIII 8207
M. Acutius I 7 (III Aug) 211-12 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2618
Ael(ius) I bf leg (XI Cl) post Traian Ad Haemum Moes Inf Ill 12401
C. Arrius I bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2551
Aurel(ius) I mil XIII Gem Antonin 211-12 A.D. Sarmizegetusa . . . Ill 1479
Aur(elius) I nat prov Dacia mil XIII Gem 3s Rome VI 2425
C. Cassius In(g)enus mil leg VIIII Is Forum lulii XII 249
Domitius I vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
Fl(avius) I sig (XV Apol) Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11218
lul(ius) I spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf . .Ill 3524
Titus lulius I vet (XXII Pr p f ) post 89 Ager Mogontiacensis XIII 7.218
Numen(ius?) I spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
L. Pompeius I bf cos Date? Neviodunum Pann Sup Ill 3919
C. Publicius I Hippo vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
0. Sabi(nius) I sig III Aug post 253? Lambaesis VIII 2970
Sextilius I dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
(I)ngemi8 Kar mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
(In)genus vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
(A)el(ius) I R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
C. Aemilius I mil XI Cl bf cos post Claud Magnum Dalmatia Ill 9790
(Corn)elius Ingen(uus vet?) I Adiut post 114 Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 14092
C. Crepereius I Ca8 d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2569
Fl(avius) I vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3110
T. Flavius I prov Brittaniae Infer mil VI Viet p f Date? Zat-
tara * VIII 5180
lul(ius) Ingen(uus) optio (VII Cl) Date? Ancyra Ill 263
C. lul(his) Fl. Ingen(uus) mil VI Viet post Hadrian Bremenium
Eng VII 1057
(I)ul(ius) Ing(enuus) 7 leg X ante 70 Tucci Baetica II 1691
0. lulius I mil VII Gem fel Date? Carthage Rev Archeol 1898 II P340
Lucili(us) I 7 (leg?) Date? Chester Eng E.E. IX 1094
C. Maecius I eq X Gem Date? Narbo XII 4364
G. Memmius I Kar mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2568
Pet(ronius) Inge(nuus) tess (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf III 14409:1
Sabinius I sig III Aug post 253? Lambaesis VIII 18224
L. Sempronius I p p III Aug 152 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2543
Sept(imius) I eq XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup. . . .Ill 4480
Val(erius) I mil XIIII Gem post 100 Savaria Pann Sup Ill 14066
Ingenu(us) bf cos 198-222 A.D. Nettersheim Bonn Jahrbb 1910 p312
I ? (V)II Cl 3s Viminacium Moes Sup A.E. 1905:163
I 7 (III Ital) Date? Augusta Vindelicum Raetia Ill 5818
Rennius I (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 81 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
Aurelius I mil leg XXII Date? Virunum Noricum Ill 4848
T. Ulpius I bf cos Date? Virunum Noricum Ill 4860
M. Antoni(us) I mil III Aug Date? Verecunda VIII 4236
Aurelius I vet XIII Gem Is? Emona Pann Sup Ill 3844
M. Aur(elius) I frum II Adiut Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3466
C. Caeciliu8 I bf leg (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2828
C. Caecilius I tess III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2828
Caelius I dup III Aug p v Antonin218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
0. Cornelius I Tev(este) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2569
C. lulius I The(lepte) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2569
L. Messius I 7 I Ital act Antonini Pii Almus Moes Inf Ill 7420
L. f. Pol. I Cas vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt. .Ill 6580
Aelius I 7 III Aug coh V 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
M. Aurelius Pol. I Alexandr(ea) vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alex-
andria Egypt HI 6580
Baebius I 7 leg? Date? Mainz XIII 6814
lulius G. f . Pol. I Castris vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt III 6580
s P. f. Pol. I Thebis vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt III 6580
C. L I mil VII Gem fel Palentinus Date? Aquileia V 920
P. Calventiu(8) I sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2834
Gratti(us) Ital(icus) vet (V Mac) clS4 Troesmis Ill 6178
Tl. lulius Ti. f . Fal. I 7 VII Mac 7 XV Prim 7 XIII Gem ante
Vespas Ager Falernus X 4723
T. Flavius I medicus III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2872
Ammius I arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1902:10
T. Fl(avius) I frum XXX Ulp Date? Rome VI 8362
C. lulius I Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
M. Praeconi(us) I Sir(mio) tub XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 14358:21a
Sattonius I p p III Aug 253 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2634
C. Tetius I vet XV (Apol) Date? Hr-ben-Gasom-ben-Nasser
Africa A.E. 1912:207
us I mil leg I? 189? 212? Dottendorf Germ Inf XIII 7999
Valerius I 7 VII Cl Date? Apamea Phrygia Ill 7056
C. Aelius I Sarmiz(egetusa) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
C. Aemilius I Kar d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2568
Allius I arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
C. Annius I Castr bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
M. Anton(ius) I bf cos Date? Neviodunum Pann Sup Ill 10799
(A)sinius lulian(us) Th(amugadi?) mil? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Aufldius luli(anus) vet (V Mac) clS4 Troesmis Ill 6178
Aur(elius) I mensor VII Cl Sever 228 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 8112
Aur(elius) I (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
C Bebius I arm cust III Aug Date? Kesur el Ghennaia VIII 4307
0- Carmeus I 7 VII Gem act Sept Severi Daruvar Pann Sup Ill 3998
KXauSlO*; 'louXtavig 7 III Cyr ante 108 Ptolemais Hermiu Egypt
IG a RR I 1153
Cl(audius) I mil XIII Gem 160 A.D. Verespataki Dacia Ill p959
Ti. Cl(audius) I Tyro vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
L. Decrius L. f. Ser. I qui et Numisianus princeps XI Cl p f
100-150 A.D. Naples A.E.' 1913:215
Domitius lulian(us) mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3098
(L?) Domiti(us) I p p XXII Prim (Alexand) 229 A.D. Mainz. . . .XIII 6752
(Fl)avius I tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . . A.E. 1907:184
T. Flavius I vet VIII Aug Date? Beroea Syria Ill 191
C. Gentius I Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana ... VIII 18068
Julius lull (anus) 7 III Cyr ante 108 Ptolemais Hermiu Egypt III 12071
'louXloq 'louXiav&q frum (leg?) aet Traiani Decii Rome IG XIV 1071
(I)ulius I Nic(omedia) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
lulius I 7 III Aug coh VII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
lulfius Iuli)anus sig VII Gem (p f) c!67 Castrum S. Christoph
Tarraconensis II 2556 = A.E. 1910:6
lulius I (mil ? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana Bull Archeol 1904 p206
lul(ius) lulia(nus) ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18061
lulius I sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
lul(ius) I mil II Aug Date? Isca Eng VII 121
lul(ius) I (vet) leg II ex arm cust Date? Aquincum Pann Inf III 13373
lulius Iul(i)anu8 7 leg Date? Durostorum Moes Inf . .Ill 14213:2
C. lul(ius) I 7 XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 7858
C. lul(ius) I vet XIIII Gem post 100 Savaria Pann Sup Ill 4187
Macrinius Iuli(a)nus eq? XXII Pr p f 231 A.D. Mainz XIII 6669
C. Maximius I optio praet V Mac M. Aurel-274 Apulum Dacia .... Ill 7765
Por(cius) lulian(us) tess (leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1189
Rutilius I vet ex imm (III Aug) 211-12 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2618
C. Secundinius I eq XXII Pr p f post 89 Ancyra Ill 6765
P. Sedulius (I)ulianus mil VIII Aug Antonin bf cos c215 Cannstatt XIII 6440
Sept(imius) I mil pequarius II Adi p f 238 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf III 10428
Sept(imuis) I eq XI(III? Gem) post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup. .Ill 4480
0. Tarronius I 7 XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz A.E. 1906:61
P. Tiburti(us) lulian(us) mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3249
(Valer)ius lulian(us) mil VII Cl bf cos Date? Naissus Moes Sup III 8252
L. Valerius I Tham(ugadi) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
C. Vib(ius) I mil I Adiut 2s? Burnum Dalmatia Ill 2823
nlius ? f. Papir. I Had(rumeto) vet II Tr fort 194 A.D.
Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
['I]ouXtav6<; 7 IIII Scyt Date? Rimet Hazim Syria. .IG a RR III 1242
I Tharso (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. A.E. 1899:90
Iu(l)i(an)us 7 XV Apol ante 63 Carnuntum Pann Inf III 4465
P. Ael(ius) I Sirm(io) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
Aur(elius) I vet (I Adiut) post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11021
Aur(elius) I (vet) ex bf trib (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia..III 7688
T. Aur(elius) I Sc(upis) bf praef VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Avicius I mil leg XIV Date? Lambiridi VIII 18568
lul(ius) Iu(l?)linu8 7 III Ital 181 A.D. Inter Danuvium et
limitem Raetia Ill 14370:2
Calvisius I 7 III Aug coh IV 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . . .VIII 18065
M. Rustius P. (f. I)unianus bf cos II Ital p f Sever 230 A.D.
Boiodurum Noricum Ill 5690
P. Aelius I Nap (oca) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
Pomp(uleniu8) I 7 11 Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3561
Claudius I 7 ordiniarius II Adiut Date? Aquileia V 8275
Sept(imius) I arm cust XIIII Gem Antonin c215 Scarbantia
Pann Sup Ill 10942-3
Aul. Tullius I p p III Aug Sever c225 Lambaesis VIII 2737
Ael(ius) I quaest XI Cl post Traian Ad Haemum Moes Inf III 12401
Ael(ius) I lib leg leg I Adiut bellum Dacicum Intercisa? Pann
Inf A.E. 1909:144
P. Ael(ius) I mil II Adiut 2-3s? Csabae Pann Inf Ill 3634
Aur(elius) I mil II Ital 182 A.D. Bedaium Noricum Ill 5567
Aur(elius) I mil II Ital 2-3s Celeia Noricum Ill 5218
Aurelius I eq XI Cl 3s exe-4s init Aquileia V 896
T. Cl(audius) I Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
T. Fl(avius) I mil XIII Gem 200 A.D. Apulum Dacia Ill 1042
L. Gailonius L. f. I mil II Adiut Date? Aquileia V 915
C. lul(ius) I bf cos Date? Stockstadt XIII 6648
M. Ulpius M. f. I mil II Adiut frum domo Savaria Date? Rome. VI 3336
M. Ulpius I mil ter? leg II Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3573
T. Val(erius) I (mil aut 7) VIII Aug Date? Duenhausen Germ
Sup XIII 6318
I 7 (II Aug?) coh X Date? Segedunum Eng VII 489
Aelius I mil? X Gem Date? Vienna.. ..Ill 4568
L. Apul(eius) I R(emesiana?) sig vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vim-
inacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Aur(elius) lustu(s) lib? (leg ?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1189
T. Aelius I hydraularius salariarius II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 10501
Ael(ius) Iu(stus?) Sa(lonis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup HI 14507
M. Aurel(ius) I domo Ho(r)rei Margensis Moesiae Superioris
ex CCC p p I Ital Sever 224 A.D. Moes Inf incerta Ill 7591
M. Aurel(ius) I bf cos II Ital p f 217 A.D. Celeia Noricum Ill 5189
C. A I bf cos 181 A.D. Stockstadt XIII 6633
Q. Caesius (I)ustus bf cos Date? Bonn XIII 8012
Tl. Cl(audius) I 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2842
Comidius I vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3086
Fla(vius) I arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
Fl(aviu8) lust(us) (mil?) I Min Date? Bonn XIII 8053
lulius I 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2903
(L.) Lepidius I vet XXX Ulp vict post Traian Ferrara V 2391
M(am)ertiniii8 I optio XXII (Antonin Pr p f) 212 A.D. Trenn-
furt XIII 6618
C. Maiiagnius I 7 III Ital Date? Augusta Vindelicum Raetia III 5817
Metilius I 7 XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 13452
Romelei(us) I 7 (leg ?) Date? Borcovicium Eng E.E. IX 1189
Septimius I (mil) III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18319
C. Val(erius) Iu(s)tus actar leg XX Date? Chester Eng. . . .E.E. IX 1065
L. Va(lerius) I mil leg VI post Hadrian? Hexham Eng VII 477
Varsidius I 7 (leg ?) Date? Ebchester Eng VII 464
Vettius I arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
0. Vettius I 7 III Aug Date? Calceus Herculis VIII 18008
I 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) act Augusti Coptos Egypt. . . .Ill 6627
8l? II Aug Date? Isca Eng VII 99
us I ? XXX Ulp vict Date? Harenatium Germ Inf . . . .XIII 8703
I 7 (leg ?) Date? Condercum Eng VII 531
(I)us(tu)s Sir(mio) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. Arruntius I mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
Flavius I 7 III Aug coh VIII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
T. Flavius I vet XXII Pr p f post 89 Arelate XII 682
Q. Numisius I lib III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2954
T. Caesen(nius) I mil II Adiut c!50 Cartenna Mauretania
Caesariensis VIII 9653
Cogitatinius I bf leg leg I Min 3s Lyons XIII 1797
lul(ius) I bf cos II Ital Antonin 219 A.D. Bedaium Noricum III 5580
lulifus I)uvcnis optio III Ital Date? Raetia incerta Ill 5976
Marin(ius) Iu(v)enis (mil?) I Min Date? Bonn XIII 8053
L. Memmius I bf cos 166 A.D. Stockstadt XIII 6649
D. Seius D. f. Quir. I Burdigalia mil III Aug Is Gurai Numidia . VIII 2103
I 7 VII Gem Date? Catania A.E. 1897:132
lulius L dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2564
Aurel(ius) L 7 XV Apol 185 A.D. Vagharschapt Galatia Ill 6052
nus L (7 ?) leg VII 37-41 A.D. Corinium Dalmatia Ill 2882
- L 7 leg II Is Ager Santonom Aquitania XIII 1122
Laetin(us) 7 (leg ?) cob II Date? Amboglanna Eng . . E.E. VII 1076
(0. Carmaeus) Lae(t)us Aq(uis) Ver(cellis) corn trib XI Cl
Date? Durostorum Moes Inf Ill 7476
(Flavius) L mil III Aug Date? Zarai VIII 4521
0. Longinius Pometina L. Luco mil (leg?) Date? Chester
Eng E.E. VII 897
C. Minutius L vet VII Cl p f 76 A.D. Philippopolis Thracia III 6120
Mucius L ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2570
Tannonius L dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
0- Vettius L K(arthagine) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18067
M. Val(erius) La(e)vinus bf cos Date? Emporiae Tarraconensis . .II 4624
Cicereius L p p leg XI ante 42? Burnum Dalmatia Ill 14996
Marcus Aur(elius) L Rediti filius domo Nicapolis vet XIIII
Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4458
L 7 II Tr fort 151 A.D. Egypt E.E. VII p459
Blandius C. (f.) Vol. L 7 I Ital 7 II Aug 7 VIIII Hisp 7 leg XX
67-cl20 A.D. Genava XII 2601
Pupin(ius) Lati(nus) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 8110
M. Valerius M. fil. L c(ivis) Eq(uester) mil leg XX post 43
Bath Eng VII 60
Caelius L optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2554
Titinius Laurent(inus) imm III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D.
Castra Lambaesitana . . . . VIII 2564
T. Camul(ius) L. f. L emeritus III Gall aet Antonini Pii Gratian-
opolis XII 2230
T. Aur(elius) L mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Rigomagus Germ Inf . . XIII 7789
M. Ulp(ius) L mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Rigomagus Germ Inf . .XIII 7789
L. Aelius L mil XIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11148
L 7 leg ? Is Thabraca VIII 17334
Aurelius Leon(atus?) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
L vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
L. Aelius L mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3015
P. 'louXtoq Ae<i)v(8Y]<; 'A0iqva!o<; mil XVI Fl firm post Traian
Mopseutia Cilicia IG a RR III 917
(Le)onides mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonin Pii Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18085
Leontia(nus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Aelius L 7 III Aug cob. Ill 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
C. lulius Gal. L lesson pp 7 XIII Gem p f 7 I Ad 7 X G p f (7) .
XX V v (7 VII G) p f Date? Aeso Tarraconensis II 4463
L. Licinius L. f. Clau. Lepid(us) dom Verona vet leg II?
Date? Savaria Pann Sup Ill 4188
(C.) Sextilius L vet XXX Ulp vict Date? Col Ulpia Traiana
Germ Inf XIII 8609
L. lul(ius) T. (f) Galer. L Glunia vet XIIII G m v aedis custos
c R leg XIII 3s? Apulum Dacia Ill 1158
0. Valerius Q. f. Fab. L Brixa mil XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian
Tenendo Germ Sup XIII 5241
0. Aebutius L 7 XI Cl p f c42 Corinium Dalmatia Ill 9973
0- Aebutius L 7 leg XI ante Claud Corinium Dalmatia A.E. 1905:164
Aelius L 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
(C)aesonius L vet (VIII? Aug) Date? Borbetomagus Germ
Sup XIII 6223
C. Cornelius L vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3091
Elius L vet ex 1 f (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis. . . .VIII 2626 cf 18099
Fa(b)ius (Li)bera(lis) 7 ? VI Viet post Hadrian Wester wood
Eng VII 1104
C. Iuliu8 L vet (III Aug?) Date? Zarai VIII 45583
D. lulius L optio (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2683-4
Sex. lulius L Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18087
Valer(ius) L (mil? Ill Aug) Castra Lambaesitana. .Bull Archeol 1904 p206
M. Valerius L domu Cl Aequo mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum
Dalmatia Ill 15004
L 7 (leg ?) Date? Chesters Eng VII 605
Liberal (is) ? XXX Ulp vict Date? Lyons XIII 1866
Olc(atius) L 7 (leg ?) coh I Date? Borcovicium Eng
VII 668 add E.E. IX p588
Val(erius) L vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Annam(ius) L spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem
I Ad) c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
0- Dexius L optio III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2858-60
C. Munat(ius) L optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2554
Seius L mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3235
M. Valerius — Gal. Licini(anus) ex m Cas(tulonensi mi)l?
V (II G)e(m) Date? Asturica II 2641
M. Aurel(ius) L optio III Aug 253 A.D. Gemellae Numidia VIII 2482
M. Aurel(ius) L optio hast post (III Aug) c253 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18072
lul(ius) Licin(ius) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Sept(imius) L spec legg III Antonin (-X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Sept(imius) L imm lib II Parth Date? Rome VI 3395
M. Ulp(ius) L Sir(mio) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
Cassius L. f. (F)ab. L vet ex leg VI Vict Date? Calavino
Trient A.E. 1904:187
Aurel(ius) L vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis .. VIII 2626
? lulius C. f. domo Arethusa L vet ex aquil III Aug Sever
trans ex leg III Gall c225 Lambaesis VIII 2904
Licin(ius) Loce(us?) mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Aurel(ius) L 7 III Aug 3s Lambaesis VIII 2676
lullus L 7 (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2905-6 et 2962 et 2923
C. lul(ius) Longinian(us) opt (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2554
Val(erius) L natus In M(oe)sl(a) Infer Gastell Abritanor 7
XI Cl 3s exe 4s init Aquileia V 942
L (mil?) II Adi p f 2-Ss Ager Aquincensis Pann Inf Ill 10365
P. Aellus L 7 I Min Date? Rome VI 81169
Albani(us) Longin(us) 7 (leg?) Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup.. Ill 4400
Antonius L 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
M. Antonius L Gas can (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2568
Aur(elius) Ant(onius) L spec III Gall 3s Heliopolis Syria
III 14385b ad 138(p970)
(Au)r(elius) 'L mil IX Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Aurelius L mil II Tr fort Get Sever c225 Alexandria Egypt Ill 6594a
Aurel(ius) L mil VII Cl 2s exe-3s init Viminacium Moes Sup. . . .Ill 8118
Bills Longin(us) mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Gassius Longin(us) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Ca88i(us) L vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Gassius C. f. Cla. L Sav(aria) mil I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6829
L. Cassius Longinu(s) bf leg leg III Cyr Date? Bostra Arabia
Bull Archeol 1904 p36
C. Cornelius C. f. Fab. Longi(n)us Heracla eq leg XVI c69?
Novaesium Germ Inf XIII 8552
Fera L vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Fl(avius) Lon(g)inus mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
T. Fl(avius) L dec Kanab leg XIII Gem aet Traiani Apulum Dacia III 1100
T. Fl(avius) L R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Tdioq AoYY6(vo<; vet XII Fulm 138-9 A.D. Fayoum Egypt... BGU 272
lul(ius) L vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul(ius) Longin(us) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup . .Ill 8110
lul(ius) L imm venator XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
lul(ius) L bf cos ex V Mac Date? Ljesce Dalmatia A.E. 1910:214
C. lulius C. f . L domo Voltinia Philippis Macedonia vet VIII
Aug aet Vespasiani Reate IX 4684
C. luKius Lon)ginus (vet) VII (Cl) Date? Scupi Moes Sup. . . .Ill 8197
M. Lic(inius) L R(atiaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
A. Nonius L 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2952
Sep(timius L)ongln(us) corn II Adi p f Sever c225 Transaquincum
Pann Inf Ill 10568
Sosius L vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178-
Val(erius) Longin(us) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Val(erlus) L Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. Valerius C. f. Fab. L Her(aclea) mil I Ital Date? Almus
Moes Inf Ill 7441
M. Val(erius) M. f. L medicus VII Cl Date? Drobeta Dacia ... Ill 14210:9
(L)ongimi8 ? Ill Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3181
Antonius L 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Ael(ius) Longu(s) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup . . .Ill 8110
P. Ael(ius) L vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Antonius L Pull vet X Fr 94 A.D. Alexandria Egypt.. A.E. 1910:75
M. Antonius L vet bf cos XII Fulm Date? Cappadocia Ill 6800
Gocceius Long(us?) mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
M. Furfanius M. f. Col. L Paraeton(io) vet II Tr fort 194 A.D.
Alexandria Egypt . Ill 6580
lulius L 7 III Aug 52-57 A.D. Simitthus VIII 14603
luli(us) Long(us?) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul(ius) Long(us?) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. lulius L Miso (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
C. lulius Long(u)s Sipo (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
C. lul(ius) Lon(g)us vet I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup. . . .Ill 4352
M. I(uli)u8 L (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
T. Sergius L 7 XV Apol post Traian? Carystus Euboea Ill 12286
Val(erius) Long(us?) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Val(erius) L mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
L. Valerius Long(us) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana A.E. 1899:91
— anius L Apam(ea) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
L 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) aet August! Coptos Egypt III 6627
L 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) aet Augusti Coptos Egypt Ill 6627
P. Aelius L 7 VII Gem Date? Rome VI 3211
Q. Aelius L mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2784
Annius L ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18061
Mamilius L 7 VII Gem fel Date? Bracara Aug Tarraconensis II 2425
Sicinius L vet XIII Gem post Traian Dacia incerta Ill 1606
C. Tadius L 7 VII Gem fel Date? Tarraco II 4165
— omullius L (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p289
ius L Kar mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra Lambae-
sitana .VIII 18085
L 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3100
L. Antistius L Nicom(edia) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Cast-
ra Lambaesitana.. ..VIII 18084
C. Aponius L bf trib III Cyr Date? Bostra Arabia Ill 101
Aurelius L frum II Ital Date? Rome VI 3340
Aur(elius) L mil IIII Fl Date? Guberuci Moes Sup Ill 8166
Bassilius L arm cust III Aug c226 Castra Lambaesitana . . . . A.E. 1902:li
Fla(vius) L mil II Aug Date? Auchindavy Eng VII 1118
lulius L DXPrim p p III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
C. lulius L cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
C. lulius L Ca(s?) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2569
Terent(ius) L sig II Ital Date? Pola V 46
ius L Cla(udio)pol(i) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
s L Lamasb(a) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
onius L 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
Aelius L dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
L ? II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3541
L mil? II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10458
Aur(elius) L agr? (leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1189
Aur(elius) L (vet) ex optione (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia.. Ill 7688
T. Fl(avius) L mil XIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11217
M. Aur(elius) M. f. Pap. Lucil(l)us Poetovio 7 I Ad II Tr VIII
Aug XIII Gem VII Cl VII Gem Date? Tarraco II 4147
P. Aelius 7 VII Gem Date? Rome VI 31175
Afranius L mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904:72
Aufidius L 7 (III Aug) probatus in leg III Gall c210 Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1898:13
Aur(elius) L (vet) ex arm cust (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia III 7688
Q. Aquilius L 7 II Aug Date? Ancyra Ill 261
T. Cerv (onius) Luci(us) natus Savariae 7 XVI Fl post Traian
Ancyra Ill 264
Tib. Claudius L Ael. Philadel. Emese ? (Ill Aug) Date? Cas-
tra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
Fl(avius) L mil XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11217
Perel(ius) L (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
L. Retonius L p p I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11031
Sept(imius) L spec legg III Antonin ( - X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Vibinius L bf cos Date? Lancaster Eng VII 286
M. Cl(audius) Ti. f . L 7 leg XIIII 7 leg XIII Date? Solva Noricum III 5336
P. Ael(ius) Cla. L Thessa(lonica) vet II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 10500
C. Julius C. filius Quirina L Augustiduno mil (III Aug) Is?
Theveste A.E. 1897:29
L dup X Gem Date? Ager Celianus Noricum Ill 5293
Cassianus L mil I Min p f 2s Lyons XIII 1846
L vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
L 7 leg? Date? Col Agrippinensium A.E. 1903:278
P. Aelius L bf cos Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 200f
Aur(elius) L spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3524
Ho8(tilius) L 7 (leg?) Date? Vindobala Eng VII 552
T. Publienius L comm VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
L. Valerius L (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
P. Aelius Cl. L Tessalonica mil II Adiut 8s? Aquincum Pann Inf III 3528
Cn. Gurius L7I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4285-6
P. Ael(ius) L vet II Adiut 2-Ss? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10500
C. lul(ius) L 7 XIII Gem Sever c225 Apulum Dacia Ill 14469
M. Magius M. (f) Pop. M Verona mil XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian
Vindonissa XIII 5211
C. Harnius M mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18301
Caelius M vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3070
Fl(avius) Mace(do?) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 8110
C. Val(erius) M 7 VII Cl 168 A.D. prope Cuppas Moes Sup Ill 8097
0. Val(erius) Mac(edo) vet V (Mac) M. Aurel-274 Apulum Dacia III 7798
T. Metius L. f. Rom. M vet ex leg XXI ante 69? Novaesium
Germ Inf XIII 8556
lul(ius) M vet VI Viet p f ante Hadrian? Novaesium Germ Inf . . XIII 8549
C. lulius M 7 (leg XV) Is? Sarmizegetusa Ill 1478
T. lulius L. f . Gal. M dom Nertobriga mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Mainz . ..XIII 6865
L. Pedanius C. f . M vet leg XI ante 42 Florentia XI 1598
M. Sentius L. f. Ouf. M vet IIII Scyt Date? Sibrium V 5595
lul(ius) M vet ex bf cos Date? Augusta Vindelicum Raetia Ill 5815
P. Maevius M vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3184
P. Ael(ius) Macrin(us) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2554
Aemil(ius) M arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
C. Domitius M mil XXII Pr p f Date? Cartenna Mauretania
Caesariensis VIII 9655
lul(ius) M vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul(ius) M imm VIII Aug Date? Grosskrotzenburg Germ Sup . .XIII 7416
M. lulius Marci f . Aniensis Foro luli M mil IIII Mac ante Ves-
pas Mainz XIII 6866
0. Licinius M 7 IIII Fl firm Date? Veczel Dacia Ill 1353
(M)immius M Laud(icea) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Olcinius M 7 XXII Pr p f post 89 Sinope Paphlagonia Ill 14402b
T. Pompeius T. f. M vet III Aug Is? Thala Byzacena VIII 504
L. Rutilius L. f . Sergia M mil (XI Cl p f ) Vespas-Traian Vindon-
issa Anzeig f . Schwiez Alter VI p!60-l
M. Sossius M Nicom(edia) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
M Cirt(a) bf leg (III Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18084
M mil leg II —Date? Rusicade VIII 7982
stius M 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egpyt Ill 6580
T. Aelius M bf cos VIII Aug Date? Antipolis Gall Narb XII 5723
P. Mestrius P. f. Maecia(nus) vet leg VII ante Claud? Iconium
A.E. 1903:74
Ae(mi)Hus M 7 III Aug coh IV 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18065
C. Atilius M vet VIII Aug Date? Meda V 5713
Tertius Magi(us?) 7 III Aug coh V 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18065
T. Clodius M Pap? pec (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18086
M. Ulp(ius) M R(emeslana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Logius M vet ex dup? (Ill Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
— 8 M Hadr(umeto) arm cust (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2565
L. Antonius L. f. Lem. M Bon(onia) mil X Gem aet Traiani
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:13a
A&pYjXtoq Mdtyvcx; vet XIIII Gem post 100 Hierapolis Asia. .IG a RR IV 837
Aur(elius) M mil XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4459
T. KX(auBto<;) Mdyvo^vet (III Gall) 179 A.D. Aerita Syria. IG a RR III 1179
Cornelius M vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
T. Fl(avius) T. (f) Quir. M 7 XII Fulm 7 III Gall 7 VII? Date?
Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 14349 :8
lul(ius) M 7 VIII Aug Is Segedunum Eng VII 495
C. lulius M 7 III Cyr 90 A.D. Coptos Egypt Ill 13580
T. Manius T. f. Pollia M Senope 7 XXII Pr p f 2s? Steinbach. XIII 6502
P. Pompeius P. f. (A)em. M S(t)ob(is) vet I Ital Date? Ad
Haemum Moes Inf . . Ill 12409
Sep(timius) M bf cos (leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1189
M. Septimius M. f. Fab M 7 III Gall IIII Scyt XX V v I Min
X Fr ante 218 Aradus Syria Ill 186
T(iberius) Magn(us) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Titius C. f . Ro(m) M sig leg V Urb c31 B.C. Ateste V 2514
Volusius M 7 X Fr Date? Rome VI 3614
C. lul(ius) M 7 VIII Aug Date? Ems XIII 7733
P. Aelius M vet II Parth 3s? Ager Hastensis V 7591
Ael(ius) M optio XXII Pr p f 178 A.D. Stockstadt XIII 6630
Ael(ius) M arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2783
P. Aelius M vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3016
P. Afranius M mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 13480
Atilius M 7 (leg ?) coh II Date? Chester Eng E.E. VII 878
Aur(elius) Maio(r) Cart ex sagittaris salarius II Parth Sever
c215? Ager Albanus E.E. IX 659
Aup(T)XlO<;) Maftop vet ex III Cyr Date? El-Kseife Syria IG a RR III 1135
M. Aup(Y)Xio<;) Slvcioq Moctap ZiQv68o)po<; ZiqvoBwpou Mafopog
ul6q vet ex III Cyr Date? Saccaea Syria IG a RR III 1193
M. Pomentinus M 7 III Aug Date? Bir Umm Ali VIII 17591
M. Aur(elius) Malc(h)ia(s) (mil) II Adiut str off cos 2-3s Inter-
cisa Pann Inf Ill 10315
Aurel(ius) Malc(h)us vet ex 1 s? (Ill Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lam-
baesis.. ..VIII 2626 cf 18099
C. lulius M Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2569
M. Ulpius M 7 XXII Pr p f 2s? Miltenberg XIII 6606
Sex. Salaniu(s) P. f. Mandat(us) mil leg XV Date? Verona. . . .V 3373
Ti. Claud(ius) M mil III Aug Is Theveste VIII 16547
C. Petronius M Cuic(ulo) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18068
L. lulius Manlian(us) lib (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2560
C. Nonius M 7 III Ital Date? Lambaesis VIII 2963
T. Fl(avius) M 7 III Aug Date? ante Gordian Calceus Herculis
Numidia VIII 2497
lulius Mans(uetus) 7 (leg ?) Date? Cambriae oppida Eng VII 143
G. lulius G. f. Gale. Lug(uduno) Ma(n)suetus mil III Aug
Is? Ammaedara A.E. 1912:203
C. lul(ius) M mil I Min p f Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8213
Maximius M 7 XII Fulm Date? Neviodunum Pann Sup III 3926
M. Petronius M. f. Vol. M Viana mil III! Mac ante Vespas
Mainz XIII 6871
0. Ref(idius?) M p p XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 14074
Val(erius) M p p (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18321
Valerius?) M dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 11180
Sex. Valerius Sex. f. Vol. Ma(n)suetus Viena mil IIII Mac
ante Vespas Mainz XIII 6878
Ael(ius) Marce(llinus?) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 8110
L. Aemil(i)us Ma(r)c(ell)inus p p (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis. VIII 2598
T. Aridius M 7 II Tr fort 155 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 14147:3
AOp (73X10*;) MapxeXXetvo? 7 X Fr Date? Tiberias Palestine
IG a RR III 1204
Baebius M 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
G. Baeb(ius) M bf cos X Gem 225 A.D. Latobici Pann Sup Ill 3903
T. C(a)miliu(s? Mar)cellinus (mil) VI(II Aug) Date? Stock-
stadt XIII 6654
Claren(ius?) M corn legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I
Ad) c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Cl(audius) M bf cos 190 A.D. Rigomagus Germ Inf XIII 7790
M. Glodius M mil I Min 2s? Bonn XIII 8021
0- Clodius M 7 I Min p f 2s? Bonn XIII 8010
Fla(vius) Ma(r)cellinus tess (V Mac) M. Aurel-274 Potaissa
Dacia : Ill 7686
Fl(avius) M mil III Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 5950
lul(ius) M (7) II Aug Date? Amboglanna Eng E.E. VII 1071
C. lulius C. f. Set. M Tavio mil III Cyr ante 108 Alexandria
Egypt Ill 14138:3
C. lulius M (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
(M)arcellinius Marce(lli)nu8 sig (III Ital) Date? Castra
Regina Raetia Ill 5952
Marius M mil II Parth Date? Rome VI 3277
L. Papius M vet I Ital Date? Pirano V 481
L. Septimius L. f. n. Pannonius d Ulp. Papir Petavione M
7 I Adiut XIIII Gem XXX Ulp vict Sever Alexand c225 Lyons. XIII 1890
M. Val(erius) M Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
L. Vib(ius) (M)arcellinu(8) vet XIIII G m v post 100 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 4449
(A)el(ius) Marcell(us) mil II Parth Date? Rome VI 3367
P. Aelius M Iv(?) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
Aur(elius) M mil I Adiut Date? Perinthus Thracia Ill 7396
M. A(urelius) M mil ? VIII Aug Is? Cyrrhus Syria Ill 193
M. Claudius M vet (III Aug) Date? Verecunda VIII 18513
Cl(audius) M(a)rcel(lus) mil leg XIIII post 100 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 11118
Coetius M 7 X Gem ante Traian Brohl XIII 7698
Cornel(ius) Marcel(lus?) (7) XXII Pr p f Date? Mainz. . . .XIII 6668
(Flavius?) M Larisa vet? Ill Aug aet Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
M. Fuficius M. f. Vel. M Aquil(eia) 7 I Adi p f post 114 Brigetio
Pann Sup Ill 4351
Maecius M 7 XI Cl 75 A.D. Bovianum Undecimanorum IX 2564
P. Marcius Marcel(lus?) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
C. Octavius M mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3211
M. Paccius C. f. Gal. M p p IIII Scyt Date? Ager Compsinus . . IX 1005
Salvius M 7 XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:14
M. Seius Mar(cell)us For(o) Iul(i) mil X Gem Date?
Athens Ill 7288= 14405d
Teltonius M bf trib? Ill Aug c200 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18078
M. Ulp(ius) M bf cos IIII Fl firm Date? Sopianae Pann Inf . . . .Ill 15149
M. Valerius M. (f.) Aniesis Marcel(l)us Vercelis mil II Aduti
2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 14349:9
Vasellius M 7 I Ital Date? Almus Moes Inf Ill 7441
M. Vibrius M 7 leg XVI Date? aet Tiberii vel Gai Rome VI 31706
M 7 III Aug Is Ammaedara Numidia MAH 1912 p!28
M 7 II Tr 298 A.D. Tingitana Egypt Acta Martyr p302 ed Ruinart
C. Acilius M Caralitanus 7 princeps XIIII Gem Date? Vel-
itrae X 6574
Ael(ius) M(a)rcia(nus) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 81 10
M. Ant(onius) Marcian(us) Sc(upis) bf trib vet VII Cl 195
A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup ..Ill 14507
(Au)rel(iii8) Mar'(ci)anus mil I Ital Sever c225 Salonae Dal-
matia Ill 12899
Aur(elius) Marcia(n)us sta leg VII Cl 270 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup HI 8117
Aurel(ius) M (vet) III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3055
M. Aur(elius) Marcianu(s) (bf) cos leg ? Se(ver Alexand p)
v 234 A.D. Naissus Moes Sup Ill 14564
P. Aur(elius) M mil leg VII Date? Horreum Margi Moes
Sup Ill 12666
(P. Aurelius?) M vet leg VII Date? Horreum Margi Moes
Sup HI 12666
C. Cassius Marcian(us) Oea mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Fl(avius) M 7 XIIII Gem 7 XV Apol clOO Ancyra Ill 242
(T) Flavius M. (f) Col. M domo Philad(elphia) optio hast
VI Ferr Date? Bostra Arabia A.E. 1909:132
lul(ius) Marcia(nus) ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18061
lul(ius) M 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 8065:30
lulius M mil frum XXX Ulp Date? Formiae X 6095
C. lul(ius) Marcian(us) Nic(opoli) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vim-
inacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
P. Lucceius M Nicom(edia) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Petr(onius) M (vet) ex lib (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia.. Ill 7688
0. Sallustius M Tham(ugadi) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2568
Staberius Marcian(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Staberius M imm III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
M. Strobilius Marcian(us) exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:109
Valer(ius) M vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis. .VIII 2626
Val(erius) M sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2992
G. Valerius M spec VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
(M) Val(erius) Marcian(us) Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
P. Val(erius) M mil dup X Gem Antonin c215 Poetovio Pann
Sup Ill 4030
(T. Valerius) T. f. Pol(l)ia Marci(anus) Cas vet V Mac ex bf cos
170 A.D. Troesmis Ill 7505
Veturius Marcian(us) vet XIII Gem post Traian Dacia incerta. .Ill 8044
Vivlus M mil II Aug Date? London VII 23
M Nic(omedia) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
M optio II Adi p f Date? Aquileia V 811
Marc(u)lus? mil? leg X Date? Vienna Ill 11309
P. Ael(ius) M 7 X Gem Date? Rome VI 31182a
Aur(elius) M 7 IIII Fl Gallienae 253-268 A.D. Singidunum
Moes Sup Ill 8148
A(urelius) M bf cos XIIII Gem post 100 Neviodunum Pann Sup. .Ill 3918
Aurel(ius) M (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Aur(elius) M mil (leg?) Date? Magnae Eng VII 793
M. Aurelius M. f. Pol. M vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt III 6580
Fl(avius) M spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
lul(ius) M mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
C. lul(ius) M Rfemesiaiia?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
T. Mans (ue tius?) Marcu(8) mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Rigo magus
Germ Inf XIII 7789
Pompei(us) M (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Aur. Superinius M bf cos 214 A.D. Dottendorf Germ Inf XIII 7998
Valerius M mil XI Cl 3s Durostorum Moes Inf Ill 7477
OuaX(£pco<;) Mapxo<; vet ex eq leg VI Date? Lake of Tiberias
Syria IG a RR III 1110
1— M Kastris vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
— M ? (I)II(I F)l Date? Eporedia V 6783
Clod (his) M frum VII Gem Date? Bedaium Noricum Ill 5579
F 'EXoutoq Maptav&q (7) III Gall 182-92 A.D. Phaena Syria
IG a RR III 1116
us M Sirm(io) optio? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
Fl(avius) Marin(i)a(nus) mil VIII Aug Is? Duenhausen Germ
Sup XIII 6317
L. Marinius M 7 VII Gem Alexand ante 235 Wiesbaden XIII 7564
Mari(ni)anus vet XIII Gem Date? Aquileia V 850
P. Aelius M7I Min Date? Hersel Germ Inf XIII 8150
0- Aemilius M singular II Aug Date? Rome VI 3339
Aurel(ius) M vet ex actar (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
L. Aur(elius) M vet XIII Gem Antonin c215 Apulum Dacia Ill 14476
M. Aur(elius) M vet XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 989
Cornel(ius) M arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
A.E. 1902:10
G. lul(ius) M Ara armatura XIIII G m v 70-100 A.D. Mainz . . . .XIII 6895
L. Valerius L. f . Vol. Mar(i)nus Tol(osa) mil X Gem 70-Traian
Ulpia Noviomagus XIII 8736
M. Val(erius) M vet I Adi p f ex sig 2s Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4298
M 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
M strator leg (leg I Ad)iut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup III 4317
Aelius M bf cos Date? oppida circa Burgos Tarraconensis II 2915
C. lulius C. f . Cl. M Ara 7 VI Viet 7 XX V v 7 II Aug 7 III Aug
Date? Lambaesis VIII 2907
M. (L?)ucr(etius) Mar(i)tumu(s) Lugu(d)un(o) mil III Aug
Is Ammaedara A.E. 1900:123
Aurel(ius) M opt sig XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1124
Cl(audius) M 7 XIII Gem 160 A.D. Verespataki Dacia Ill p959
T. V(a)rronius M frum et 7 frum III Cyr act M. Aurel Salonae
Dalmatia Ill 2063
C. Lic(inius) M vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3176
Mars(us) 7 (leg?) cob. VIII Date? Borcovicium Eng VII 672
Aelius Martial(i)s mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
P. Ael(ius) M vet ex arm cust II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf III 3529
Aemilius M Apamea vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
(A)emilius M dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
Annius Martial(is) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1902:10
M. Annius M. f. Quir. M mil et 7 (III) Aug et 7 XXX Ulp vict
162 A.D. Thamugadi Numidia VIII 2354
Ant(onius) M 7 XXII P r p f 3s? Cartenna Mauretania Caesar-
iensis VIII 21508
0- Apuleius M Kar vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
Aufidius M 7 I Min act Domitiani Bonn XIII 8071
Aur(elius) M mil I Ital Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2008
L? Aurelius M Am(maedara) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lam-
baesitana .VIII 18087
M. Aur(elius) M vet ex sig II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 3538
Baebius M dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana . ..VIII 2564
L. Cassius L. f . Trom. M Aq(uis) Sta(tiellis) mil XI Cl p f 42-
Vespas Burnum Dalmatia Ill 2833
Cerellius Martial(is) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
C. Domitius M August str (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2568
C. Egnatius M Tham(ugadi) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18068
Fl(avius) M spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Flavius M dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
T. Flavius M (mil III Aug) Is Theveste VIII 1876
C. Gellius M Cilio vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
lulius M 7 (IIII Mac) ante Vespas Mainz XIII 6858
lulius Marti(alis) ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18061
lulius M vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3155
C. lulius M cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
C. lulius M ? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2556
C. lulius M Gas vet? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18086
C. lul(ius) M vet (III Aug?) Date? Zarai VIII 4524
C. lulius M arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2908-9 (et 2910)
C. lulius M vet II Adi p f c!50 Rokba A.E. 1896:77
C. Lollius M ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
P. Longinius M tub III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2936
C. (Ma)rrucinus M vet (III Aug?) Date? Zarai VIII 4528
C. Memmius M 7 leg XI Vespas-Traian Mainz XIII 6706
L. Nonius M Vag(a) bf (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
Octavius Martial (is) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana
A.E. 1902:11
C. Postumius M eq III Aug Commodae act Commodae Lambaesis VIII 3163
C. Rutilius M Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
Sa(lvideniu)s Marti(al)is mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis .... VIII 18316
L. Tonneius M cerarius III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:109
(L.) Tonneius M lib cerarius III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2985-6
L. Tonneius M vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2985
M. Ulp(ius). M 7 I Mm act Hadriani Rome VI 31158
Valerius M mil III Aug Date? Bagai Numidia VIII 2278
M. Valer(ius) M. f. Claud. M (eq? leg?) Date? Chester Eng E.E. IX 1089
M. Vibius M 7 X Gem act Vespas-Domitiani Mediomatrici Belgica XIII 4624
Volcacius M bf cos Date? Ivenna Noricum Ill 5072
M. Ulp(ius) Martial(is) Sc(upis) interpres vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
cius (Mar)tialis Kar mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
lius M Kar ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
ius M Pa. Tel(epte) sir (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2565
Mart(iaHs) vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3193
Aelius M bf cos I Ital Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2023
G. Pollius G. filius domo Col. Ael. Mursa M vet ex arm cust II
Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Sup Ill 3560
Sereim(ius) Mart(i)n(i)a(nus) 7 (V Mac)? M. Aurel-274 Potais-
sa Dacia Ill 7692
Ael(ius) M 7 XXII (Pr p f) Date? Mainz A.E. 1908:257
Aur(elius) M mil IIII Fl 2-3s? Cyrrhus Syria Ill 195
T. Cla(udius) M aquil II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 6457
Flavi(us) M 7? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1629:21
A. Hennius Mar(tinus?) 7 XII Fulm Date? Ancyra Ill 266
C. lul(ius) M bf cos III Aug provinciae Daciae 3s? Vazaivi VIII 17622
Ti. Marcius M frum I Min Date? Rome VI 3334
Pub(licius?) M spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3524
Sept(imius) M mil II Adi p f 2-3s Vorosvar Pann Inf Ill 10569
Ulp(ius) M singular consular VII Cl Sever Alexand c225 Naissus
Moes Sup Ill 8244
M. Ulp(ius) Martin(us) Mur(sa) str vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Ulp(ius) M str cos VII Cl Sever 225 A.D. Naissus Moes Sup. .Ill 1676
Val(erius) M mil XIIII Gemnatione Pannonius 3s Rome VI 2758
M 7 II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10499
0. Aenius M dup (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2799
M. lul(ius) M 7 XXX Ulp vict XXII Pr p f 189 A.D. Vetera Germ
Inf XIII 8640
L. Senecianiu8 M 7 VI Vict post Hadrian Manchester Eng VII 211
Cn. Coelius Gn. f. Pap. M do Narbo mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Mainz XIII 6863
Vinnius Mascel(Ho) 7 III Aug coh III 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18065
Ulp (ius) M vet ex sig V Mac 204 A.D. Napoca Dacia Ill 7657
Aemilius M dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
Gargilius M cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
Ti. lul(ius) M prin II Adi p f 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3501
C. Masculinius M 7 I Adiut Date? Virunum Noricum Ill 4787
Vagionius Mas(cu)lus vet Aug (V)I Viet Date? Rome VI 3635
(A)ur(elius) Masgil(us) bf VIII Aug Date? Treveri Belgica. . .XIII 3645
C. Silvinius M (vet?) leg XXII 3s? Wiesbaden XIII 7570b
C. Antonius M domo Clunia 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2807
Attic! (us) M mil I Min p? Date? Endwich Germ Inf XIII 8003a
Aur(elius) M vet II Ital natio Noric 3s Salonae Dalmatia Ill 8730
Fl. lulius M vet XXII Pr p f ex dup post 89 Cast ell urn Mattiaco-
rum XIII 7291
C. lul(ius) M vet ex leg I Min Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8267
M. lulius M. f. Qui. M Aug (us to) N(emeto) mil III Aug Is The-
veste VIII 16549
M. (I)ul(ius) M bf cos Date? Weingarten Germ Inf XII 7956-7
Lucretius M imag VII Gem 167 A.D. Castrum S. Christoph Tar-
raconensis II 2553
C. Ma(r)ius M 7 VII Cl p f aet Claudii Narona Dalmatia Ill 12794
G. Sempronius M Lugu(duno) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
L. Sempr(onius) M (spec VII Gem fel) Date? Tarraco II 4143
G. Stabilius Pom. M luliobriga mil VII Gem fel Date? Lam-
baesis VIII 3245
L. Valer(ius) M (spec VII Gem fel) Date? Tarraco II 4143
L. Vitellius M 7 X Gem Date? Aquileia V 950
M 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) aet Augusti Coptos Egypt. . . .Ill 6627
Matern(us) mil I min Date? Aquileia Pais Suppl n!87
M Polai f. Suros vet I Adiut 68 A.D. Stabiae. . . .X 771
M. Val(erius) M. f. Lem. M Bononiae mil XXI Rap 70-Hadrian
Mainz XIII 6950
Mes8o(r)i(u)s M vet II Ital 2-3s Ovilava Noricum Ill 5624
Aur(elius) M vet? (II Adiut) 2-3s? Ager Aquincensis Pann Inf III 10860
Caecilius M 7 frum VII Gem Date? Tarraco II 4150
C. Sulpicius M 7 XXII Pr p f post 89 Brohl XIII 7704
M. Vallius M. f. Qui. M Seg. mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum
Dalmatia Ill 6419
Kalemerus M lib III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2929
Ael(ius) Maximia(nu8) (vet) ex less (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa
Dacia Ill 7688
(Aurelius) M sig (XIIII G m v?) post 100 Mursa Pann Inf Ill 3284
Aur(elius) M mil I Adiut Date? Aquileia V 892
lul(lus) M 7 (V Mac?) M. Aurel-274 Potaissa Dacia Ill 7672
C. Tocernlus M mil II Ital Date? Naples V 375
C. Val(erius) M arm cust IIII Fl Date? Aquincum Pann Inf III 10518
(M)axi(mian?)us arm cust VII Cl 2s Viminacium Moes
Sup Jahres Wien VI Beibl n 19
Aur(elius) M (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Aur(elius) M tess (VII Cl) Date? Ancyra Ill 263
M. Aur(elius) M vet XIII Gem post Traian Ampelum Dacia III 1320
lul(ius) Maximin(us) dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 11180
C. lul(ius) M arm cust I Adiut Sever c225 Brigetio Pann Sup III 10984
C. lu(Hus) M ? VI Viet post Hadrian Segedunum Eng VII 494
Galus lulius M emeritus leg VIII bf proc Date? Treveri Belgica XIII 3983
M. Lici(nhis) M mil II Ital 2-3s Poetovio Pann Sup Ill 15184:6
M. Aur(elius) M vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. . . .Ill 14507
Accius M mil II Ital frum 2-3s? Virunum Noricum Ill 4830
Ael(ius) Maxi(mus) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 8110
Ael(ius) M mil V Mac M. Aurel-274 Potaissa Dacia Ill 899
ATX(lo<;) Ma£t[AO<; vet eq leg III 3s Nela Arabia IG a RR III 1265
Aellus M 7 XXII Prim Date? Mainz A.E. 1904:106
L. Aeliu8 M Tus(dro) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2568
P. A(e)l(ius) M Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
P. Aelius Ma(x)imu8 Cas mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
Anneus M mil I Min Date? Fectio Germ Inf . . XIII 8813
C. Ann(ius) Maximu(s) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2554
C. Armius Max(imus) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana. VIII 2567
Antonius M mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Antonius M cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
L. Antonius Maximu(s) cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2557
Arruntius M mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1904:72
Attienius M 7 XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Tenendo Germ Sup XIII 5241
Attius Max(imus) (mil) X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 4571
M. Aufidius M 7 VI Viet post Hadrian Bath Eng VII 40-41
Aur(elius) M mil V Mac p Gordian 238-44 A.D. Siebenburgen
Jahres Wien V Beibl p 100:6
Aurel(ius) M vet II (Adiut) 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10474
Aur(elius) M 7 II Adiut act Dioclet Josephsthal Dalmatia III 10060
Aur(elius) M vet II Adiut Date? Pann Inf incerta Ill 3678
Aur(elius) Maxi(mus) vet IIII Fl Date? Singidunum Moes
Sup Ill 1665
Aur(elius) M (vet) ex arm cust (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa
Dacia Ill 7688
Aur(elius) Maximu(s) (vet) ex arc(hitecto V Mac?) Date? Po-
taissa Dacia Ill 7688
A AupT)Xio<; Ma^ttxo? 7 XVI Fl firm post Traian Phaena Syria
M. Aurelius M eq I Ital Antonin 215 A.D. Ad Haemum Moes
Inf Ill 12394
(M. A)urel(ius) Max(imu)s mil I (Min? bf) cos (ex) prov
Thra(cia) 3s? Lyons XIII 1843
Aioifjtog Ma^t(JLO<; OCUT&S 'A/tXeuq vet (leg ?) Date? Melah-
es-Sarrar Arabia . . IG a RR III 1312
L. Blo8(ius) Max(imus) vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3061
C. Caeciliu8 M mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3064
C. Calpurnius M Gas d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2569
M. Carmeius M bf cos I Adi p f 245 A.D. Dalmatia incerta Ill 3161
L. Cassius — (f) Cla. M 7 VI Ferr ante Domitiani mortem Celeia
Noricum Ill 13524
Cervius M mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Claudius M 7 leg XXII ante Hadrian Thebes Egypt Ill 57
Cl(audius) M vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Cl(audius) Maxim(us) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Tib. Cl(audius) M 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2843
T. Cl(audius) M (vet) VIII Aug Date? Rogatica Dalmatia III 8369
add 12749
M. Clodius M Ar? polio (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18086
(Cominius) Q(uirin)a? Sirmi(o) M vet ex sig II Adiut Date?
Lussonium Pann Inf Ill 3320
Cominius M mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3087
Decimius M imm III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
Fl(avius) M 7 XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Flavi(us) M vet ex actar (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis. . . .VIII 2626
Fl(avius) M arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2873
$>X(dcouco<;) Md^lAO<; mil III Cyr 319-20 A.D. Bostra Arabia
IG a RR III 1329
T. Fla(vius) Max(imus) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
T. Fl(avius) M mil XIIII Gem post 100 Fl Raab Noricum Ill 5497
T. Flavius M Cap(sa) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2569
Furius M mil XX V v Date? Chester Eng E.E. VII 895
L. Geminius M vet I Adi p f post 100 Aquileia V 4123
Horte(n8ius) M 7 (leg ?) Date? Chesters Eng VII 608
L. lucundinius M bf cos Date? Rigomagus Germ Inf XIII 7817
lulius M mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
lul(ius) M vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lullus M Cast (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p239
lulius M dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
lulius M arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
lul(ius) M mil II Adiut 2-Ss? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10512
lu(lius) M(a)ximus eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3156
lulius M vet (III Aug?) Date? Zarai VIII 4525
'louXltx; Mrfjjinos mil (III Gall) Date? El-Ledja Syria. .IG a RR III 1148
C. lulius M (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 610
C. lulius M (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
C. lul(ius) Maxim(us) bf cos V Mac M. Aurel-274 Also-Kosaly
Dacia Ill 826
F 'louXto? M4£((J,0£ mil III Cyr Date? Bostra Arabia. .IG a RR III 1331
M. lulius M. f. Sab. M Mantua 7III Cyr coh V 2s Bostra Arabia. .Ill 102
M. lulius M ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
(M? I)ulius M. f. (Qui)r Maxim(us) (A)ugusto (Ne)meto
mil structor XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5209
Licinius M dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
L. Licinius M Nap (oca) mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
C. Lucre(t)ius M Had(rumeto) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18087
Marius M dup II Parth Sever c225 Rome VI 3407
C. Mar(ius) Maxi(mus) 7 VII Gem p f Date? Limici Tarra-
conensis II 2522
L. Memmius M ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Munati(us) Max(imus) 7 (leg ?) Date? Magnae Eng VII 785
Nason(ius) Max(imus) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
L. Naevius M bf cos XI Cl p f post Claud Domavianum Dalmatia . Ill 14219:4
Ocratius M 7 (leg?) coh I Date? Chester Eng VII 172
Octavius M mil III Gall Date? Sidon Syria Ill 152
IlaXXdSi(o)<; Manioc mil III Cyr Date? Bostra Arabia PAES III 572:2 p257
Pinarius M arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. A.E. 1902:10
C. Plotius M Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2567
M. Pompeius M Tolom(aida) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Pomp(onlu8?) M vet (V Mac) clS4 Troesmis Ill 6178
(Pom)ponius Ma(xi)mus bf cos (III Aug) Date? El-Gehara VIII 18025
C. Pomponius M vet ex cor (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 29612
L. Pomp(onius) Max(imus) vet ex cor (III Aug) Date? Lam-
baesis VIII 2961
L. Pomp(onius?) M mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3220
Refrius M 7 III Aug 188-192 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2749
A. Resius M 7 XI Cl p f c42 Corinium Dalmatia Ill 9975
Q. Scaevius M frum VII Gem Date? Rome VI 3349
Sibidien(i)us Max(imus) mil (XV Apol) Is Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 14358:21a
L. Siliu8 M vet I Adi p f cl!4 Apulum Dacia Ill 1008
M. Statius M Nicom(edia) sig (III Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
? Stertinius M Nicom(edia) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
T. Terentius M optio (III Aug) 2s exe-3s init Castra Lambaesi-
tana Mem de 1'Acad des Inscr 38:1 p269
0. Trebellius 0- f- (F)ab. M Roma 7 V Mac ante Caracall?
Tomi Moes Inf . . . . Ill 7534
Tutius M spec III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2989
M. Tutius M vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2989
Val(erius) Maximu(s) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis .Ill 6178
Val(erius) M vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Valerius Max(imus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Val(erius) Maxi(mus) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 8110
Val(erius) M mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Valerius M 7 II Tr Fort 174 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 12048
Valerius M mil II Parth Sever c225 Rome VI 3399
Val(erius) M 7 IIII Fl Date? Concordia V 1870
Val(erius) M vet leg (V) 3s? Potaissa Dacia Klio 1911 p501
(Valeriu)s M vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3263
Valerius M Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
Val(erius) M 7 (leg ?) coh V Date? Magnae Eng VII 778
Val(erius) Maxi(mus) 7 (leg ?) Date? Greatchesters Eng.... VII 737
Val(erius) Maxi(mus) 7 (leg ?) Date? Borcovicum Eng VII 685
C. Val(erius) Maxim(us) Sc(upis) vet str VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. Val(erius) M Rat(iaria) arm cust vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. Val(erius) M Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
C. Val(erius) M Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. Val(erius) C. f. M vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3265
C. Val(erius) M vet VII Cl ex corn Date? Viminacium Moes
Sup Jahrea Wien 1910 Beibl p202
(G. Valerius) M 7 II Parth 7 VI Ferr 7 XIII Gem 3s Pann Inf
incerta Ill 10610
L. Valerius Maxi(mus) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
(M) Val(erius) M Pau(talia) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup HI 14507
L. Varius L. f . Fab. M 7 VII Cl Date? Apamea Phrygia Ill 7055
L. Vecna(tius) — (f) Pol Maxim(us) For(o) Cor(nelii) mil XI
(Cl) p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5215
M. Volusius M 7 XVI Fl firm 163-5 A.D. Viae Syriacae Ill 200-1
Q. Volussius Maxim(us) Lamb vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18068
(Ma)ximus Pareth(onio) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
eus M Th(eveste) sig III Aug act Antonini Pii Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18085
vius T. f . Col. M Caesarea vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
m(ius) M sig I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4306
(M)aximus Sav(aria) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
(M)aximus Tha(rso) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1899:90
ius M aquil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18311
Maxim(us) Cast (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesi-
tana Bull Archeol 1905 p241
Maxi(mus) mil VIII Aug Is? Albona Dalmatia Ill 3051
Maxi(mus) 7 (leg ?) Date? prope Magnas Eng E.E. IX 1203
Deccius Maxsi(minus?) 7 XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup. Ill 14358:17
C. Attius C. f. Pupi. M Baet(erris) mil IIII Mac 43-70 A.D.
Mainz A.E. 1913:128
L. Attius M mil (I Ital) Date? Moes Inf incerta Ill 6232
P. Fannius M 7 XIIII G m v Is exe? Ad Flexum Pann Sup. . .Ill 13444
Valen(ius) M 7 (II Aug?) coh VIII Date? Isca Eng VII 113
— lulius Maxsum(us) mil (VII Gem p f) 3s? Villavicosa
Lusitania II 151
Q. Lurius 0. f. Pup. M vet leg XV ante 63? Savaria Pann Sup. .Ill 4229
L. Tullius L. f. M mil leg V Date? Concordia A.E. 1907:207
C. lul(ius) M vet ex bf cos V Mac Date? Drobeta Dacia. . . .Ill 14216:6
Sex. Rutilius M mil III Aug Date? Batna VIII 4294
P. Messius P. f. 0- M Aug(usto)du(no) mil III Aug Is Theveste. VIII 16550
M. Aurelius M lib leg leg II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf III 3538
Salvius M vet ex optione I Min 2-Ss Lyons XIII 1887
— us C. f. Camil. Memo(r Al)ba Pompeia (p p III Aug)
Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2533
P. lulius Memorinu(8) 7 I Min Date? Hersel Germ Inf XIII 8150
Aur(elius) M (7?) XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1629:17
Aelius M 7 III Aug coh VIII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18065
C. Iu(li)u8 M. (f) M mil I Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf . . . .Ill 10512
0- Aurel(ius) Mercat(or) mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3056
G. lul(ius) Me(r)cator mil XXII Pr p f post 89 Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 14347:5
lustinius M civis Treveri vet XXX Ulp vict Date? Cavillonum
prov Lugudun XIII 2614
( slus Me)rcator vet leg ? Date? Verona V 8370
- (?Me)rcuriali8 mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
M. Caecilius M Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18068
C. Volussiu(s) M (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana MAH 1897 p447
Meora^apo<; yevo<; Na@a<; eq III Cyr? Date? Namara Arabia
IG a RR III 1257
- (?Mess)alla Cl Tol(omaida) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Had-
riani Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 18084
M. Aunicius M. f. Pub. M vet XV Apol Is? Aquileia V 891
L. Licinius Messal(li)n(u)s 7 XIII Gem post Traian Veczel
Dacia Ill 1354
(I)ulius M tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . A.E. 1907:184
Ael(ius) M imm I Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3531
Aur(elius) M eq II Adiut 3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10506
C. Carminius M vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3074
C. lul(ius) M Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2567
C. Lucilius M mil XXII Pr f 196 A.D. Mainz XIII 6672
M. Munatius M Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
M. Ulpius M Sir(mio) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
Vis(ellius) Messo(r) sig (leg ?) Date? Stanwix Eng VII 915
A6p(r)Xco<;) Me<JTpta(v6<;) mil II Ital Date? Serdica Thrace . .IG a RR I 678
P. Ael(ius) P. f. Maecia M Pela(gonia) optio II Adiut Date?
Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3530
M. Aur(elius) M Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Aur(elius) M Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Aurelius M vet VII Cl Date? Scupi Moes Sup Ill 8195
M(e)st(r)iu(s) Cas vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Aur(elius) M Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Aurel(ius) M (eq? II Adiut) 3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10506
M. Aurelius M. f. Camilla M Alba mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Mainz XIII 6855
M. Aur(elius) Metrod(orus) Nic(opoli) sig vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Ill 14507
Aurelius M 7 XI Cl post Hadrian Ad Haemum Moes Inf Ill 12440
lul(ius) M dup? (leg ?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1189
M. Aur(elius) M m h m ex eq III Ital Date? Castra Regina
Raetia Ill 5955
C. Annius C. f. Ani. M Luca vet V Mac Is Oescus Moes Inf . .Ill 14415
Pontius M ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
P. Aelius P. f . Sardis (Min)ucianus mil (III Aug) Date? Lam-
baesis VIII 3017
0- Aelius M bf praef leg leg (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2784
Aurel(ius) M (mil ? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Val(erius) Min(utius) corn? (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf III 44109:1
[A]6pYjXco<; [M]t6pi8aTtx6<; 7 III Gall Date? Ancyra. . . .IG a RR III 214
C. Atilius M vet VIII Aug Date? Meda V 5713
Antonius M 7 III Aug coh III 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18065
C. Livius M bf cos Date? Siscia Pann Sup Ill 3950=10839
C. Mucius M eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3199 cf 18172
Roesi(us) Modera(tus) 7 (II Aug?) coh VI Date? Isca Eng VII 112
C. Vedennius C. f. Qui. M Antio milit in leg XVI Gall act
Vespasiani Rome VI 2725
C. Anto(nius) Modes(tus) 7 VI Viet p f post Hadrian Doncaster
Eng VII 199
L. Antonius L. Pol. M Industria vet XIII Gem 69-84 A.D.
Poetovio Pann Sup Ill 10877
M. Att(ius) Modest(us) Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Eptidius M 7 V Mac ante M. Aurel Ad Haemum Moes Inf Ill 14433
C. lavolenus M 7 XIII Gem post Traian Sarmizegetusa Ill 1434
Marcius M 7 XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5211
C. Murrius C. f. Arniensis Foro lull M mil II Adi p f c71
Bath Eng VII 48
Sex. Pilonius Sex. f. Ste. M Benevento 7 IIII Fl firm mil VII
Cl p f et VIII Aug XI Cl p f I Min p f Date? Sarmizegetusa . Ill 1480
Vale(rius) Modest(us) bf trib (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis .... VIII 2993
L. Valerius M 7 I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6843
Sex. Valer(ius) M mil leg I — Date? Rome VI 33031
L. Vinicius L. f. Gal. domo M Lugud(uno) mil IIII Mac ante
Vespas Mainz XIII 6876
C. lulius Modi(a)nus vet II Adiut c!50 Simitthus VIII 14605
Sallus(tius) Modiu(s) vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D.
Lambaesis VIII 2626
0. Sallustius M vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3233
M. Aurel(ius) M (bf) cos VIII Aug? Date? Also Kosaly Dacia. .Ill 822
Aponi(us) Moe(8icu8) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Aur(elius) M 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Sarmizegetusa Ill 8065 :23
P. A(elius M)onim(us 7} I Ital Date? Ad Haemum Moes Inf. .Ill 13720
Aurelius M str leg leg I Adiut Date? Intercisa Pann Inf Ill 10316
C. lul(ius) M optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2554
M. Ae(lius) M mil III (Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3018
Aur(elius) M mil V Mac M. Aurel-274 Potaissa Dacia Ill 879
M. Aur(elui8) Monta(nus) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Buccius M 7 III Aug coh VIII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18065
Q. Kniboudius M 7 III Ital act M. Aurelii Cemenelum V 7865-6
Galerius M armatura XI Cl post Claud Olbia Chersonese A.E. 1909:167
Pri(mius?) M 7 XXII Prim Date? Osterburken XIII 6583
M. Talla(rius) Monta(nus) sig e num leg XIIII Gem post 100
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11235
Tit. Va(lerius) Clau. Mont(a)n(us) Savar(ia) mil I Adiut 70-
100 Mainz XIII 6832
C. luliusM? XII Fulm Date? Tarraco II 3158
Petronius Motthun(us) Su(fetula) mil? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
P. Ael(ius) Sept(imius) M 7 XIIII Gem Sever c225 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 14357
Se(p)ti(mi)u8 (M)ucapor dup II Parth Sever p f f c225? Kalaat-
el-Muldik Syria A.E. 1908:272
? Aelius Mucat(ra?) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
Aurelius M mil I Ital Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2009
Aurel(ius) M mil leg — A(u)g Date? Samnium A.E. 1902:89
Sept(imius) M imag XXX Ulp vict p f 223 A.D. Col Ulpia
Traiana Germ Inf XIII 8607
Sept (imius) M cand XXX Ulp victp f 223 A.D. Ulpia Traiana Germ
Inf XIII 8607
Sept(imiu8) M cand XXX Ulp victp f 223 A.D. Col Ulpia Traiana
Germ Inf XIII 8607
Aulus M bf leg leg XXII — Alexandr 227 A.D. Mainz XIII 6716
M. Aur(elius) Mucatral(is) R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195
A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Mucapor Mu(ca)tralis mil XXII Pr p f 3s? Castell Mattiac-
orum XIII 7292
M vet leg XXII Date? Mainz XIII 6740
Aur(elius) M R(emeslana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
P. Ael(Ius) M spec II Adiut Date? Rome VI 3562
Aurelius M imm buc (II Parth Sever p f f) c225 Kalaat-el-Mul-
dik Syria A.E. 1908:272
Aur(elius) M (vet) ex arm cust (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa
Dacia Ill 7688
M. Aurel(ius) M vet ex bf leg leg I Ital Date? Ad Haemum
Moes Inf Ill 12408
Fl(avius) M 7 frum II Ital p f 200 A.D. Luna XI 1322
L. Sept(imius) M m h m ex leg XXX Ulp vict p f domo Philip-
popoli Date? Lyons XIII 1891
M. Ulpius M mil XIII Gem 211-17 A.D. Apulum Dacia Ill 1070
M ? II Tr fort Ger post 214 Alexandria Egypt Ill 14132
- M)ucia(nus) p p XIIII Gem Date? Concordia . . Pais Suppl. n!080:48
Abbonius M mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana. . A.E. 1904:72
M. Minu(cius) Mude(nusP) mil VI Vict post Hadrian York
Eng VII 238
L. Pomponius Munatian(us) Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2569
L. Fabius M (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
M vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
P. Sittiu8 P. f. Papiria Teveste ex Africa M vet II Adiut 3s?
Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10515
M. Caesius L. f. M vet XXX Ulp vict Date? Asberg XIII 8591
Aemi(lius) Myr(o) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup.. Ill 8110
M. Aurelius M A(mmaedara) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2565
(L. Eg)natui8 M optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana.. ..VIII 2554
M optio III Aug 2s cze Ksar-Ghelanc A.E. 1900:127
C. lul(ius) N vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2800
(Na)mfamo vet III Aug Date? Simitthus VIII 14606
C. Marius (N)amphamo vet (II P)arth 3s? Diana Numidia. . .VIII 4607
iacius N Cast (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p2S9
Fabius N arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
O-storius N mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3213
N 7 (leg?) Date? Chesters Eng VII 610
Antonius N 7 XXII Pr p f post 89 Steinbach XIII 6509
T. Fl(aviu8) N vet (leg?) Date? Isca Eng E.E. IX 1019
luUius) N(atal)is vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. . . .Ill 14507
(Po)mpelus N Sicc(a) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567
M. Ulp(ius) N vet ex bf cos Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10522
0- Fulviu* N Kart bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Numisius N p p (III Aug) Gallienae 253-68 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana A.E. 1904:71
G. Motilius Negotiants) (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambae-
sitana Bull Archeol 1905 p240
NI(OV Xanfou mil III Cyr Date? Umm idj-Djimal Arabia . PAES III 349 p!78
L. Attius L. f . Gal. N Nertobriga mil I III Mac ante Vespas Mainz XIII 6853
M. Aur(eUus) N 7 XX V v Date? Chester Eng E.E. VII 889
0. Cattus Libo N 7 III Cyr Date? Tungri Belgica XIII 3592
Gelasinlius) N (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
lulius N (mil III Aug p v) 3s? Lambaesis VIII 3150
C. lul(ius) N Sal(onis) corn praef vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimina-
cium Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. lul(ius) N domo Ammedara ped sing (III Aug) c225? Lam-
baesis VIII 2911
Petron(iu)8 N(epos?) corn? (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf . .Ill 14409:1
Sepftimius) N can (leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1190
Trebonius N 7 (leg?) Date? Petrianae Eng VII 905
L. Valerius N mil VII Gem post 172? Italica Baetica II 1126
N 7 III Aug Is Gurai Numidia VIII 2103
Nepotinius N bf cos 227 A.D. Nettersheim A.E. 1911 :15«
T. Aur(eliu8) N Her(aclea) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Hortensius N dup HI Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
Ulpiue N (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana MAH .1897 p447
Antonius N 7 III Aug coh VIII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 18065
Res(e)r N 7 X Fr Date? Bilak Dacia Ill 7625
L. Ulpius N natus Berito vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis. VIII 8278
Urogenus N vet XXII P f Date? Lyons XIII 1907
N Laldi f. Desidiati vet II Adi p f 70 A.D. Herculaneum . . X 1402
Melius Gervinius mlt N 7 (I Min?) p f Date? luliomagus prov
Lugudun -. XIII 3088
Aclius N (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
C. lul(ius) N vet contributus ex leg III Gall in leg III Aug 3s init
Lambaesis VIII 8157
A(ur)eliu8 N bf cos VII Cl 213 A.D. Ulpia Ratiaria Moes Sup. . . .Ill 6291
M. Aurel(ius) N Thars(o) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
N mil II Ital 3s? Vallis Fl Mur Noricum Ill 5448
L. Blassius N spec VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup III 1650 add p!021
(A)niciusN Plus(iade) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
M. Arrius N (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Faoyum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
Caesonius N vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Tib. Claud(ius) Tib. f. Sergia Nicopoli N vet I Ital Date? Ad
Haemum Moes Inf Ill 6144
Domitius N 7 III Aug coh IX 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
T. Flavius Nige(r) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fay-
oum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
lulius N mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
C. lulius C. f. Vol. Garc(asone) N mil leg II Date? Ager Mogon-
tiacensis XIII 7234
Mu(mmius) N mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
L. Petronlu8 N vet X Fr 94 A.D. Alexandria Egypt A.E. 1910:75
Pub(Hcius?) N centurio IV leg Date? Ad Varum Super Alpes
Maritimae V 7983
C. Pu(bll)cius N (mil) V Mac ante M. Aurel Troesmis Ill 7503
P. Puticius P. f. Mae. N mil leg VI Date? Tarentum IX 6157
L. Sentius L. f . Ouf . N sig IIII Scyth Date? Sibrium V 5595
L. Sertorius L. f . Ouf. Nig(er aut-rinus) vet leg? Date? Mon-
za V 5748
M. Tudius M. f. Rom. N leg V Urb c31 B. C. Ateste V 2515
Tull(ius) N 7 III Cyr ante 108 Alexandria Egypt Ill 6602
L. Valerius N Thamug(adi) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2568
0. Valerius Q. f . Ani. N domo Foro lulii vet XI Cl p f 42-Vespas
Burnum Dalmatia Ill 2839
C. Vettiue C. f. Col. N domo Antiochia Syria vet XII Fulm
Date? Rome VI 3644
Aelius N mil? X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 4568
P. Aelius Nig(ri)nus Nap(oca) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
M. Aemilius M. f. Cl. N Ara mil frum XXX Ulp vict Date?
Rome VI 3360
lul(ius) N mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
L. Pontius Gal. N . . . .ac frum VII Gem Date? Rome VI 3349
M. Porcius N mil XXI Rap ante Hadrian Villanueva Tarraconen-
sis II 3988
N ? XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11235
Aurelius N dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
M. Aurelius N quondam mil II Tr fort Ger Sever c225 Alexandria
Egypt Ill 14138:2
C. lul(ius) N 7 XVI Fl firm post Traian? Verona V 3250
lul(ius) Nob(ilis?) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Burius N 7 XIII Gem Date? Novaria , V 6512
L. Paccius L. f. Pal. N Fundis 7 VI Vict p f Date? Alpis Poenina V 6881
F(lavius) N 7 (leg?) coh X Date? Magnae Eng VII 779
Petron(ius) Novellian(u8) vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D.
Lambaesis VIII 2626
C. Aetereus N optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2554
Murius N DX Prim p p III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Octavius N optio (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18086
0. Cornelius N bf (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2854
T. Aur(elius) N mil medicus XXII Pr p f post 89 Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 14547:5
C. Julius N lib princ (III Aug) c253 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18072
Aelius N exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:109.^
Obseq(ens) 7 (leg?) Date? Magnae Eng VII 793
C. Aelius O vet (III Aug?) Date? Zarai VIII 4519
P. Aelius O mensor III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3028
L. lulius Oc(ta)via(nus) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90
A.D. Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
Oct(avius) Octav(ianus) (mil leg?) bf Date? Carthage VIII 12580
L. Purius O The(veste) cas (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2568
G. Aurelius O spec VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
Luciu(s) O (7? I Min) act Getae Bonn XIII 8050
Petuceus O(c)ta(vi)us mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
L. Musius 0- f . Pol. O Nicom(edia) 7 III Aug Date? Rome .... VI 2780
Sulpicius O 7 III Aug coh III 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
T. Marcius O vet IIII Fl fel Date? Brixia A.E. 1908:220
Aup(7)XtO<;) 'OvT)<Jt[JlO<; mil I Illyric post Diocletianum Tralles
Caria '. Dessau 8873
T. Fl(avius) O medicus III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2874
P. Publicdus O C s corn tr III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
O 7 (leg?) coh I Date? Amboglanna Eng E.E. VII 1074
Ael(ius) O spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf III 3524
P. Aelius O mil leg XX act Tiberii? Ager Novariensis V 6632
P. Annius O imm III Aug Date? Serianae VIII 4375
Aurelius O exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:109
Aurel(ius) O (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
L. Caecilius L. f . Pap. O 7 VII Gem fel et 7 XV Apol aet M. Aurel
Barcino Tarraconensis II 4514
T. Clodius T. f. Ste. O Aug(usta) Taur(inorum) mil IIII Mac
ante Vespas Mainz XIII 6862
Gom(minius) O mil XIIII Gem post 100 Savaria Pann Sup Ill 4184
M. Cornelius M. f. Voltinia O Aquis Sextis mil XXII Prim
Date? Mainz XIII 6959
L. Domitius O Cla. mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3099
0. Domitius Q. f . Cla. O Viruno (mil? XIIII Gem?) Is Chester
Eng E.E. IX 1083
Flavius O dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
0- Gavius 0- f- Arn. O dpm Brixel mil leg XI ante 42 Burnum
Dalmatia Ill 14321:13
M. Gellius Optat(u)s Ba(gai?) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18068
lulius O vet X Gem Date? Aquileia V 919
C. lulius C. f. Gal. Lug(uduno) O mil leg XVI ante? 43 Mainz. .XIII 6941
C. lulius O Hipp(o) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18068
C. lulius O ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
C. lulius O ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
M. Laberius O(pt)atus Tipas(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18068
M. Licinius M. f. Volt. Luco O vet I Ital Date? Scupi Moes Sup III 8198
C. Magnius O Gas d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18086
Numisius O ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
0. Numitorius O Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2568
L. Piperacius L. f . Stell. O domo Taurinus mil XV Prim ante
Vespas Bonn XIII 8080
Tad(ius) O arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
M. Ulpius O 7 III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 3002
M. Ulp(ius) O vet II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 15165
C. Valerius C. f. Sar. O Milev(o) mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3266
C. Valerius O cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
P. Valerius O vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3267
T. Vibius T. f. Pol. O Eporedia mil XXII Prim Is? Mainz . . . .XIII 6981
Vol(U8ius?) O arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
O mil II Ital 2-Ss Npreia Noricum Ill 11642
lul(ius) O bf trib I Adiut 243 A.D. Syria incerta .Ill 196
C, Alii us G. f. Pom. O domo Dert(ona) 7 XIII Gem ante 50
Vindonissa XIII 5206
M. lulius O Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
L. Veratius L. f. Cla. O mil leg XI ante 42 Albona Dalmatia Ill 3052
(A)nnius Pacatian(us) sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18073
M. Attlus P Cirta bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Litorius P bf cos Date? Borcovicium Eng VII 645
0. Fabius P Volt. Viennae mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Salonae Dal-
matia Ill 8740
L. Laetorius P sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2931
Vale(rius) P vet (XV Apol) Date? Lystra Cappadocia Ill 6787
P Mucaris (fil?) mil II Adiut 3s? Aquincum Pann Inf. ..Ill 3558
P. Ennius T. f . Eppilli n. Quir p commodis acceptis ex leg III
Aug 86 A.D. Hr Brighita VIII 12241
P 7 (II Aug?) cob. V Date? Isca Eng v VII 111
Ael(ius) P mil leg IIII Date? Prizren Moes Sup Ill 8239
M. Ulp(ius) P Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
M. Ulp(ius) P mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Rigomagus Germ Inf . . .XIII 7789
L. Tettennius T. f. S(t)e(ll). P vet XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Salonae
Dalmatia Ill 8758
Aur(elius) P vet II Adiut 2-8s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 13367
Aurelius P vet XIIII Gem post 100 Vienna Ill 4550
Maternius P armatura leg XXII Date? Mainz XIII 6999
C. Caecilius C. f. Pup. P dom Bae(terris) mil IIII Mac ante
Vespas Mainz XIII 6857
Saturn(iu8) Parthic(us) (mil?) I Min Date? Bonn XIII 8053
L. Val(erius) P sig XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4407a
P 7 VII Gem Date? Lambaesis VIII 3226
M. Aurelius P natione Thrax mil II Parth Sever c225 Fabrateria . . X 5652
Domitius P vet leg sept Gem Date? Emerita Lusitania II 489
C. Octavius P. f. P Publ. Vero(n)a sig leg VIIII act Vespasiani
Reate IX 4685
C. Paccius P vet XXII Pr p f D(omitianae) act Domitiani Brohl . XIII 7725
Sammonius P arm cust XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz XIII 6970
KopVYjXioq IIaTSp[)toQXo<;] 7 II Tr fort 167-8 A.D. Fay oum Egypt. BGU 240
Exomnius P 7 leg? Date? Lyons XIII 1854
(An)tl8t(iii8 ) f . Gal. Pa(t)e(r)n(us) mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Narbo XII 4365
Aur(elius) P mil II Adiut Date? Ticinum V 6422
Domit(ius) P (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
P. Enistalius P. f . Cl. P Cemenelensis optio ad ordin 7 XXII Pr
p f post 89 Cemenelum V 7872
Fannius P mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Arelate XII 683
Faonius P (7?) X Gem Date? Rome VI 2893
L. Fl(aviu8) P bf cos 187 A.D. Stockstadt XIII 6634
lulius P sig I Adiut post 114 Arrabona Pann Sup Ill 475
lul(ius) P mil XXII Pr p f post 89 Bonn XIII 8082
M. lul(ius) M. f. Vol. P Aquis Sextiis mil VI Vict (7} VIII Aug
7 XIIII G m v et XI Cl p f ante 42 Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2035
M. lustinius P vet I Min Date? Mediolanum Santonum Aquitania XIII 1047
Licinius Pater(nus) 7 VII Gem 163 A.D. Castrum S Christoph
Tarraconensis II 2552
(Opp)onius Pater(mi8?) (Agri)pp vet ex arm cust I (Min) Date?
Dottendorf Germ Inf XIII 8002
Placidinus P frum I Min Date? Rome VI 3335
L. Valer(ius) P mil X Gem optio Date? Arand de Duero. .A.E. 1908:147
L. Verat(ius) P mil VIII Aug Date? Durlach Germ Sup XIII 6334
C. Vetlnius P vet leg XXII 3s? Wiesbaden XIII 7570b
P 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt HI 6580
M. Pettronius P bf cos Date? Nettersheim A.E. 1911:153
Aur(elius) P mil III Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 6571
Ael(ius) Paulin(us) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 8110
Cominius P 7 II Adi p £ 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3567
Domitius P exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana . .A.E. 1898:109
Flavius P tess (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
C. lulius P cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 2557
T. lulius P (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana Bull Archeol 1905 p240
C. Lic(inius) Paulin(us) Sc(upis) cerarius vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Moget(ius) P corn legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Mogetius P mil? X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 4568
L. Rutilius P 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2968
S. Ulpius P 7 III Aug 2s exe Ksar-Ghelane A.E. 1900:127
P. Audasius P. f. Pol. P vet X 94 A.D. Alexandria Egypt A.E. 1910:75
Cornel (ius) P p p II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3478
C. Rittius C. f. Vol. P Vienna mil XXII Prim Date? Mainz. . .XIII 6969
C. Vettius P 7 I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6845
Ael(iu8) P mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Q. Aemilius P vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3023
L. Considius P Rusic(ade) corn III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
M. Cupitius M. f. Pol. P Amasia mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Corin-
ium Dalmatia Ill 13263
L. Domitius P Gas can (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 18086
L. Minucius P. Nicom(edia) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Cast-
ra Lambaesitana , VIII 18084
Petilius P 7 III Aug coh IV 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
L. Trebius P vet VIII Aug Date? Curictae Dalmatia Ill 3127
P mil III Ital Antonin c215 Perinthus Thrace Ill 14207 :6
Fullonius P arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
lulius P 7 XX V v Date? Petrianae? Eng VII 912h
Aurel(ius) P mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
C. Marius P Sido(nia) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
M P 7 VII Gem Date? Aquileia V 926
C. lulius P Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 2567
Maturius P 7 (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2942
P. Aelius Peregrin (us) Ha(drumeto) arm cust (III Aug) act
Antonini Pii Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
T. Arranius T. f . AT. P mil III Aug Date? Thala Byzacena VIII 11680
T. Flavius T. f. Ofentina P Mediolani mil VIII Aug 2-3s?
Argentorate XIII 5979
Geminiu(s) P arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
Geminius P dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
C. lul(ius) Peregr(in)us bf cos 182 A.D. Stockstadt XIII 6635
C. lulius P (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana MAH 1897 p447
G. Modes tin (ius) P civis Agrippinensis vet I Min 2s Lyons XIII 1844
L P decurio leg XIII Is? Luca XI 1526
ovius L. f. (St)e. P (bf?) legati optio 7 XXII Pr p f post 89
Taurini V 7004
Peregri(nus) 7 (leg?) Date? Cambriae oppida Eng
VII 147 add E.E. VII 855
P 7 (leg?) Date? Condercum Eng VII 533
P. Aelius Proculi f . Cl. Ara P 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2785
lul(ius) P 7 (leg?) Date? Cambriae oppida Eng. .VII 1339a add E.E. IX
Maternius Perpetu(u)s mil strator (cos) (X)XII Pr p f Date?
Mainz XIII 6670
T. Paternius P corn leg leg XXX Ulp vict Date? Vetera Germ
Inf XIII 8634
lus P (Vien)na? mil (VIII Au)g Date? Duenhausen Germ
Sup XIII 6319
P 7 III Aug Is Theveste VIII 16546
Aur(elius) P frum I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3524
Cl(audius) P str cos (II Adiut) 2-3s Ager Aquincensis Pann Inf . .Ill 10378
Pereg(rinius) P mil? I Min Date? Bonn XIII 8053
Aurunc P librar centur leg IV Date? Tungri Belgica XIII 3595
Aur(elius) P eq III Ital 240 A.D. Castra Regina Raetia Ill 5942
(P)lacidius P vet leg XXII Date? Lyons XIII 1877
C. Senilius P vet ex sig III Ital Date? Augusta Vindelicum Raetia III 5818
C. Tallonius P vet VIII Aug Date? Lyons XIII 1896
(Anto)ni(us) P corn VIII Antonin 213-217 A.D. Mainz . . . . XIII 6803
G. lul(ius) P bf cos 167 A.D. Stockstadt XIII 6636
<$aiiacvo<; bf cos Date? Kircheher Cappadocia IG a RR III 1443
L. Aurelius P spec VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
A6pif)Xt[o(; <J>cXtVo]q mil (III Cyr) 251 A.D. Palmyra Syria. IG a RR III 1035
Fl(aviii8) P 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
Aurelius P 7 (leg?) Date? Aquincum Pann Inf HI 10503
Gelli(us) Philip(pus) 7 (leg?) Date? Proclitia Eng
VII 631 add E.E. IX 1187
at PhH(lppus) vet ex bf (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
1 P vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
(Phili)ppus vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6180
M. Atitonius P Art? discens polio (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18086
C. Cornelius P arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2855
V(alerius?) (P)intianu(s)? (mil) leg VI post Hadrian Borcovi-
cium Eng VII 644
0. Lucilius P 7 I Ital Date? Tropaeum Moes Inf Ill 12468
Troianius P eq I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11039
T. Aurelius P frum VI Viet Date? Rome VI 3344
P. Clodius P. f. Ste. P leg XX(X) post 31 B.C. Ager Beneventanus IX 2114
Septimius P mil XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1052
Titienius P arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
Titinius P arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2984
P Nap(oca) vi(ctimarius?) (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
M Callienius P bf leg leg I Min Date? Rome VI 3335
M. Antist(ius) Placidin(us) (vet) ex sig leg XXX 210 A.D. Vetera
Germ Inf XIII 8654
C. lul(ius) P vet XXII Pr p f Date? Lyons XIII 1863
M. Ulp(ius) P bf cos 189 A.D. Ad Dravum Pann Sup Ill 15188
lul(ius) P (7? I Min) act Getae Bonn XIII 8050
M. Munatiu8 M. f. Coll. P Icconio vet I Adi p f post 114 Brigetio
Pann Sup Ill 11030
Placidius P vet VII Gem ( Alexs) p f ante 235 Asturica Tarraconen-
sis II 2640
C. Valerius P mil leg XIV Date? Forum lulii XII 265
L. Valerius P mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2995
Valerius P arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2995
P curator veteranorum IIII Mac ante Vespas Taurini V 7005
Scribonius P arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
Aur(elius) P mil I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11021
T. Tettius Plotu(s) vet II(II) Fl firm Date? Almus Moes Inf . . . Ill 7425
L. Vedius P Gas vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18067
L. Cominius P mil XIII Gem bf leg cos Date? Ager Comensis. . . V 5451
G. Statius P vet XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1101
Valer(ius) P vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
P 7 V Mac 68 A.D. EmmausNicopoli Palestine Ill 14155:12
Sd£aros 'A'p'pt? IIojJLXTQfavoi; eq (II Tr?) 120-140 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt BGU 600
Aur(elius) P mil II Parth Date? Rome VI 3894-32690
M. Aurel(ius) Cl. P mil VIII Antonin Aug bf cos 213 A.D. Mainz XIII 7338
Equinus P optio (II Tr) Date? Alexandria Egypt Ill 6605
T. Fl(avius) P 7 II Tr fort 7 XII Fulm 7 XIV Gem 7 I(III) Fl 7
XVI Fl Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2029
Aurelius P mil I Ital Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2010
Fl(avius) Pont(ianus?) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
Fl(avius) Po(n)tianus mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Ponti(us) P mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
M P vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul(ius) P natus Amastris mil V Mac ante M. Aurel Troesmis. .Ill 7502
C. lulius P vet VII Cl p f Date? Scupi Moes Sup A.E. 1910:174
Q. lulius 0- f. Col. P Ga? (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90
90 A.D. Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
Sentius P vet V Mac ante M. Aurel Troesmis Ill 7502
Sentiu8 P mil V Mac ante M. Aurel Troesmig Ill 7502
Ti. Claudius P 7 XV Apol Is Siscia Pann Sup Ill 10853
Pomp(oniu8?) P vet ex 1 1 t? (Ill Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lam-
baesis VIII 2626
L. Appius P Oea vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . . .VIII 18068
Acutius Porcian(us) 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2781
T. Atidius T. f. Rom P miles leg XIIX ante 9 A.D.? Ateste V 2499
lul(ius) P ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18061
Aurelius P tub XI Cl 155 AD. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Val(erius) Pos(tu)mu8 7 XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dal-
matia Ill 6419
Vir(ius) Post(umus) 7 II Tr fort Ger post 214 Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6609
(Po)8tumus Tharso (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1899:90
(P)ostumu(s) vet? XIII (Gem) Date? Clastidium V 7350
Po8tum(us) 7 (leg ?) Date? Chester Eng E.E. IX 1090
Albanius P vet XXII Pr p f Date? Lyons XIII 1830
Ant(onius) P ? Ill Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 6531
L. Cassianus P mil VII Cl p f Date? Viminacium Moes Sup
Jahres Wien 1909 Beibl p!51
Lucius P bf cos non ante Antoninum Pium Mainz KWZ 1906 p74
C. (S)ervil(ius P)otens mil? X Gem Date? Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 11182
Ulp(ius) P bf cos Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 15192:2
0- Terentius P mil X Gem p f 227 A.D. Scarbantia Pann
Sup JDAI 1912 Beibl p541
Thoranius P 7 III Aug coh VIII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 18065
0- Vinntus P vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3277
P. Florius P. f. Vol. P mil leg in Norico Ael Obilab b trib 2-3s?
Terventum IX 2593
T. Elupius Galer. P Gunia princeps XX V v 154 A.D. Chester
Eng VII 168
Val(erius) Pra(esens) tess II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 10423
(A)lbani(us P)rimanus sig (X)XII Pr (p f) Date? Mainz. . . .XIII 6661
T. Albanius P sig XXII Pr p f optio navali 185 A.D. Mainz XIII 6714
P. Helvius P mil XIII Gem lib cos post Traian Ampelum Dacia. . . Ill 1318
Quintinius P civis Treveri vet XXX Ulp vict Alexand c225
Lyons XIII 1883
Fuficius P Gas str (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
T. Seranius P 7 V Mac Date? Rome VI 3631
Seius P ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Coelius P mil IIII Fl Date? Rusicade VIII 7981
lulius P mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3158
Libellius P 7 evocatus III Aug coh X 162 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18065
Sp(urius?) P mil I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11003
Vigilius P mil II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10524
Primanius P 7 XXII Pr p ( post 89 Ager Mogontiacensis XIII 7256
P. Ael(ius) P (R)at(iaria) str cos VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Arra(nlus) P arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana ..A.E. 1902:11
C. Arruntius C. f. Polli. Assta P vet XV Apol Is Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 4455
Atilius P 7 XIIII Gem ex evoc X Gem p f post 100 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 11129
L. Aurellus P aquil (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18086
M. Aurel(ius) P vet I Min 2s Lyons XIII 1844
M. Aur(elius) Primu(s) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
Bruttius P mil II Tr Date? Alexandria Egypt Ill 12056
C. Bruttius P vet (III Aug?) Date? Seriana VIII 4377
M. Caecilius P optio III Aug Date? Diana VIII 18652
M. Caecilius P optio III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18292
C. Censorius P tess (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2838
Cornelius P vet XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1041
0. Duronius P Vaga bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
0. Duronius P Kar bf leg (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2569
Ecetius Pri(mus) 7 XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4484
Etereius P arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . A.E. 1902:10
C. Fabricius C. f . Ouf . P Como mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum
Dalmatia Ill 14998
Faonius P dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. Firminius P vet II Adiut Date? Vallis Fl Mur Noricum. . . .Ill 5430
Fl(avius) P mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
T. Gavidius T. f . Qiii. p Utica mil XXII Deiot ante 108 Alex-
andria Egypt Ill 6602
Geminius P arm cust (leg ?) Date? Mainz XIII 6680
P. Granius P. f. P mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3120
P. Gratinius P vet XXX Ulp vict Date? Novaesium Germ Inf . . XIII 8567
M. Hortensius P cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2557
lul(ius) P 7 XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1045
lul(ius) P vet I Min p f Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8222
lulius P ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
lul(ius) P sig (X Gem) Date? Albulae Mauretania Caesariensis. VIII 21669
C. lulius P mil XXII Pr p f 3s? Cartenna Mauretania Caesar-
iensis VIII 21508
L. lulius Prim(us) sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2912
0. lul(ius) P nat Afer domo Theveste imag II Tr Ger fort An-
tonin tr ex III Aug p v post 214 Alexandria Egypt Ill 12057
C. Licinius P Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2567
Lucilius P dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
Lurius P buc III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . VIII 2564
C. Mundius P vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3203
Nepotius P Kar d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
C. Novellius P vet XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa A.E. 1900:115
P(er)enni(us) P arm cust (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf.. Ill 14409:1
Pescennius P arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1902:10
Pinarius P vex (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Rufini(us) P 7 (leg ?) coh III Date? Isca Eng E.E. IX 1017
Secundius P Tubu(nis) (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lam-
baesitana Bull Archeol 1905 p239
C. Staberius P Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 18068
P. Valerius P mil III Cyr ante 108 Alexandria Egypt Ill 6602
L. Veturius Sp. f. Vot. Plac(entia) P vet ex leg XIIII Gem
ante 62? Wiesbaden XIII 7575
ilius P tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1907:184
lius P Kar arm cust (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2565
— tai— Fab. P vet leg XXII Date? Riva V 4988
Aurelius P dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana.. ..VIII 2564
(S)ex Pullaenius P Sicc(a) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Aurelius P mil II Adiut Date? Intercisa Pann Inf Ill 10316
lul(ius) P spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3524
Valerius P mil II Ital p f 3s Virunum Noricum Ill 4856
Valerius P spec III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2998
C. f. Col. P Caesar(ea) sig II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
M. Aurel(ius) P spec II Adiut 209-11 A.D. trans Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3615
P. Ael(ius) P mil VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 8116
Agrilius P natione Italicus mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis . . . VIII 3026
Animus P 7 III Aug coh I 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana ... VIII 18065
(A)nnaeus P tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . A.E. 1907:184
(A)ntonius P Ant(iocha) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Aterius P (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
L. Atilius P mil XIIII G m v post 100 Savaria Pann Sup Ill 10930
M. Aur(elius) P Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Ka(aio? n[pf]axo<; 7 leg IIII Date? Seleucia Syria. ..IG a RR III 1005
M. Caesius 0- f- Ani. P vet VIII Aug Date? Aquileia V 902
Cassi(us) P 7 (leg ?) coh VI Date? Amboglanna Eng VII 849
L. Centyllius L. (f) Arnie. P Crem(ona) (mil XV Apol ?) Is
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:15a
Cl(audius) Prisc(us) p p (III) Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18295
KopVY)Xio<; Ilpefaxo; 7 II Tr fort 201 A.D Fayoum Egypt BGU 156
C(or)nelius (Pr)iscus mil leg XXX — Date? Paris XIII 3032
L. Dasumius P vet XIII Gem post Traian Sarmizegetusa Ill 1476
L. Domitius P 7 I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6838
T. Flavius Priscu(s) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
T. Flavius P (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
M. Germanius P (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 610
(?H)erennius M. f. (Cl)aud. P p p II Tr fort Date? Ruteoli. . . .X 1593
lulius P 7 XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dalmatia Ill 14999
lulius P ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
G. lulius G. f. Vol. P Tol(osa) mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Mainz XIII 6867-
L. lulius P mil mensor agrari(us) I Adiut Date? Rome VI 3606
Lucretius P vet II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10420
0. Manlius P 7 X Gem ante Traian Brohl XIII 7699
C. Matteius C. f. Lemon. P Bono(nia) mil XXII Prim Date?
Mainz XIII 6964
Senti(us) P 7 (II Aug? Date?) coh V Segedunum Eng VII 490
Senti (us)? Prise (us) 7 (leg ?) Date? Magnae Eng VII 787
Sep(timius?) P eq I Adiut post 114 Adiaum Pann Sup Ill 10962
Turriani(us) P 7 (leg ?) Date? Vindobala Eng VII 553
M. Ulp(ius) P bf leg leg I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4328
Valerius P 7 leg XXII c65 Thebes Egypt Ill 6606
Valerius P 7 leg XXI Is Ammaedara A.E. 1912:206
Valeri(us) Pris(cus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Valerius P 7 leg XXII 65 A.D. Thebes Egypt Ill 30
Vibius P vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
8 P ? XV Apol Is Aquileia V 928
P 7 XXX Ulp vict p f 211 A.D. Col Agrippinensium XIII 8201
Pomponius P arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D Castra Lambaesitana
A.E. 1902:10
M. Servilius P ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
P vet? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18086
Sep(timius) P vet II Adiut Date? Sopianae Pann Inf Ill 8314
(A)urel(ius) Probian(us) sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18073
C. lul(ius) P can II Adiut Date? Campona Pann Inf Ill 3398
lul(ius) P spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pannlnf.III 3524
Anton(ius) P corn III legg Antonin ( _ X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
L. Arrius P bf cos Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1080
Aur(elius) P sig VII Cl p f Philipp 244-49? A.D. Dacia incerta .. Ill 8047
0. Helvius P vet VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 8121
C. lulius P mil X Gem Sever 234 A.D? Vallis Fl Mur Noricum. .Ill 5460
M? lul(ius) P vet II Adiut Date? Campona Pann Inf Ill 3398
Maecius P 7 III Aug coh VII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 180C5
Mamius P 7 III Aug coh VI 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
(Terentius) P spec II Aug Is? London VII 24
Viri(u)s P mil leg XXII Alexandria p f 222? 226? 229? A.D.
Nantuates Alpes Poeninae XII 144
P 7 leg - - Date? Celei Dacia Ill 14490
P 7 (leg?) coh IV Date? Amboglanna Eng VII 848
Aufidius P vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis .... VIII 2626
0- Aurel(ius) Processes) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2554
0- Aurelius P Maddanius optio III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2824
C. lul(ius) P mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2893
M. lulius P ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
0. Valerius P (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
Fl(aviu8) Procli(a)nus p p (leg ?) Date? Umm idj-Djimal
Arabia PAES III 236 p!35
(I)ul(ius) P arm cust leg? Date? Vienna Ill 14359 :26a
P. Nasellius P 7 VIII Aug 148 A.D. Boeckingen XIII 6469, 6472, 6477
P mil I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11026
P. Aurelius Pol. P Alexandr(ea) vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alex-
andria Egypt r Ill 6580
P. Ael(ius) P vet XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 7796
Appius P vet XIII Gem 142 A.D. Verespataki Dacia Ill p940-3
Caecili(us) P 7 (leg?) Date? Proclitia Eng VII 625
Flavius P mil IIII Fl c!23? Noviomagus Germ Sup XIII 6104
M. Atxfvtoc [IIp]6xXo<; 7 III Gall Date? Cyrrhus Syria. IG a RR III 1004
M. Lucretius P vet leg Adiut 2 aut 3s Pontus Ill 343 add
Valerius P ? XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dalmatia Ill 15004:1
L. Val(erius) L. f . P mil et 7 V Mac 7 I Ital 7 XI Cl 7 XX V v 7
VIIII Hisp act Domitiani Ad Haemum Moes Inf Ill 12411
IIp6xXo<; 7 (II Tr?) 120-140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 600
M. Ael(ius) Proculean(us) mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis. . . .VIII 3019
Gecilius P mil can III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2801
C. lulius P vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 18084
Ael(ius) P sig IIII Fl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 1649
Aur(elius) P mil (II Adiut) Date? Lugio Pann Inf Ill 3301
G. lu(lius) P quaestionarius I Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 10458
Ulp(ius) P spec XIII Gem Gordian 238-44 A.D. Apulum Dacia. . . .Ill 990
C. Aemilius C. f. Pol. P (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
P. Alfius P vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 8027
(A)ntonius Procul(us) optio III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1907:184
Antoni(us) Procul(us) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
M. Antonius P vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3035-6
Ansius P p p leg? Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14356 :5b
M. Aquilius M. f. Anies. P Arimin(o) comm (III Aug) Date?
Lambaesis VIII 2812 addl814S
Aur(elius) P nation Surus domo Hemesa vet II Adiut Date?
Lugio Pann Inf Ill 3301
0. Baebius P vet XIII Gem post Traian prope Tomi Moes Inf. . .Ill 12497
Caecili(us) Procul(us) 7 (leg?) coh V Date? Chesters Eng VII 598
Calpur(nius) P vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
P. Cleusius P f. Fob. P p p VII Cl p f ex corn Date? Verona
Pais Suppl. n!253
C. Cornelius C. Pollia P Regio mil XIII Gem bf trib 70-84 A.D.
Poetovio Pann Sup Ill 14355:2
Dossennius P 7 II Adi p f c71 Lincoln Eng VII 185
Hortens(ius) Procul(us) 7 XX V v Date? Hunnum Eng VII 566
Granius P 7 X Fr Date? Byblus Syria Ill 6697
T. lavennius C. f. (P)ol. P Faventia (7) XXII Prim Date?
Mainz XIII 6961
Inulani(us) P 7 (I Min?) clOO Bonn A.E. 1905:63
lulius P Sidonia vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18084
lul(ius) P vet ex imm (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul(ius) Proc(ulus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul(ius) P(r)ocur(lus?) 7 XII Fulm 3-4s Trapezus Pontus Cap-
padocicus Ill 6745
lulius P 7 V Mac et III Gall et XXII Prim Date? Lambaesis . . . VIII 2627
lull (us) P 7 (leg?) Date? inter Condercum et Vindobalam Eng E.E. IX 1169
C. lul(ius) Fab. Procu(l)us 7 XXX Ulp Date? Erkelenz Germ
Inf XIII 7896
M. lulius P Lamb bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
M. lul(ius) P vet corn trib I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup III 11027
M. lulius Col. P Adan(a) vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3159
0. lulius P (D)am(asco) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 81
A.D. Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
L. Lepidius L. f . An. P mil V Mac 7 V Mac 7 VI Viet 7 XV Apol
p p XIII Gem 70-clOO Ariminum XI 390-1
Lucretius P arm cust (VII Gem) post 100? Asturica Tarraconen-
sis II 2668
M. Minucius P Thel(epte) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2569
Decum(us) Mussidius P 7 V Mac ante M. Aurel Ad Haemum
Moes Inf Ill 14211:10
Oppius P 7 leg? coh VIIII Date? Lancaster Eng VII 449
(P)ontius P 7 II Adi p f c71 Lincoln Eng VII 186
Quinctius P 7 III Cyr ante 108 Alexandria Egypt Ill 14138:3
P. Septimius P dup II Parth Sever 3s? Ager Albanus XIV 2290
Sexti(us) Proc(ulus) 7 (leg?) coh V Date? prope Magnas Eng E.E. IX 1202
Sulpicius P mil IIII Scyt Date? Samosata Syria Ill 6048
M. Sulpi(cius) P imag III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2814
P. Tarrutenius Stel. P Taurinis evocatus II Adiut 2-3s Aquin-
cum Pann Inf Ill 3565
Val(erius) P vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
(Valerius) P. Savaria optio II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf. . .Ill 10525
C. Valerius C. f. Cla. P domo Baeterris vet IIII Mac ante Ves-
pas Luceria IX 799
C. Valerius C. f. Gal. P Calagurri eq XI Cl f act Traiani Car-
nuntum Pann Sup Ill 11239
L. Val(erius) Procu(lus) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 8110
M. Valerius P exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:109
Vaterculi(us) P 7 VIII Aug Date? Oehringen XIII 6548
(Pr)oculus Kart vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
— u(r)ius P (vet?) XXII Prim Date? Bostra Arabia. .PAES III 531 p231
us Procul(us) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
T. Gl(audius) P bf cos II Adi p f Antonin 213 A.D. Intercisa Pann
Inf Ill 10306
Fisculius Profut(rus) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1902:11
Claudius Prom(p)tus 7 III Aug cob. V 162 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18065
Im P (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Aur(elius) P mil II Adi p f 2-Ss Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 13382
M. Ammonius Propin(quus) (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt BGU 610
P(r)o(pin)quus 7 III Aug 3 aut 4s Soada Syria Ill 6036
Fl(avius) P mensor VII Cl Sever 228 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 8112
P. Ael(ius) P vet II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3527
P. Ael(ius) P vet ex sig II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 14354:1
M. (A)ur(elius) Provincial (is) R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 1 1507
Marc(us) Didius P bf cos Date? Lanchester Eng VII 441
lulius P 7 III Aug coh III 162 A D . Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
Novius P mil II Adiut 3s? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3556
L. Orbius P Ticib(a) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana ..VIII 2568
0. Statius P 7 XXII Prim Date? Mainz XIII 6959
T. Atarenus P 7 princeps III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18231
(P)rupincus Kas vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
M. Aurel(ius) P mil II Tr Date? Alexandria Egypt Ill 6595
P. Aelius P ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Adauc(tius) Pud(en8?) 7 (leg?) Date? Inter Ciliunum et Procli-
tiam Eng E.E. Ill 101
Aemilius P mil VII Gem fel Date? Emerita Lusitania II 488
P. Aemilius P quaestionarius (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18281
L. A(n)nius P Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18087
Aponius Pud(ens) 7 (XV Apol) Is Carnuntum Pann Sup.. Ill 14358 :21a
M. Blossius 0. f. Ani. P 7 V Mac aet Vespas Rome VI 3580
L. Cassius P mil (II A)diut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3543
Kox-XTQto? IIou&£V<; (7) leg XXII Is Fayoum Egypt BGU 455
C. Domitius C. f . Maec. P Pelag(onia) III Aug Date? Lambae-
sis VIII 2865
L. Flavius P 7 I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6839
M. Ilerrenius P vet II Adi p f domo Claudia Apamie Date? In-
tercisa Pann Inf A.E. 1906:108
Hilarinius P dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
G. lulius Clau. P (I)u(l) E(m)ona vet X Gem p f 89-Traian
Ulpia Noviomagus XIII 8735
Sex. Licinius P 7 leg XXII 84 A.D. Thebes Egypt Ill 36
Lucil(ius) Pu(dens?) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
0- Lucilius Q. f. Vo(l)t. P Bergomi mil XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian
Vindonissa XIII 5210
Mapxoq AouxpiQTtoq IIouBsv? mil leg XXII Is Fayoum Egypt BGU II 455
M. Messa(la) P Rat(iaria) str cos vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Messius M. f. Col. P dom Ancyra singular X Fr Date?
Rome VI 3614
M. Mucius M. f. Pub. Albi(ngauno) Pud(ens) mil leg XXII
Date? Mainz XIII 6966
Naevi(us) P vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Numi(diu8 aut-sius) P arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambae-
sitana A.E. 1902:11
Percennius P 7 (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18315
IIo^TCTf)to<; ITouBevc; (7) leg XXII Is Fayoum Egypt BGU 455
T. Sempronlus P frum XX V v Date? Rome VI 3357 et 3359
Servllius P 7 II Tr fort 194 A.. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
T. Sextil(ius) Puden(s) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567
(Val)erius P spec II Aug Is? London VII 24
C. Val(erius) Pud(ens) vet V Mac act Hadriani Troesmis Ill 6166
C. Val(eri)us Pud(e)n(s) mil V Mac post M. Aurel Oescus Moes Inf
A.E. 1912:188
T. Valerius T. f . Cla. P Sav(aria) mil II Adi p f c71 Lincoln Eng VII 185
Volumnius P 7 XIIII Gem post 100 Vienna Ill 4578
esis Pudens? C. fil. Ser(gia) Augusta eq II Adi p f c71
Chester Eng E.E. IX 1054
ius P Cast (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p239
P tess? mil II Aug Date? Ilkley Eng E.E. Ill 76
8 P vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
(P)udens Em(ona) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Cas-
tra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
C. lulius Pudenti(anus) lib (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2560
C. Valerius C. f . Cla. (P)udea Sava(ria) mil II Adiut Is Mainz . . .XIII 6580
C. Vibius C. f . Pompt. P dom Arretio 7 VII Cl p f 42-70 Tragur-
ium Dalmatia Ill 2678
0. Sextius P bf cos II Ital 192 A.D. Celeia Noricum Ill 5178
Sos8ib(ius) P sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
L. Virilius P bf cos Date? Siscia Pann Sup Ill 3955
Cl(audius) P? mil I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11011
Fl(avius) P optio leg II Pannonice Date? Mainz XIII 6849
lul(ius) P imm II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3489
AOpTjXtO? IlupO? optio IIII Fl 295 A.D. Oxyrhynchus Ox Pap I 43
(Au)r(elius) P mensor VII Cl Sever 228 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 81 12^
L. Aemilius 0 exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1898:109.
L. An ton ius L. f. Fab. 0 ? leg XX aet Tiberii Brixia V 4365
Appinius Pol. Faventia 0 7 vett IIII Mac ante Vespas Scardonia
Dalmatia Ill 2817
Aur(elius) 0 mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
C. Cassius 0 Pol. Gas vet (III Aug) 211-12 A.D. Lambaesis. . . . VIII 2618
0. Creperiu8 Quadrat(us) Thev(este) mil? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Flavius M. f. Gal. 0 aquil leg II Date? Olisipo Lusitania II 266
lul(ius) 0 vet VII Cl 3s Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 1651
Umi(dius) 0 mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
M. Valerius M. f. Pol. 0 vet X Fr 94 A.D. Alexandria Egypt. . . A.E. 1910:75
(Qu)adratus (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) Is exe Fayoum
Egypt AP II p63
Vep(onius) Quart(lnus) mil (II) Ital p f SB Virunum Noricum. . . .Ill 4857
Aelius 0 dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
C. ? Titurnius 0 eq III Gall 150-200 A.D. Mateur Tunis . . CRAI 1913 p28
Aufidius 0 bf trib (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2815
M. Aurelius M. f. 0 eq II Parth Sever dup c225 Sentinum XI 5746
C. lulius C. (f ) Cl. 0 Cel(eia) mil XX V v Date? Chester Eng . E.E. IX 1060
Matius 0 P P HI Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2768
C. Mattius 0 Ficino princeps III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2941
T. Valerius T. Cla. 0 Vir(uno) mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 4484
C. Vibius C. f. Cor. 0 mil V Mac ante Caracall? Philippi
Macedonia Ill 647
— 0 mil XIII Gem post Traian Sarmizegetusa Ill 7921
Quart(us) mil aut hastatus in leg I Min 3s? Lyons XIII 1881
M. Sallustius 0 optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambae-
eitana VIII 2554
Q. Atius Q. f . Gal. Q domo Nertobriga mil IIII Mac ante Ves-
pas Mainz XIII 6854
Aur(elius) 0 mil (V Mac?) M. Aurel-274 Potaissa Dacia Ill 7675
(C)aecilius (Qu)ietus Tha(mugadi) mil? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
M. Cuspius 0 frum XXX Ulp vict Date? Rome VI 3361
Fulv(ius) 0 arm cust (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2913
lulius 0 optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2554
M. Sabinianus Q mil medicus I Min p f 161 A.D. Iversheim
Germ Inf XIII 7943
Silius 0 mil III Aug aet Severi? Lambaesis VIII 2975-6
P. Ael(ius) 0 Magni fil 7 V Mac 161-9 A.D. Troesmis Ill 6169
Aur(elius) 0 mensor V Mac Date? Dertona V 7368
0- Caecilius 0 ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. .. .VIII 2562
Tib. Cl(audius) 0 bf cos Date? Binchester Eng VII 424
M. AO{JL((TIO<;) KutVTiav6<; 7 XI Cl p f post 42 Claudiopolis
Bithynia IG a RR III 74
lulius 0 arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1902:10
Julius 0 buc III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2564
C. lulius 0 7 (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2914-17
C. lulius 0 Cas ds buc (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18086
C. lulius 0 Cas-s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .... VIII 2568
C. lul(ius) 0 Max(ula) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
M. Ulpius 0 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2647
C. Val(erius) 0 S(irmio) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
D. Valerius Quintian(us) exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:109
0- Va(lerius) 0 Rat(iaria) bf cos vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 14507
his Qui(nti)l(i)an(u)s bf cos II Ital 2-3s Atrans Noricum. .Ill 11676
Aur(elius) 0 (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Sex. lulius Sex. (f) Serg. 0 Anti(ochia) mil XV Apol Is Car-
nuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:20
(L.?) Val(erius) Qiiin(t)inus Vet VII Cl Date? Viminacium
Moes Sup Jahres Wien 1909 Beibl p!56
— cutius 0 vet XIII Gem 191 A.D. Apulum Dacia Ill 1172
(Qui)ntullus Nico(media) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
M. lulius 0 Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18068
Aurel(ius) Quint(us) bf cos Date? Siscia Pann Sup Ill 3957
L. Aurelius 0 7 VII Gem 160 A.D. Rome VI 768
T. Barbius A. f. 0 mil XV Apol Date? Lauriacum Noricum III 5680
Tib. Claudius Q dup II Adi p f 211-2 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 14341:3
Fl(avius) Quint(us) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 8110
lul(ius) Quin(t)us VII (Cl) Date? Viminacium Moes Sup.... Ill 8122
C. lulius 0 arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2918-9
(M) Pompeius Qu(i)ntus vet ex bf trib XXX Ulp vict Date?
Lyons XIII 1879
M. Ulpius Ner. 0 Glevi frum VI Vict Date? Rome VI 3346
Val(erius) 0 discens eq? XI Cl 3s exe-4s init Aquileia V 944
0- Vetius 0 optio XXX Ulp vict p f 233 A.D. Vetera Germ Inf . .XIII 8629
(O)uintus mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
P. Clodius 0 mil XV Apol Is Tergeste V 540
lul(ius) 0 7 II Adiut c!50 Cartenna Mauretania Caesarien-
sis VIII 9653 et 9660
C. lul(ius) R 7 VI Viet post Hadrian Vindolana Eng VII 702
G. Terentius Reburri(nus) vet VII Gem Date? Lara Tarracon-
ensis II 2853
R 7 (leg ?) Date? Slack Eng VII 201
T. Flavius R (spec VII Gem fel) Date? Tarraco II 4143
C. lulius R d Segisama Brasaca mil VII Gem fel Date? Tarraco. . II 4157
C. Val(erius) R vet (VII Gem p f) Date? Tarraco II 4169
L. Val(erius) R frum VII Gem p f 2s Tarraco II 6088
M. Aurel(ius) R bf leg leg II Adi p f Sever c225 Salmar Pann Inf III 3624
(Aurelius) Re(g)i(H)ianus lib leg leg I Adiut Date? Intercisa
Pann Inf Ill 10316
P. Omidius R ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
Annius R mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3029
Fla(vius) R mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Fl. lulius R mil XXII Pr p f post 89 Castellum Mattiacorum . . . XIII 7291
L. Vettius L. f . Vol. R aquil leg XXI 43-69? Col Ulpia Traiana
Germ Inf XIII 8650
L. Cassius R vet ex bf cos II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 3543
Cocceius R 7 (leg?) Date? Amboglanna Eng E.E. VII 1075
T. Minucius R Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
sitana VIII 2568
Sex. Palpell(ius) Sex. f. Regu(lus) vet ex bf cos VII Cl Date?
Pola V 48
— ius R mil VI(II) Aug Antonin c215 Tilena Germ Sup XIII 5623
— R 7 (leg?) coh? Date? Borcovicium Eng VII 675
Munatius Re(nu)ntiatus optio pr III Aug Date? Batna VIII 4294
C. Manlius Ouf. R vet VIII Aug Date? Milan V 5827
L. Munatius R optio (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2947
Pomponius Repentin(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D.
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Q. Salonius R Tha(mugadi) quaest III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Aur(eHus) Re8cupor(is) ler vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. AemU(ius) R bf cos II Ital p f 209 A.D. prope Virunum Noricum III 14361
Aur(elius) R vet II Adi p f 230 A.D. Grani Pann Inf Ill 10594
Aur(elius) (R)espectU8 vet II Adi p f 2-3s Vorosvar Pann Inf . .Ill 10569
C. Catonius R bf cos 230 A.D. Asberg XIII 8588
Cervius R mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2839
Crescentin(i)u8 R 7 VIII Aug Date? Limes prope Ems XIII 7613
L. Dindius R 7 XIII Gem Date? Celeia Noricum Ill 5223
L. Titulenius L. f. R vet bf X Gem Date? Tragurium Dalmatia III 2677
Respe(c) Ui8 Pol. Tev(este) sig (I) Adi p f Date? Cyrrhus
Syria Ill 6706
(?O)piliu8 R mil XXII Antonin p p f 219 A.D. Salodurum Germ
Sup XIII 6170
C. A(l)pinius R frum XXII Prim Date? Velitrae X 6575 = VI 32873
Apo(nius) R vet XXII Pr p f post 89 Dibio Germ Sup XIII 5486
G. Caecilius R spec VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
Ti. Cl(audius) R Tolo(maida) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Constant (his) R comm cos VIII Antonin 213-217 A.D. Mainz . . . XIII 6803
C. lulius R mil II Tr fort Date? Cnidus Ill 6092
C. Novetius R vet I Adiut ex bf cos post 114? Latobici Pann Sup III 3902
M. Ulpius R exercitator eq (XIII Gem) post Traian Apulum Dacia III 14477
T.? R mil XXII Pr p f post 89 Worms Germ Sup XIII 6237
R 7 VII Gem fel Date? Oppida circa Burgos Tarraconensis II 2901
Aellus R7 I Adiut 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2788
An(t)onius R (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p239
Caecilius R mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis. VIII 3065
T. Flavius R bf trib (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2876
luvenius R vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18310
0- Saedius Res(t)u(t)us? sig? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2556
Secundius R 7 X Gem Date? Daruvar Pann Sup Ill 3999
Sept(imius) R comm legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Tarquitius f. Camilla Restu(tu)s Pisauro 7 I Min
p f Date? Col Agrippinensium A.E. 1910:61
Claudius) R vet III Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 11968
— R Ant(locha) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadrian! Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
C. lulius R vet X Gem Date? Sicca VIII 15874
L. Lucretius Serg. R Scallabi mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis . . VIII 3182
Aurclius R mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana . . . A.E. 1904:72
Emilius R bf III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2798
Emonius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Gabinius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Gargilius R mil III (Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3115
Q. Geminius R P(ollia) Cas vet ex cand (III Aug) 211-2 A.D.
Lambaesis VIII 2618
L. lanuar(ius) R Tusd(ro) vet cand (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lam-
baesis VIII 2618
lulius Rogatian(u)s sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
0. lulius R sig (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2920
T. lulius R ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Lolius Rogatian(us) sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 18073
Lurius Rogatian(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Maenius R (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
Octavius R (dup) III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
G. Pontius Roga(ti)anus ? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2556
C. Raecius Rogatianu(s) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2565
C. Rupil(ius) R optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
Tonneius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
L. Valerius R ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2570
us R Lambes(e) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana A.E. 1899:92
M. Aelius R Cas vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18067
0. Aenius R mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2799
Anicius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Anneius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana . ..VIII 2564
C. Aponius R mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3038
Areius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
C. Arrius R (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 P239
Q. Attius R Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
Aufidius R mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3046
Caecilius R arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
C. Caecilius R ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Claudius R arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
Cornelius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
C. Cornel(ius) Roga(tus) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
Flavius Rogat(us) tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1907:184
M. Flavius R Amm(aedara) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18068
T. Flavius R vet (III Aug?) Date? Seriana VIII 4379-80
M. Fundanius R ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
(G)ellius R tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1907:184
L. Geminius R Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2569
C. Helvius R ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Herenius Rogatu(s) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2554
C. lulius R Pa. Hadr(umeto) vet (III Aug) act Hadriani Cas-
tra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
C. lul(ius) R mil III Aug vet II Adiut 211 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 10419
C. lul(ius) R bf cos XI Cl post Claud Gradina Dalmatia Ill 9862
C. lulius R dup III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 2921
C. lulius R vet (leg?) Date? Carthage VIII 12591
Q. lulius Rog(atus?) lib (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2560
L. Memius R vet III Aug Date? Kesur el Ghennaia VIII 4308
Memmius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
Q. Mundicius Roga(tus) (vet? Ill Aug?) Date? Lambaesis. .VIII 3202
Nonius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
Q. Oppius C. f. 0- R vet I Adi p f 2-3s Civitas Celtianensium . . . VIII 19694
Pettius R bf trib III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
Marcus Sentius R mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3236
C. L. Servilius R 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2616
C. Servilius R optio (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2531
Marcus Sin(n)ius R mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3240
Sittius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
P. Sittius R Gas dup (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
P. Vetulenius Rogat(us) cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2557
Vibius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
0- Volusius R mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3282
ius R Kar mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18085
P. Aelius P. f . R ex Mysia 7 III Aug VII Cl XX V v I Ital ante
Caracall Lambaesis VIII 2786
P. Ael(ius) R vet ex actar X Gem Date? Scarbantia Pann Sup. .Ill 4232
Fl. Antonius (R)omanus (bf) cos XI(II) Gem Antonin 218 A.D.
Troesmis Ill 6161
Audac(ius) R 7 leg VI. XX. (II) Aug Date? Magnae Eng VII 749
Aurelius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Aurel(ius) R (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
Aurel(ius) R (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
M. Aurel(ius) R dom Antioc(hia) vet X Gem Date? Savaria
Pann Sup Ill 10920
(C)aecilius R Tipasa (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Arch 1905 p239
Sextus Caesonius R bf cos XIIII Gem Date? Narona Dalmatia III 8435
T. Fl(avius) R 7 XXII Pr p f 232 A.D. Walldiirn XIII 6592
lulius R arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1902:10
lul(ius) R spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
M. Munat(ius) R optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2554
M. Novellius M. f. Ouf. Rom(anus) Mediolani mil XXII Prim
Date? Mainz XIII 6967
Ael. Sept(imius) R adiut offic cornicul XIII Gem post Traian
Sarmizegetusa Ill 1471
Ulp(ius) Roman (us) vet II Adi p f Date? Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 3453
0- R mil III Cyr act Antonini Pii inter Calamam Sigus Cir-
tam VIII 5678
R 7 (leg?) Date? Petrianae Eng VII 904
Aquil(ius) R spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
C. Attius R Augusta mil X Gem ex arm cust Date? Vienna. . . .Ill 4572
Aur(elius) R mil II Parth Sever p f aetern c225 Rome VI 3403
Cl(audius) R dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum Pann Sup. .Ill 11180
Val(erius) R bf cos (leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1189
C. Valerius R mil leg XIIII ante 62? Aquae A E. 1907:109
lul(ius) R vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
G. lul(ius) P. f. R arm cust VII Cl 270 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 8117
Gellius R tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .A.E. 1907:184
C. Aelius R Gas arm cust (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2569
P. Ael(ius) R corn praef kastror XIII Gem post Traian Apulum
Dacia Ill 1099
P. Ael(ius) R frum VII Cl Date? Rome VI 3347
L. Aemilius R Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2567
M. Aemilius R bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2551
Aetrius R optio III Aug 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
Antonius R? 7 VI Viet post Hadrian York Eng VII 242:4
0- Aranius R mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3039
T. Aurelius R vet I Min Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8277
C. Avidius R vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3048
C. Caecilius R vet II Adiut Date? Lambaesis VIII 3066
Caelius R Gas vet ex armatura (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambaesis. VIII 2618
Caesius R (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana MAH 1897 p447
0- Cumelius R mil II Adiut Date? Asturica Tarraconensis II 2639
L. Duccius L. (f) Volt. R Vien(na) sig leg VIIII aet Agricolae
York Eng VII 243
P. Ilelvius R mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3122
lulius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2564
lulius R ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2570
Q. lulius R bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2551
Sex. lulius R mil III Aug Date? Sra Wartan VIII 16333
Tib. lulius Tib. f. Cl. R Vir(uno) eq XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz. XIII 6963
G. Licinius R 7 VII Cl Date? Rama prope Lederatam Moes Sup III 8099
T. Plotius Tromentina R Aequo vet II Adi p f Date? Ravenna XI 23
Rufi(nius) R 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2967
C. Sempronius R Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18087
L. Silius R sig III Aug aet Severi? Lambaesis . . VIII 2975-6
Valerius R tess (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2880 = 2996
L. Valerius Gal. R lu mil VII Gemfel Date? Lambaesis. VIII 3268
T. Valerius R 7 III Aug 172-4 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2730-1
Vibius Rufi(n)us sig XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1192
(R)ufinus T(h)e(lepte) mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
C. Aebutius C. f . R aquil leg XI c31 B.C. Ateste V 2495
Ael(ius) Rufu(s) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup . . . .Ill 8110
Ael(ius) R mensor II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3433
Aelius R ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Aelius R (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome . VI 2410
L. Aelius R Ca8 mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. . VIII 2567
Aemilius R dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Q. Aemil(ius) R bf cos Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 12895
Annius R 7 XV Apol 105-17 A.D. Mons Claudianus Egypt Ill 25
Annius R 7 XIIII Gem post 100 Vienna Ill 15196:4
C. Antonius C. f. Cl. R Apro mil I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6826
Q. Attius 0- f- Tro. R Aequ(o) mil I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz. .XIII 6828
L. Aufellius R p p VII Cl p f Date? Cales X 4641
Aufidius R Lamb comm III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Aur(elius) Rufu(s) mil XI Cl? 42-70? A.D. Raetinium Dal-
matia Ill 10086
L. Aurelius L. f. Rufu(s) p p leg XVI ante Vespas? Acerrae. . . .X 3757
M. Aurel(ius) R tess VII Cl 2s exe-3s init Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 8118
0. Aurelius R Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 18068
Avidi(us) R 7 (leg?) Date? inter Condercum et Vindobalam Eng
E.E. IX 1169
Avid(ius) R 7 (leg?) Date? Proclitia Eng VII 629
Blesius R arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
M. Caecilius M. f. lul. R Concord(ia) 7 III Cyr ex corn 191 A.D.
Rome VI 414
C. Caelius R dom Hadr(umeto) bf praef III Aug Date? Lam-
baesis VIII 18293
Carisius R (7) VII Gem Date? Lucus Augusti Tarraconensis II 2583
Gartellius R vet (leg?) Date? Caesarea Mauretania Caesariensis VIII 21022
L. Cassius R mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3077
M. Cassius R vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
0. Cassius Ru(f)us (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
Ceionius R 7 III Aug coh II 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . . .VIII 18065
Cereli(us) R mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Corn(elius) Ruf(us) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. Ill 8110
Cusin(ius) R 7 (XIIII Gem?) 188 A.D. Carnuntum Pann Sup A.E. 1905:237
L. Domitius R mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3100
T. Fl(avius) R dom Amas(ia) vet XI Cl p f post 42 Raetsch Dacia III 971
T. Flavius T. f . Pup. R 7 XIIII Gem XI Cl II Aug VII Gem ante
Caracall Ravenna XI 20
0- Frendullus R Vicetinus arm cust (leg?) Date? Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 3549
Gargilius R spec VII Gem fel Date? Tarraco II 4145
lulius R 7 leg X Date? Summus Poeninus A.E. 1894:150
(I)ulius R mil (V)III (Aug?) Date? Caleti prov Lugudun XIII 3224
luli(us) R 7 (leg?) Date? Condercum Eng VII 530
lulius R bf cos Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 7755
C. lulius R Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 2568
T. lulius R 7 III Aug Date? Calceus Herculis Numidia VIII 2498
lun(ius) Ru(fus) 7 (leg?) coh X Date? Chesters Eng VII 603
Iuni(us R)ufus (domo H)erac(lea) vet leg Date? Salo-
nae Dalmatia Ill 12903
Licinius R mil VII Gem fel Date? Tarraco II 4157
M. Longinu(s Ruf)us (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
M. Magullius R vet III Aug 2s exe-3s init Castra Lambaesitana
Mem de 1'Acad des Inscr 38:1 p269
C. Manilius R Prusia vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
Mar(cius) Ruf(us) 7 (leg?) cob. VIIII Date? Amboglanna Eng VII 853
(L?) M (arci?)us L. (f ) Pap. R S era mil? leg II Date? Bur-
guillos Baetica II 985
M. Marcius (R)ufus sig IIII Mac ante Vespas Narbo XII 4365
M. Moranus R (7?) leg VIIII ante Claud Histria V 8197
Nonius R 7 III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
M. Pacilius R 7 IIII Fl firm Date? Ager Aquincensis Pann Inf. .Ill 10337
M. Papirius R C (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 87 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
Q. Petronius M. f. Sea. R vet VII Cl p f Date? Scupi Moes Sup III 8199
(Pom)peius R ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Pompe(iu8) R 7 (leg?) Date? Chesters Eng VII 611
Sex. Proculeius L. F. Lem. R vet leg XV ante 63? Scarbantia
Pann Sup Ill 4235
Publicius R bf (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2966
L. Publicius R Gas ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .... VIII 2566
0. Raecius Q- f. Cl. R p p XII Fulm act Traiani lader Dalmatia. .Ill 2917
C. Refidius R optio IIII Fl firm Date? Viminacium Moes Sup ... Ill 1652
- (S)atr(ius) Cam. R Ravenna mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas
Burnum Dalmatia A.E. 1903:376
Semp(ronius) R vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
T. Servil(ius) (R)ufus 7 leg XXII c65 Alexandria Egypt Ill 6606
Cn. Terentius Cn. (f) Clu. R Iguvinus mil III Aug Date? Tha-
la Byzacena A.E, 1898:97
Tettius R arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
M. Ulpius Ruf(us) eq I Adi p f post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 14355:22
Val(erius) R vet ex eq (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Val(erius) R mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Valerius R corn XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Valerius R 7 III Aug post Hadrian ante erasum legionis Lambaesis VIII 18223
Val(erius) R ? VI Viet post Hadrian Manchester Eng VII 217
(V)alerius (R)ufus eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18322
Val(erius) R mil frum VII Gem Date? Tarraco II 4170
C. Valerius R Anth(edone) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
C. Val(erius) R Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
C. (Valer)ius R vet I Ital Date? Oescus Moes Inf Ill 12354
L. Val(erius) R vet ex bf cos XIII Gem post Traian Sarmizegetusa III 1485
L. Valerius L. f . Col. R domo Antiochia 7 III Aug 7 XXII Prim
Date? Lambaesis VIII 2997
C. Vegelo C. f. Ani. R Cremona mil XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian
Vindonissa XIII 5216
L. Ver(ati)us (A)ufidius R Stel. Be(neventoP) 7 prin XXII Prim
Date? Ager Beneventanus IX 2092
Vesvi(us) R 7 (leg?) Date? inter Magnas et Amboglannam Eng E.E. IX 1208
Vettius R 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) aet Augusti Coptos Egypt III 6627
0. Vettius R 7 leg XXII Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8175
T. Vettius R 7 XIII Gem 84-Traian Vienna Ill 4563
Cla. R Ara Agrip(pinensium) mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 4479
— f. Pap. R(u)fus vet ex leg XIIII G m v 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6915
[T]ou<poq 7 (II Tr?) 120-140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 600
Ru(fus) mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18085
— nius M. f. Col. R Nicomed(ia) vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alex-
dria Egypt Ill 6580
us R Cast (mil? Ill Aug) e200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p2S9
R vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis. . ..Ill 6179
us R vet (V) Mac Date? Tomi Moes Inf Ill 14454
Fan(n)ius R mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Aem(ilius) Rus(ticus) mil III Aug Date? Zarai VIII 4504
Aurelius R mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1904:72
T. Ebutius R U(tica) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2565
T. Flavius R Thy(sdro) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18067
T. Flav(iu)s R (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
lulius Ru(s)ticus) mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
lul(ius) Rus(ticus) evoc (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf . . . .Ill 14409:1
lunius Rust(icus) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2554
T. Licinius R 7 III Aug Date? Arelate XII 684
C. Magnius R Masc(ula) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2569
Memmius R mil VI Viet Antonin c215 Cavillonum prov Lugudun XIII 2616
C. Octavius R Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
M. Servilius R lib III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis VIII 2973
(Clau)dia Rusti(c)us Teurn(i)a mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Mainz A.E. 1909:133
Rutilius Rutilian(us) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana . ..VIII 2567
Aurel(ius) S mil I Ital Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2009
L. Antonius S corn leg leg I Adi p f Sever c225 Arrabona Pann Sup
III 11079 cf 11018
Aurel(ius) S mil (III Ital) Date? Augusta Vindelicum Raetia. .Ill 5818
Caesern(iu8) S sig I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4324
C. CosconUus) Sabin(ianus?) p p (XIII Gem) post Traian Apul-
um Dacia Ill 7769
M. lunius S Kart mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2569
Macr(inius?) S spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3524
Salon! us S signo Scammatius vet ex corn I Adiut 2-3s Salonae
Dalmatia Ill 8752
C. Steius C. f. Polla S Gas mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3247
AeH(us) S mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Aeli(us) S pecuarius I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11017
M. Antonius M. f. Collin. S Caesarea Augus 7 X Fr 7 III Aug
Date? Lambaesis VIII 2808
Antistius Zabin(us?) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
C. Apul(eius) S bf cos 227 A.D. Siscia Pann Sup Ill 10843
Aur(elius) S arm cust III Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 6571
Aur(elius) Sabln(us) (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia... Ill 7688
T. Axius S vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Caecil(ius) S 7 XI Cl 42-Vespas Burnum Dalmatia Ill 14997
K[X«68to<;] 2[a](ktvos Beppfou mil (leg?) Date? Zoravia Syria
IG a RR III 1158
Tib. C(laud)ius S p p (III Aug) Date? Rusicade VIII 7980
(Co)rneliu8 S Nico (media) tess (III Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
M. Curisius S mil XXI Rap ante Hadrian Tridentum V 5033
0. Fabius S Kar mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2568
T. Fl(avius) Sab(inus) bf cos (I) Ital Date? Novae Dalmatia ... Ill 1906
0. Gemnius 0- f . Ar(n. Sa)binus 7 VII Gem VI (Per) r (X)IV Mar
(III) Cyr Date? Turca VIII 825
C. Horte(n)8ius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3125
lul(ius) S vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lulius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3160
C. lul(ius) S Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
C. lul(ius) S mil XIII Gem post Traian Sarmizegetusa Ill 7979
P. Maecius P. f. S dom Serg(ia) vet XV Apol Is Savaria Pann
Sup Ill 10921
Magius S mil VIII Aug Date? Rome VI 3640
Cl. Maximius S p p III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2763
Orfius Sab(inus) evoc V Mac ante Aurel Tropaeum Moes Inf. . .Ill 14214:3
L. Petronius L. f. Pup. S Foro Brent(anoP) corn pr pr X Fr
et IIII Fl p p III Cyr aet Antonini Pii Urvinum Metaurense .... XI 6055
Rufi(u8) S 7 (leg?) Date? Borcovicium Eng VII 682
L. Rutius L. f . Serg. Italica S ex Hispania mil X Gem Is? Aqui-
leia V 932
L. Servaeus S 7 VI Viet Date? Yali Baiyat Lycaonia Ill 14398
Ulp(ius) S comm legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Ulpius S mil I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11008
Valerius L. f. Pap. S Nar(bone) mil XXII Prim Is? Mainz. . .XIII 6976
Val(erius) S optio V Mac 209-11 A.D. Potaissa Dacia Ill 12645
Val(erius) mil I Adiut post 114 Adiaum Pann Sup Ill 4278
Val(erius) S bf cos (leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1189
C. Vibius S vet V Mac Date? Ager Celeianus Noricum Ill 5130
C. Virius S vet arm cust XIIII G m v Date? Comum V 5270
Volusinius S princeps XXII P r p f 207 A.D. Obernburg XIII 6623
Col. S Amasio mil V Mac 68 A.D. Emmaus Nicopolis
Palestine Ill 14155:11
S vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lius S princeps X Fr Date? Jerusalem Ill 6638
litussius S vet leg XXII Date? Agedincum prov Lugudun . .XIII 2946
Aurelius S nat Surus mil leg II Date? Alexandria Egypt Ill 6596
M. Pontius M. f. Col. S Gar(asa) mil XXII Deiot ante Hadrian
Alexandria Egypt Ill 6598
L. Varius L. f. Ouf. S Med(iolani) mil XV Prim ante Vespas
Mainz A.E. 1911:234
Aelius S corn III Gall aet M. Aurel Perinthus Thrace Ill 7394
lul. Marcius S 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2896
S 7 XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Tenendo Germ Sup XIII 6240
T. Fl(avius) S Caes(area) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
L. Licinius L. f. Gal. S Lug(uduno) mil? II Adi p f c71 Lin-
coln Eng VII 186 add E.E. IX p557
T. Elvius T.f.87 leg VII ante 42? lader Dalmatia Ill 2914
Vid Amandus.. ..Ill 2066
0. Titlnius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3250
ndicius Sallust(ianu8?) tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1907:184
Non(ius) S qui et signo Dalmatis bf cos IIII Fl Date? Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 6300
Vltalinius S eq XXII P r p f post 89 Mainz XIII 6983
C. Annius C. f. Ani. S Vercellls mil XXII Prim Is? Mainz .... XIII 6953
Aur(elius) S tub XI Cl Hadrian-Maximin Chersonesus Taurica
Moes Inf Ill 782
M. Aurel(ius) Sa(lvi)anus vet II Ital p f Sever e(x s)tratore cos
c225 Vallis Fl Mur Noricum Ill 5449
Papinius S arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
Papinius S sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2959
Sept(imius) S cand XXX Ulp vict 223 A.D. Col Ulpia Traiana
Germ Inf XIII 8607
Caecilius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
T. FI(aviu8) S mil imm cos XXII Pr Alexandr p f 230 A.D.
Heddernheim Germ Sup XIII 7335
lul. Licinius S frum VIII Aug Date? Rome VI 3352
Aurel(ius) S mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
M. Aure(lius) S vet leg XX(II) Date? Mediomatrici Belgica .... XIII 4329
C. Candidinius S sig XXX Ulp vict Ulpia Noviomagus XIII 8719
(S)anctus Nic(omedia) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
S 7 II Aug Date? Stanwix Eng VII 914 add E.E. Ill p!36
M. Aurelius Pol. S C(as) vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt III 6580
T. Aurelius T. f. Pol. S Castr vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6580
ius M. f. Pol. S Tani vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt III 6580
Aelius Sarap(i)o Gas arm cust III Aug aet Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
M. Aur(eli)us Saraplo(n) ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana . ..VIII 2565
(S)arapio Gas mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
Val(erius) S civis Filopopuletanus mil I Ital Date? Rome VI 2785 a & b
0. Aemilius Sarnian(us) (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambae-
sitana Bull Archeol 1905 p240
Tib. Tiberi f . Cla. S Camboduno vet X Gem Date? Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 15162
Aur(elius) Satull(us) mil I Adiut post 114 Crumerum Pann Inf. .Ill 3660
Titius S arm cust (leg?) Date? Mainz XIII 6684
T. Quartinius S sig XXX Ulp vict 239 A.D. Vetera Germ Inf .... XIII 8625
Antonius Satu(r)nil(us) mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt .. Wessely Lat Pal 8
Ao6x(ioq) 'AvTOWO<; SaioupvtXoq eq (II Tr?) 120-140 A.D. Fay-
oum Egypt BGU 600
U(l)pi(u)s Satu(r)nihi8 mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
Val(erius) S mil II Ital Date? Ocriculum XI 4085
0- Aebutius S optio pr pos (III Aug) c253 Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18072
Aelius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2564
Aelius Saturnin(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
M. Aelius S(at)urninu8 Vag(a) arm cust (III Aug) 2s? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18087
Aemilius Saturnin(us) cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2557
T. Aemilius S Cir(ta) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2568
Ailius S 7 X Gem Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4463a
C. Amar(f)ius 0- f- S vet ex leg II Parth Date? Ligures Baebi-
ani XI 1459
P. Ancharius S optio (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2804
Anneius S 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Veczel Dacia Ill 1629:8
M. Anneus S Tha(mugadi) tub (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2568
Annius S 7 XI Cl aet M. Aurel Tropaeum Moes Inf Ill 7483
Annius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3030
C. Annius Saturni(nus) (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesi-
tana Bull Archeol 1905 p240
C. Annius Sat(urninus) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567
C. Annius S ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
M. Annonius S Had(rumeto) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18087
C. Antistius Saturn(inus) Tha(mugadi) mil? (Ill Aug)
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Antonius S (vet) ex bf cos Date? Tarraco II 4149
L. Antonius S Bag(ai) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2569
M. Antonius S Thy(sdro) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18067
M. Antonius Sat(urninus) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Aponius Saturnin(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Apo(nius) Sat(urninus) optio (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2810 cf 2554
C. Aponius S optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2554
C. Appul(eius) S(atur)ninus vet XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz. . . . XIII 6732
Areius Saturn (inus) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambae-
tana A.E. 1902:10
L. Arruntius S bf praef III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2813
M. Atilius S Hel(io)p(oli) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Aurelius Satur(ninus) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1902:11
Aur(elius) S mil II Ital tess 3s Rome VI 2672
Aurelius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3057
(M) Aur(elius) S Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
0. Aurelius S ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
(C) Badius S Th(eveste) (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesi-
tana Bull Archeol 1905 p239
Barbius S polio mil II Tr Germ fort post 214 Alexandria Egypt III 12055
Bugius S ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Caecilius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Caecilius S (bf cos) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 7755
C. Caecil(ius) Sat(urninus) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
0- Caecilius S Gas vet? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18086
C. Caelius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2791
C. Caelius S vet ex bf (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2829
Caelius (S)aturninus bf cos I Adi p f 194 A.D. Novae Dalmatia. .Ill 1909
(Cl)audius S vet I Primini Is? Col Agrippinensum XIII 8280
C. Clodius S p p II Adi p f Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3464
Cornelius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
sitana . ..VIII 2564
Cornelius S K(ar) arm cust (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2565
C. Cornelius Sat(urninus) Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18068
C. CordieDius S Had(rumeto) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18087
L. Cornelius S vet (leg?) Date? Municipium Numiulitanum . . . .VIII 15392
M. Cornelius Ti. f. S 7 II Aug Date? Rome VI 3585
P. Crescentinius Fl. S Siscie mil XI Cl aet Antonini Pii Portus
Magnus VIII 9761
C. Curiatius S 7 II Aug Date? Bath Eng VII 42
C. Svet? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18086
(Do)mitius Saturnin(us) The(veste) mil? (Ill Aug) aet
Antonini Pii Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
L. Domitius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18296
L. Domitius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18296
C. Egnatius Saturnin(us) Kar vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra
Lambaesitana , VIII 18068
Elius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2564
Fabius Saturnin(us) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana A.E. 1902:10
L. Fabius L. f. S vet VII Cl p f 42-70 A.D. Salonae Dalmatia. . . .Ill 2022
C. Flavius S Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
T. Flavius Satur(ninus) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 87 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
T. Fla(viu)s S Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 18068
T. Flavius S Had(rumeto) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2568
T. Flavius Saturn(inus) Tha(mugadi) mil? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
T. Fl(avius) S eq (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3111
T. Florius S vet ex sig XXII Pr p f Alexand c225 Mainz XIII 6769
L. Fulvius S ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
M. Furius M. f. S vet leg XIII Is? Altinum V 2158
Gargilius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. Geminius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3119
0- Geminius S Cirta vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
Homullius S mil III Aug Is Theveste VIII 1875
(Ho)rtensius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
lanuarius S (mil III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3246
lulius S 7 III Cyr 80 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6603 & 6599
lulius S arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. A.E. 1902:10
lulius S cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
lulius Saturnin(us) (dup) III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
lulius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2564
lulius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2564
lulius S (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
lulius S arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
lulius Saturnin(us) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana
A.E. 1902:11
lulius S vet ex actar (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
lulius S spec III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2890
lul(ius) S optio (III Ital) Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 11969
lulius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3161
lulius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3162
lulius S Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
A. lulius S sig X Gem p f Date? Reii Gall Narb XII 367
C. lulius S. domo Oesci vet ex optione V Mac act M. Aurel Tro-
esmis Ill 6190
C. lulius S mil III Aug Commodae aet Commodae Lambaesis . . . .VIII 3163
C. lulius S Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
C. lulius S The(veste) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18087
C. lulius S eq III Aug Antonin c215 Lambaesis VIII 3164
C. lulius S (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana MAH 1897 p447
C. lulius Satu(rnin)us (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana MAH 1897 p447
C. lulius S lib princ (III Aug) c253 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18072
C. luli(us) Sat(urninus) 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2922
C. lul(ius) S Cir(ta) arm cust (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567
C. lulius S Tev(e)s(te) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2569
C. lulius S Cas can (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568 et 18005
C. lulius S Cas vet? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. . .VIII 18086
C. lul(ius) S mil III Aug Date? Hr Bur mta Died Zeian VIII 17967
C. lulius S Tel(epte) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2568
C. lulius S mil bf cos X Gem Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 6376
0- lulius S cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
lunius Saturnin(us) exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1898:109
L. Lentidius S vet leg I Ital p f Date? Raetinium? Dalmatia ... Ill 13272
M. Li burn! us M. f. Pol. S Ancy(ra) sig leg XXII c65 Alexandria
Egypt HI 6606
Livius S 7 (leg) XX Date? Durocornovium Eng VII 1339
Lucilius Saturnin(us) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1902:11
Lurius S 7 III Aug coh X 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
Sex. Mager Q. f. Arn. S 7 I Min Date? Histonium IX 2851
(M)anilius Saturn(inus) tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana . ..A.E. 1907:184
M. Marcius S Sic(ca) bf leg III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18067
Marias Saturnin(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Marius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
C. Masticius S (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
Memmius S Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
Mesius Saturn(inus) vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D.
Lambaesis VIII 2626
Nonius Satu(rninus?) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
Numerius Saturn(inus) (dup) III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D.
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Octavius S mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904:72
Octavius Saturn(inus) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
C. Ofellius S ? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 2556
Q. Orches S Cuic(ulo) mil? adb? (Ill Aug) Date? Cas-
tra Lambaesitana. VIII 2568
P. Papir(ius) Saturn(inus) ? Ill (Aug) Is? Simitthus VIII 14607
0- Papius 0- f. S lulianus 7 II Parth 3s Rome A.E. 1912:177
M. Paulin(i)us S vet XXX Viet Date? Lyons XIII 1876
L. Pescennius L. f. Fal. S vet XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Tragurium
Dalmatia Ill 9710
Q. Petillius 0- f. S mil XXII Prim ante 89? Alpes Graiae V 6896
Petro(nius) Satur(ninus) vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D.
Lambaesis VIII 2626
T. Pinarius S sig (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2822
Statius? Popius S 7 (III Aug) Is? Theveste A.E. 1897:29
Rufinius S mil (I) Min p Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8239
Rust(icelius) Sat(urninus) mil III Aug Sever p v 224 A.D. Saltus
Aurasius VIII 2467
R S vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3229
L. Saenius S Ca8 mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2569
Sallustius S arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
T. Senius S Gas vet ex cand (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2618
C. Sittius Saturnin(us) (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesi-
tana Bull Archeol 1905 p240
Statius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Sucllius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Tadius S cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
P. Tannonius S ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2570
Tereni(us) S arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
Terentius S 7 III Aug coh VI 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
L. Terentius S optio III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2886
M. Terentius S hast (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
Sex. Terentius S 7 III Aug 162 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2738
C. Tiburtius S Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
M. Tisenius Satur(ninus) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Cas-
tra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
C. Tonneus S (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 897 p447
M. Ulpius Satur(ni)nus Kart vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18068
M. Ulpius Sat(urninus) sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3003
C. Umbonius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3279
Valer(ius) Saturnin(us) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana > A.E. 1902:10
Valerius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. Valerius S ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
L. Val(erius) Sat(urninus) vet de III Aug Date? Lambaesis. . . VIII 3269
M. Valerius M. f. Pol. S Ancy(ra) sig leg XXII c65 Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6606
M. Valerius M. f. Ani. S Foro lull mil VIIII Hisp Is Rome VI 3639
L. Vettius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3273
M. Vettius S vet XXII Pr p f civis Traianensis Date? Col Ulpia
Traiana Germ Inf XIII 8652
C. Vibius S Thys(dro) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18087
Volcacius S Am(maedara) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2568 et 18055
(Satur)ninus Ha(drumeto) eq (III Aug) aet Antonini
Pii Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
(S)aturnin(us) Sar(mizegetusa) vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
S (bf) leg III Aug expleta statione promotus ad (7?) II
Ital Date? Vazaivi VIII 17626
ius S v(ex) (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
SaTOpv[Tv]o<; E6v6(Jiou mil (III) Cyr Date? El-Mzerib
Syria IG a RR III 1167
nlius Saturnin(us) Bagai (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1899:92
S vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
(Sa)turninus vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
(Sa)turnin(us) vet ex eq (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6180
S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18305
(Sa)turninus Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2568
orius (Satu)rninus mil? XIIII Gem Date? Aquileia V 8284
(Sat)urni(nus) mil? XX (V v) Date? London VII 26
C. Mariu(s) Saturnu(s) Cetio bf cos Date? Ager ad Colapim
Pann Sup Ill 3940
Antistius S arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
L. Antonius S haruspex (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2809
C. Aponius Saturu(s) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18067
Helvius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3123
0- Laeliu8 S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3173
C. Manilius S imm III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2940
Ulpi(us Sat)urus mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2955 et 18159
C. Jul(ius) S Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 14507
0. Aemilius S Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
C. lulius L. f . Ser. S decurio eq 7 hastatus primus leg IIII Date?
Tucci Baetica II 1681
T. Fl(avius) super Gepula S vet ex leg XXX Ulp vict 207 A.D.
Lyons REA 1913 p!87
P. Lastus A. f . S domo Florentia eq vet VII (Cl) p f Date? Nar-
ona Dalmatia Ill 1814
Petr(onius?) S 7 leg II Is Argentorate XIII 5976
S 7 leg II ante Claud? Argentorate XIII 5978
Cari(sius) Scip(i)o 7 (leg?) Date? prope Amboglannam Eng E.E. IX 1216
L. Favonius S 7 VIII Aug Date? Bullau Germ Sup XIII 6516
S 7 (leg?) coh VIII Date? prope Magnas Eng E.E. IX 1205
Aur(eliu8) S dup II Ital 2-3s Virunum Noricum Ill 4835
Aur(elius) S qui et Itrius bf cos X Gem Date? Latobici Pann
Sup Ill 3904
Aurel(ius) S imag XIII Gem Date? Dertona V 7366
Gra(t)ius 2eanus mil III Cy ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pa1 8
lulius Secundian(us) dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
lul(ius) S spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 3524
Sextius Secundian(us) K(arthagine) mil? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
Ael(ius) S vet ex bf cos Date? Intercisa Pann Inf A.E. 1910:150
M. Anc(harius) S vet XIIII Gem 199 A.D. Carnuntum Pann Sup III 14076
M. Aurelius S mil str cos II Ital 2-3s Virunum Noricum Ill 4836
M. Aurelius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3058
M. Aur(elius) S vet leg pf Date? Vallis Fl Mur Noricum III 5409
Fl(avius) S mil XIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4467
M. G S bf cos Date? Habitancium Eng VII 996
Seccius S vet II Ital p f 3s Fafiana Noricum Ill 5671
Secconius S vet leg VIII Date? Agedincum prov Lugudun XIII 2947
Tartonlus Secundi(nus) mil? XII1I Gem post 100 Savaria Pann
Sup HI 4184
Val(erius) S mil II Adiut n Pann Date? Puteoli X 1775
S d Sol(venses) 7 II Aug Date? Stanwix Eng VII 914 add E.E. Ill
(Sec)undinu(s) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6180
Ael(ius) Secun(dus) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 8110
(Ae)milius S Thev(este) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Aemilius S 7 II Adi p f Date? Duraton Tarraconensis II 2763
C. Alfiu8 L. f. S vet XV Apol Is Savaria Pann Sup Ill 4171
D. Apertius S vet II Tr fort 2s? Caelia IX 275
L. Appius S mil XXII Prim Date? Rome VI 3567
M. Apronius M. (f ?) Fulvius S Luco Aug mil XI Cl p f Vespas-
Traian Vindonissa XIII 5207
Aurel(ius) S 7 XIII G m v post 100 Mursa Pann Inf Ill 3284
A(u)r(eliu S)ecun(dus) (p p aut 7) in leg I (It)al Date? Vienna . Ill 14359:27
T. Aureli(us) Secu(ndus) vet II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 13366
0. Bisius S 0- f • domo Brixiae mil X Gem 70-Traian Ulpia Nov-
iomagus XIII 8733
Caecilius Secund(us) cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2557
Caecilius L. f. Hor. S Uthina mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis . .VIII 3067
Caesius Cla Secu(ndu)s I(u)vav(o) mil (XI Cl?) ante
Vespas Burnum Dalmatia Ill 14994
Caledonius Secund(us) 7 (leg?) coh VI Date? Amboglanna Eng
E.E. VII 1077
L. Calvisius L. f. Velina S Falerione p p XIII Gem 183-5 A.D.
Apulum Dacia Ill 1092
Cassius S (vet leg?) Date? Chester Eng . . E.E. IX 1079
C. Cassius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3078
T. Cassius S 7 XV Apol post siege of Jerusalem Solva Noricum ... Ill 5334
T Cassius S frum VI Viet Date? Rome VI 3345
L. Cattonius L. f. S Claud. Viru(no) mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Mainz XIII 6860
Cat Secun(dus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Cepasius S mil XIIII Gem post 100 Ager ad Colapim Pann Sup III 14045
Claudius S arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
Claudius Secund(us) vet ex actar (V Mac) Date? Troesmis III 6179
P. Cl(audia?) Valerius S Valeri f. vet VII (Claudi)a Macedon-
i(ca) post 42 Edessa A.E. 1903:323
Tl. Claud(ius) S Thusd(ro) arm cust (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2567
C. Clodius C. f. Vel. S mil XV Apol Is Emona Pann Sup Ill 10769
C. Clodius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2943
L. Clodius S opt cor III Aug 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
P. Clodius (S)ecun(dus) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
L. Cluvius S mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup
Roemische Limes VI p!65
Cornelius S mil? X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 4568
L. Cornelius T. f . Ouf . S vet XIIII Gem Date? Milan V 5825
M. Cornelius S mil XXI Rap ante Hadrian Sabini V 4892
Cupronius S 7 III Aug cob. I 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
C. Curiatius T. f . Serg. S domo Augusta Troade vet VII Cl p f
42-70 A.D. Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2019
C. Cusp(ius) S exercitator II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 3470
C. Dannius C. f. Vol. S Vianna mil XIIII G m v 70-100 A.D.
Mainz XIII 6891
C. Didius S mil II Aug Date? Aoste Gall Narb XII 2355
C. Domitius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18297
M. Egnatius S ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
C. Faltonius C. f . Pom. S Dertona mil XXII Prim Date? Mainz XIII 6960
Flavius S ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18061
T. Fl(avius) T. (f) Pol. S Cast arm cust XV Apol Is Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 11218
T. Flavius S Cas d s (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18086
L. Fulvius S mil II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 14349:4
M. Gellius M. f . Cla. S Ara mil (XIIII) G m v 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6894
M. Hellius S tub X Gem p f 89-Traian Brohl XIII 7694
lulius S 7 XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dalmatia A.E. 1903:303
luli(us) S 7 II Adi p f c71 Bath Eng VII 48
lulius S Adrimeto vet (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2618
lulius S mil III Aug Sever p v 224 A.D. Saltus Aurasius VIII 2467
lul(ius) S arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
lulius S 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis .VIII 2764
C. lulius C. (f) Cla. S Sav(aria) (mil) XV Apol Is Carnuntum-
Pann Sup Ill 4473
C. lulius (Se)cundus mil (III Aug) Date? Verecunda VIII 4242
C. lulius Sec(undus) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2567
T. lulius T. f . Sab. S Firmo mil XIIII G m v 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6896
C. I ius S Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18087
C. Laelius S Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 18068
Licinius Secund(us) bf trib? Ill Aug c200 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18078
M. Licinus S vet ex opt XIIII Gem Date? Hasta V 7561
T. Licinius T. f . Gal. S Thyz(dro) mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3177
Malius S bf cos Date? Odessus Moes Inf . . ..11114458:1
C. Mannius C. f . Pol. S Pollen(tia) mil bf leg princeps XX V v
Date? Viroconium Eng VII 156
M. Massianius S mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Vinxtbach XIII 7732
Memmius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3194-5
Messius S 7 XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:20
C. Metilius Secun(dus) arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2943
C. M s S Kar vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18087
M. Nasidius S vet bf (cos) X Gem p f Date? prope Verbanum
Dalmatia Ill 9847
L. Nonius L. f. Volt. S sig XII Aug Fulm Is? Arelat.e XII 685
Q. Passius S vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3215
0. Petilius 0- f- Ofen. S domo Medio(lani) mil XV Prim ante
Vespas Bonn XIII 8079
P. Il£Tpa>vto<; T. [olbq] SexoOvBo? BpovB[ejtvo<;] 7 IIII Scyt
c!85 ante 231 A.D. Canatha Arabia IG a RR III 1230
L. Pompeius S 7 XXI Rap Is Mediomatrici Belgica XIII 4623
Pomponius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
C. Quartius S mil XIII Gem Date? Rome VI 2619
0. Secius S Kar mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 2568
Sextil(ius) S arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
L. Statius S mil leg VI Date? Camunni V 4952
0- Sutorius S bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2551
(T)annonius S Cast (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p239
C. Terentius S Opiter(gio) tess III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2983
True Secun(dus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Ulp(ius) S mil X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 14359:28
M. Ulpius S 7 III Ital Date? Lavingen Raetia Ill 5876
Valerius S mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3271
(V)alerius Secu(ndus) mil VIII Aug Date? Rome VI 3640
C. Val(erius) C. f. Gal. Secu(n)dus C ? leg XIIII Is Mainz XIII 6911
C. Valerius S mil XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz XIII 6977
C. Val(erius) C. fil. Cla(u)di(a) S Aemon(a) vet II Adiut 2-3s?
Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10519
C. Valerius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3270
L. Valerius L. f. S domo Albentibili mil VII Gem p f Date?
Tarraco II 4171
L. Vale(rius) L. f. Fab. Sec(undus?) Brixi(a) mil leg? Date?
Wiesbaden XIII 7578
M. Val(erius) S princeps VII Gem c!55 Emerita Lusitania A.E. 1905:25
M. Valerius M. f. Pol. S Cas sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis . . . .VIII 2994
G. Velsius Secu(ndus) 7 XIIII G m v 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6934
Veturius S cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
C. Vibius C. f. Ste. S mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4488
0. Vibius S Annie(n)sis Cremona mil XX V v Date? Chester
Eng E.E. IX 1066
M. Vitalinius S bf cos Date? Col Ulpia Traiana Germ Inf XIII 8621
— S 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
— S 7 (II Aug?) coh X Date? Segedunum Eng . . VII 489
— (Secu)ndus? dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2564
- (?Sec)undu8 mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18318
— (Secu)ndus vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
Anton(ius S)ecurus dup II Adi p f Gordian 241 A.D. Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 15157
Sallustius Secur(us) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana
A.E. 1902:11
C. Voconius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3280
Aurelius S sig III Aug post 253? Lambaesis .VIII 18224
Aur(elius) S (vet) ex imm lib (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia ... Ill 7688
M. Aurel(ius) S Furn(i) (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesi-
tana Bull Archeol 1905 p239
C. Homullius Sed(atus) Tha(mugadi) ? (Ill Aug) Date?
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2566
lulius S 7 XIIII G m v 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6929
M. lulius M. f. Pap. S Narb(one) mil VII Gem Date? Catania
A.E. 1897:132
lul(ius) S arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
(Valerius?) S b(f?) mil (I) Min Date? Vienna XII 1874
Lurius S vet II Adi p f c211? Djebel-Skrira A.E. 1907:202
0. Fl(avius) S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3112
L. Maenaius S spec VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
C. lulius Sempronian(us) (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt BGU 610
C. Pompeius (Se)m(p)ronian(us) lib (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18086
L. Septimius 0- f - S p p (X)IIII Gem vict Date? Castulo Tar-
raconensis II 3274
C. Mettius S 7 leg XV ante Vespas Brohl XIII 7700
C. Numitor(ius) S vet? VII Cl Date? Ratiaria Moes Sup Ill 12649
M. Servilius M. f. Fab. S domo Brixia mil XIIII Gem ante 62
Mainz XIII 6907
L. Valerius L. f. Claudia S Sav(aria) ? II? (Adiut) c71 Chester
Eng E.E. IX 1017
Vlc(cius?) S eq XXII Pr Antonin p f 221 A.D. Schierstein Germ
Sup XIII 7609
S 7 X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 4577
Aurel(ius) S bf cos Date? Viminacium Moes Sup
Jahres Wien 1910 Beibl p208
Pol(lius) Senecian(us) dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 11180
Aur(elius) S dup (leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1189
0. (L)ivi(n)ius S vet XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup
A.E. 1907:176
C. Magius C. f . Pub. S 7 VIII Aug Date? Rome VI 2815
Tertinius S mil bf cos XXII Pr p f 194 A.D. Mainz XIII 6740b
Ulp(ius) S dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum Pann Sup . . . .Ill 11180
Iiiliu(s) S(e)ni(l)i(s)? vet? Ill Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 18304
Rufi(us) S bf cos Date? Celeia Noricum Ill 5188
C. Seclonius S bf cos Date? Stockstadt XIII 6638
Sex. Sulpicius Sex. f. Quir. S mil III Aug 50-100 A.D. Theveste A.E. 1909:37
Vercundin(ius) S vet XXX Ulp vict Date? Lyons XIII 1888
S 7 leg XXII Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8290
Sta(tius) Sentian(us) (7?) XIII Gem post Traian Vajda Hunyad
Dacia Ill 8065:33
C. Galpurnius S p p XXII Pr p f Date? Mainz XIII 6730
Caecilius S 7 (XXII Pr p f) Date? Mainz A.E. 1909:134
C. Ignius S Bag(ai) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2568
C. lulius S Fla. Cilio mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana • VIII 2568
C. lulius S cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
C. lulius S ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
C. Publ(icius) Septimin(us) optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Cas-
tra Lambaesitana VIII 2554
C. Valer(ius) S vet V Mac p c 3s Potaissa Dacia Ill 7694
Ael(ius) S optio I (Adiut) post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4310
lustien(us) S R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 1450.7
C. Frut(iu8) S C. fll. Patavi(o) vet XV Apol ante 63 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 11220
P. Aellus S Cas sig (III Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18085
Julius S ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
C. Nervilli(u8) S Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
L. Valerius Sex. f. Vol. S Luco 7 IIII Fi firm Date? Margum
Moes Sup Ill 8143
- S 7 X Gem Is? Aquileia V 932
P. Aelius S Castr mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18085
P. Aelius Ser(a)pio sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2789
L. Cornelius S bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2551
P. Aelius S T(heveste?) mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
C. Censorius C. f . S Fl Solva 7 XIIII Gem Date? Dacia incerta . . Ill 1615
['loujXto? 2epTJvo<;7 (II Tr?) 120-140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 600
lul(ius) S mil I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11028
C. lulius S (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 610
C. lulius C. f . Col. S vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt ... Ill 6580
L. Lusius S mil X Gem Date? Arminum XI 480
C. Pompeius C. f. Pol. S Kastris vet II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alex-
andria Egypt Ill 6580
L. Vi leius S (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fay-
oum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
(P)ol S Castr tess II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt. . .Ill 6580
— S (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
Aurelius uni S (7) II Parth Sever coh VIIII 3s Ager Alban-
us E.E. IX 660
[M] Aup(Y)Xto<;) OuXxi(o)<; Zepptjvoq mil III Cyr Antonin c215
Athilia Arabia IG a RR III 1239
M. Aurelius S Sic(ca) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2569
Perelius S vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
Respectius S mil pecuar leg XXII Date? Mainz . .XIII 7077
Aurelius S 7 (XXII Pr p f) Date? Mainz A.E. 1909:134
S 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) act Augusti Coptos Egypt Ill 6627
M. Ulpius S arm cust XIIII Gem Sever c225 Carnuntum Farm Sup III 11126
M. Quintius S Bulla vet III Aup p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18068
Aurel(ius) S bf offici praesid Pann Inf leg II Adiut 2-3s? Aquileia . . V 8275
Sex. Pompelus S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2902
Severius S (bf) cos III Ital Gordian 238-244 A.D. Burgantium
Raetia Ill 5768
Tertinius S 7 II Aug Date? Lyons XIII 1898
M. Aur(elius) Severities) Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. A(ureUus) Severing us) bf cos (II) Adiut 3s? trans Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 3617
(Cas)Bius S ? X Gem p f Date? Cetium Noricum Ill 14369:1
Firmidius S mil VIII Aug p f c c 201 A.D. Genava XII 2587
T. Flaviua S sig XXX Ulp vict Date? Merten Germ Inf XIII 8156
C. luliua S vet I Adiut post 114 prope Savariam Pann Sup Ill 4148
0. Pisentius S 7 XI Cl post 42 Ljubuski Dalmatia Ill 8485
T. Accius S bf cos Date? ad Dravum Pann Sup Ill 15187
C. Acutius Cl. S Ara frum VII Gem fel Date? Rome VI 3348
Ael(ius) S eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2593
Ael(ius) S sig? III(I) Fl c215? Aquileia V 808
T. Aelius P. S Had(rumeto) mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3020
L. AemiHus S 7 XIII Gem Date? Tropaeum Moes Inf Ill 14214:8
C. Albius C. f. Cam. S mil I Ital Date? Augusta Bagiennorum V 7667
Amandinius S frum I Min Date? Rome VI 3333
Aristius Se(verus) vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18285
Atil(ius) S vet X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 6485a
Aurelius S vet ex bf cos VII Gem fel Date? Tarraco II 4148
Babudi(us) S 7 leg VIIII aet Claudii? Lincoln Eng . . VII 184 add E.E. IX
Baeb(ius) S vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
T. Calidius P. Cam. S 7 XV Apol ante 63 Carnuntum Pann Sup . .Ill 11213
0. Castricius 0- f. Pap. S Ticini mil I1II Mac ante Vespas Mainz XIII 6856
P. Cerennius P. f. Quir. S Durrac vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3079
T? Cerfonius? S mil XXII Antonin bf cos c215 Cannstatt . . . .XIII 6441
T. Cl(audius) S frum III Ital Date? Alpis Poeninae V 6869
M. Cocceius M. f. Pol. S p p VIIII Hisp praef X Gem Date?
Pedemontana incerta V 7159
Codennius A. f . Scapt. S mil III Cyr Date? Fratta Maggiore ... X 5368
T. Cominius T. f. Volt. S Vienna 7 II Adiut act Domitiani Sir-
mium Pann Inf Ill 10224
Lucius Corona S mil VII Gem Date? Astures Transmontani II 5783
Cornelius S 7 (leg?) Date? Chester Eng E.E. VII 897
0- Decrius S Nicom(edia) vet? (Ill Aug) aetHadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
C. Domitius S mil XXII Pr p f 3s? Cartenna Mauretania Caesar-
iensis VIII 9656
M. Domitius M. f. Fabia S Brixsia mil leg XI ante 42 Burnum
Dalmatia Ill 14997:2
Flavius S vet X(XX) Ulp vict Date? Vetera Germ Inf XIII 8638
L. Fla(vius) Hor. Sev(e)ru(s) mil leg XXII ante Hadrian Alexan-
dria Egypt Ill 6600
L. Fullonius C. f. Ste. S p p X Gem Date? Beneventum IX 1611
Fundanius S 7 III Aug Is Theveste VIII 16645
Geminius S evoc I Ital 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf Ill 14409:1
lulius Seve(rus) vet ex eq (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
luli(us) Sever(us) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lulius S(e)ver(us)? vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul(ius) S spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
lul(ius) S spec legg III Antonin ( - X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup III 4452
lulius S 7 V Mac Date? Tarsus Cilicia Ill 222
lul(ius) S sig IIII Scyt Date? Enesch Syria A.E. 1908:25
['I]o6Xto<; Seouijpos eq ex leg? Date? Melah-es-Sarrar Arabia
C. lulius S (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana MAH 1897 p447
C. lulius S eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3165
C. lulius S Gas bf pr (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
C. lul(ius) S eq XX V v Date? Chester Eng E.E. IX 1061
G. lulius S vet VI Vict ante Nero? Emerita Lusitania II 490
C. lul(ius) S R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Fdtoc; 'louXioq 2eou^po(<;) mil II Tr fort Gordian c240 Panosop-
lis Egypt IG a RR I 1147
0- lulius S Dinia vet II Aug Date? Isca Eng VII 122
T. Laelius T. f . S 7 III Cyr Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2038
L. Licinius S(eve)rus? eq IIII Mac ante Vespas Alpis Poeninae. .V 6879
M'. Maecius Vol. S Ant(ip)ol mil leg XV ante Vespas Col Ulpia
Traiana Germ Inf XIII 8647
P. Mai(or?) Seve(rus) vet ex arm cust? (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis. .Ill 6178
0- Manlius 0- f • Cam. S Alba Pompeia vet traslatus ex leg XXII
Prim Date? Rome VI 2649
C. Mellonius S frum XXII Prim Date? Rome VI 3351
C. Mellonius S 7 XXII Prim Date? Mainz XIII 6682
Numitorius S vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
M. Octavius S 7 VIII Aug 2s exe-3s init Welzheim XIII 6526
Sex. Pactumeius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 321 4
0. Pompeius 0- f - Pub. S Ver(ona) mil XIIII G m v 70-100 A.D.
Mainz XIII 6905
Ilo[Jlxa>vio<; SeouTJpo? 7 III Cyr 95 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Pap Brit. II 142
C. Ru tilius S tub III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2969
Sex. Sammius Volt. S (7) I Germanicae 50 A.D. Gratianopolis .... XII 2234
Sanctinius S sig XXX Ulp vict Date? Ancyra Ill 6764
Sem(pron)ius f. Trom. Se(ver)us Aq Sta(tiellis) sig? XI
Cl p f 42-70 A.D. Burnum Dalmatia Ill 9904
C. Sempron(ius) S corn leg XIIII post 100 Siscia Pann Sup Ill 10855
Sever(ius) S spec legg III Antonin ( - X Gem XIV Gem I Ad.)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
[So]inuX(xto<; SeouTJpoq 7 II Tr fort 2-3s Fayoum Egypt BGU 378
Tertinius S mil VIII Aug bf cos Date? Vinxtbach XIII 7731
A. Titius C. f. Pom. S Arretio 7 VI Vict p f ante Hadrian? Col
Agrippinensium XIII 8174
Valerius) S vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Val(erius) S 7 ? I Ital Date? ad Haemum Moes Inf Ill 14207:40
L. Valerius S vet VII Gem fel Date? Tarraco II 4172
L. Valerius S mil VII Gem Date? Lucus Augusti Tarraconensis . . II 2583
Sex. Valerius Sex. f. Vol. S(e)verus Luc(o) Aug mil XXII Prim
Is? Mainz XIII 6978
M. Vari(us) S bf cos Date? Dorchester Eng VII 83
M. Veratius S vet XXX Ulp vict ante 120? Salonae Dalmatia III 2064
C. Vibius C. f. Trom. S Aequo mil I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz . . . XIII 6833
nutius S (mil III Cyr au XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
ius S Arado vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18084
S Gazza vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18084
(S)everus Gen vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
nianus S Tolom(aida) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
S Am vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
(Se)verus Narag(gara) mil? (Ill Aug) aet Antonini Pii
Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18085
S 7 II Tr fort 194 A.D. Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
M. Granius S sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2881
C. Ersidius S mil I Ital Date? Almus Moes Inf Ill 7438
M. Aurellius M. f. Pal. S Ostia 7 frum III Aug hastatus 3s Lam-
baesis . ..VIII 2825
P. Marcius P. f . S Epheso p p I Adi p f Antonin 207 A.D. Arra-
bona Pann Sup Ill 11082
Septimius S mil VIII Aug Date? Lyons XIII 1874
lul(ius) S bf cos XIIII Gem Date? Avendo Dalmatia Ill 10050
L. Caiatius L. f . Gal. S Lug(uduno) mil XX V v Date? Chester
Eng E.E. IX 1059
L. Apic(ius) S Sc(upis) tess vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Emeritius S mil bf cos XXII Pr p f Sever 223 A.D. Cannstatt XIII 6442
M. Aur(elius) (S)extus Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
lulius S cor III Aug p v 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
M. Ulpius S (P)oetovi mil leg? Date? Portus Magnus VIII 9765
C. lulius S Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana. . . .VIII 18068
G. f. S mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4460
0. Antonius S7I Adint, II Adiut, III Aug, IIII Fl firm, XI Cl p f,
XXII p f (Domitianae) act Domitiani Roethenberg Germ Sup XIII 6357
L. Autronius L. f. Sergia Norba S vet ex leg II Is? Argen-
torate XIII 5975
L. Quintius S (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1899:91
Saufeius L. f . Pol. S 7 IIII Mac et X Gem ante Vespas Segusio
Alpes Cottiae V 7255
L. Aelius S(il)vanus bf cos Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1185
P. Aelius (S)ilvanus 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2790
Aemilius S 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3028
Ant(onius) Silvan(us) vet ex corn (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Antonius S arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
M. Anto(nius) S optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
Aur(elius) S vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
Aurel(ius) S (mil) XIII Gem Date? Aquileia V 951
0. Cerellius S Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 18068
Cest(ius) S eq dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum Pann Sup. .Ill 11180
0. Cornel(ius) S 7 V Mac p c 3s Apulum Dacia Ill 7764
Creper(ius) Silvanu(s) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambae-
sitana ..A.E. 1902:11
Crlsplus S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. Ficilius S vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3104
Fl(avius) S 7 XIIII Gem post 100 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4299
T. Fl(avius) S mil XIII Gem 200 A.D. Apulum Dacia Ill 1042
C. Gavius L. f. Stel. S p p VIII Aug 65 A.D. Taurini V 7003
lul(ius) S 7 (VIII Aug?) Date? Oehringen XIII 6548
lul(ius) S eq (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3166
lul(ius) S eq (III Aug) Date? Verecunda VIII 4237
C. lul(ius) S optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2554
Sex. lu(lius) Ani Silva(nu8) ? VII Cl p f 42-70 A.D. Aequum
Dalmatia Ill 2733
L. Latinius S Kart vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
P. Maccaeus S vet ex sig (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2596
L. Nonius S ? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2556
L. Pomponius S mil leg XI ante 42 Aquileia V 927
G. Sittius S (tub mil? Ill Aug) c200? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
G. Spurlus S 7 X Gem act Commodi Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11134
Staberius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
Titius S 7 XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dalmatia Ill 6417
Ulpius S emeritus II Aug Date? London Eng E.E. VII 816
C. Valerius S curator scolae (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2562
L. Valerius S mil VI Viet ante Vespas Conv Bracaraug Tarracon-
ensis II 5551
An? S Karth mil III Cyr 2s? Bostra Arabia A.E. 1904:69
C. Gassius S vet IIII Fl ex sig Date? Poetovio Pann Sup Ill 4056
P. Ulpius D. f. S 7 XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dalmatia Ill 2833
Silvanius S mil I (Min?) Sever natus Col Agrippinense c225 Capua X 389 fi
Severinius S mil II Ital Sever c225 Virunum Noricum Ill 4791 add
M. Ulp(ius) S str praef praet ex leg II Parth p f f aetern Date?
Rome VI 3408
C. Valerius C. f. Fab. S Val(entia) mil leg? Date? Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 4486
C. lucund(ius) S mil XXX (Ulp vict) bf cos 182 A.D. Dottendorf
Germ Inf XIII 7997
S 7(leg?) Date? Chesters Eng VII 614
Annius S mil VII Gem fel Date? Castulo Tarraconensis II 3275
Felicius S ? VI Vict post Hadrian York Eng VII 247
L. Valerius S mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Vetera Germ Inf XIII 8631
M. Verecundinius S 7 XXX Ulp 164 A.D. Col Agrippinensium . . XIII 8203
T. Aur(eHus) S Rat(Iarta) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
C. lullus S vet III Aug Date? Casae Numidia VIII 18532
T. Arsinius S vet II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3485
Sittius S arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1902:10
Socellus? 7 (leg?) Date? Borcovicium Eng E.E. IX 1190
S mil arm cust et dup II Adiut 8s? Aquincum Pann Inf. . .Ill 8556
C. Cominius S eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 8088-9
M. Aur(elius) Sol(inus?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
T. Statilius? S p p I Adi p f post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11084
Statius S 7 (leg?) cob. VI Date? Hunnum Eng VII 568
M. Ulpius C. f. Col. S Philadel(fia) C vet II Tr fort 194 A.D.
Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
0. Postumius 0- f- Papir. (S)olus? Emerita mil leg XX 7
p p Date? Chester Eng E.E. IX 1064
M. Aurelius S frum XIII Gem Sever c225 Rome VI 280
L. Gallius S mil IIII Fl fel Date? Altinum V 2159
S 7 (leg ?) Date? Magnae Eng VII 788
— (Au)r(elius) S Thesfaalonlca) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Appius So8s(ianu)s Nic(omedia) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Had-
riani Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18084
L. Trebonius Fab. S Golonia Heliupoli 7 frum III Fl Gordian
c240 Rome VI 423
M. Aur(elius) S vet IIII Fl Date? Aquileia V .899
P. Aelius S Gas mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18085
T. Aelius Soter— mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18085
M. Aemilius M. f. Pob. S domo Oscensis eq vet VI III Hispanies
Is Cales E.E. VIII 5SO
<I>X(dcouio<;) SouxiBaq mil V Mac 4s? Fayoum Egypt BGU 899
M. Firmidius S frum II Ital p f optio 200 A.D. Luna XI 1322
Aelius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2783
Baebius S arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. A.E. 1902:10
M. Baebius S corn praef III Aug p v 8s Vazaivi VIII 17625
C. lulius S vet (III Aug) 3s? Casae. . .'. VIII 4331
C. Longinius S vet XXII Pr p f 201 A.D. Steinheim Germ Sup. .XIII 6458
M. Val(erius) S vet ex b f cos VII Cl 2s init Viminacium Moes
Sup , Ill 12659
M. Valerius S optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2554
L. Veratius S bf praef XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 1056
his S tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1907:184
Sallusti(us) S (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
S mil XXI Rap ante Hadrian Trumplini V 4927
M. Curt(ius) S Rat(iaria) vet b s VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Sep(timius) Statilian(us) (? leg ?) Date? Apulum Dacia.. Ill 1190
Aur(elius) S (vet) ex dup (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia.. Ill 7688
Lucr(etius) Statu(tus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
(S)empronius S (7) X Gem Date? Aquileia V 950
C. lulius S cor III Aug p v 203 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2557
S 7 V Mac 68 A.D. Emmaus Nicopolis Palestine Ill 14155:11
Acutius S 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2781
G. Farsuleius S Ptolomaide n mil III Cyr act Titi Alexandria
Egypt Ill 6599
lulius S 7 IIII Fl Date? Drobeta Dacia Ill 14484
C. Donius S C. Viruno mil XIIII Gem 70-100 A.D. Mainz.. XIII 6892
Lousi(u8) S 7 (leg ?) coh VI Date? Cheaters Eng VI 600 = 680
P. Solius P. f. Vol. S Vlana mil XXII Prim Is? Mainz .... XIII 6972
lul(ius) S 7 (leg ?) Date? Petrianae Eng VII 899a
Successus S mensor (III Aug) 3s? Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1904:72
(A)ntistius S tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1907:184
C. Caecilius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3068
T. Cl(audius) Suc(c)essus Perg(amo) vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Geminius S dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Graceius S Kar mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
Titius Suc(c)ess(us) vet X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 14360
Aurelius S? mil XI Cl 3s exe-4s init Aquileia V 900
Val(erius) S mil I Ital provinciae Trade Date? Tibur XIV 3631
Lupionius S mil dup leg XXII Date? Perinthus Thrace III 14207:7
S mil XXI Rap ante Hadrian Trumplini V 4927
Cornelius S 7 (XIIII Gem?) coh VII Date? Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 11216
L. Cornelius S mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3093
lulius S arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana .... A.E. 1902:11
(L) Marcius L. f. S p p II Aug Date? Venafrum X 4871
I. Bassus S 7 II Tr for 7 XXII Pg p f 7 XIII Gem 7 III Aug
p v 7 III Parth Sever 3s Lambaesis VIII 2891
M. Cass(ius) Sulpician(us) Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Coc(ceius) S 7 X Gem Date? Poetovio Pann Sup Ill 10888
Aur(elius) S 7 VI (Viet) post Hadrian York Eng VII 246
T. Fl(avius) S 7 leg XXX Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 829 X
M. Verius S 7 V Mac act Commodi aut Sept Severi Germisara
Dacia HI 12574
M. Verius S 7 V Mac p(iae) 2s exe Micia Dacia A.E. 1912:304
C. Aufidius L. f. Quir. S domo Heliop(ll) vet XV Apol ante
63? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11210
L. Icconius L. f. Ani. S Caesaraug mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas
Burnum Dalmatia Ill 6417
Aelius S(u)rus peq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2791
M. Antonius M. f. Ser. S vet III Fl firm Date? Salonae Dal-
matia Ill 2004
Aur(elius) S ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. ..VIII 18061
M. Aur(elius) S R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
T. Flavius S actar III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana. .A.E. 1898:108
T. Flavius S optio actar leg (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2554
G. Iu(lius?) S bf praef I Adiut post 114 Scarbantia Pann Sup . .Ill 15188:4
Ulp(ius) S (? leg ?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1189
C. lulius S vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3167
M. Laetorius S mil III Aug 2s? Lambaesis VIII 3174^
G. Statius T bf cos XIIII Gem 209 A.D. Narona Dalmatia Ill 1780
lul(ius) T 7 V Mac 197-209 A.D. Apulum Dacia Ill 14479
0- Marcius T mil III Aug Date? Mina VIII 21538
M. Aur(elius) T vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
L. Oclatius T vet leg XV ante 63 Emona Pann Sup Ill 3845
T. Flavius T Nap(oca) mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18085
Fl(avius) T 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3114
lul(ius) T mil II Adiut (bf) trib 3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3553
T optio XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4439
Taupetvoq A6(iav6dvou vet leg? Date? Sahouet-el-Khudr
Arabia IG a RR III 1S01
P. Aelius T Sufet(ula) quaest III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
P. Aelius T str (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2792
(Au)r(elius) T R(atiaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
Lusiu8 T (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
C. Sallu8tiu8 T spec (VI)II Aug Date? Mainz XIII 6721
Statilius T 7 II Tr fort 140 A.D. Syene Egypt Ill 6025
Ulp(ius) T mil I Adiut post 114 Ager ad Colapim Pann Sup Ill 14049
G. Valerius G. f. Pap. Narb. T mil III Mac ante Vespas Mainz . .XIII 6874
T 7 leg? Date? prope Agram Raetia Ill 120S1 :5
Ti. Claudius Ti. f . Quir. T 7 XI Cl p f et XXII Deiot Claud-Traian
Rome VI 3583
M. Flavi(us) Caecilius T frum V Mac Date? Lambaesis VIII 2867
A. Instuleius T p p XII Fulm 65 A.D. Thebes Egypt Ill 30
M. Aur(elius) Teren(tianus) vet I Adiut 198-209 A.D. Brigetio
Pann Sup Ill 4297
C. lul(ius) T(erenti)anus ? IIII Fl Date? ad Haemum Moes
Inf Ill 14432
Terent(ius) T spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Val(erius) Terentian(us) arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
M. Aurelius T optio pr pr (III Aug) c253 Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 18072
lulius T bf cos X Gem Sever 224 A.D. Latobici Pann Sup. .Ill 3899 (p!737)
T mil XIIII Gem post 100 Ager Ad Colapim Pann
Sup HI 14048
Aur(elius) T mil II Ital 2-3s? Virunum Noricum Ill 4836a
Calpurn(ius) T mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Aur(elius) T 7 leg XXX 2s? Ausci Aquitania XIII 442
L. Sep(timius T)ertinu(s) (7) II Ital p f 3s Ager Celeianus Nori-
cum . HI
C. Ael(ius) T bf VI Viet Date? Thamugadi Numidia VIII 2401
L. Antest(i)u8 M. f. Ani. T Cremon(a) mil leg ? Date? Ager
Mogontiacensis XIII 7232
(Aurelius T)ertius natione Pann mil in leg ? (Cl) 3s Rome VI 2673
L. Aurelius L. filius T Aurelia Lambaese vet (III Aug?) Date?
Kesur-El-Ghennaia VIII 4308
C. Betusciu8 T mil leg? Date? Poetovio Pann Sup Ill 4055
L. Calpur(nius) Terti(us) vet ex aquil IIII Fl firm Date? Singi-
dunum Moes Sup Ill 1663
Ti. Claudius T mil bf cos X Gem p f Date? Fl Raab Noricum III 5510
C. Coccius C. f. Vetur. (T)ertiua Plac(entia) mil XI Cl p f 42-
Vespas Burnum Dalmatia Ill 14997
L. C L. f. Cla. Viru(ni) (T)ertius 7 XI Cl p f Vespas-
Traian Castellum Mattiacorum XIII 7287
Fadienus T sig XIIII Gem Date? lader Dalmatia Ill 2915
(?F)l(avius) T mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
C. lunius T arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2927
G. Mansueti(us) T vet XXII (Pr p f) Date? Lyons XIII 1868
Numitor(iu8) T (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
Publ(icius) Tertiu(s) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
M. Terentius M. f . Ult. T Deci (mil?) XXII Prim Is? Mainz . . XIII 6974
Ulpius T mil XXX Ulp vict Date? Lyons A.E. 1904:177
Valerius T mil II Tr fort 151 A.D. Arsinoe Egypt E.E. VII p459
Val(erius) T mil leg M(o)esiaca inter Dioclet et Constantinum Rome VI 2759
Vale(rius) T bf trib XXII Pr p f Date? Mainz A.E. 1907:106
C. Valerius L. f . Poll. T Hasta mil IIII Mac ante Vespas Mainz . . XIII 6875
C. Val(erius) Tertiu(s) (bf cos) Date? Col Ulpia Traiana Germ
Inf XIII 8621
(T)ertius mil (XXII Pr p f) strator 223? A.D. Tilena
Germ Sup XIII 6625
lulius Tertullia(nus) 7 II Aug post Claud Petrianae? Eng VII 899
Aur(elius Te)rtullinus mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
this C. f. Pup. T Paraetonio vet II Tr fort 194 A.D.
Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
M. Blesius T mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2013
Creperius T dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Q. Sollonius T mil leg XVI ante Vespas Milan V 6830
P. Timinius P. f . Pal. T Roma p p III Aug 144 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2535
L. Valerius L. f. Pup. T Laude mil XXII Prim Is? Mainz XIII 6979
(T)ertu(llu)8 Novar(ia) mil XI Cl 42-Vespas Burnum
Dalmatia Ill 9906
G. Ces(tius) T mil XX V v Date? Chester Eng E.E. VII 891
Galpurnius T spec (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2833
P. Saltienius P. f. Maecia T Hadria praef II Aug 3s Isca Eng. .VII 100-101
M. Aur(elius) T Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
P. Aelius T Gas mil? (Ill Aug) act Antonini Pii Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18085
M. Aur(elius) Theodor(us) quaest? Ill Cyr Date? Palestine. .Ill 13604
(Th)eodorus Cirt(a) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Aur(elius) T mil II Parth post Sept Sever Rome VI 3405
M. Livius T Sidon(ia) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18084
Pescenn(ius) T arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
A.E. 1902:10
T. Aur(elius) T Rat(Iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
Valerius T mil XI Cl pref II Hercul 3s exe-4s init Troesmis Ill 6194
C. Antistius T bf cos Date? Latobici Pann Sup Ill 3900
C. Val(erius) Throphimian(u8) Phil(ippis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Thrupo? 7 (leg?) Date? Proclitia Eng.... VII 631a cf VII 332
Lucret(ius) T (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
Throq 'IrvaTioq Tt£spiav(6<;) 7 III Cyr 82-3 A.D. Acoris Egypt
IG a RR I 1138
Aurel(ius) T mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Aurel(ius) Tiberln(us) sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18073
AUlO<; Tt£eppTvo<; tess III Cyr Date? Mushennef Syria
Prentice Gr & Lat Insc 384
M. Aur(elius) T vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Aurel(ius) T 7 III Gall Sever Alexand c225 Viminacium Moes
Sup A.E. 1905:157
M. Aur(elius) T Nic(opoli) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup HI 14507
Laelius T 7 leg III ante 108 Nicopoli Egypt Ill 660A
C. Lusattus T (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 p240
L. Vafer T 7 XXII Prim 86 A.D. Rome VI 32881
Ael(ius) T vet (XIII Gem) post Traian Recka Dacia Ill 1592a
Aurelius T 7 VIII An(to)nin ex corn 213-17 A.D. Mainz XIII 6803
M. Aur(elius) T bf cos VII Cl 200 A.D. Blatsche Moes Sup Ill 8237
L. Iuliu8 T ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2570
Tib. lustinius Ael. Augusta T bf leg leg XXII 210 A.D. Mainz . .XIII 6741
L. Titius L. fil. Flav. Solva T 71 Adiut Date? Hasta V 7560
Valerius Titian(us) 7 III Aug cob V 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18065
L. Veturlus T bf cos Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 15192:3
Titus (Ti)tianus ? XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann
Sup HI 11237
T. Flavius T. f. Ste. T ? leg XX ante Claud Beneventum IX 1608
T. Terentius T 7 XXII p f Date? Rome VI 3634
Aur(elius) T bf (I Min?) Date? Lucus Augusti Gall Narb XII 1576
Turran(ius) T spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
M. Ulp(ius) T Sirmi(o) ? I Adi p f legia VGMVG? leg V M 2s?
Cusum Pann Inf HI 3259
C. Valer(ius) Quirina T 7 leg ex corn cos c200 Miltenberg XIII 6598 cf 6542-3
T 7 (leg?) coh X Date? Coccium Eng VII 228
M. Seius T ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2570
M. Stertinius T ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
L. Baebius T mil XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz XIII 6818
T 7 leg VII ante 42 Salonae Dalmatia Ill 8723
Aurel(ius) T tess XIIII G m v post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup III 13456
illanius Tr(o)ilus bf cos I Ital Date? Almus Moes Inf Ill 7447
0. Valerius T mil II Adi p f Date? Duraton Tarraconensis II 2763
Priminius T vet XXX Ulp vict Date? Geldern Germ Inf XIII 8601
T. Flavius T ? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2556
C. Valerius C. (f .) Vol. T Vian(na) mil XX V v Date? Magnae Eng VII 794
M. - - T 7 II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 14349:2
Ar T mil? leg VII 42-70 A.D. Tragurium Dalmatia Ill 9711
C. Vettius L. f . Vel. T aquil IIII Mac ante Vespas Montesampie-
trangeli IX 5527
M. Septimius T Kart bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Restitutius (T)utor bf cos II Ital Antonin 215 A.D. Unterhoerl
Noricum Ill 11482
T. lulius T T. f. Claudia Viruna mil XXII Prim Date? Col
Agrippinensium XIII 8289
P. Acilius T 7 II Tr fort Ger Sever c225 Alexandria Egypt Ill 12052
Aemilius T dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
T. Fl(avius) U sig XXX Ulp vict Sever Alexand c225 Lyons XIII 1889
Tib. Claudius Tib. f. Quirina U dom Laod(icea) Syriae 7 X
Gem IIII Fl XII Fulm III Cyr X Fr II Adiut V Mac ante M.
Aurel Troesmis Ill 6186
Marius U (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
T. Fl(avius) Ulpro? 7 XX V v Date? Chester Eng E.E. IX 1060
Aur(elius) U vet ex dec (V Mac?) ante M. Aurel Napoca Dacia ... Ill 7663
Aelius U dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
Ael(ius) U spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 3524
L. Alfidius U spec VII Gem c200 Tarraco II 4122
Aurelius U vet (leg?) Date? Bu Atfan VIII 16912
Caecilius U optio val III Aug p v 209-11 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2563 = Bull Archeol 1905 p235
C. Cesellius U Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
L. Cornelius U mil XXI Rap 70-Hadrian Bonn XIII 8032
M. Flavius U Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18068
Gargilius U dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
L. Hervinius U vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3124
lulius U 7 III Aug coh IX 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
lulius U dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 2564
C. lulius U ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
C. luliius) U prin vex VII Gem p f Date? Dianium II 5960
0- Modius U Cir(ta) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2567
0- Octavius U vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3212
C. Ofellius U ? (Ill Aug) 209-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. . . . VIII 2556
Po8t(um)ius U tub III Augpv 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A. E. 1907:184
Servilius U Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2568
M. Silius U (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905p204
Urb(anus?) bf trib? Ill Aug c200 Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18078
P. Aelius U frum II Aug Date? Rome VI 3337
D. Gapienius U Voltinia Vienna sig (leg?) Date? Chester Eng E.E. IX 1078
Coc(ceius) Urb(icus?) corn (I Ital) 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf III 14409:1
Gargilius U(rb)icus arm cust (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3668
Sextus Gellius U nat Cilix mil I Adiut Date? Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 11221
C. Vetieni(us) C. f . Pupinia U tub exs leg I Is? Col Agrippinen-
sium XIII 8275
U Tarnalis f. Sard(o) vet I Adiut 68 A.D. Stabiae X 7891
Val(erius) U civis Aquileiesis prob(a)tus in leg X Gem Date?
Rome A.E. 1912:89
Aurelius U imm II Ital 2-3s Fafiana Noricum. . . .Ill 11816
Aqu(ilius) U dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum Pann Sup. .Ill 11180
Pervincius U mil arm cust XXII (Pr) p f post 89 Mainz XIII 6968
Resp(ectius Ur)sinii8 comm cos VIII Antonin 213-217 A.D. Mainz XIII 6803
Aurel(ius) U mil leg VIII Date? Sabini V 4894
M. Verinius U vet ex leg XXX Ulp vict Date? Lyons XIII 1901
Aelius U mil? X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 4568
M. Appianius Ursu(l)us Acr (fortasse Agrippinensium) 7 leg V
- p f (7) leg 1(11 Au)g? Date? Scarbantia Pann Sup . .Ill 10940
M. Aurelius U bf cos 225 A.D. Col Agrippinensium XIII 8205
Cocl U spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
L. Sper U bf leg XX Date? Vevey Alpes Poeninae XII 164
L. Tere(ntius Ur)sulus mil? XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 11236
Amian(us) Urs(us?) (7 XXII Pr p f) 204 A.D. Mainz XIII 6801
lul(ius) U dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum Pann Sup. . . .Ill 11180
Maefili(us)? U 7 (leg?) coh X Date? Chesters Eng VII 602
M(arcius) U mil III Ital Date? Sopianae Pann Inf Ill 3309
G. Victor(ius) U vet I Adiut 2s Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4489
— U actar II Aug 224 A.D. Isca Eng VII 103
P. Tettius P. f . Cor. V mil leg XI Vespas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5212
Aelius Valen(s) 7? XIII Gem post Traian Alba Dacia Ill 1629:6
Aelius V vet II Ital 2-3s Fafiana Noricum Ill 11816
P. Ael(ius) V Rat(iaria) optio vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Ae(lius) Val(ens?) eq XX(II Pr p f) 230 A.D. Tilena Germ Sup . . XIII 5624
C. Aemilius Vale(ns) (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D.
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
(Am)monius V Sid(onia) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
C. Annius V Capito(lia) vet? (Ill Aug) aet Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
C. Annius V vet ex num frum IIII Fl Date? Rome VI 3341
M. Annius V 7 III Aug aet Antonini Pii Bescera Numidia VIII 2486
C. Antistius Vale(ns) Ancyr(a) (vet) V Mac ante M. Aurel?
Troesmis Ill 6184
Anton(iu)s V mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Anto(nius) V mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Antonius V 7 III Aug coh VIII 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 18065
Antoni(u)s Val(en)s mil XI Cl post Hadrian Almus Moes Inf III 7453
C. Antonius V (vet II Tr fort?) 140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 610
C. Ant(onius) V Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
A. 'AvTWVto? OudXev? 7 VIII Aug 2s Neoclaudiopolis Galatia
IG a RR III 141
M. Ant(onius) V R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Atis(ius) Valen(s) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Avidius V ? VII Gem post 170 Mauretania Caesariensis VIII 20994
Aufon(ius) Valen(s) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Aur(elius) Vale(ns?) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. Ill 8110
Aur(elius) V mil I Ital Date? Ad Haemum Moes Inf Ill 12442
Aur(elius) Val(ens?) mil II Adiut Date? Pann Inf incerta Ill 3678
Aur(elius) V (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Aur(elius) V (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
M. Aur(elius) q(uondam) V7 I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup III 4315
L. Aur(elius) V Rat(iaria) arm cust vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Aur(elius) V Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
M. Aur(elius) V R(atiaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
M. Aur(elius) V Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
M. Aur(elius) V vet II Adiut 219 A.D. Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3484
G(laudius Va)lens sig I Min 190 A.D. Iversheim Germ Inf XIII 7946
Cl(audius) V mil II Adi p f Antonin c215 Aquincum Pann Inf III 14342
C(laudius) Va(lens) vet VI Viet p f Date? Vianna Tarraconen-
sis II 2465 add
Tib. Cl(audius) V vet VI(I Cl) Date? Rama prope Lederatam
Moes Sup Ill 8100
L. Cominius Val(ens) vet V Mac 139-161 A.D. Troesmis Ill 6162
Did(ius) V R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
(D)omitius V Gas ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2566
G. Domitius V tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1907:184
M. Domitius V Helio(poli) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
C. £(g)natius C. (f.) Fab. V Ancyra vet (leg?) Date? Troesmis III 6188
C. Egnatius V leg? Date? Troesmis Ill 6188
Fl(avius) V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Fla(vius) V mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Flavius V corn III Gall aet M. Aurelii Perinthus Thrace Ill 7394
Fl(avius) V vet ex bf leg (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
L. Flavius L. f . Fab. V Heraclea mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum
Dalmatia Ill 14999
M. Fl(avius) V 7 III Aug 253 A.D. Gemellae Numidia VIII 2482
T. Flavius V (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D. Fayoum
Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
T. Fl(avius) T. f. Terentin. Val(ens) Ama8t(ri) vet V Mac
ante M. Aurel Troesmis Ill 7501
T. Fl(aviu8) V Tolom(aida) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadrian! Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
Gigennaus V p p III Aug 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
M. Herrennius Tromentina V Salona evoc XI Cl 7 XI Cl 7 I
Ad 711 Ad 7 XV Apol 7 IIII Fl clOO? Cibalis Pann Inf Ill 13360
luli(us) Valen(8) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lulius V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
IuliU8 V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Iul(lu8) V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul(ius) V mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
lul(ius) V mensor VII Cl Sever 228 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 8112
lul(ius) V mil str II Parth Date? Rome VI 32878
luliue V mil IIII Fl Date? Portus Magnus VIII 9762
lul(ius) V vet II Aug Date? Isca Eng VII 123
lul(his) V 7 leg? Date? Rome VI 3216
C. lul(ius) C. fll. V dom Amasia 7 V Mac ante M. Aurel Tropae-
um Moes Inf Ill 14214:10
C. lul(ius) V R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. lul(ius) V vet natio Sur(us) prob in III Gall missus de leg III
Aug 3s init Kesur-el-Ghennaia VIII 4310
C. lul(ius) V vet I Adiut Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11222
C. lulius V Gas can (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
C. lu(lius) Val(ens) vet ex bf cos VII Cl Date? Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14217:4
C. lulius V mil VII Cl bf proc Date? Viminacium Moes Sup. A.E. 1913:39
C. Iu(li)us Val(en)s (mil III Cyr aut XXII Deiot) 90 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt Pap Gen Lat 1
(L?) lul(ius) V mil V Mac ante M. Aurel Chersonesus Taurica Latychev IV 121
M. lul(ius) V Tr(imontio) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
(T)i. lulius Va(lens?) ? XIII Gem 70-84 A.D. Poetovio Pann Sup III 14355:3
T. lulius V vet ex eq V Mac Date? Tarquinii XI 3369
L. Licinius L. (f) Ter. V Are(late) vet XX V v Date? Chester
Eng E.E. IX 1062
L? Licinius V The(veste) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18087
Mes8(ius) V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Nem V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
C. Octavius C. f. Cla. V mil corn leg XXII ante Hadrian Alex-
andria Egypt Ill 6608
M. Octavius N. f. Aemil. V Stobis mil V Mac Date? Scupi
Moes Sup A.E. 1910:173
Petro(nius) V mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Petronius V (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
0- Petronius V mil VII Gem p f Date? Riditae Dalmatia Ill 2772
Pe V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
M. Plaetorius V vet II Adi p f Date? Ravenna XI 23
0. Pomp(onius?) V 7 XXII Prim Date? Mainz XIII 6720
C. Porciu8 V 7 I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6836
Postumi(us) V 711 Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 14349:9
Publllius V 7 II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 14349:4
Sempronius V vet ex architect (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
L. Trebonius V mil VII Cl p f 42-70 A.D. Salonae Dalmatia Ill 8760
Tri Valen(s) mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
M. Ulp(ius) V Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
M. Ulp(ius) V Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
(M) Ulp(ius) V R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
Valerius V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
(V)al(erius) V vet ex imag (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Val(erius) Vale(ns?) vet VII Cl 135 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 8110
Val(erius) V mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Val(eriu8) V mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Val(erius) V mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Val(erius) V (mil?) XIII Gem 160 A.D. Verespataki Dacia Ill p959
Valerius Vale(ns?) mil V Mac aet Caracall? Troesmis Ill 6189
Val(erius) V (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Valer(ius) V sig XIII Gem c215? Aquileia V 808
Valeri(us) V (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Val(erius) Val(ens?) tess (II Adiut) 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf. .Ill 10520
C. Val(erius) V Rat(iaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
C. Val(erius) V R(atiaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
C. Val(erius) V Rfemesiana?) interpres vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vim-
inacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. Val(erius) V R(emesiana?) bf trib vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 14507
(C) Val(erius) V R(emesiana?) optio vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vim-
inacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
C. Val(erius) V bf leg XI Cl post Traian Axiopolis Moes Inf Ill 14439
L. Valerius V vet leg VIIII aet Vespasiani Reate IX 4689
M. Val(erius) V Sc(upis) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
M. Val(erius) V Fab. Eracl(ea) vet (VII Cl p f) Date? Vimin-
acium Moes Sup A.E. 1910:88
M. Varenus M. f. Vol. V vet VII Cl p f 42-70 A.D. Aequum Dal-
matia Ill 9761
L. V(ibi)us V vet I Ital Date? Aquileia Arch epigr Mitt VI p79
immius V 7 III Aug 2s Thamugadi A.E. 1908:237
(V)alens Cyr(enis) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
V Hippo can (III Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18084
- (V)alens Sido(nia) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
— ius V vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18084
- (Val)ens 7 XI Cl post Hadrian Durostorum Moes Inf Ill 12458
us V Thev(este) mil? Ill Aug c200 Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1905 P239
— us Val(ens?) mil? Ill Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia. .Ill 11970
- V 7 (leg?) Date? Cambriae oppida Eng . . VII 146 add E.E. VII 855
— us Val(ens?) vet ex bf proc (V Mac) Date? Troesmis III 6180
us V vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
- V vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
- V mil leg VII Date? Aleppi Syria Ill 192
Aur(elius) V (mil? II) Adi p f 2-3s Ager Aquincensis Pann Inf . .Ill 10344
C. Antonius V vet XIIII Gem 211 A.D. Carnuntum Pann Sup. . .Ill 4441
L. Arbustius L. fil. Ann. V Crem(ona) p p IIII Fl fel 7 VII Gem
bis Date? Ficula XIV 4007
Aur(elius) V mil XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4459
Aur(elius) V (vet) ex tub? (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia. . . .Ill 7688
M. Aur(elius) V bf cos XIIII Gem c!82? Latobici Pann Sup. . . .Ill 3905
Barb(ius) V bf cos Date? Scarbantia Pann Sup.. Ill 14068 add p2328:31
Caecilius Vale(n)tinus optio spei leg XIII Date? Ticinum V 6423
P. Claudius Valentin (us) Had(rumeto) bf cos III Aug c225
Lambaesis VIII 2586
T. Cl(audius) V corn X Gem p f 294 A.D. Vienna Ill 4558
Tib. Cl(audius) V vet ex arm cust I Adiut post 114 Adiaum Pann
Sup Ill 4275
Flavius V (7?) XIII Gem post Traian Carnuntum Pann Sup. .Ill 14360:5
C. Germanius C. (f.) Collin. V mil XV Apol post 98 Nola X 1263
'louXtoq OuaXsvTelvo? 7 leg ? act Traiani Decii Rome IG XIV 1071
C. lulius V Girt (a) can (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18086
(C.) lul(ius) Valentin(us) S vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Vimin-
acium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Metilius V quondam imag I Adiut post 114 Adiaum Pann Sup. .Ill 10965
M. Mociuncius V lib leg leg XIII Gem post Traian Apulum
Dacia Ill 1194
L. Philocalus L. f. Col. Valen(tinus) Gadara mil X Fr Date?
Byblus Syria Ill 6697
Salvinius V natus Carnunto mil X Gem optio Date? Rome . . VI 3625
L. Sergius L. f. Sabati(na) Valenti(nus) leg XXII Is Mainz. .XIII 6971
Sulp(icius) Valenti(nus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Sulp(icius) V arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana .. A. E. 1902:11
Ulp(ius) V vet X Gem Date? Vienna Ill 4553
Val(erius) Valent(imis) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
lul. Valerius) Valent(inus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis. .. .Ill 6178
M. Val(erius) Valen(tin)us bf cos XIII GemGordian 239 A.D.
Also-Kosaly Dacia Ill 827
T. Val(erius) Valentines) R(atiaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Varius V 7 III Aug coh IV 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
C. Vibulius C. f. Ofent. V Mediola(ni) mil leg XXII Is?
Mainz XIII 6982
V centurio (legi)o secondi Flavie post Diocletianum Thel-
epte A.E. 1890:127
Ael(ius) V bf trib I Adiut 243 A.D. Syria incerta Ill 196
(A)el(ius) V spec (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2793
Ael(ius) V vet ex dup (XIII Gem) post Traian Recka Dacia III 1592a
Aur(elius) V spec XI Cl act Gordian III Josephsthal Dalmatia . . Ill 3021
Aur(elius) V mil Parth post Sept Sever Ager Albanus XIV 4009
Aur(elius) Valeria(nus) (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia. .Ill 7688
M. Aur(eHus) Valer(ius) V 7 III Cyr Antonin 212 A.D. Canatha
Syria Ill 121
Tib. Cl(audius) V 7 XIII Gem et I (Adiut) post 114 Apulum
Dacia Ill 981
L. Domitius V domo Kapitollade mil VI Ferr f c 208 A.D. Rome. .VI 210
Egna(tius) Valer(ianus) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
4>Xdouio<; 06Xeptav6<; mil leg XXII 104-5 A.D. Talmis Egypt
IG a RR I 1343
Fl(avius) V spec (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18300
T. Fl(avius) Pap. V Oesco frum V Mac ante Caracall Rome VI 3342
0. Haterius V frum VIII Aug c225 Rome VI 230
(lu)l(ius?) V mil XX Britannic Date? Nemausus XII 3182
C. lulhiB Valeri(anus) 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2997
C. lulius V 7 III Aug XVI Fl firm bis IIII Scyth bis Date?
Lambaesis VIII 2627
Livius V spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad) c212
Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Ao6x(to<;) IIeTpa>vto<; OuaXepia[v]6<; (sig II Tr?) 120-140 A.D.
Fayoum Egypt BGU 600
0- Pompon(i)us V bf cos VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup . .Ill 13807
L. Sentius V vet ex adiutore princ III Aug Date? Casae VIII 4332
Ulp(ius) V 7 X Gem 198-209 A.D. Celeia Noricum Ill 5156a
Ulp(iU8) V bf leg ? ? Date? Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14529
(Va)leri(us V)alerianus mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dal-
matia Ill 14321:19
Val(erius) V tess I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11037
Valerius) V 7 leg ? Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3539
D. Valerius) D. (f.) Volt. Va(leri)anus Vie(nna) mil leg?
Date? Bonn.. ..XIII 8086
M. Val(erhi8) V 7 IIII Fl Date? Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 4327
Val. Vib(ius) V bf cos XIII Gem post Traian Also-Kosaly Dacia. . . .Ill 823
- OuaXepcav6<; 7 (II Tr?) 120-140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt . .BGU 600
- V 7 XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa XIII 5213
— onius L. f. Col. V Antioch(ia) tub vet II Tr fort 194 A.D.
Alexandria Egypt Ill 6580
V spec IIII Fl Sever Alexand 226 A.D. Ulpiana Moes Sup ... Ill 8173
V bf cos 222 A.D.? Ad Lacum Pelsonem Pann Sup Ill 4147
P. Caius V imm? X Fr Date? Bilak Dacia Ill 7625
lovinius V vet ex leg I Min 3s? Lyons XIII 1861
(A)el(ius) V corn V Mac? 197-209 A.D. Apulum Dacia Ill 14479
Ael(ius) V (vet) ex arm cust (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia.. Ill 7688
P. Ael(ius) V spec II Adiut 2-3s Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 14347:3
Aur(eliu8) V (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
M. Aurel(ius) V sig V Mac Date? Concordia V 1881
Fl(avius) V imm ven XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
T. Fl(avius) V Am(pelo?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
I(u)l(ius) Va(l)eriu(s) vet II Adiut 161 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 13369
'louXtoq OuaXIpios tess XI Cl 295 A.D. Oxyrhnchus Ox Pap I 43
C. lul(ius) V vet ex bf cos XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia. .Ill 7742
C. lulius V vet X Gem Date? Wiener Neustadt Pann Sup. . . .Ill 11305
G. lul(ius) V mil II Tr Date? Alexandria Egypt Ill 6604
Servius V 7 (leg ?) Date? Lancaster Eng E.E. VII 945
Siscius V 7 XIII Gem 211-2 A.D. Sarmizegetusa Ill 1464
Ulpius V mil V Mac p Antonin 218-22 A.D. Potaissa Dacia Ill 902
Ulpius V spec leg primae Nor(icae) post Dioclet Virunum Noricum.III 4803
Antonius V mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
*At(Xco<; OudXiQS mil VII Cl Date? Topouslar Moes....A.E. 1912:197
Aur(elius) V mil Adi p f Sever c228 Campona Pann Inf Ill 3393
A6pT)Xto<; OuaXrjq optio VII Cl 295 A.D. Oxyrhynchus. . .Ox Pap I 43
A6p(YjXto<;) OudXir)? mil XI Cl post Claud Traiana Augusta
Moes Inf IG a RR I 1491
M. A(u)r(elius) Va(l)es mil leg IIII str cos Date? Naissus
Moes Sup Ill 1675
C. Carminius V mil VII Gem fel Date? Lambaesis VIII 3075
Cassi(u8) V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Domitius V mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3102
C. lulius V vet V Mac ante M. Aurel? Cius Moes Inf Ill 12479
L. Longinfi)u8 V Cl. Ar(a) mil XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 4475
Memi(us) V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Papi(rius) Vale(s) tub (I Ital) 2s exe-Ss Almus Moes Inf.... Ill 14409:1
Sal(vius) V corn I Ital 2s exe-3s Almus Moes Inf Ill 14409:1
Septimius V can X Gem Date? Rome VI 3625
M. Sulpicius M. f. Sabati(na) V Mantua mil XXII Prim Is?
Mainz XIII 6973
Val(erius) V mil IIII Fl Date? Ulpiana Moes Sup Ill 1690
nius Vales medicus IIII Mac ante Vespas Mainz XIII 6700
V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Aur(elius) V sig leg XX Date? Arelate XII 678
Iul(iu8) V mil XX V v Date? London VII 27
KX«68c[os] Ou«[p]dcvY]<; (mil III Cyr) Date? Bostra Arabia
IG a RR III 1330
V vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
Val(erius) V optio II Ital divit Date? Spoletium XI 4787
Elionlus V hast XIIII Gem post 100 Brouse Bithynia A.E. 1902:154
Menonius V 7 III Aug coh VI 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18065
Tit. Aur(elius) Var(us) 7 XV Apol act M. Aurel Vagarchepat
Galatia A.E. 1910:161
L. Gellius Ouf. V vet XIII Gem Date? infra Lacus Verbanum. .V 5586
Pamphilius V mil VII Gem p f Date? Tarraco II 4171
P. Scri bon(i jus P. f. Col. Epheso V vet V Mac Date? Oescus
Moes Inf A.E. 1912:189
V 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) aet Augusti Coptos Egypt. . . .Ill 6627
M. Marius M. f. Tro. V Aeq(uo) mil I Adiut 70-100 A.D.
Mainz XIII 6831
us (Ve)getus mil XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa. . .XIII 5209
Valius V mil VII Gem p f Date? Tarraco II 4171
L. Val(erius) V mil XIIII G m v Date? Cemenelum V 7873
Aemilius V mil XXX Ulp p f 3s? Lyons XIII 1828
M. I scan this V Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2568
lunius V aquil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2928
0. Sal(vius?) V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3234
P. Tamudius V AT. Car discens armaturae (III Aug) 211-2 A.D.
Lambaesis VIII 2618
lius V tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1907:184
Marcus Sulpicius V mil XIIII G m v post 100 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 11234
C. lul(ius) C. f. Vol. Luco Vocontiorum V vet XIIII Gem
post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11223
Sep(timius) V optio XIIII Gem post 100 Carnuntum Pann Sup. .Ill 11232
L. Sep(timiu8) V vet II Adi p f 218 A.D. Stuhlweissenburg Pann
Inf Ill 3344
M. Aur(elius) Aella Mog V bf trib I Adiut post 114 Scarbantia
Pann Sup Ill 15188:4
lulius V 7 leg VI? Date? South Shields Eng E.E. IX 1139
Ca(ecilius) V 7 XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dalmatia Ill 9906
L. Campanius L. f. Pol. V vet IIII Scyt Date? Rovigno V 8185
T. Flavius V Cl. Savaria 7 XIIII G m v post 100 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 4416
T. Flavius Verecun(dus) frum II Aug Date? Rome VI 3338
lulius V (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
lulius V 7 (I Ital) Date? Moes Inf incerta Ill 6232
C. lulius C. f. Papiria V Trai(anensis) mil (I Min?) clOO
Bonn A.E. 1905:63
C. lul(ius) Vere(cundus) vet? ? Date? Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 14087
D. lunius V 7 I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6840
P. Ius(tidius?) Verec(u)nd(us) Sarmizegetusa mil (XI) II
Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1199
L. Marcius Ae onis f . V mil I Min p f Date? Zuelpich XIII 7923
C. Mettius C. f. Cam. V Alba 7 X Gem p f Date? Hasta V 7553
D. Miscenius V vet XV Apol Is Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 14358:21
0- Moneius V Narbonensis vet VII Gem fel Date? Tarraco.,11 4161
M. Nonius V Syri(a) mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3207
G. Rauconi(us) G. f. Scaptia V vet ex eig VII Cl p f Date?
Scupi Moes Sup Ill 8200
Romani(us) V (mil? II Parth?) Date? Rome VI 2410
Seionius Vere(cundusP) 7 I Adiut 70-100 A.D. Mainz XIII 6841
C. Terentius V 7 leg XXI ante Hadrian Heliopolis Syria Ill 140
L. Valerius C. f. Vol. V Ve— vet XIII G m v 70-100 Mainz. . .XIII 6912
C. Viselius Verecund(us) vet XI Cl p f Vespas-Traian Vindonissa
JDAI 1913 Beibl p318
Ani. Verecun(dus) domo Vercel(lis) sig et vet XXI Rap
Is? Germ incerta XIII 8849
0- Vereius V exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1898:109
Acl(ius) Verin(us) architects (leg ?) Date? Mainz XIII 6680
P. Aelius V bf cos 213 A.D. Celeia Noricum Ill 5154
Aur(elius) V vet (II Ital) 2-3s Celeia Noricum Ill 5218
L. Gratius L. f. Clau. V Cemeneli frum II Aug Date? Rome. .VI 3339
Lu(cl)liu8 L. f. V vet VI Viet Date? Seprium V 5610
Pompeius V mil II Tr fort Ger post 214 Alexandria Egypt Ill 6609
Sacron(ius) V vet II Ital arm cust 3s? inter Ivennam et Celeiam
Noricum Ill 5106
Titiconius V mil leg XXX Date? Lyons XIII 1904
C. Verecundinius V vet XXII Pr p f post 89 Lyons XIII 1902
M. Minuc(ius) Verissim(us) R(atiaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D.
Viminacium Moes Sup Ill 14507
Ver(atius) V spec I et II Adi p f Sever 228 A.D. Aquincum Pann
Inf Ill 3524
Gaelius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Hortensius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2564
C. Avon(ius) V vet XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1037
M. Aebutius V mil leg XV Is? Milan V 5817
Atilius V 7 V Mac post M. Aurel Oescus Moes Inf A.E. 1912:188
Aufidius V eq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3047
Aurelius V mil XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Pituntium Dalmatia Ill 12815a
Aur(elius) V (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Au(relius) V (vet) ex eq (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia.... Ill 7688
(Aurel?)ius V 7 leg Antonin c215 Ager ad Colapim Pann
Sup Ill 10828
L. Caeci(l)ius L. f. Quirina V(e)rus Admedera (mil) I Adiut
Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 13372
L. Cassius V mil I Min Date? Cartenna Mauretania Caesar-
iensis VIII 9654
M. Gingonius V Clrt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
Cominius V mil XIII Gem Is Tergeste V 540
C. Cornelius C. f. Pom. Dert(ona) V vet bf cos II Adiut 2-3s?
Poetovio Pann Sup Ill 4057
Fabricius V 7 XI Cl p f 42-Vespas Burnum Dalmatia A.E. 1903:376
0. Flaccinius V frum XXX Ulp vict Date? Rome VI 3361
Flavins V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
C. lulius V Ammeder(a) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
C. lulius V Ammedara bf cos (III Aug) c225? Lambaesis .. VIII 2911
lunius V 7 III Aug coh I 162 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18065
Licinius V 7 (leg XXII aut III Cyr) act August! Coptos Egypt.. Ill 6627
L. Lictavius L. f. An. V Foro lull mil IIII Mac ante Vespas
Mainz XIII 6868
0. Manlius Pap. V vet ex sig leg XV Is? Sarmizegetusa Ill 1478
C. Memmius V Gas tess (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2567
C. Sta tius V 7 leg XIII ante 84? Scarbantia Pann Sup Ill 4246
L. Tanicius L. f. Vol. V Vienna 7 III Cyr 80-1 A.D. Thebes Egypt. .Ill 34
C. Tauricius V bf cos Date? Germania incerta XIII 8841
Ulpius V vet XXX Ulp vict Date? Lyons XIII 1858
Valeri(us) V 7 (leg?) Date? Magnae Eng VII 790 = 738
L. Val(eri)u8 L. f. Vo(lt. V)erus dom(Lu)co Au(g) mil VII Cl
p f 42-70 A.D. Burnum Dalmatia Ill 13251
Vind(ius) V bf cos II Ital p f Sever 226 A.D. Bedaium Noricum . . . Ill 5575
(L?) Virius L. f. Pob. ovico V mil XI Cl p f 42- Vespas Bur-
num Dalmatia Ill 15005:1
Volusius V 7 XXII Pr p f 204 A.D. Mainz XIII 6686
Volus(iu8) Ver(us) (7 XXII Pr p f) 204 A.D. Mainz .XIII 6801
V 7 (leg?) Date? Borcovicium Eng VII 686
C. lulius V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3168
Aurel(ius) V bf lat XIIII Gem Date? Dertona V 7366
T. Fl(avius) V bf leg (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis A.E. 1913:12
C. lulius V Aug Vindelicum frum VIII Aug Date? Rome VI 3353
Fl(avius) V 7 III Ital Date? Abusina Raetia Ill 5937
Antistius V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
L. Blattius L. f . Ro(m). V 7 I(V) Mac Date? Fregose Venetia . .
A.E. 1893:119
Septimius V (mil II Parth Sever) c225? Fabrateria X 5652
C. lulius V Mil(evo) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2567
P. Aelius V mil XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1186
C. Geminius V Kar vet ex bf trib III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18068
Aur(elius) V mensor VII Cl Sever 228 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 8112
Aurel(ius) V vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis . . . VIII 2626
M. Calventius V 7 IIII Fl firm Date? Sarmizegetusa Ill 7904
C. Gusonius V nation Pann mil I Adiut c!50 Caesarea Mau-
retania Caesariensis . . VIII 9376
Geminius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana ................................................... VIII 2564
C. lulius V arm cust III Aug Date? Lambaesis ............... VIII 2925
M. Lucretius V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis .............. VIII 8183
0. Lutatius 0- f. Quir. V Aut(rico) mil III Aug Is? Theveste A.E. 1897:29
- V 7 leg XVI aet Tiberii Mainz ......................... XIII 6942
p p (leg ?) Date? Inachus Arabia. . ..IG a RR III 1337
Aur(ellu8) V (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia ........... Ill 7688
Aur(ellus) V vet leg - Date? Aquincum Pann Inf ........ Ill 14348
M. Aurelius V mil? II Adiut 2-3s? Aquincum Pann Inf ........ Ill 10458
Tib. Gl(audius) V 7 frum XIII Gem p f post Hadrian Augustopolis
Phrygia .............................................. Ill 7041
lul(ius) Vibia(nus) vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis ............. Ill 6179
- V 7 X Gem ante Traian Aquincum Pann Inf ............. Ill 10517
- V optio III Aug 2s exe Kasr-Ghelane ............... A.E. 1900:127
Aelius V 7 XX V v Date? Condercum Eng ..................... VII 503
T. Aurelius T. f. Aelia V Acuinci 7 III Aug p v 3s? Lambaesis. VIII 2826
C. Maccenius V mil X Gem Date? Rome .................... VI 2437
C. Mellonius V frum VIII Aug p c Commodae aet Commodi Rome VI 3354
Q. Servilius V vet XII Fulm Date? Capua ..................... X 3895
0. Varius V Kar imm (III Aug) 2s? Castra Lambaesitana ...... VIII 18087
Aur(elius) V 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia III 1629:18-8065:24
(A)ebutius V (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
Ae(llus) Vict(or) bf VIII Aug Date? Treveri Belgica .......... XIII 3645
C. Aelius V Is (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana ........... VIII 2668
L. Aelius Vic(t)or sig III Aug Date? Lambaesis .............. VIII 18280
P. Aelius V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis ____ .............. VIII 3021
Ael(ius) V Trim(ontio) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup .................................................. Ill 14507
Aemilius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana ................................................. VIII 2564
(A)em(iHus) V ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18061
C. Aemilius V vet I Min p f 2s? Augustodunum prov Lugudun . . XIII 2666
C. Aemilius V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis ............. VIII 3024-5
A. Aemilius V Tac(ape) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana ................................................ VIII 2569
T. Aemilius V Kart quaest III Aug c225 Lambaesis ............ VIII 2586
P. AlHenus P. f. V 7 IIII Fl Date? Rome .................... VI 33002
(Anneiu)s Vi(ctor?) bf XX V v Date? prope Thevestem Numidia VIII 2080
Annius V arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . A.E. 1902:10
Annius V mensor III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
Annius V 7 leg(?) Date? Bewcastle Eng E.E. Ill 113
M. Annius V Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 2567
(Ant)istius V Kas eq (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 2565
An ton i us V sig (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2811
C. Antoniua V Thev(este) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
L. Antonius V Scytopol(i) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
P. Antonius V mil frum VI Viet Date? Sarmizegetusa Ill 1474
M. Areus Victor? vet (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2618
Arius V arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
C. A(t)i(H)us V The(veste) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18087
Aufldinius V(ic)tor 7 VII Cl Date? Viminacium Moes Sup III 8104
Aufid(ius) V vet ex actar (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
Aurelius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. VIII 2564
Aurelius V lib V Mac M. Aurel-274 Potaissa Dacia Ill 909
Aur(elius) V mil II Ital 3s? Celeia Noricum Ill 11700
Aur(elius) V mil I Ital Date? Chersonesus Taurica Moes Inf Ill 13751a
Aurel(ius) V sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18073
Aur(elius) Vict(or) (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
M. Aurelius V mil III Aug Date? Lambiridi VIII 18567
M. Aur(elius) V vet leg I Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8279
Q. Aurel(ius) V mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3059
Caecilius V vet (III Aug) Is? Thamugadi Numidia. Bull Archeol 1911 p!24
Gaecilius V Hadr(umeto) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
C. Caecilius V Gas vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 18067
C. Calvisius V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3073
C. Campanius V mil I Min p f Date? Rovenich XIII 7939
C. Cantinius V Calam(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18068
Sex. Carminius V Utic(a) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 18067
(C)assius Vi(c)tor bf I Min Date? Novaesium Germ Inf XIII 8566
C. Castricius C. Off. V Como mil II Adiut Date? Aquincum
Pann Inf Ill 14349:2
Glodius V exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana. . . .A.E. 1898:109
Clodius Vic(tor) mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3085
Cornelius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Cornelius V ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18061
Cornel (ius) V tub III Aug Date? Verecunda VIII 18513
Cornelius V vet leg XXII Date? Lyons XIII 1851
P. Cornelius V Cuicul(o) bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
0- Cornel(ius) V nat Afer vet II Tr Date? Puteoli X 1772
0- Domltius V Gas str (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2568
Q. (D)onatius Vic(tor) Col. Utica vet? (Ill Aug) Date? Cas-
tra Lambaesitana VIII 18086
Elius V mensor (III Aug) Ss? Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1904:72
Etereus V arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
C. Fabuleius V vet III Aug Is? Simitthus VIII 10590= 14602
Fl(avius) V 7 I Adiut 173 A.D. Ljubuski Dalmatia Ill 8484
Flavius V tub III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Fla(vius) V mil leg I post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 10994
Flavius V frum XXX Ulp Date? Rome VI 3362
T. Flavius V K(arthagine) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18067
Fulvius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Gargilius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
C. Geminius V optio III Aug 253 A.D. Gemellae Numidia VIII 2482
C. Gentilius V vet XXII Pr p f act Commodi Mainz XIII 6677
Glicius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2564
Grunius V (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
lulius V vet ex tess (III Aug) 158 A.D. Casae VIII 4330 cf 4332
lulius V arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
lulius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 2564
lulius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2564
lulius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana. .VIII 2564
lulius V seq dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
lulius V arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
lulius V vet ex librario (III Aug) 270-275 Lambaesis VIII 2626
lul(ius) Vict(or) 7 VIII Aug Date? Boeckingen XIII 6473
(I)uliu(s) V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18307
lulius V ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
C. lul(ius) Ser. Vic(t)or His(pa)li mil X Gem ante 70? Iria
Tarraconensis II 2545
C. lulius V Tha(mugadi) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18067
C. lulius V Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . . VIII 18068
C. lulius Victo(r) Cirt(a) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18068
C. lulius V armatura (III Aug) 193-211 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana A.E. 1908:9
C. lulius V Cilio dup? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2569
C. lul(ius) Victo(r) tub III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2926
C. lulius V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18306
C. lulius V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3170 = 3169?
C. lulius V mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3171 = 3172
C. lulius V Utic(a) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
(C? I)ulius V tub III Aug p v 202 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1907:184
L? (lu)l(ius) V vet ex sig leg XXX 210 A.D. Vetera Germ Inf . . . XIII 8654
M. lulius Vict(or) (mil? Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana
A.E. 1899:91
M. lulius V mil IIII Fl fel Date? Altinum V 2159
Q. lulius V Thel(epte) b s III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
T. Iu(li)us V Am(maedara) vet? (Ill Aug) 2s? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 18087
lunius V 7 VII Gem fel 2s exe Emporia II 618S
C. lunius V 7 III Aug Date? Mascula Numidia VIII 2224
0. Laelius V ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
Licinius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
T. Licinius V mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3178
Lollius V Hbrator III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2934
P. Lo(ngeius) V Gisira n can (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2568
L. L V vet leg XXII 215 A.D. Castellum Mattiacorum XIII 7261
Manilius V arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
Q. Manlius V 7 III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2650
Marcius V Kar mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana ... VIII 2568
Martius V sig XXX Ulp vict Sever Alexand p f 230 A.D. Vetera
Germ Inf Xlll 8616
C. Memmius V 7 HI Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Minucius V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3196
Modius V eq (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3197
C. Modius V (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
MAH 1897 p447
0« Munius V Tuburb(o) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
tana VIII 2567
Numerius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
L. Oc(ta)vius Vi(ct)or 7 XV Apol post Traian Ancyra Ill 268
0- Papirius Vi(ctor?) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana Vni 2567
Pescenius V mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3216
0- Pescennius V Tam(ugadi) can (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2568
Pettius V mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3219
Pomponius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
M. Pontennius V vet ex marso (III Aug) 211-2 A.D. Lambaesis. .VIII 2618
Potentinius V optio XXII Pr p f post 89 Mainz XIII 6985
L. Propertius V ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2565
M. Ptolomeus V cor (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2965
Sallustius V arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
Sallustius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Sal(lustius) V arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana .. A.E. 1902 :li
C. Saltius V Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
L. Sempro(nius) V optio (III Aug) 198-211 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2554
L. Sempronius V Ammed(ara) mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Cas-
tra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
Sep(timius) V bf cos (leg?) Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1189
C. Septlmius V mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII S237-8
C. Sertorlus V Kart vet III Aug c!98 p v Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18068
Servil(ius) V vet ex actario (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis ... VIII 2626
Servlus V ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
L. Sextilius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
Simpllclnius V 7 I Min et III Parth Ss Bonn XIII 8065
Sittius V (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana MAH 1897 p447
C. Sittius V ? (Ill Aug) 209-11 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2656
Tadius V vet II Ital 2-Ss? Virunum Noricum Ill 4853
Tannonius V arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
A.E. 1902:10
Marcus Terentius V vet (leg?) Date? Bu Atfan VIII 16913
Ulpius V 7 XI Cl act Antonini Pii Portus Magnus VIII 9761
Ulp(ius) V imag leg VII 2-3s? Cyrrhus Syria Ill 195
M. Ulp(ius) V buc XIIII Gem post 100 Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 11029
Umbrius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2564
Val(erius) V vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
Valerius V vet ex 1 c (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
Valer(ius) Vict(or) ? XV Apol Date? Rome VI 32902
A. Valerius (V)lctor yet (III Aug) Date? Verecunda VIII 4247
C. Valerius C. f . Galerla V Luguduni sig II Aug Date? Isca Eng. VII 125
Lucius Valerius V mil leg XXII Is? Mainz XIII 6980
L. Valerius V Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2568
C. Vatinius V vet (III Aug?) Date? Casae VIII 18533
C. Vatinius V Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2569
C. Vibsanius V Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18068
M. Volusienius V vet II Adiut Date? Ticinum Pais Suppl n869
Oulx/rwp 7 (II Tr?) 120-140 A.D. Fayoum Egypt BGU 600
V? (7) V Mac et XI Cl act Hadriani Palestine Ill 14155:2
tius V Thev(este) (mil? Ill Aug) c200 Castra Lambaesi-
tana Bull Archeol 1905 p239
(?Vi)ctor dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
(V)ictor ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 18061
lius V H(adrumeto) optio (III Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2565
vinius Victo(r) sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 18073
Ser. V lad(ere) eq XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia. .Ill 1200
C. Atilius Liv(iu)s Victoria (mis) vet III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3041
Abinneus V exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:109
M. Aebutius M. f. Ulp. Papir. Troiana V Poetovio mil X Gem
7 XI Cl 7 XIIII Gem 7 I Min 7 XXII Pr 7 XIII Gem 7 VII
Cl 7 XV (Apol) post Traian Ancyra Ill 260 = 6761
Ael(ius) V mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
P. Aelius V dup I Adi Antonin c215 Intercisa? Pann Inf.. A.E. 1909:146
P. Ael(iu8) V opt VII Cl p f Philipp 244-49? A.D. Dacia incerta . .Ill 8047
P. Aelius V ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
T. Aelius V Siscia bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
P. Ancharius V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2804
Aurelius V mil II Parth p f f aetern c225 Rome VI 3404
A(u)rel(ius) V mil XXII Prim 226 A.D. Tilena Germ Sup XIII 5621
Aur(elius) V 7 II Adiut 2-Ss? Ager Aquincensis Pann Inf Ill 10360
Aur(elius) V natione Dacisca regione Sardic(a) mil in leg?
3s Rome VI 2605
Aur(elius) V (vet) ex eq (V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
Aurel(ius) V mil III Ital Date? Castra Regina Raetia Ill 11966
C. Gaecilius Victoria (us) Cas peq (III Aug) Date? Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 2569
0? Caecilius V vet ex librario? (Ill Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lam-
baesis VIII 2626
Vib. Cassius V bf cos II Ital p f Antonin 215 A.D. Celeia Noricum III 5185
P. Cornelius V mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 3092
T. Devillius T. fil. Aurelia V imm arm cust XXII Pr p f 205 A.D.
Mainz XIII 6710
T. Flavius V Damasc(o) vet? (Ill Aug) act Hadriani Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18084
T. Fl(avius) V 7 XXX Ulp vict Date? Col Agrippinensium XIII 8219 et 8233
Herennius V disc eqq III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2882
Herennius V vet leg XXII — - Date? Castellum Mattiacorum XIII 7290
lul(ius) Victorin(us) dup (XIIII Gem?) ante 178 Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 11180
lulius V arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
lulius V (eq? Ill Aug) 222-35 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana MAH 1897 p447
I(ulius) V 7 (leg?) Date? Papcastle Eng E.E. Ill 95
lul(ius) V bf cos Date? Campona Pann Inf Ill 3397
C. lul(ius) V R(emesiana?) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes
Sup Ill 14507
M. lulius V 7 IIII Fl Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3555
Li(cinius) V mil leg II Date? Bosna Dalmatia Ill 12764
L. Privat(i)us V Trai(a)n(opoli) 7? Ill Aug Date? Lambaesis. VIII 2964
Severinius V vet ex sig VIII Aug Antonin c215 Lauterburg Germ
Sup XIII 6076
Sittius V arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
L. Titennius L. f. Lemonia V. Bono(nia) mil XI Cl p f Vespas-
Traian Vindonissa XIII 5213
P. Titi(us) V corn II Adiut 2-3s? Brigetio Pann Sup Ill 10987
Val(erius) V spec legg III Antonin ( =. X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Val(erius) V optio X Gem Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4419
(Valerius) Victo(rin)us mil (VII) Cl Date? Horreum Margi
Moes Sup Ill 12667
C. Val(erius) V vet ex bf trib V Mac Date? Drobeta Dacia Ill 1584
0- Valerius?) Vic(to)rinus mil (leg?) Date? Lincoln Eng . . . . E.E. IX 1112
Sex. Vettius V Cast vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 18068
C. Vitalinius V mil leg XXII Date? Genava XII 5878
T. Voccius V arm cust (XIIII Gem?) 188 A.D. Carnuntum Pann
Sup A.E. 1905:237
H(us) V 7 VI Viet p f D(omitianae) act Domitiani Biirgel
Germ Inf XIII 8533
V 7 (leg?) Date? Greatchesters Eng E.E. VII 1051
(Vi)ctorin(us) mil dup I Min Date? Bonn XIII 8072
V ? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 1058
Gamer(ius) V vet ex actar (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis. . . .VIII 2626
M. Manilius V Uti(ca) vet? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
tana VIII 18086
Pom V vet ex dup XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia . . Ill 1067
Aurelius V mil in leg XI Cl 3s exe-4s init Caesarea Mauretania
Caesariensis VIII 21021
Aurelius V ex praepositis X Gem Date? Canossa XI 1016
Cornelius V arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
Aur(elius) V mil XI Cl 155 A.D. Almus Moes Inf Ill 7449
Aur(elius) V mil VII Cl Date? Cyrrhus Syria Ill 194
Aur(elius) V dup II Adiut Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 3458
T. Domit(ius) V 7 XX(X?) V v Date? Roermond Germ Inf ... .XIII 8707
Sex. Donnius V 7 X Gem p f D(omitianae) act Domitiani Brohl. .XIII 7717
M. Valerius Sp. f. (V)index mil leg XII Date? Brixia V 4377
Vibi(us) Vind(ex?) ? (Ill Aug) 253-268 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18061
V 7 XI Cl f act Traiani Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 11239
V bf cos Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 1059
Aelius V mil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2783
Sempronius V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2564
Ulp(ius) V spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
Aurel(ius) V spec legg III Antonin ( = X Gem XIV Gem I Ad)
c212 Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4452
0- Valerius Q. f. Ofe. V Me(diolani) mil XXII Prim Is? Mainz XIII 6975
C. Vibius C. f. Volt. V eq leg XV ante Vespas Worms Germ Sup . .XIII 6241
T. Fl(avius) V 7 II Aug 7 XX V v 7 VI Viet 7 III Aug 7 III Parth
Sever 3s Lambaesis VIII 2877
Iuliu8 V Thubur(bo) sig (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2568
(Ti)b(eriu8) V vet ex V Mac ante M. Aurel? Troesmis III 7506
L. Firm(i)u8 V mil leg VII Date? Rome VI 3593
Ael(lus) Vi(talis?) vet (XIIII Gem?) Antonin c215 Carnuntum
Pann Sup Ill 14358:13
C. Aelius V Gas str (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2567
M. Ael(ius) V Kast vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup. .Ill 14507
P. Ael(ius) V C(a8tris) eq polio vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup Ill 14507
P. Ael(ius) V R(atiaria) vet VII Cl 195 A.D. Viminacium Moes Sup III 14507
P. (A)elius V aquil III Aug Date? Lambaesis VIII 2794
T. Aelius V Gas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana .. VIII 2567
Alba(ni)us V(ita?)lis 7 XXX Ulp vict Date? Ulpia Noviomagus XIII 8730
Ananius Vit(alis) ? Ill (Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18282
Ancari(us) V arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana
A.E. 1902:10
L. Annius V (spec VII Gem fel) Date? Tarraco II 4143
M. Antonius V K(arthagine) vet III Aug 166 A.D. Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18067
C. Aponius Vexactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1898:109
C. Aponius V Tipas(a) exact us (III Aug) Date? Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 2567
Arrlus V dup III Aug p v Antonin 218 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana . .VIII 2564
Aur(elius) V vet ex mensore tritici leg VII 42-70 A.D. Viminacium
Moes Sup A.E. 1907:41
Aur(elius) V mil IIII Fl c213? Noviomagus Germ Sup XIII 6104
Aurel(ius) V (mil? Ill Aug) c218? Castra Lambaesitana
Bull Archeol 1904 p206
Aurelius V 7 IIII Fl Date? Eporedia V 6782
Aur(elius) V 7 V Mac Date? Salonae Dalmatia Ill 2046
Aur(elius Vital(is) (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
L. Barbius V mil (leg?) Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup Ill 4400
0- Caelius V mil (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 3069
L. Celerin(i)us V corn VIIII Hisp ante Vespas? York Eng . . . E.E. VII 928
Tl. Claudius Ti. f. (C)a(l) V 7 V Mac I Ital I Min XX V v IX
Hisp VII Cl p f act Domitiani Rome VI 3584
Tl. Claudius V domo Interammi Praetuttis p p (III Aug)
Date? Castra Lambaesitana cf CIL IX 5068 A. E. 1904:70
Comodius V bf trib (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 2846-7
L. Cornelius V ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
0. Cornelius V Cas eq (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana . . VIII 2567
L. Ecimius Bellicianus V vet XX V v Date? Chester Eng E.E. VII 893
T. Fl(avius) V Ael(ia) Aug(usta) mil bf cos XXII Pr p f 186 A.D.
lagesthausen XIII 6558
Fla(vius) V 7 ? XIII Gem post Traian Apulum Dacia Ill 8065:27
G. Gabinius V bf trib lat III Aug p v 198 A.D. Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2551
lulius V natione Belga fabriciesis XX V v post 43 Bath Eng VII 49
lul(lus) V arm cust (III Aug) 200 A.D. Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:10
lulius V arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana A.E. 1902:11
lulius V vet (III Aug) Date? Lambaesis VIII 18308
lulius V (vet?) XXII (Pr) p f Date? Ambarri prov Lugudun .... XIII 2526
lul(ius) V vet leg XXX Date? Vetera Germ Inf XIII 8622
lul(ius) Vitalis? 7 (leg?) coh IIII Date? Stanwix Eng VII 918
C. lulius V Thev(este) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lambaesitana VIII 18068
M. lul(ius) V optio hastati I Adiut post 114 Brigetio Pann Sup III 4328
M. (I)ulius V bf cos Date? Neviodunum Pann Sup Ill 3927
Sex. lul(ius) V 7 leg? Date? Aquincum Pann Inf Ill 10526
0- Lartidius V Am(maedara) bf leg leg III Aug 166 A.D. Castra
Lambaesitana VIII 18067
Liberalinius V eq I Min Date? Bonn XIII 8070
L(icinius) V str leg leg XIIII Gem Sever c225 Carnuntum Pann
Sup Ill 11108
M. Massonius V bf cos 218 A.D. Nettersheim A.E. 1911:155
L. Mummius V Cas mil? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesi-
tana VIII 2568
C. Octavius C. f . Fabia V domo Brixiae vet VII Cl p f 42-70
A.D. Aequum Dalmatia Ill 14946
Passenius Vital (is) arm cust III Aug c225 Castra Lambaesitana
A.E. 1902:11
L. Plotius V exactus III Aug p v c202 Castra Lambaesitana .... A.E. 1898:109
C. Pomponius V Ammed(ara) vet III Aug p v c!98 Castra Lam-
baesitana VIII 18068
Sattonius V lib (XXII Pr p f?) 250-1 A.D. Tilena Germ Sup. . . .XIII 5622
Sextilius V vet (III Aug) 270-275 A.D. Lambaesis VIII 2626
Tertinius V mil XXX Dip vict 232 A.D. Vetera Germ Inf XIII 8619
C. (T)illius M. f. Pol. Vital(is) Ast vet (leg?) bf trib lat Date?
Hasta V 7559
M. Trebi(us) Vitali(s) bf cos Date? Mursella Pann Sup Ill 10957
Ulp(ius) V 7 III Ital Date? Apulum Dacia Ill 7785
M. Ulp(ius) V bf cos X Gem Date? Domavianum Dalmatia III 14219
C. Valerius V ? (Ill Aug) Date? Castra Lambaesitana VIII 2562
0- Varius V bf cos 191 A.D. Thornborough Eng VII 271
C. Velcacius V Sim(ithu) corn (III Aug) Date? Castra Lambae-
sitana VIII 2568
Vettlus Vita(lis) mil II Ital 2-3s Inter luvavum et Ovilava Noricum III 5614
Veturius V Lamb bf cos III Aug c225 Lambaesis VIII 2586
Blaera V 7 III Aug Date? Rome VI 3645
— nq V vet (V Mac) Date? Troesmis Ill 6179
meraslus L. f. d Ticin(o) Vital(is) (mil) IIII Fl fel Date?
Pann Sup incerta Ill 4593
Vi(t)ali(8) mil I Min Date? Bonn XIII 8073
G. Severinius V vet ex bf cos XXX Ulp vict Date? Col Agrip-
pinensium XIII 8293
T. Flavius V vet XXX Ulp vict Date? Lyons XIII 1858
Victorinius V civis Sumelocennesis vet leg VIII 2-3s Ambarri
prov Lugudun XIII 2506
lul(ius) Vitul(us) vet (V Mac) c!34 Troesmis Ill 6178
0? Voconius V (7) XXII Pr pf 2s exe-Ss init Frauenstein Germ
Sup . XIII 7608
P. Ael(ius) V mil XXII Pr p f post 89 Sumelocenna Germ Sup XIII 6362
Sfi? V (vet? V Mac?) Date? Potaissa Dacia Ill 7688
L. Lartidius V dup leg - - Date? Carnuntum Pann Sup III 11226
Cla(u)dius Z mil III Cyr ante 108 Egypt Wessely Lat Pal 8
(C) lu(lius) Z mil III Cyr Date? Gerasa Syria Ill 13603
Septimius Z mil II Parth Sever p f Aeternae post 193 Apamea
Syria . .HI 187 add
CS Dean, Lindley Richard
A study of the cognom
of soldiers in the Roman